This swarm has the largest market cap among these coins, and its initial popularity was quite high. Going long on Binance contracts without a spot market essentially means a dead-end. Those who entered short positions based on my strategy are all confused #swarms
This afternoon, Binance launched three new contracts. Recently, new launches have been quite frequent, but I was able to monitor them in real-time through Weixin messages. After the announcement, I can short on other exchanges after it spikes. High market cap first, basically can catch a wave. Does anyone understand my strategy? 😂 Recently, the success rate is about 80-90%. #swarms
$1000SATS De acordo com os dados da coinank, o volume de posições e o aumento acumulado da negociação (cvd) apresentaram uma anomalia. No mercado à vista, houve uma grande quantidade de compras a preço de mercado, mas o preço não subiu, e sim formou uma grande vela de baixa, o que indica uma forte pressão de ordens de venda acima. A pressão de vendas ainda está intensa; é melhor não tentar comprar na baixa por enquanto. 😅
This afternoon, Binance launched three new contracts. Recently, new launches have been quite frequent, but I was able to monitor them in real-time through Weixin messages. After the announcement, I can short on other exchanges after it spikes. High market cap first, basically can catch a wave. Does anyone understand my strategy? 😂 Recently, the success rate is about 80-90%. #swarms