
$ZK /USDT Technical Analysis & Trading Insights

Current Price:

- $0.185 (-1.80%)

Trading Data:

- 24h High: $0.2034

- 24h Low: $0.1828

- 24h Volume (ZK): 217.04M

- 24h Volume (USDT): $41.48M

Price Movements:

- Average Level (AVL): $0.1856

- Resistance Levels: $0.2034, $0.1898

- Support Levels: $0.1828, $0.1741

Trading Signal:

- Buy Signal: Monitor for a potential breakout above $0.1898, which could signal a bullish trend. Increased volume around this level may confirm the movement.

- Sell Signal: A dip below the $0.1828 support level may suggest further declines. Consider reevaluating your positions if this level is breached.

Stay informed and adjust your trading strategy to navigate market shifts effectively.

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