According to Odaily, Linea has released an update on the Velocore event on the X platform. The current network security situation only affects third-party DApps. The company had to temporarily halt the operation of the sorter due to an inability to contact the Velocore team during an attack.

Linea stressed that most Layer 2 (L2) solutions, including Linea itself, still rely on centralized technology operations. These operations can be used to protect ecosystem participants. The core value of Linea is an environment that does not require permission and is not subject to censorship. Therefore, the decision to halt the sorter was not made hastily.

The company's emphasis on the reliance on centralized technology operations highlights the ongoing challenges in the blockchain industry. Despite the decentralized nature of blockchain, many solutions still depend on centralized technologies for their operations. This dependence can have implications for the security and functionality of these solutions, particularly in the event of an attack or other security breach.

Linea's decision to halt the sorter during the attack on the Velocore team underscores the company's commitment to protecting its ecosystem participants. By taking this step, Linea demonstrated its willingness to prioritize the security of its users over the continued operation of its services. This move also reflects the company's core values of creating an environment that does not require permission and is not subject to censorship.