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ENTRY ⛔ PRICE 1.69-1.71


Stop 🛑 loss 1.78

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Don't rush entry.wait to come back at entry zone then enter 👿
The Crucial Role of Trading Psychology in the Financial Markets In the world of finance and trading, success is not solely determined by one's analytical skills or market knowledge. A crucial yet often underestimated element in achieving profitable outcomes is trading psychology. The mental and emotional aspects of trading play a significant role in decision-making, risk management, and overall performance in the financial markets. Emotions, such as fear, greed, and anxiety, can significantly impact a trader’s decisions. Fear of loss might prompt premature selling, while greed could lead to irrational exuberance and taking unnecessary risks. A sound trading psychology helps in managing these emotions, enabling individuals to make rational and calculated decisions. Discipline is a cornerstone of successful trading psychology. A disciplined trader sticks to their strategy, respects risk management rules, and can withstand the emotional rollercoaster of the markets. Patience and resilience are equally vital, as markets can be volatile and unpredictable. Understanding that losses are a part of the trading journey helps traders to stay focused and motivated. Maintaining a balanced mindset is critical. Embracing both winning and losing trades as part of the process prevents emotional extremes that could cloud judgment. Moreover, self-awareness and the ability to control impulses are essential in making well-informed decisions. In essence, while market analysis and strategy are essential, the significance of trading psychology cannot be overstated. A trader equipped with a strong psychological foundation is better poised to navigate the complexities of the financial markets and ultimately improve their trading performance. Sharpening one's mental edge might be the key to unlocking success in the ever-fluctuating world of trading. 🔥🔥FOLLOW ME FOR MORE CRYPTOTRADING INSIGHTS🔥🔥
The Crucial Role of Trading Psychology in the Financial Markets
In the world of finance and trading, success is not solely determined by one's analytical skills or market knowledge. A crucial yet often underestimated element in achieving profitable outcomes is trading psychology. The mental and emotional aspects of trading play a significant role in decision-making, risk management, and overall performance in the financial markets.
Emotions, such as fear, greed, and anxiety, can significantly impact a trader’s decisions. Fear of loss might prompt premature selling, while greed could lead to irrational exuberance and taking unnecessary risks. A sound trading psychology helps in managing these emotions, enabling individuals to make rational and calculated decisions.
Discipline is a cornerstone of successful trading psychology. A disciplined trader sticks to their strategy, respects risk management rules, and can withstand the emotional rollercoaster of the markets. Patience and resilience are equally vital, as markets can be volatile and unpredictable. Understanding that losses are a part of the trading journey helps traders to stay focused and motivated.
Maintaining a balanced mindset is critical. Embracing both winning and losing trades as part of the process prevents emotional extremes that could cloud judgment. Moreover, self-awareness and the ability to control impulses are essential in making well-informed decisions.
In essence, while market analysis and strategy are essential, the significance of trading psychology cannot be overstated. A trader equipped with a strong psychological foundation is better poised to navigate the complexities of the financial markets and ultimately improve their trading performance. Sharpening one's mental edge might be the key to unlocking success in the ever-fluctuating world of trading.

Do not fade $GLMR it has broken and accumulated above the 200 Day EMA just like $APT and $SOL . It can run very fast from here just like many of the other altcoins. It's just a matter of time now. My targets for profit taking are: Target 1: 0.4 Target 2 : 0.55-0.57 after that we will see what happens. Follow for more. I am still holding my long position on it. #BTC #ETH #etf #BNBecosystem #sol
Do not fade $GLMR it has broken and accumulated above the 200 Day EMA just like $APT and $SOL . It can run very fast from here just like many of the other altcoins.

It's just a matter of time now.

My targets for profit taking are:

Target 1: 0.4
Target 2 : 0.55-0.57

after that we will see what happens.

Follow for more. I am still holding my long position on it.

#BTC #ETH #etf #BNBecosystem #sol
Em Alta
Took a long position in $GLMR looks very strong here. Made a double bottom on the weekly and looks ready to fly. $BTC should stay above 34k for this to play out.

Leverage 3-5x only.

Target 1: 0.41 🎯
Target 2: 0.51-0.56 🎯

Everything mapped out on the chart.

Follow for more.

#BTC #Solana📈🚀🌐 #GLMR #sui
Crypto BNB: Challenges and Uncertainties AheadCryptocurrency world, Binance‘s token BNB, is painting a challenging picture for the exchange giant amidst the recent crypto rally. The token’s lagging performance in the market, following the conviction of its former CEO and a hefty $4.3 billion fine for Binance, underlines the obstacles faced by the struggling crypto platform. So, what can be expected in the near future? Altcoin BNB Faces an Uphill Battle While the cryptocurrency market witnessed a strong 12% surge last week, reaching $180 billion, BNB traded at $231 with a modest 1.7% increase. This lackluster performance highlighted the complex landscape for Binance, especially as BNB is generally considered an indicator of sensitivity to the stock market. Legal troubles surrounding Binance, culminating in a guilty verdict for money laundering and sanctions violations on November 21, cast a shadow over BNB. Unlike its counterparts, BNB remained in the red since the beginning of the year, emphasizing the unique challenges faced by Binance in the current regulatory climate. Erosion of Binance’s Dominance While Binance continues to maintain its position as a significant player in the crypto trading arena, its dominance is waning. The exchange’s share in spot trading volumes dropped from 55% to 32% in November, reflecting a changing landscape. Industry experts anticipate a shift in the hierarchy of centralized exchanges, with competitors like OKX, Bybit, Coinbase, and Bitget poised to take the lead. The admission of guilt by Binance’s founder Changpeng Zhao and his simultaneous resignation from the CEO position have raised questions about the company’s future. Newly appointed CEO Richard Teng is faced with the daunting task of halting the decline in market share and steering the company through legal challenges. BNB’s Journey BNB experienced an 8% decline following the guilty verdict for former CEO CZ and the historic $4 billion fine. Clara Medalie, Director of Research at Kaiko, noted that BNB’s current poor performance is directly linked to Binance’s legal troubles. Despite recent setbacks, BNB has exhibited resilience over the past three years, delivering a 700% increase in performance. This year’s recovery in digital asset prices provided some support for Binance. However, legal challenges remain the biggest obstacle to BNB’s growth. Future Uncertainties and Operational Continuity As BNB grapples with immediate issues, industry observers continue to be cautious. The legal resolution undoubtedly impacted BNB’s price, but Binance continues to operate, offering a glimmer of hope amid uncertainties. Richard Teng‘s assumption of leadership, the selection of a formal headquarters, and the appointment of a board of directors, as well as enhanced financial transparency, are crucial decisions to be made. In a market where sentiments quickly change, BNB’s journey unfolds in the midst of a complex regulatory environment, serving as an example of flexibility and adaptability for the broader crypto industry. $BNB #BNBecosystem

Crypto BNB: Challenges and Uncertainties Ahead

Cryptocurrency world, Binance‘s token BNB, is painting a challenging picture for the exchange giant amidst the recent crypto rally. The token’s lagging performance in the market, following the conviction of its former CEO and a hefty $4.3 billion fine for Binance, underlines the obstacles faced by the struggling crypto platform. So, what can be expected in the near future?
Altcoin BNB Faces an Uphill Battle
While the cryptocurrency market witnessed a strong 12% surge last week, reaching $180 billion, BNB traded at $231 with a modest 1.7% increase. This lackluster performance highlighted the complex landscape for Binance, especially as BNB is generally considered an indicator of sensitivity to the stock market.

Legal troubles surrounding Binance, culminating in a guilty verdict for money laundering and sanctions violations on November 21, cast a shadow over BNB. Unlike its counterparts, BNB remained in the red since the beginning of the year, emphasizing the unique challenges faced by Binance in the current regulatory climate.
Erosion of Binance’s Dominance
While Binance continues to maintain its position as a significant player in the crypto trading arena, its dominance is waning. The exchange’s share in spot trading volumes dropped from 55% to 32% in November, reflecting a changing landscape. Industry experts anticipate a shift in the hierarchy of centralized exchanges, with competitors like OKX, Bybit, Coinbase, and Bitget poised to take the lead.

The admission of guilt by Binance’s founder Changpeng Zhao and his simultaneous resignation from the CEO position have raised questions about the company’s future. Newly appointed CEO Richard Teng is faced with the daunting task of halting the decline in market share and steering the company through legal challenges.
BNB’s Journey
BNB experienced an 8% decline following the guilty verdict for former CEO CZ and the historic $4 billion fine. Clara Medalie, Director of Research at Kaiko, noted that BNB’s current poor performance is directly linked to Binance’s legal troubles.
Despite recent setbacks, BNB has exhibited resilience over the past three years, delivering a 700% increase in performance. This year’s recovery in digital asset prices provided some support for Binance. However, legal challenges remain the biggest obstacle to BNB’s growth.
Future Uncertainties and Operational Continuity
As BNB grapples with immediate issues, industry observers continue to be cautious. The legal resolution undoubtedly impacted BNB’s price, but Binance continues to operate, offering a glimmer of hope amid uncertainties.
Richard Teng‘s assumption of leadership, the selection of a formal headquarters, and the appointment of a board of directors, as well as enhanced financial transparency, are crucial decisions to be made. In a market where sentiments quickly change, BNB’s journey unfolds in the midst of a complex regulatory environment, serving as an example of flexibility and adaptability for the broader crypto industry.
$BNB #BNBecosystem
一口氣全了解GameFi,如何成為下個牛市熱點  隨著ACE token在Binance上市,鏈遊板塊再次重入大眾眼簾。本人曾多次強調,鏈遊會是下輪牛市的風口,在未來數個月,可以預計會有林林總總的鏈遊推出市場。因此,本文章會簡單介紹什麼是鏈遊,與傳統電子遊戲的差異,以及梳理其過去發展和預測未來趨勢,結尾更會推薦較為有潛力的遊戲。     鏈遊是什麼?   鏈遊(下稱GameFi)全稱為區塊鏈遊戲,指的是結合區塊鏈技術與遊戲的金融模式(Game+Finance)。簡單說,GameFi將加密貨幣、非同質化代幣(NFT)、去中心化金融(DeFi)等元素應用在遊戲中,讓玩家可以通過遊戲真正賺取收入。  傳統遊戲最大的不同在於,GameFi遊戲使用了區塊鏈技術,這意味著遊戲的資產由玩家自己控制。玩家可以交易收集到的遊戲道具、虛擬土地,或通過提供流戶資金來獲得真實的收益。   與傳統電子遊戲的差異   傳統電子遊戲重視的是遊戲體驗、畫面、操作、故事內容等等方面,務求令玩家沉浸於遊戲本身;然而GameFi並重視的是金融屬性方面,即使遊戲本身趣味性不足,但仍可透過「play to earn」獲利,這些盈利模式為玩家提供強大的經濟誘因,讓玩家成為共同參與和受益者。 GameFi的可持續營運並不在於創作出更好玩的遊戲模式,而是如何維持其代幣經濟模型。正因如此,以盈利為導向的往往令到大部份項目遊戲性不強,品質參差不齊,很多仍停留在概念階段,大型遊戲開發時間過長淪為短期炒作的噱頭。   GameFi的發展   1.盤古初開的時候   2.野蠻發展的上半場以Axie Infinity為首的GameFi 2.0時期,其核心都是圍統著Play-to-earn。各個項目不管在玩法(如掛機式的Farming、爬塔闖關PVE、卡牌對戰PVP),還是在經濟模型(單幣、雙幣、Token+NFT、U本位、幣本位等),其本質框架還是屬於龐氏結構,依靠不斷進場的資金去支付前期玩家的利息。  簡單來說,就是老玩家用新玩家投入的資金進行複投,新玩家不斷向老玩家支付利息和短期回報,以制造老玩家賺錢的假象。當沒有新玩家入場,資金鏈中斷,造成token流動池只有賣盤沒有買盤,token價格死亡螺旋式下跌。因此,大部份GameFi 2.0時期的項目都會有一個生命周期,且只有一個周期,一但死亡螺旋後就很難重啟向上。而不同的模型、團隊、背景、運營、所處的宏觀經濟周期在整個過程中影響著整個項目,遊戲本身的質素、趣味性較為次要。  Axie Infinity作為Play-to-earn的鼻祖,其背景、資源、玩家共識都是當期的其他GameFi無法匹敵的。因此它在僅有基礎雙幣模型和繁殖系統的情況下,依然能保持幾個月的上升期。其強大的盈利能力,更帶動菲律賓的經濟,提供超過15萬人就業機會。但隨著缺少新用戶的加入,Token形成巨大泡沫,之後也是緩慢下跌,至今從高位下跌超過8成以上。 ($AXS) 另外,同為雙token模型的BinaryX憑借著社區共識吸引了大戶的鎖倉同時營造出極強的造富效應,在項目初期吸引了大量的用戶。但也面臨著子幣無限通脹的問題,一但沒有足夠的打金效應,立馬就會進入負反饋階段,用戶數量迅速下降,價格也隨之暴跌。 ($BNX) 在經歷過一輪清洗以及一段時間的沉澱後,一些背景可靠、經濟模型小創新、運營能力較強的優質項目依然能在較差的大盤環境下,再度活躍於市場,掀起一小波GameFi的熱潮。 其中較為亮眼的當屬Solana鏈的Stepn。 Stepn初期並不被看好,認為跟以往的GameFi一樣避免不了死亡螺旋的經濟代幣模式。但是Stepn創新的「Move-to-earn」造成大量玩家擁入,其熱潮一度居高不下,更造成「出圈效應」。當然,Stepn也是採用經典的雙token模式,不同於以往的是,玩家獲得token的方法是跑步,令到很多沒接觸過區塊鏈的玩家都嘗試接觸。 但是本質上並沒有改變整體架構,靠新玩家進場去維持遊戲持續性的模式一但失去外循環整個遊戲便會崩潰,token價格一下跌造富效應消失,玩家便急速賣出token,造成進一步價格下跌,遊戲本身的可玩性已經不再重要。($GMT) 經過一個周期證實,GameFi 2.0這種偏龐氏在項目初期是一種引流方式,但依靠外循環模式並不可行,如果項目方找不到自身內循環的方式吸收掉之前的泡將很難逃離出死亡螺旋的結果。 因此,GameFi發展開始著重在更多遊戲內容、玩法、畫面。強力的背景加上不斷維持社區共識才能延長遊戲的生命周期。換句話來說,GameFi要平衡其可玩性及金融性,不論是內容畫質上的更新,還是新穎的X2E的金融屬性,是讓GameFi邁步新起點。      3.資本全面進場  Binance research的《GameFi代幣經濟學深度研究》指出,GameFi的發展方向應該要符下以下幾點: 因此,GameFi獨特的Play-to-earn模式是適合區塊鏈環境。用戶可以通過玩遊戲高效賺取收益,更因為區塊鏈技術賦予了用戶資產所有權和劃轉資產的自由,因而提高了Play-to-earn的可行情。雖然在目前的形式下,Play-to-earn模式相對而言不夠成熟,市場由以金融為導向,其核心關注點在於嘗試經濟激勵而非遊戲玩法本身。結果除經濟利益外,玩家沒有參與遊戲的動力。 不過,任何領域都需要時間來發展和成熟,隨著時間推移,GameFi會出現優秀的作品和更符合區塊鏈和Play-to-earn模式的遊戲出現。要克服這些問題,必須探索一款優質遊戲必備特質。 優質遊戲必備以下的七點: -競技性 -靈活性 -趣味性 -操作性 -創新性 -世界觀 -獎勵 然而,區塊鏈特式如何可以結合以上的7點,開發出更優秀的遊戲;或者換個角度思考,區塊鏈技術為遊戲行業帶來什麼的價值。   對用戶的好處:   1.數字資產的所有權 建立在區塊鏈上的遊戲,所有權是在玩家的手上。例如遊戲中的皮膚、道具、武器等都是玩家實際擁有的NFT,如果玩家希望出售,可以通過熱門的NFT市場進行交易。也意味著玩家可以將物品轉移至另一款遊戲或同一項目開發的多款遊戲中,大大提升玩家的自由度。  2.治理權 區塊鏈有一個很重要的概念是去中心化自治組織(DAO),只要你擁有該DAO的原生治理代幣,就可以參與遊戲方各和路線圖的設計。DAO不單可以幫助指導遊戲發開,也可參與制定項目在資本和社區方面的發展路線。  3.去中心化遊戲經濟 玩家可獲得一部份遊戲收入,從而可提高玩家留存率。另外,考慮到遊戲的去中心化特性,玩家不必依賴中心化的一方,可自己為遊戲作出貢獻。  4.透明性 在Web3遊戲中,遊戲內貨幣的供應方更為透明。通過區塊瀏覽器追蹤遊戲內的貨幣合約,可以驗證遊戲內的流通供應量和總供應量。  對開發者的好處:  1.龐大的市場 Web3行業市值已經達至1.5兆美金,可為開發商帶來更多的商機。智能電話的出現,為遊戲開發者帶來新的平台與機會,區塊鏈的出現,也會引入新的人流。  2.獨特的開發者控制 開發者可通過智能合約有效地調節其遊戲經濟,並通過設置特定的預定義條件以控制其遊戲內的交易。這既確保了交易的公平進行,又可以限制遊戲內市場的過度飽和。  3.可組合性 可組合性對用戶和開發者而言都是一大關鍵優勢,它允許完全不同的遊戲彼此交互,因而有助於解鎖新的遊戲用例,而這在之前無法實現。  4.互動性 更強開發商與玩家之間的距離更近,玩家可透過DAO進行投票,去表達對於遊戲的發展和方向。開發商可以從投票結果去修正或與玩家進行討論,從而令到遊戲符合雙方的期望走向。   優質遊戲介紹 Bigtime(Token $Bigtime) Big Time成立於2021年4月,是一款面向PC端的多人動作角色扮演遊戲,玩法類似魔獸世界與暗黑破壞神,它結合了快速動作戰鬥、NFT的收藏和裝飾,以及穿越時空的冒險。Big Time也是最早一批主打3A概念的鏈遊。遊戲部署在ETH鏈上,為了保障流暢的體驗,採取當下主流的「鏈上資產、鏈下遊戲」雙層架構。一大亮點是,專案團隊為了解決鏈上資產交易Gas費昂貴的困擾,使用專利的Vault技術,打造了官方的開放市場。簡單理解,團隊透過Vault做了一個安全度較高的鏈下資料保管系統,將創建或購買的物品記錄儲存在自己的資料庫中,其資料庫與鏈上資產流通狀態保持即時同步,因此,玩家除了可以自行鏈上交易資產外,也可以在公開市場中使用金融卡、信用卡、電匯、USDC等方式實現免Gas交易。    Fusionist(Token $ACE) Fusionist 團隊創建於2021 年12 月,創辦人兼CEO Ike T. 出身騰訊遊戲團隊(2009-2012)遊戲開發經驗豐富。Fusionist 構建了一個可擴展且可持續發展的科幻世界,並結合複雜遊戲設計和通縮代幣機制。目前遊戲已公佈三種遊戲模式,分別為:Colonize(模擬建設)、Conquer(回合制遊戲)以及Unite(MMORPG)。玩家將可在遊戲過程中獲得代幣和其他NFT 獎勵。  Lumiterra(Token $LUA)  Lumiterra 是一款多人線上的開放世界生存製作遊戲,它將去中心化金融(DeFi)、遊戲金融(GameFi)和玩家結合在一個共存系統中,提供多樣化的遊戲選項和體驗。它的特點有哪些?1.高質量的有趣遊戲體驗。2.創新的相互連接的飛輪機制,擁有開放的經濟系統。 #GameFi #BNBecosystem


隨著ACE token在Binance上市,鏈遊板塊再次重入大眾眼簾。本人曾多次強調,鏈遊會是下輪牛市的風口,在未來數個月,可以預計會有林林總總的鏈遊推出市場。因此,本文章會簡單介紹什麼是鏈遊,與傳統電子遊戲的差異,以及梳理其過去發展和預測未來趨勢,結尾更會推薦較為有潛力的遊戲。
傳統電子遊戲重視的是遊戲體驗、畫面、操作、故事內容等等方面,務求令玩家沉浸於遊戲本身;然而GameFi並重視的是金融屬性方面,即使遊戲本身趣味性不足,但仍可透過「play to earn」獲利,這些盈利模式為玩家提供強大的經濟誘因,讓玩家成為共同參與和受益者。


2.野蠻發展的上半場以Axie Infinity為首的GameFi 2.0時期,其核心都是圍統著Play-to-earn。各個項目不管在玩法(如掛機式的Farming、爬塔闖關PVE、卡牌對戰PVP),還是在經濟模型(單幣、雙幣、Token+NFT、U本位、幣本位等),其本質框架還是屬於龐氏結構,依靠不斷進場的資金去支付前期玩家的利息。
 簡單來說,就是老玩家用新玩家投入的資金進行複投,新玩家不斷向老玩家支付利息和短期回報,以制造老玩家賺錢的假象。當沒有新玩家入場,資金鏈中斷,造成token流動池只有賣盤沒有買盤,token價格死亡螺旋式下跌。因此,大部份GameFi 2.0時期的項目都會有一個生命周期,且只有一個周期,一但死亡螺旋後就很難重啟向上。而不同的模型、團隊、背景、運營、所處的宏觀經濟周期在整個過程中影響著整個項目,遊戲本身的質素、趣味性較為次要。 

Axie Infinity作為Play-to-earn的鼻祖,其背景、資源、玩家共識都是當期的其他GameFi無法匹敵的。因此它在僅有基礎雙幣模型和繁殖系統的情況下,依然能保持幾個月的上升期。其強大的盈利能力,更帶動菲律賓的經濟,提供超過15萬人就業機會。但隨著缺少新用戶的加入,Token形成巨大泡沫,之後也是緩慢下跌,至今從高位下跌超過8成以上。 ($AXS )

另外,同為雙token模型的BinaryX憑借著社區共識吸引了大戶的鎖倉同時營造出極強的造富效應,在項目初期吸引了大量的用戶。但也面臨著子幣無限通脹的問題,一但沒有足夠的打金效應,立馬就會進入負反饋階段,用戶數量迅速下降,價格也隨之暴跌。 ($BNX )

在經歷過一輪清洗以及一段時間的沉澱後,一些背景可靠、經濟模型小創新、運營能力較強的優質項目依然能在較差的大盤環境下,再度活躍於市場,掀起一小波GameFi的熱潮。 其中較為亮眼的當屬Solana鏈的Stepn。

Stepn初期並不被看好,認為跟以往的GameFi一樣避免不了死亡螺旋的經濟代幣模式。但是Stepn創新的「Move-to-earn」造成大量玩家擁入,其熱潮一度居高不下,更造成「出圈效應」。當然,Stepn也是採用經典的雙token模式,不同於以往的是,玩家獲得token的方法是跑步,令到很多沒接觸過區塊鏈的玩家都嘗試接觸。 但是本質上並沒有改變整體架構,靠新玩家進場去維持遊戲持續性的模式一但失去外循環整個遊戲便會崩潰,token價格一下跌造富效應消失,玩家便急速賣出token,造成進一步價格下跌,遊戲本身的可玩性已經不再重要。($GMT)

經過一個周期證實,GameFi 2.0這種偏龐氏在項目初期是一種引流方式,但依靠外循環模式並不可行,如果項目方找不到自身內循環的方式吸收掉之前的泡將很難逃離出死亡螺旋的結果。 因此,GameFi發展開始著重在更多遊戲內容、玩法、畫面。強力的背景加上不斷維持社區共識才能延長遊戲的生命周期。換句話來說,GameFi要平衡其可玩性及金融性,不論是內容畫質上的更新,還是新穎的X2E的金融屬性,是讓GameFi邁步新起點。    


Binance research的《GameFi代幣經濟學深度研究》指出,GameFi的發展方向應該要符下以下幾點:











Bigtime(Token $Bigtime)

Big Time成立於2021年4月,是一款面向PC端的多人動作角色扮演遊戲,玩法類似魔獸世界與暗黑破壞神,它結合了快速動作戰鬥、NFT的收藏和裝飾,以及穿越時空的冒險。Big Time也是最早一批主打3A概念的鏈遊。遊戲部署在ETH鏈上,為了保障流暢的體驗,採取當下主流的「鏈上資產、鏈下遊戲」雙層架構。一大亮點是,專案團隊為了解決鏈上資產交易Gas費昂貴的困擾,使用專利的Vault技術,打造了官方的開放市場。簡單理解,團隊透過Vault做了一個安全度較高的鏈下資料保管系統,將創建或購買的物品記錄儲存在自己的資料庫中,其資料庫與鏈上資產流通狀態保持即時同步,因此,玩家除了可以自行鏈上交易資產外,也可以在公開市場中使用金融卡、信用卡、電匯、USDC等方式實現免Gas交易。  

 Fusionist(Token $ACE)

Fusionist 團隊創建於2021 年12 月,創辦人兼CEO Ike T. 出身騰訊遊戲團隊(2009-2012)遊戲開發經驗豐富。Fusionist 構建了一個可擴展且可持續發展的科幻世界,並結合複雜遊戲設計和通縮代幣機制。目前遊戲已公佈三種遊戲模式,分別為:Colonize(模擬建設)、Conquer(回合制遊戲)以及Unite(MMORPG)。玩家將可在遊戲過程中獲得代幣和其他NFT 獎勵。

 Lumiterra(Token $LUA)

 Lumiterra 是一款多人線上的開放世界生存製作遊戲,它將去中心化金融(DeFi)、遊戲金融(GameFi)和玩家結合在一個共存系統中,提供多樣化的遊戲選項和體驗。它的特點有哪些?1.高質量的有趣遊戲體驗。2.創新的相互連接的飛輪機制,擁有開放的經濟系統。

#GameFi #BNBecosystem
You often hear and read that ChatGPT has predicted the future of cryptocurrencies. Do you think artificial intelligence is capable of detecting market trends? Be sure to tell in the comments# #BTC #ETH #Polygon #sol #BNBecosystem
You often hear and read that ChatGPT has predicted the future of cryptocurrencies. Do you think artificial intelligence is capable of detecting market trends? Be sure to tell in the comments#
#BTC #ETH #Polygon #sol #BNBecosystem
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$BTC $ETH #etf #Poloniex #BNBecosystem #Polygon BITCOIN'S (BTC) ENVISAGE TOWARDS POSITIVE GROWTH Bitcoin (BTC) BTC's latest ascent to its annual high was abruptly followed by a steep correction, plummeting 3,000 points in just an hour. This downturn culminated in a local low at $35,633, effective... - DEXWireNews (Sat, 11 Nov 2023 07:39:19 -0600)
$BTC $ETH #etf #Poloniex #BNBecosystem #Polygon
Bitcoin (BTC) BTC's latest ascent to its annual high was abruptly followed by a steep correction, plummeting 3,000 points in just an hour. This downturn culminated in a local low at $35,633, effective...

- DEXWireNews (Sat, 11 Nov 2023 07:39:19 -0600)
BNB/USDT 1-day technical analysis "📈 #BNB🔥 USDT Update 🚀 Current Price: $244 🐂 A potential bull flag is forming in the BNB USDT market. If the pattern holds, we could see a bullish run, with a target price of $350. Keep an eye on the charts and stay informed! #CryptoUpdate #BNB #BullishTrend" Please remember that this is for informational purposes and not financial advice. Always do your own research and consult with a financial expert before making any investment decisions. #BBW2023 #BNBecosystem #Stablecoins #BTC $BTC $BCH $BNB

BNB/USDT 1-day technical analysis

"📈 #BNB🔥 USDT Update 🚀
Current Price: $244
🐂 A potential bull flag is forming in the BNB USDT market. If the pattern holds, we could see a bullish run, with a target price of $350. Keep an eye on the charts and stay informed!
#CryptoUpdate #BNB #BullishTrend"
Please remember that this is for informational purposes and not financial advice. Always do your own research and consult with a financial expert before making any investment decisions.
#BBW2023 #BNBecosystem #Stablecoins #BTC
Em Alta
**📉 Cryptocurrency Price Analysis - BNB, XRP, SOL 🚀** **BNB (Binance Coin)** - 📉 Price: $254 - BNB broke below the 20-day EMA ($239) on Nov. 14 but found strong support at $235. - Upsloping moving averages and positive RSI suggest a slight edge for bulls. - Key resistance at $258-$265; a sharp downturn from $265 may lead to consolidation between $235 and $265. **XRP (Ripple)** - 📉 Price: $0.64 - XRP pierced $0.74 resistance on Nov. 13 but faced aggressive selling, dropping below the 20-day EMA ($0.62). - Battle expected at the 20-day EMA; sustained trading below could lead to $0.56, creating a range between $0.56 and $0.74. - Bulls need to push above $0.74 for a potential rally to $0.85 and later to $1. **Solana (SOL)** - 📉 Price: $63 - Bears attempted a correction in Solana on Nov. 13 but were countered at $51 on Nov. 14. - Bulls aim to surpass $64; successful move could trigger the next leg of the uptrend with targets at $77 and $95. - RSI in overbought territory indicates a potential correction or consolidation in the near term. For a detailed analysis of more cryptocurrencies, including ADA, DOGE, MATIC, LINK, and TON, check out the full article. Are bulls maintaining control, or will bears initiate a corrective phase? 📊🐂🐻 #BNBecosystem #XRP #Solana📈🚀🌐 #CryptocurrencyPrices #JojoDaily $BNB $XRP $SOL
**📉 Cryptocurrency Price Analysis - BNB, XRP, SOL 🚀**

**BNB (Binance Coin)**
- 📉 Price: $254
- BNB broke below the 20-day EMA ($239) on Nov. 14 but found strong support at $235.
- Upsloping moving averages and positive RSI suggest a slight edge for bulls.
- Key resistance at $258-$265; a sharp downturn from $265 may lead to consolidation between $235 and $265.

**XRP (Ripple)**
- 📉 Price: $0.64
- XRP pierced $0.74 resistance on Nov. 13 but faced aggressive selling, dropping below the 20-day EMA ($0.62).
- Battle expected at the 20-day EMA; sustained trading below could lead to $0.56, creating a range between $0.56 and $0.74.
- Bulls need to push above $0.74 for a potential rally to $0.85 and later to $1.

**Solana (SOL)**
- 📉 Price: $63
- Bears attempted a correction in Solana on Nov. 13 but were countered at $51 on Nov. 14.
- Bulls aim to surpass $64; successful move could trigger the next leg of the uptrend with targets at $77 and $95.
- RSI in overbought territory indicates a potential correction or consolidation in the near term.

For a detailed analysis of more cryptocurrencies, including ADA, DOGE, MATIC, LINK, and TON, check out the full article. Are bulls maintaining control, or will bears initiate a corrective phase? 📊🐂🐻 #BNBecosystem #XRP #Solana📈🚀🌐 #CryptocurrencyPrices #JojoDaily $BNB $XRP $SOL
Congrats🎉to everyone who participated in the $MNLA presale. You are now part of great vision. In a few hrs, the ICO will end. If you haven’t bought the #Manilla token, hurry now to 👉 and get some. #sol #BTC #BNBecosystem   #Bitcoin…  $BNB $SOL #BONK $BTC
Congrats🎉to everyone who participated in the $MNLA presale. You are now part of great vision. In a few hrs, the ICO will end.

If you haven’t bought the #Manilla token, hurry now to 👉 and get some.

#sol #BTC #BNBecosystem   #Bitcoin…  $BNB $SOL #BONK $BTC
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