In the last introduction part, I have already shared the Binance Earn Cheat Sheet which includes 9 different methods of earning passive income. (If you haven't read that post, you can take a look at the below image to know what methods I'm going to talk about)

Now, it's time to dive deeper in the first chapter:

Low risk tools

I mean, they are not hard, I guess.

With simple earn, you just need to register your stablecoin to earn passive income day by day. Or with Launch pool, you can do the same with stablecoin, to earn the featured token as profit (in case that coin goes bloom in the future, you got some extra profit). With Launchpad, normally requires you to hold an amount of BNB to be qualified to earn (rewarded as token)

If it's that simple, then what is the point of this article?

I can tell you that, if you buy any coin in spot trading, and you keep it in your spot wallet, they are all dead money! Am I talking about staking these coins? No, with 1% of APR, it's suck!

Here comes the #lending

Do you know that, if you have an amount of (e.g) Bitcoin, or Etherium or any coin or token in your wallet, you can use them to borrow stable coin from Binance with a very low fee?

With lending, you can borrow up to somewhere 70% of stablecoins according to your coin value.

Let's say you have 100 USD value in BTC, you can borrow 70 USDT and send that money to any other earning tool with higher APR than what flexible earn provides you (the highest one I saw in the past was in Launch pool, about 2 years ago, the APR was around 35% if I wasn't wrong)

Too long, didn't read:

You already had some coins to hold -> borrow USDT with these coins as mortgage -> register USDT to some higher APR% to optimize earning profit

Warning: Should not do this in extreme bear market

When your coin price drops below a certain point, but you haven’t repaid your lending, Binance will #liquidate your asset to automatically repay.
Although you can just use the USDT you borrow to immediately buy back the coins, it will be a waste in terms of trading fee

In the next part, there will be more wonderful and technical things to come up. Follow to #LearnAndGrow #Write2Earn