Remember On Thumb Rule!

I am learning crypto since 2019 and listening "Oh" bitcoin is going down or up, following a bullshit chart patterns. Chart patterns as shown are not working, it will make you poor. Remember one thumb rule "Don't buy on higher prices" and sell cheap because of "Fomo" and "Jomo".

"Hold is Gold". No one will trade for you and no one will give you money. Its You, All you have to do yourself.

Educate Yourself.

Control your emotions.

Crypto is risky due to high Returns.

Avoid Fomo & Jomo.

Be in your own limits.

Buy the dip in a crash but with limits.

Don't invest your whole capital.

Avoid futures at beginning.

Avoid investing in new coins at peak.

Market always gives you a chance.

Their is no shortcuts. Luck will not always be with you.

Select high fundamentals coins and don't look at others. Market have a lot of coins not all coins for u.

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