$TRX Coin Technical Analysis:

Current Price: $0.12806

24h Change: +2.60%

24h High: $0.12984

24h Low: $0.12465

24h Volume (TRX): 225.64 million

24h Volume (USDT): $28.74 million

Market Trends:

- MA (7-day): $0.12827

- MA (25-day): $0.12698

- MA (99-day): $0.12495

TRX coin is currently experiencing a positive trend with a 2.60% increase in price. The price is hovering slightly above the 7-day and 25-day moving averages, indicating potential for continued growth. The 99-day MA suggests a strong support level that has been consistently held.

Traders should keep an eye on these moving averages for potential resistance or support levels. Always do your own research and trade responsibly.

#TRX #Crypto #MarketAnalysis