☠️😱Crypto gaming platform hacked twice in 3 days: $290 million stolen

Crypto gaming and NFT platform #PlayDapp was hacked on February 9 and 12. The attackers stole 1.79 billion #pla tokens worth more than $ 290 million. It was also reported that the hackers were not willing to negotiate the return of the stolen funds.

Blockchain analytics firm Elliptic stated in a report written yesterday that PlayDapp, a crypto gaming and NFT platform, was hacked. According to the report, the attacks that took place on February 9 and 12 began as a result of the theft of keywords and led to the loss of more than $ 290 million in funds.

They did not agree to an agreement

According to the Elliptic report, hackers first created 200 million PLA tokens worth about $ 37 million on February 9. Shortly after the incident, PlayDapp sent a message to the hackers via an on-chain transaction. The message offered a $1 million reward in exchange for the return of the funds. PlayDapp also announced that if this offer is not accepted, it will give the same reward to the one who finds the hacker by making a public call. In a statement made by PlayDapp yesterday, it was stated that the hacker or hackers did not agree to the agreement.

they printed another $ 250 million token

However, the attackers printed another 1.59 billion PLA tokens worth $ 253 million on February 12. It is also seen that thieves are trying to sell tokens through exchanges.

It may be difficult to sell

The Elliptic report also stated that there is a possibility that attackers will be forced to sell tokens. The report stated that the circulating supply of the PLA token was 577 million before the hacking incident, and it was argued that the sale of the newly minted 1.8 billion units would not be easy.

PlayDapp also announced yesterday that it has discontinued the PLA token smart contract. In the announcement, it was stated that the stock exchanges are also working together to resolve the issue.

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