Here are some crypto-specific scam avoidance tips:👇⛔

1. _Be cautious of unsolicited investment advice_ from strangers on social media or messaging apps.

2. _Verify the authenticity of websites and exchanges_ before entering personal information or depositing funds.

3. _Use strong passwords and enable 2-factor authentication_ to protect your accounts.

4. _Never share your private keys or seed phrases_ with anyone, as this can compromise your wallet's security.

5. _Be wary of phishing scams_ that attempt to steal your login credentials or personal information.

6. _Research and understand the fees and risks_ associated with any investment or transaction.

7. _Use reputable and well-established exchanges and wallets_ to store and trade your cryptocurrencies.

8. _Keep your software and firmware up to date_ to ensure you have the latest security patches and features.

9. _Be cautious of unsolicited offers to "help" you with your cryptocurrency_ or requests to access your account.

10. _Stay informed about market trends and news_ to avoid making emotional or impulsive decisions.

Remember, in the crypto space, it's essential to prioritize security and do your own research to avoid falling victim to scams!