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Kaitlin Hidinger AoCD
VÒNG TÀI TRỢ 100 TRIỆU USD cho IPO KRAKEN 2025 Kraken, một sàn giao dịch tiền điện tử nổi tiếng, đang chuẩn bị cho đợt IPO tiềm năng vào năm 2025. Theo Bloomberg News, Kraken có kế hoạch huy động 100 triệu USD thông qua vòng cấp vốn cuối cùng vào cuối năm nay để hỗ trợ tham vọng IPO của mình. 🔍 Tìm kiếm quan hệ đối tác chiến lược: Sàn giao dịch này được cho là đang tìm kiếm một công ty nổi tiếng để tham gia hội đồng quản trị của mình và giúp tổ chức IPO. Trong khi các cuộc thảo luận với các đối tác tiềm năng vẫn đang diễn ra, họ chỉ thực hiện trao đổi bằng lời về các điều khoản và định giá mà không có tài liệu chính thức. Kraken chưa chính thức xác nhận kế hoạch IPO nhưng nhấn mạnh việc tập trung vào việc đẩy nhanh việc áp dụng tiền điện tử toàn cầu. 📈 Những suy đoán trước đây: Tin đồn về đợt IPO Kraken đã lan truyền từ tháng 2 năm 2021, với các báo cáo ban đầu cho thấy mức định giá 10 tỷ USD. Vào tháng 3 năm 2021, người đồng sáng lập và Giám đốc điều hành lúc đó của Kraken, Jesse Powell, đã bóng gió về một đợt IPO tiềm năng, gọi mức định giá 10 tỷ USD là "thấp". Mặc dù đợt IPO được dự đoán sẽ diễn ra vào năm 2022 nhưng nó đã không thành hiện thực. 💹 Nguồn vốn và vị thế thị trường: Theo dữ liệu của Crunchbase, Kraken đã huy động được hơn 30 triệu USD trong hơn 20 vòng cấp vốn. Chiến lược của sàn giao dịch bao gồm tìm kiếm nguồn tài trợ từ cả tư nhân và công cộng để củng cố vị thế trên thị trường và hỗ trợ các sáng kiến ​​của mình. ⚖ Thách thức pháp lý: Tham vọng IPO của Kraken phải đối mặt với những rào cản tiềm tàng do các vấn đề pháp lý đang diễn ra với Ủy ban Chứng khoán và Giao dịch Hoa Kỳ (SEC). Vào tháng 11 năm 2023, SEC đã kiện Kraken, cáo buộc nó hoạt động như một sàn giao dịch chứng khoán chưa đăng ký. 🌟 Tại sao đây là tin thú vị: Cuối cùng chúng ta cũng có một SỰ TRAO ĐỔI CRYPTO tiến tới IPO, đây hoàn toàn là một sự kiện lịch sử và là cột mốc đáng kinh ngạc đối với thế giới tiền điện tử, đồng thời góp phần to lớn vào việc nâng cao nhận thức và sự thích ứng rộng rãi của không gian tiền điện tử! Kraken và Jesse Powell đã làm được rất nhiều điều cho tiền điện tử kể từ khi bắt đầu ngành này, vì vậy tôi chúc họ mọi điều tốt đẹp nhất và thành công! #CryptoExchange #IPO {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(SOLUSDT)


Kraken, một sàn giao dịch tiền điện tử nổi tiếng, đang chuẩn bị cho đợt IPO tiềm năng vào năm 2025. Theo Bloomberg News, Kraken có kế hoạch huy động 100 triệu USD thông qua vòng cấp vốn cuối cùng vào cuối năm nay để hỗ trợ tham vọng IPO của mình.

🔍 Tìm kiếm quan hệ đối tác chiến lược:
Sàn giao dịch này được cho là đang tìm kiếm một công ty nổi tiếng để tham gia hội đồng quản trị của mình và giúp tổ chức IPO. Trong khi các cuộc thảo luận với các đối tác tiềm năng vẫn đang diễn ra, họ chỉ thực hiện trao đổi bằng lời về các điều khoản và định giá mà không có tài liệu chính thức. Kraken chưa chính thức xác nhận kế hoạch IPO nhưng nhấn mạnh việc tập trung vào việc đẩy nhanh việc áp dụng tiền điện tử toàn cầu.

📈 Những suy đoán trước đây:
Tin đồn về đợt IPO Kraken đã lan truyền từ tháng 2 năm 2021, với các báo cáo ban đầu cho thấy mức định giá 10 tỷ USD. Vào tháng 3 năm 2021, người đồng sáng lập và Giám đốc điều hành lúc đó của Kraken, Jesse Powell, đã bóng gió về một đợt IPO tiềm năng, gọi mức định giá 10 tỷ USD là "thấp". Mặc dù đợt IPO được dự đoán sẽ diễn ra vào năm 2022 nhưng nó đã không thành hiện thực.

💹 Nguồn vốn và vị thế thị trường:
Theo dữ liệu của Crunchbase, Kraken đã huy động được hơn 30 triệu USD trong hơn 20 vòng cấp vốn. Chiến lược của sàn giao dịch bao gồm tìm kiếm nguồn tài trợ từ cả tư nhân và công cộng để củng cố vị thế trên thị trường và hỗ trợ các sáng kiến ​​của mình.

⚖ Thách thức pháp lý:
Tham vọng IPO của Kraken phải đối mặt với những rào cản tiềm tàng do các vấn đề pháp lý đang diễn ra với Ủy ban Chứng khoán và Giao dịch Hoa Kỳ (SEC). Vào tháng 11 năm 2023, SEC đã kiện Kraken, cáo buộc nó hoạt động như một sàn giao dịch chứng khoán chưa đăng ký.

🌟 Tại sao đây là tin thú vị:
Cuối cùng chúng ta cũng có một SỰ TRAO ĐỔI CRYPTO tiến tới IPO, đây hoàn toàn là một sự kiện lịch sử và là cột mốc đáng kinh ngạc đối với thế giới tiền điện tử, đồng thời góp phần to lớn vào việc nâng cao nhận thức và sự thích ứng rộng rãi của không gian tiền điện tử!

Kraken và Jesse Powell đã làm được rất nhiều điều cho tiền điện tử kể từ khi bắt đầu ngành này, vì vậy tôi chúc họ mọi điều tốt đẹp nhất và thành công!
#CryptoExchange #IPO

🚀 Poloniex cryptocurrency exchange, owned by Justin Sun, to resume deposits and withdrawals, starting with TRX, with BTC, ETH, and USDT support to follow in two weeks. #Poloniex #CryptoExchange 💱💼🔐
🚀 Poloniex cryptocurrency exchange, owned by Justin Sun, to resume deposits and withdrawals, starting with TRX, with BTC, ETH, and USDT support to follow in two weeks. #Poloniex #CryptoExchange 💱💼🔐
🚨 Breaking News: Bittrex cryptocurrency exchange to cease all trading services on December 4, following court-approved rehabilitation plan; customers urged to convert funds to euros or crypto, with withdrawals unavailable thereafter. 📉💼 #Bittrex #CryptoExchange #RehabilitationPlan
🚨 Breaking News: Bittrex cryptocurrency exchange to cease all trading services on December 4, following court-approved rehabilitation plan; customers urged to convert funds to euros or crypto, with withdrawals unavailable thereafter. 📉💼 #Bittrex #CryptoExchange #RehabilitationPlan
⚠️ **FTX Warns Users Against Scams** ⚠️ Bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX has issued a warning to its users regarding potential scams. The official statement emphasizes that FTX does not request users to link their wallets. It's important for cryptocurrency users to remain vigilant and cautious when it comes to potential scams, and not to share sensitive information or access to their wallets unless they are certain of the legitimacy of the request. #FTX #CryptoExchange #Security #CryptoNews ⚠️🪙🔒
⚠️ **FTX Warns Users Against Scams** ⚠️
Bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX has issued a warning to its users regarding potential scams. The official statement emphasizes that FTX does not request users to link their wallets.
It's important for cryptocurrency users to remain vigilant and cautious when it comes to potential scams, and not to share sensitive information or access to their wallets unless they are certain of the legitimacy of the request.
#FTX #CryptoExchange #Security #CryptoNews ⚠️🪙🔒
📊 Decentralized exchange Hashflow (HFT) to implement transaction fees, with 50% going to HFT stakers, 30% to Community Treasury for buyback, and 20% to Hashflow Foundation operating costs. #BitcoinWorld #CryptoExchange 💱💼🚀
📊 Decentralized exchange Hashflow (HFT) to implement transaction fees, with 50% going to HFT stakers, 30% to Community Treasury for buyback, and 20% to Hashflow Foundation operating costs. #BitcoinWorld #CryptoExchange 💱💼🚀
Nigerians do not need to fear because NGN pairs have been removed on Binance. Your coins/crypto is safe. If you are however afraid or looking for a way to withdraw your money, this is how to go about it. Find an exchange you trust. The exchanger will help you to get your money in the form of Naira or fiat currency. The fastest and cheapest way to do it is to convert your crypto to either of USDT, BTC or ETH. If you need recommendations on what you can do or if need help as regards this topic, u can drop a comment. but like I said, ur crypto is safe and your money is still in good hands with binance. If you need any help or advice in view of this topic, u can drop a comment below and I will guide you. #NGN/USDT #binancenigeria #CryptoExchange #No_Need_to_Panic_Nigerians
Nigerians do not need to fear because NGN pairs have been removed on Binance. Your coins/crypto is safe. If you are however afraid or looking for a way to withdraw your money, this is how to go about it. Find an exchange you trust. The exchanger will help you to get your money in the form of Naira or fiat currency. The fastest and cheapest way to do it is to convert your crypto to either of USDT, BTC or ETH. If you need recommendations on what you can do or if need help as regards this topic, u can drop a comment. but like I said, ur crypto is safe and your money is still in good hands with binance.
If you need any help or advice in view of this topic, u can drop a comment below and I will guide you. #NGN/USDT #binancenigeria #CryptoExchange #No_Need_to_Panic_Nigerians
🚨 OKX, a major global crypto exchange, faces accusations of undeclared illegal operations, including unauthorized KRW transactions via credit cards. 🤔💳 Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) warns of potential legal action if unreported activities are confirmed. #OKXLegalConcerns #CryptoExchange #BitcoinWorld 🌐
🚨 OKX, a major global crypto exchange, faces accusations of undeclared illegal operations, including unauthorized KRW transactions via credit cards. 🤔💳 Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) warns of potential legal action if unreported activities are confirmed. #OKXLegalConcerns #CryptoExchange #BitcoinWorld 🌐
🌟 Former FTX executives to launch new exchange in Dubai! 🏦 Trek Labs, led by ex-FTX counsel, secures UAE license. Seeking 10% stake sale, valuation over $100M. #CryptoExchange #BitcoinWorld
🌟 Former FTX executives to launch new exchange in Dubai!
🏦 Trek Labs, led by ex-FTX counsel, secures UAE license. Seeking 10% stake sale, valuation over $100M. #CryptoExchange #BitcoinWorld
CCData Report Highlights Growth in Crypto ExchangeBitcoin’s Bull Run Provides Growth to Crypto Exchange In a March 2024 report by CCData, a company specializing in digital asset data and indexes has revealed that the total volume of cryptocurrency spot and derivatives trading on centralized exchanges surged to a historic growth of $9.1 trillion. Bitcoin also achieved a record high during this period. Additionally, spot trading experienced a remarkable 108% surge, reaching $2.94 trillion for the month, marking the highest monthly figure since May 2021. CCData Report Binance Trading Activity Uptick: Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, witnessed a significant uptick in trading activity. Spot trading volume surged by 121% to $1.12 trillion, marking the highest volumes on the exchange since May 2021. Derivatives trading volumes on Binance rose by 89.7% to $2.91 trillion, also reaching their highest levels since May 2021. Binance's combined market share increased by 1.04% to 44.1% in March, attributed to speculation surrounding Bitcoin's price action. Rise of Bitget Exchange: Bitget experienced substantial growth, with spot and derivatives volumes rising by 150% to $90.5 billion and 129% to $794 billion, respectively. Bitget became the third-largest derivatives venue by volume, overtaking Bybit with a market share of 12.8% in March. The exchange's combined spot and derivatives market share rose by 1.61% to 9.70%, securing its position as the fourth-largest exchange.Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Milestones: CME achieved new milestones in March, with derivatives trading volume rising by 60.6% to $155 billion, marking a new all-time high. BTC futures saw a 65.4% increase to $123 billion in monthly volume, while ETH futures volume rose by 17.8% to $20.1 billion, the highest since November 2021. CME's influence on Bitcoin's price action continued, with open interest on BTC instruments rising by 47.1% to $11.7 billion in March, surpassing that of centralized exchange counterparts. Reason Behind Growth in Crypto Exchange:- As per CCData Exchange, Bitcoin Halving is one of the main reasons behind the surge in Crypto Exchange’s Spot and Derivatives Trading. As Bitcoin has reached its all-time high and has shown an Upward trend. It resulted in growth in every Altcoin and Memecoin and this has automatically sparked the growth of Crypto Exchanges. Hence, In Conclusion, we can see that the crypto market is gaining huge popularity in the masses whether it is the USA, Russia, China, Or India. This growth in crypto exchange will have a positive impact on Crypto Market. #CryptoExchange #CryptoMarkets #cryptocurrencynews #CoinGabbar Visit: CoinGabbar

CCData Report Highlights Growth in Crypto Exchange

Bitcoin’s Bull Run Provides Growth to Crypto Exchange
In a March 2024 report by CCData, a company specializing in digital asset data and indexes has revealed that the total volume of cryptocurrency spot and derivatives trading on centralized exchanges surged to a historic growth of $9.1 trillion. Bitcoin also achieved a record high during this period. Additionally, spot trading experienced a remarkable 108% surge, reaching $2.94 trillion for the month, marking the highest monthly figure since May 2021.

CCData Report
Binance Trading Activity Uptick: Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, witnessed a significant uptick in trading activity. Spot trading volume surged by 121% to $1.12 trillion, marking the highest volumes on the exchange since May 2021. Derivatives trading volumes on Binance rose by 89.7% to $2.91 trillion, also reaching their highest levels since May 2021. Binance's combined market share increased by 1.04% to 44.1% in March, attributed to speculation surrounding Bitcoin's price action.

Rise of Bitget Exchange: Bitget experienced substantial growth, with spot and derivatives volumes rising by 150% to $90.5 billion and 129% to $794 billion, respectively. Bitget became the third-largest derivatives venue by volume, overtaking Bybit with a market share of 12.8% in March. The exchange's combined spot and derivatives market share rose by 1.61% to 9.70%, securing its position as the fourth-largest exchange.Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Milestones: CME achieved new milestones in March, with derivatives trading volume rising by 60.6% to $155 billion, marking a new all-time high. BTC futures saw a 65.4% increase to $123 billion in monthly volume, while ETH futures volume rose by 17.8% to $20.1 billion, the highest since November 2021. CME's influence on Bitcoin's price action continued, with open interest on BTC instruments rising by 47.1% to $11.7 billion in March, surpassing that of centralized exchange counterparts.
Reason Behind Growth in Crypto Exchange:-
As per CCData Exchange, Bitcoin Halving is one of the main reasons behind the surge in Crypto Exchange’s Spot and Derivatives Trading. As Bitcoin has reached its all-time high and has shown an Upward trend. It resulted in growth in every Altcoin and Memecoin and this has automatically sparked the growth of Crypto Exchanges.
Hence, In Conclusion, we can see that the crypto market is gaining huge popularity in the masses whether it is the USA, Russia, China, Or India. This growth in crypto exchange will have a positive impact on Crypto Market.
#CryptoExchange #CryptoMarkets #cryptocurrencynews #CoinGabbar

Visit: CoinGabbar
🏦 FTX/Alameda deposited $16.8 million into a centralized exchange, including assets like 10,000 DYDX, 1.6 million SUSHI, 1.35 million GALA, and more. FTX/Alameda is also staking 4 million SOL, with 1.6 million SOL yet to be externally transferred. #BitcoinWorld #CryptoExchange 💰📊🚀
🏦 FTX/Alameda deposited $16.8 million into a centralized exchange, including assets like 10,000 DYDX, 1.6 million SUSHI, 1.35 million GALA, and more. FTX/Alameda is also staking 4 million SOL, with 1.6 million SOL yet to be externally transferred. #BitcoinWorld #CryptoExchange 💰📊🚀
Camelot (GRAIL), a decentralized exchange on the Ethereum layer 2 network Arbitrum (ARB), announces an incentive program through its official communication. The program, valued at 3 million ARB, is set to span 3 months. To qualify for incentives, participants must stake a position in the Nitro pool or earn profits through Merkle distribution. 💰🔄 #CamelotIncentiveProgram #CryptoExchange
Camelot (GRAIL), a decentralized exchange on the Ethereum layer 2 network Arbitrum (ARB), announces an incentive program through its official communication. The program, valued at 3 million ARB, is set to span 3 months. To qualify for incentives, participants must stake a position in the Nitro pool or earn profits through Merkle distribution. 💰🔄 #CamelotIncentiveProgram #CryptoExchange
📊 Top 10 Centralized Exchanges (CEXs) by Market Share: 1. #Binance - 52.6% 2. #Upbit - 9.5% 3. #OKX - 6.7% 4. #Coinbase - 6.3% 5. #MEXC - 5.3% 6. #Bybit - 4.9% 7. #Gate - 4% 8. #HTX - 4.1% 9. #KuCoin - 3.3% 10. #Bitget - 3.3% Stay informed about the leading cryptocurrency exchanges! 📈💼 #CryptoExchange #MarketShare
📊 Top 10 Centralized Exchanges (CEXs) by Market Share:

1. #Binance - 52.6%
2. #Upbit - 9.5%
3. #OKX - 6.7%
4. #Coinbase - 6.3%
5. #MEXC - 5.3%
6. #Bybit - 4.9%
7. #Gate - 4%
8. #HTX - 4.1%
9. #KuCoin - 3.3%
10. #Bitget - 3.3%

Stay informed about the leading cryptocurrency exchanges! 📈💼 #CryptoExchange #MarketShare
What will be the tax implications on Foreign Crypto Exchanges in IndiaFIU Notice questions income tax on Foreign Exchange transactions The Financial Intelligence Unit has sent a notice to foreign crypto exchanges that they must comply with tax laws, including income tax, goods and services tax (GST), and other regulatory requirements set forth by Indian authorities. Tax implications for crypto exchanges in India involve adhering to government regulations and tax obligations. The recent crackdown signals the government's intent to enforce compliance with laws like the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Foreign crypto exchanges operating in India need to navigate these regulations to avoid legal repercussions and ensure smooth operations. Previously, the Indian government implemented a 1% Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on crypto trading, effective July 2022. This move prompted a significant migration of users to foreign crypto exchanges, benefiting these platforms. However, recent assumptions suggest that users engaging in crypto trading on foreign exchanges might now also be liable to pay this tax. Potential Tax Shifts for Foreign Crypto Exchanges Recent developments indicate a potential seismic shift for foreign crypto exchanges, as the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has issued a notice to the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). The notice challenges the application of income tax, particularly Tax Deducted at Source (TDS), on transactions conducted through foreign exchanges. This communication highlights a call for the CBDT to reevaluate the tax implications for foreign platforms. Should this notice lead to changes in tax policies, foreign crypto exchanges might face substantial alterations in their tax obligations. Such adjustments could require these platforms to comply with tax regulations and potentially incur tax liabilities, marking a significant potential transformation in their operational landscape. Is this an end to the unfair advantage taken by foreign crypto exchanges? The influx of Indian investors shifting to foreign exchanges due to tax advantages would change as the Income Tax Department could take steps to level the playing field. The unfair advantage enjoyed by foreign exchanges, fueled by the migration of Indian investors seeking favorable tax treatment, is likely to come to an end.  With the Income Tax Department set to collect diverse data from these offshore exchanges, a significant shift in the landscape is imminent.This move aims to bridge the gap in tax obligations between foreign and domestic platforms. It could be the time for Indian crypto exchanges to reclaim the lost ground, signaling the potential end of the tax-related disparity that had prompted the migration of Indian investors to overseas exchanges. #Cryptocurrrency #cryptonewstoday #CryptoExchange #coingabbar

What will be the tax implications on Foreign Crypto Exchanges in India

FIU Notice questions income tax on Foreign Exchange transactions

The Financial Intelligence Unit has sent a notice to foreign crypto exchanges that they must comply with tax laws, including income tax, goods and services tax (GST), and other regulatory requirements set forth by Indian authorities.
Tax implications for crypto exchanges in India involve adhering to government regulations and tax obligations.
The recent crackdown signals the government's intent to enforce compliance with laws like the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Foreign crypto exchanges operating in India need to navigate these regulations to avoid legal repercussions and ensure smooth operations.
Previously, the Indian government implemented a 1% Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on crypto trading, effective July 2022. This move prompted a significant migration of users to foreign crypto exchanges, benefiting these platforms. However, recent assumptions suggest that users engaging in crypto trading on foreign exchanges might now also be liable to pay this tax.
Potential Tax Shifts for Foreign Crypto Exchanges
Recent developments indicate a potential seismic shift for foreign crypto exchanges, as the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has issued a notice to the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT).
The notice challenges the application of income tax, particularly Tax Deducted at Source (TDS), on transactions conducted through foreign exchanges. This communication highlights a call for the CBDT to reevaluate the tax implications for foreign platforms.
Should this notice lead to changes in tax policies, foreign crypto exchanges might face substantial alterations in their tax obligations. Such adjustments could require these platforms to comply with tax regulations and potentially incur tax liabilities, marking a significant potential transformation in their operational landscape.
Is this an end to the unfair advantage taken by foreign crypto exchanges?
The influx of Indian investors shifting to foreign exchanges due to tax advantages would change as the Income Tax Department could take steps to level the playing field. The unfair advantage enjoyed by foreign exchanges, fueled by the migration of Indian investors seeking favorable tax treatment, is likely to come to an end. 
With the Income Tax Department set to collect diverse data from these offshore exchanges, a significant shift in the landscape is imminent.This move aims to bridge the gap in tax obligations between foreign and domestic platforms. It could be the time for Indian crypto exchanges to reclaim the lost ground, signaling the potential end of the tax-related disparity that had prompted the migration of Indian investors to overseas exchanges.
#Cryptocurrrency #cryptonewstoday #CryptoExchange #coingabbar
📣 Bullish, a cryptocurrency exchange exclusive for Block One-affiliated institutions, announces support for BTC/PYUSD trading starting on the 20th. 🚀🔄💱 #CryptoExchange #BTCTrading
📣 Bullish, a cryptocurrency exchange exclusive for Block One-affiliated institutions, announces support for BTC/PYUSD trading starting on the 20th. 🚀🔄💱 #CryptoExchange #BTCTrading
🚀 The open-source protocol tbDEX has been launched on the African cryptocurrency exchange Yellow Card, enabling local users to receive Bitcoin or stablecoins directly as local currency and withdraw them through bank accounts or P2P payment apps. 💱📊 #CryptoExchange
🚀 The open-source protocol tbDEX has been launched on the African cryptocurrency exchange Yellow Card, enabling local users to receive Bitcoin or stablecoins directly as local currency and withdraw them through bank accounts or P2P payment apps. 💱📊 #CryptoExchange
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