Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, cautions that the US is at risk of living out the plot of George Orwell's novel 1984, if it proceeds with launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

In a recent episode of The Rich Dad Channel, Kiyosaki expresses his concern that a "FedCoin," or a CBDC issued by the Federal Reserve, would allow the government to gain complete surveillance over Americans' actions and movements, with the intention of ensuring obedience.

“The major apprehension with FedCoin, the CBDC, is that it erodes our privacy. By tracking every financial transaction, they will have access to every detail of our spending, the recipient of our money, and how we allocate our resources. In essence, it replicates George Orwell’s dystopian society depicted in 1984. Big Brother will be constantly monitoring our financial activity, and this is precisely the problem with central bank digital currency, or the Fed Coin.

As an individual, I become nervous at the thought of this. I do not want them to monitor my every transaction or be privy to my spending habits. It is a violation of my privacy, and they have no business knowing how I choose to allocate my resources.

However, with the advent of blockchain technology, everything can be tracked, and privacy becomes an elusive concept. This is why when George Gammon compares this scenario to Orwellian dystopia, he is referring to the world of Big Brother in 1984, where everything is monitored, and privacy is nonexistent. This is the direction we are headed in.”

Kiyosaki's remarks come at a time when the Federal Reserve is exploring the benefits and risks associated with CBDCs. During a speech on Tuesday, Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman emphasized that the potential digital dollar must integrate privacy concerns into its design. She also stressed the importance of safeguarding the privacy of businesses and individuals.

Says Bowman,

“In considering the implications of CBDC and privacy, we must also examine the critical role of money in our daily lives, and the danger that CBDCs could not only provide a window into but also potentially impede, the freedom that Americans enjoy in deciding how to use and invest their money and resources.”

#robertkiyosaki #Fed #cbdc #dyor #crypto

Source: dailyhodl

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