1. Research Before Investing: Always conduct thorough research before investing in any new cryptocurrency. Understand the project’s background, team members, and technology.

2. Avoid Unrealistic Promises: Scam projects often promote unrealistic returns or schemes. If a project promises excessively high returns, it may be a scam.

3. Secure Your Wallet: Keep your crypto wallet secure at all times. Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication. Never share your private keys with anyone.

4. Be Wary of Phishing: Scammers often use phishing emails and fake websites to steal sensitive information. Always verify that you are interacting with authentic websites and emails.

5. Stay Informed: Stay updated on industry news and updates in the crypto industry. Keeping informed about scams and fraudulent activities is essential to keeping your funds secure.

6. Trust Your Instincts: If an offer or scheme seems shady or suspicious, avoid it. Trust your instincts and always remain cautious.

