Is there a significant technological deception where technology companies are merely orchestrating elaborate scams, while the wealthy thrive on the global media frenzy and people's aspirations for quick wealth?

This narrative commenced with the advent of the internet, generating an enormous media buzz and perpetual media fervor, painting the internet as the promising future. Technology giants like Microsoft and others began to surface, but ultimately, they all became entangled in the famous dot-com bubble at the dawn of the current millennium. People didn't genuinely comprehend the intricacies of the internet or the rationale behind investing their capital in these corporations on the worldwide stock exchanges, consequently witnessing their savings dissipate as the bubble burst.

Subsequently, enigmatic and shadowy origins gave rise to social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, where young prodigies like Mark Zuckerberg exercised dominion over millions of individuals, akin to a shepherd guiding their flock. This ushered in a wave of fervent investment in these emerging entities and their counterparts, causing these newfound celebrities to become virtually obsessed. Remarkably, individuals like Mark Zuckerberg garnered both fame and fortune, wielding substantial influence over the course of humanity's decisions. Consider, for a moment, that Mark is contemplating a novel decision while in the bathroom; this decision could impact millions of people and thousands of companies worldwide.

Approximately 13 years ago, digital currencies emerged and, predictably, gained momentum before waning. Finally, the era of artificial intelligence and technologies like GPT materialized, and the consensus was that they would reshape the world. Following the typical pattern, people poured millions into these ventures, but only a select few reaped profits significantly lower than those who suffered substantial losses. It appears that project owners and corporations are capitalizing on our resources, while we, the general public, remain unwittingly ensnared in this cycle.

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