$FLOKI Coin Technical Analysis:

Current Price: $0.00017039

24h Change: -1.13%

24h High: $0.00017882

24h Low: $0.00016565

24h Volume (FLOKI): 277.17 billion

24h Volume (USDT): $47.66 million

Market Trends:

- MA (7-day): $0.00017318

- MA (25-day): $0.00017132

- MA (99-day): $0.00016858

FLOKI coin has experienced a slight decrease of 1.13% in its price. Despite the dip, the trading volume suggests active market participation. The moving averages indicate that the price is currently testing the support levels, which could lead to potential reversals or further declines.

Traders should keep an eye on these moving averages and the overall market sentiment for potential trading opportunities. Always do your own research and trade responsibly.

#FLOKI #Crypto #TradingAnalysis