Welcome to Binance Web3 Wallet & StarryNift joint event!

Create MPC Binance Web3 Wallet(Keyless Wallet), mint your Citizenship card here: https://starrynift.art/mpc-web3, and share the prize pool!

Use my referral Code: PyMGNnpndR to enjoy more benefits!

Quest 1

Follow official X account to earn 5 point

Quest 2

Mint citizenship pass, 8 point

Quest 3

Vote the best AI assistant . Can vote daily and earn 5 points each day

Quest 4

Mint an exclusive badge

Note: hold a citizenship card with Wallet balance > 0.01 $BNB to mint Binance Web3 elite badge on the event page

#AirdropBinance #BinanceTurns7 #web3_binance