$NOT Coin Technical Analysis:

Current Price: $0.01386

24h Change: -4.87%

24h High: $0.01515

24h Low: $0.01381

24h Volume (NOT): 5.14 billion

24h Volume (USDT): 73.84 million

Market Trends:

- MA (7-day): $0.01404

- MA (25-day): $0.01431

- MA (99-day): $0.01442

NOT coin has seen a decrease of 4.87% in its price, currently trading below the short-term and medium-term moving averages. The 24-hour trading volume indicates active participation in the market.

Investors should keep an eye on these MAs for potential resistance or support levels. Engage with us for more insights and discussions on NOT coin's market trends.

#NOTCoin #Crypto #MarketAnalysis