Binance Square
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ETFs are buying... Institutions are buying... Who the hell is selling? 2024 brought a mass of commentators looking at ETFs flows, as if that's all that matters. What matters is total demand and supply. Here's a 101 thread on how the modern #Bitcoin  market works. #BinanceTournament #BinanceChallenge
ETFs are buying...

Institutions are buying...

Who the hell is selling?

2024 brought a mass of commentators looking at ETFs flows, as if that's all that matters.

What matters is total demand and supply.

Here's a 101 thread on how the modern #Bitcoin  market works.
#BinanceTournament #BinanceChallenge
🚨Binance results in 2023: 30% more users despite a difficult year ✅As 2023 draws to a close, cryptocurrency exchange Binance welcomed 30% new users this year. The company thus provides an overview of its growth over the last 12 months. 🚨Binance: what is the outcome for 2023? ✅The year 2023 will have been particularly tumultuous for Binance, between its troubles with the law, the withdrawal from certain countries and the resignation of numerous executives, culminating in that of Changpeng Zhao (CZ) from his position as CEO. Despite everything, the exchange recorded some positive figures, benefiting from a market in much better shape than 2022. ✅In its annual report, Binance tells us that it welcomed 30% of new users in 2023, bringing the number of customers registered on the platform to 170 million, including 40 million new registrants. ✅In addition, the company also discussed in more detail the growth of several of its products, including its peer-to-peer (P2P) payments system, with 39% more users and an increase in transactions of 18%, all through 112 different fiat currencies. ✅This dynamic is similar for Binance Pay, allowing payments in cryptocurrencies to merchants. Usage of the service grew by 20%, as an additional 3,500 merchants joined the program. ✅For his part, Richard Teng, the new CEO of the group, shared a letter to return to 2023 and the ambitions for 2024. Thus, he also underlines the increase in activity of institutional players, while emphasizing the regulatory aspect: 👉🏻“Importantly, we have seen a particularly strong increase in capital flows from institutional investors. The reason I consider this fantastic news is that it suggests that institutional confidence in Binance […] is growing at a time when institutional participation as well as clear regulation are key to mass adoption of the assets digital. » #BTC #etf #ETH #BinanceChristmas #BinanceChallenge
🚨Binance results in 2023: 30% more users despite a difficult year

✅As 2023 draws to a close, cryptocurrency exchange Binance welcomed 30% new users this year. The company thus provides an overview of its growth over the last 12 months.

🚨Binance: what is the outcome for 2023?

✅The year 2023 will have been particularly tumultuous for Binance, between its troubles with the law, the withdrawal from certain countries and the resignation of numerous executives, culminating in that of Changpeng Zhao (CZ) from his position as CEO. Despite everything, the exchange recorded some positive figures, benefiting from a market in much better shape than 2022.

✅In its annual report, Binance tells us that it welcomed 30% of new users in 2023, bringing the number of customers registered on the platform to 170 million, including 40 million new registrants.

✅In addition, the company also discussed in more detail the growth of several of its products, including its peer-to-peer (P2P) payments system, with 39% more users and an increase in transactions of 18%, all through 112 different fiat currencies.

✅This dynamic is similar for Binance Pay, allowing payments in cryptocurrencies to merchants. Usage of the service grew by 20%, as an additional 3,500 merchants joined the program.

✅For his part, Richard Teng, the new CEO of the group, shared a letter to return to 2023 and the ambitions for 2024. Thus, he also underlines the increase in activity of institutional players, while emphasizing the regulatory aspect:

👉🏻“Importantly, we have seen a particularly strong increase in capital flows from institutional investors. The reason I consider this fantastic news is that it suggests that institutional confidence in Binance […] is growing at a time when institutional participation as well as clear regulation are key to mass adoption of the assets digital. »
#BTC #etf #ETH #BinanceChristmas #BinanceChallenge
AS YOU ENTER NEW YEAR 2024 YOU MUST ABIDE TO THE FOLLOWING GOLDEN RULES IN ORDER TO MAXIMIZE THE YEAR 1. RESPECT 3 PEOPLE ☝🏻. Teachers ☝🏻. Parents ☝🏻. Elderly 2. KEEP 3 THINGS IN YOU ☝🏻. Honesty ☝🏻. Faith ☝🏻. Good Deeds 3. BE FREE FROM 3 THINGS ☝🏻. Arrogance ☝🏻. Cheating ☝🏻. Debt 4. CONTROL 3 THINGS ☝🏻. Tongue ☝🏻. Anger ☝🏻. Appetite 5. REJECT 3 THINGS ☝🏻. Bad deeds ☝🏻. Backbiting ☝🏻. Jealousy 6. OBTAIN 3 THINGS ☝🏻. Knowledge ☝🏻. Understanding ☝🏻. Wisdom 7. BUILD ON 3 THINGS ☝🏻. Good counsel ☝🏻. Good Manners ☝🏻. Godliness with contentment 8. KEEP 3 THINGS PURE ☝🏻. Body ☝🏻. Clothes ☝🏻. Thoughts 9. REMEMBER 3 THINGS ☝🏻. Death ☝🏻. Hell ☝🏻. Heaven 10. PROTECT 3 THINGS ☝🏻. Family ☝🏻. Future ☝🏻. Friends 11. WORK ON 3 THINGS ☝🏻. Vision ☝🏻. Trust ☝🏻. Faith 12. RUN AWAY FROM 3 THINGS ☝🏻. Sin ☝🏻. Pride ☝🏻. Bad association 13. LOVE 3 PEOPLE ☝🏻. God ☝🏻. Yourself ☝🏻. Others. *HAPPY NEW YEAR IN .* #NewYear2024 #TradingAdvice #InvestmentStrategies #BinanceSquare #BinanceChallenge

☝🏻. Teachers
☝🏻. Parents
☝🏻. Elderly

☝🏻. Honesty
☝🏻. Faith
☝🏻. Good Deeds

☝🏻. Arrogance
☝🏻. Cheating
☝🏻. Debt

☝🏻. Tongue
☝🏻. Anger
☝🏻. Appetite

☝🏻. Bad deeds
☝🏻. Backbiting
☝🏻. Jealousy

☝🏻. Knowledge
☝🏻. Understanding
☝🏻. Wisdom

☝🏻. Good counsel
☝🏻. Good Manners
☝🏻. Godliness with contentment

☝🏻. Body
☝🏻. Clothes
☝🏻. Thoughts

☝🏻. Death
☝🏻. Hell
☝🏻. Heaven

☝🏻. Family
☝🏻. Future
☝🏻. Friends

☝🏻. Vision
☝🏻. Trust
☝🏻. Faith

☝🏻. Sin
☝🏻. Pride
☝🏻. Bad association

☝🏻. God
☝🏻. Yourself
☝🏻. Others.


#NewYear2024 #TradingAdvice #InvestmentStrategies #BinanceSquare #BinanceChallenge
Em Alta
🤖🔥ChatGPT et Google Bard prédisent le prix de Solana (SOL) pour la fin de 2024 Objectif de prix Mega Solana de CHATGPT Interrogé sur l'avenir de Solana, ChatGPT a refusé de répondre principalement parce qu'il n'a pas la capacité de spéculer sur les prix des actifs. Cependant, la version jailbreak fait parler le chatbot alors que SOL voit son prix décélération monter entre 300 $ et 350 $ par jeton d'ici fin décembre 2024. ChatGPT a également tenté d'équilibrer ses prévisions en proposant un scénario baissier pour le prix de Solana. L'application d'intelligence artificielle a déclaré que Solana pourrait s'échanger entre 200 et 250 dollars dans des scénarios moins optimistes. Déc. Le chatbot a conclu les prévisions par une déclaration de non-responsabilité importante, indiquant que les chiffres sont spéculatifs et peuvent être soumis à des changements dans les conditions réelles du marché. Projection complémentaire de Google Bard Google Bard maintient également des perspectives haussières pour Solana, mais ses objectifs de prix sont inférieurs à ceux de CHATGPT. Le chatbot a collecté des prévisions auprès de plateformes telles que Binance et DigitalCoinPrice. Binance prévoit une hausse à 94,84 $, tandis que DigitalCoinPrice est optimiste quant au fait que Solana atteindra 206,85 $. Les prévisions relativement prudentes de Google Bard ont également entraîné une exonération de responsabilité quant au fait que les investissements dans Solana comportent des risques importants. Cependant, les développements potentiels de l’écosystème Solana et la santé globale de la crypto dimanche pourraient renforcer le scénario haussier prévu. Solana se négociait autrefois à un niveau record (ATH) de 259,5 $, ce qui rend les prédictions de ces applications d'intelligence artificielle relativement réalisables. Les prévisions haussières coïncident également avec d’autres prévisions à long terme d’entreprises telles que VanEck. #Solana-SOL #SOL #Solana #BinanceChallenge
🤖🔥ChatGPT et Google Bard prédisent le prix de Solana (SOL) pour la fin de 2024

Objectif de prix Mega Solana de CHATGPT
Interrogé sur l'avenir de Solana, ChatGPT a refusé de répondre principalement parce qu'il n'a pas la capacité de spéculer sur les prix des actifs.

Cependant, la version jailbreak fait parler le chatbot alors que SOL voit son prix décélération monter entre 300 $ et 350 $ par jeton d'ici fin décembre 2024.

ChatGPT a également tenté d'équilibrer ses prévisions en proposant un scénario baissier pour le prix de Solana. L'application d'intelligence artificielle a déclaré que Solana pourrait s'échanger entre 200 et 250 dollars dans des scénarios moins optimistes. Déc.
Le chatbot a conclu les prévisions par une déclaration de non-responsabilité importante, indiquant que les chiffres sont spéculatifs et peuvent être soumis à des changements dans les conditions réelles du marché.
Projection complémentaire de Google Bard
Google Bard maintient également des perspectives haussières pour Solana, mais ses objectifs de prix sont inférieurs à ceux de CHATGPT.

Le chatbot a collecté des prévisions auprès de plateformes telles que Binance et DigitalCoinPrice. Binance prévoit une hausse à 94,84 $, tandis que DigitalCoinPrice est optimiste quant au fait que Solana atteindra 206,85 $.

Les prévisions relativement prudentes de Google Bard ont également entraîné une exonération de responsabilité quant au fait que les investissements dans Solana comportent des risques importants. Cependant, les développements potentiels de l’écosystème Solana et la santé globale de la crypto dimanche pourraient renforcer le scénario haussier prévu.
Solana se négociait autrefois à un niveau record (ATH) de 259,5 $, ce qui rend les prédictions de ces applications d'intelligence artificielle relativement réalisables. Les prévisions haussières coïncident également avec d’autres prévisions à long terme d’entreprises telles que VanEck.

#Solana-SOL #SOL #Solana #BinanceChallenge
🚀🎉 Je crois que DeFi va exploser en 2024 ! Nous avons raté l'occasion en 2023, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, DeFi peut encore rattraper CeFi. 🌟 📈 DeFi TVL n'a pas beaucoup augmenté en 2023, mais avec une meilleure efficacité du capital et des liquidités en 2024, DeFi peut rivaliser avec CeFi sur un pied d'égalité. 🌐 🔧 Du côté du Web3, les cumuls sans connaissances et les solutions de mise à l'échelle deviennent de plus en plus populaires. Ce sera un gros plus pour DeFi ! 💪 🤔 Pensez-vous que 2024 sera l’année de la DeFi ? Partagez votre opinion dans les commentaires! 🗨️👇 #BTC #BinanceChallenge
🚀🎉 Je crois que DeFi va exploser en 2024 ! Nous avons raté l'occasion en 2023, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, DeFi peut encore rattraper CeFi. 🌟

📈 DeFi TVL n'a pas beaucoup augmenté en 2023, mais avec une meilleure efficacité du capital et des liquidités en 2024, DeFi peut rivaliser avec CeFi sur un pied d'égalité. 🌐

🔧 Du côté du Web3, les cumuls sans connaissances et les solutions de mise à l'échelle deviennent de plus en plus populaires. Ce sera un gros plus pour DeFi ! 💪

🤔 Pensez-vous que 2024 sera l’année de la DeFi ? Partagez votre opinion dans les commentaires! 🗨️👇

#BTC #BinanceChallenge
Em Baixa
🌟 Explore the World of Cryptocurrency with Binance! 🌐💰 Curious about cryptocurrency? Dive into the world of digital assets with Binance's comprehensive educational resources! From understanding blockchain technology to mastering trading strategies, our platform offers a wealth of information to empower your crypto journey. 📚 Education is Key: Access our in-depth articles, tutorials, and guides on various cryptocurrencies, blockchain fundamentals, and trading insights. 💡 Learn from Experts: Benefit from webinars, live sessions, and interviews with industry experts to stay updated on the latest trends and insights in the crypto space. 🚀 Get Hands-On: Test your knowledge and skills through simulated trading with Binance Academy's interactive learning modules. Start your crypto education journey today with Binance - where knowledge meets opportunity! 💡✨ #BinanceChallenge #CryptoEducation #EmpowerYourJourney
🌟 Explore the World of Cryptocurrency with Binance! 🌐💰

Curious about cryptocurrency? Dive into the world of digital assets with Binance's comprehensive educational resources! From understanding blockchain technology to mastering trading strategies, our platform offers a wealth of information to empower your crypto journey.

📚 Education is Key: Access our in-depth articles, tutorials, and guides on various cryptocurrencies, blockchain fundamentals, and trading insights.

💡 Learn from Experts: Benefit from webinars, live sessions, and interviews with industry experts to stay updated on the latest trends and insights in the crypto space.

🚀 Get Hands-On: Test your knowledge and skills through simulated trading with Binance Academy's interactive learning modules.

Start your crypto education journey today with Binance - where knowledge meets opportunity! 💡✨ #BinanceChallenge #CryptoEducation #EmpowerYourJourney
Parallèlement aux sorties de BTC de l'adresse de Grayscale Trust, les adresses de garde d'autres ETF affluent : 3 957 BTC (154 millions de dollars) ont été transférés à l'adresse séquestre Fidelity BTC (FBTC) il y a 1 heure. Correspondant au FBTC, l’entrée nette de fonds s’élevait à 158,90 millions de dollars le 22/01. L'adresse séquestre Bitwise BTC (BITB) a reçu 1 036 BTC (40,05 millions de dollars) du teneur de marché Flow Traders il y a 50 minutes. L’afflux net de fonds de BITB le 22 janvier s’élevait à 41,56 millions de dollars.Voir moins PS : N´oubliez pas si vous pouver me verser un petit pourboir pour me soutenir et m´encourager à continuer et merci. #BinanceChallenge
Parallèlement aux sorties de BTC de l'adresse de Grayscale Trust, les adresses de garde d'autres ETF affluent :

3 957 BTC (154 millions de dollars) ont été transférés à l'adresse séquestre Fidelity BTC (FBTC) il y a 1 heure. Correspondant au FBTC, l’entrée nette de fonds s’élevait à 158,90 millions de dollars le 22/01.

L'adresse séquestre Bitwise BTC (BITB) a reçu 1 036 BTC (40,05 millions de dollars) du teneur de marché Flow Traders il y a 50 minutes. L’afflux net de fonds de BITB le 22 janvier s’élevait à 41,56 millions de dollars.Voir moins

PS : N´oubliez pas si vous pouver me verser un petit pourboir pour me soutenir et m´encourager à continuer et merci.

Em Alta
$ get free airdrops ? here is how I'm getting in free airdrops . . I'm receiving my free airdrops NFP coins without any investment and at 0 cost without doing any tasks . hassle free . .. the answer is binance launchpad or launchpool is the only way by which you can make money or join free airdrops and get new coin in free. .. $BTC $ETH $SOL #Launchpool #BTC #sol #BinanceChallenge #BinanceTournament"
$ get free airdrops ?

here is how I'm getting in free airdrops . .

I'm receiving my free airdrops NFP coins without any investment and at 0 cost without doing any tasks .

hassle free . ..
the answer is binance launchpad or launchpool is the only way by which you can make money or join free airdrops and get new coin in free. ..
$500 for $1?! Get lucky with the Binance $1 Game!Feeling lucky? Toss a single dollar into the Binance $1 Game and score a chance to win $500! Talk about bang for your buck!Here's the lowdown:Join the game: Click "Play Now" and lock in your $1.Get a ticket: You'll snazzy ticket code confirms you're in the running.Invite friends: More friends = more tickets = higher chance to win!Winners announced daily! Check back next day to see if your name shines.Think of it like this: a coffee's worth of fun with a huge jackpot waiting. Who wouldn't wanna join? Just remember:You must be a Binance Pay user.Only one win per game round, but you can win across different campaigns.Minimum players needed for winner announcement.Ready to spin the wheel of fortune? Head over to the Binance $1 Game and let's see if your lucky star shines!P.S. Share this with your buds, the more the merrier (and the higher your ticket count)!#BinanceChallenge

$500 for $1?! Get lucky with the Binance $1 Game!

Feeling lucky? Toss a single dollar into the Binance $1 Game and score a chance to win $500! Talk about bang for your buck!Here's the lowdown:Join the game: Click "Play Now" and lock in your $1.Get a ticket: You'll snazzy ticket code confirms you're in the running.Invite friends: More friends = more tickets = higher chance to win!Winners announced daily! Check back next day to see if your name shines.Think of it like this: a coffee's worth of fun with a huge jackpot waiting. Who wouldn't wanna join? Just remember:You must be a Binance Pay user.Only one win per game round, but you can win across different campaigns.Minimum players needed for winner announcement.Ready to spin the wheel of fortune? Head over to the Binance $1 Game and let's see if your lucky star shines!P.S. Share this with your buds, the more the merrier (and the higher your ticket count)!#BinanceChallenge
Between 25k and 29k there is just 13 days, my statistics in @Binance Square is 292 posts in 2023 with 11.8k likes and 29k followers 💪🚀🔥 #BinanceChallenge
Between 25k and 29k there is just 13 days, my statistics in @Binance Square is 292 posts in 2023 with 11.8k likes and 29k followers 💪🚀🔥

✨New setup✨ BOND/USDT: LEVERAGE 5X/10X $BOND 🚀Entry: $4 to $4.25 🚀Take profit: $5.2, $6.2 🚀Stop loss: $3.75 🤑UPDATE: The previous target was hit successfully congratulations everyone... NOTE: you can take profit earlier or if you don't want to lose more money, you can exit anytime when it breaks the below trendline. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. I WILL BE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR PROFIT/LOSS. Manage your trade carefully. #BOND #BinanceChallenge
✨New setup✨

🚀Entry: $4 to $4.25
🚀Take profit: $5.2, $6.2
🚀Stop loss: $3.75

🤑UPDATE: The previous target was hit successfully congratulations everyone...

NOTE: you can take profit earlier or if you don't want to lose more money, you can exit anytime when it breaks the below trendline.
Manage your trade carefully.

#BOND #BinanceChallenge
📊#MATIC cup-handle structure established, huge upside potential🚀 🧠As analyzed in my last post, we successfully broke through the short defense point and previous high above. This means that the cup-and-handle structure is established, and it also means that the upside space above is completely opened. So expect us to go even higher. 🙏🚀🌕 ⚠️Note that although we are actively bullish, it does not mean that you should enter immediately, because the current stop loss range is too large, and the profit and loss ratio is not ideal, so be patient and wait for the entry opportunity after the correction. ☕️ Let’s see 👀 🔥Congratulations to all the friends who followed us to print money🎉💰🍻 🍻I have helped everyone make money, so I hope you can also help me. Please remember to like❤️share my analysis posts . 📤 #cryptoahmet #BinanceChallenge #TradingAdvice #Wolf_king888
📊#MATIC cup-handle structure established, huge upside potential🚀

🧠As analyzed in my last post, we successfully broke through the short defense point and previous high above. This means that the cup-and-handle structure is established, and it also means that the upside space above is completely opened. So expect us to go even higher. 🙏🚀🌕

⚠️Note that although we are actively bullish, it does not mean that you should enter immediately, because the current stop loss range is too large, and the profit and loss ratio is not ideal, so be patient and wait for the entry opportunity after the correction. ☕️

Let’s see 👀

🔥Congratulations to all the friends who followed us to print money🎉💰🍻

🍻I have helped everyone make money, so I hope you can also help me. Please remember to like❤️share my analysis posts . 📤
#cryptoahmet #BinanceChallenge #TradingAdvice #Wolf_king888
Em Alta
📊#MATIC potential cup-handle structure deserves attention👀

➡️Different cycles correspond to different bands. We buy in the buying zone and reduce holdings in the resistance zone. This is very reasonable, and our profit-loss ratio is also excellent enough, so the returns are very generous.💰🚀🌕🍻

🧠Given that there is still upside potential here, if we can successfully break through the inflection point above, then a cup-and-handle bullish structure will form here, which means that we will likely challenge the target area above. Therefore, we can continue to look forward to more with the remaining positions. If it develops as expected, then a small amount of money can be exchanged for very generous returns, and it is risk-free. ☕️💰🚀🌕So why not do this?❓

🔥Congratulations to all the friends who followed us to print money🎉💰🍻

🍻I have helped everyone make money, so I hope you can also help me. Please remember to like❤️share my analysis posts and channels. 📤

👋If you think this post is useful to you, don’t forget to give a tip to support💪
#Crypto #Binance #trading #Wolf_king888
Binance Launches NFPUSDT Perpetual Contract Amid NFP Price RallyNFPrompt (NFP) made its market debut on December 27, coinciding with Binance Future's NFPUSDT Perpetual Contract launch.Binance Futures launched the USD-M NFP Perpetual Contract on December 27, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. UTC, providing traders with the opportunity to engage in perpetual trading with up to 50x leverage. The underlying asset, NFPrompt (NFP), would be settled in USDT via this perpetual contract. The update comes after NFP’s listing on Binance after it made its market debut on Wednesday.Details Of Binance Futures’ NFPUSDT Perpetual ContractThe key details of the Binance Futures USD-M NFP Perpetual Contract include:Launch Time: December 27, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. UTCUnderlying Asset: NFPrompt (NFP)Settlement Asset: USDTTick Size: 0.0001Capped Funding Rate: +2.00%/-2.00%Funding Fee Settlement Frequency: Every 4 HoursMaximum Leverage: 50xTrading Hours: 24×7Multi-Assets Mode: SupportedIn the perpetual contract, Binance will also offer a maker fee rebate of 0.005% for qualified USD-margined futures liquidity providers during the initial approximately 14 to 15 days. The announcement also mentioned that to adapt to market risk conditions, Binance reserves the right to adjust specifications. These adjustments could include tick size, funding fees, maximum leverage, initial margin, and maintenance margin requirements.The Multi-Assets Mode of the project will enhance flexibility, enabling users to trade the NFPUSDT Perpetual Contract across various margin assets, such as Bitcoin (BTC), subject to applicable haircuts. This mode will allow traders to leverage diverse trading strategies.Additionally, Binance introduced NFP to Binance Convert, enabling users to trade NFP against BTC, USDT, and other supported tokens at zero fees. Earlier, the NFP Binance listing took place on the same day after the conclusion of the Binance Launchpool project. Moreover, the NFPrompt network scheduled an airdrop on Wednesday to reward their true supporters.NFP Price TodayThe recent developments marked a turning point for the NFPrompt team and propelled the NFP crypto price to gain. The NFP price added 1.39% to its value and traded at $1.188369 at press time. The crypto registered a high of $1.23 during the trading session.Moreover, the NFP market capitalization increased by 0.58% to $294.38 million. Whilst, the day’s trade volume was recorded at $277.39 million, which is an impressive figure for a new entrant in the crypto space. The current circulating supply of NFP stands at 250 million tokens, which is 25% of the total supply of 1 billion tokens.#BinanceChallenge #NFP #BinanceTournament #Osmy_CryptoZ

Binance Launches NFPUSDT Perpetual Contract Amid NFP Price Rally

NFPrompt (NFP) made its market debut on December 27, coinciding with Binance Future's NFPUSDT Perpetual Contract launch.Binance Futures launched the USD-M NFP Perpetual Contract on December 27, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. UTC, providing traders with the opportunity to engage in perpetual trading with up to 50x leverage. The underlying asset, NFPrompt (NFP), would be settled in USDT via this perpetual contract. The update comes after NFP’s listing on Binance after it made its market debut on Wednesday.Details Of Binance Futures’ NFPUSDT Perpetual ContractThe key details of the Binance Futures USD-M NFP Perpetual Contract include:Launch Time: December 27, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. UTCUnderlying Asset: NFPrompt (NFP)Settlement Asset: USDTTick Size: 0.0001Capped Funding Rate: +2.00%/-2.00%Funding Fee Settlement Frequency: Every 4 HoursMaximum Leverage: 50xTrading Hours: 24×7Multi-Assets Mode: SupportedIn the perpetual contract, Binance will also offer a maker fee rebate of 0.005% for qualified USD-margined futures liquidity providers during the initial approximately 14 to 15 days. The announcement also mentioned that to adapt to market risk conditions, Binance reserves the right to adjust specifications. These adjustments could include tick size, funding fees, maximum leverage, initial margin, and maintenance margin requirements.The Multi-Assets Mode of the project will enhance flexibility, enabling users to trade the NFPUSDT Perpetual Contract across various margin assets, such as Bitcoin (BTC), subject to applicable haircuts. This mode will allow traders to leverage diverse trading strategies.Additionally, Binance introduced NFP to Binance Convert, enabling users to trade NFP against BTC, USDT, and other supported tokens at zero fees. Earlier, the NFP Binance listing took place on the same day after the conclusion of the Binance Launchpool project. Moreover, the NFPrompt network scheduled an airdrop on Wednesday to reward their true supporters.NFP Price TodayThe recent developments marked a turning point for the NFPrompt team and propelled the NFP crypto price to gain. The NFP price added 1.39% to its value and traded at $1.188369 at press time. The crypto registered a high of $1.23 during the trading session.Moreover, the NFP market capitalization increased by 0.58% to $294.38 million. Whilst, the day’s trade volume was recorded at $277.39 million, which is an impressive figure for a new entrant in the crypto space. The current circulating supply of NFP stands at 250 million tokens, which is 25% of the total supply of 1 billion tokens.#BinanceChallenge #NFP #BinanceTournament #Osmy_CryptoZ
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