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Bitcoin Spot ETF: atrasos na SEC não conseguem parar o BTC quando o preço chega a US$ 38.000A última decisão da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (SEC) não foi suficiente para conter a principal criptomoeda, Bitcoin. A criptomoeda ultrapassou US$ 38.000, mesmo com a decisão da SEC de adiar dois ETFs de Bitcoin à vista.SEC adia ETF Templeton e Hashdex Bitcoin SpotEm 28 de novembro, a SEC adiou sua decisão sobre o pedido de ETF Spot Bitcoin da Templeton e Hashdex. Como parte do anúncio, a Comissão também solicitou comentários sobre aquela que tem sido a sua principal preocupação até agora: a questão da fraude e da manipulação e se os acordos de vigilância em vigor podem ou não ajudar a refreá-la.

Bitcoin Spot ETF: atrasos na SEC não conseguem parar o BTC quando o preço chega a US$ 38.000

A última decisão da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (SEC) não foi suficiente para conter a principal criptomoeda, Bitcoin. A criptomoeda ultrapassou US$ 38.000, mesmo com a decisão da SEC de adiar dois ETFs de Bitcoin à vista.SEC adia ETF Templeton e Hashdex Bitcoin SpotEm 28 de novembro, a SEC adiou sua decisão sobre o pedido de ETF Spot Bitcoin da Templeton e Hashdex. Como parte do anúncio, a Comissão também solicitou comentários sobre aquela que tem sido a sua principal preocupação até agora: a questão da fraude e da manipulação e se os acordos de vigilância em vigor podem ou não ajudar a refreá-la.
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O preço do XRP pode chegar a US$ 1 em dezembro? Grande baleia compra sinal de entrada a todo vaporO popular analista de criptomoedas <t-31/>#AliMartinez compartilhou uma análise interessante sobre o aumento da atividade de grandes $XRP baleias recentemente, o que pode indicar o início de uma recuperação significativa para <t-36/ > para atingir o cobiçado preço de US$ 1.De acordo com Ali, os dados on-chain do XRP mostram que #Whales adquiriu cerca de 11 milhões de tokens XRP na última semana, avaliados em aproximadamente US$ 6,82 milhões.Essas compras significativas por baleias e detentores relevantes do token nativo #Ripple podem sugerir uma confiança crescente no projeto e seu potencial de valorização futura à medida que o futuro do processo judicial #SEC se aproxima.

O preço do XRP pode chegar a US$ 1 em dezembro? Grande baleia compra sinal de entrada a todo vapor

O popular analista de criptomoedas <t-31/>#AliMartinez compartilhou uma análise interessante sobre o aumento da atividade de grandes $XRP baleias recentemente, o que pode indicar o início de uma recuperação significativa para <t-36/ > para atingir o cobiçado preço de US$ 1.De acordo com Ali, os dados on-chain do XRP mostram que #Whales adquiriu cerca de 11 milhões de tokens XRP na última semana, avaliados em aproximadamente US$ 6,82 milhões.Essas compras significativas por baleias e detentores relevantes do token nativo #Ripple podem sugerir uma confiança crescente no projeto e seu potencial de valorização futura à medida que o futuro do processo judicial #SEC se aproxima.
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Solana Bulls prontos para cobrar enquanto os analistas prevêem uma recuperação além de US$ 80Eventos positivos ocorreram para <t-59/>#Solana📈🚀🌐 (SOL), a rede #blockchain de alto desempenho, indicando impulso de alta. No último mês, o preço do Solana subiu 84% e atualmente é negociado a US$ 56.Com ganhos de 18 dos 30 dias anteriores e volatilidade de preços de 22,32%, Solana ainda é uma força a ser enfrentada. Nesse período de tempo, o preço do #SOL’s subiu impressionantes 78%, de US$ 32 para US$ 57.O ecossistema está muito mais animado agora que a Binance listou #BONKUSDT , uma moeda meme baseada em Solana. Outra prova do compromisso de Solana com as artes é a criação do Artists in Residence, um movimentado estúdio que mostra a variedade de formas de arte envolvidas no projeto.

Solana Bulls prontos para cobrar enquanto os analistas prevêem uma recuperação além de US$ 80

Eventos positivos ocorreram para <t-59/>#Solana📈🚀🌐 (SOL), a rede #blockchain de alto desempenho, indicando impulso de alta. No último mês, o preço do Solana subiu 84% e atualmente é negociado a US$ 56.Com ganhos de 18 dos 30 dias anteriores e volatilidade de preços de 22,32%, Solana ainda é uma força a ser enfrentada. Nesse período de tempo, o preço do #SOL’s subiu impressionantes 78%, de US$ 32 para US$ 57.O ecossistema está muito mais animado agora que a Binance listou #BONKUSDT , uma moeda meme baseada em Solana. Outra prova do compromisso de Solana com as artes é a criação do Artists in Residence, um movimentado estúdio que mostra a variedade de formas de arte envolvidas no projeto.
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Vitalik Buterin, da Ethereum, diz que IA pode representar “risco existencial” O potencial da IA ​​para ser mais do que apenas mais um avanço tecnológico, apresentando riscos que não podemos ignorar.#VitalikButerin , o cofundador do Ethereum, emitiu um alerta severo sobre #Artificial_Intelligence (AI).Ele não está agrupando #AI com avanços tecnológicos usuais, como smartphones ou mídias sociais. Em vez disso, #Buterin coloca a IA numa categoria própria devido ao seu potencial para revolucionar a sociedade (tal como fizeram a imprensa ou a roda).A reviravolta? A IA pode ser mais esperta que todos nós, tornando-se potencialmente a força dominante na Terra. É um salto para um território desconhecido.

Vitalik Buterin, da Ethereum, diz que IA pode representar “risco existencial”

O potencial da IA ​​para ser mais do que apenas mais um avanço tecnológico, apresentando riscos que não podemos ignorar.#VitalikButerin , o cofundador do Ethereum, emitiu um alerta severo sobre #Artificial_Intelligence (AI).Ele não está agrupando #AI com avanços tecnológicos usuais, como smartphones ou mídias sociais. Em vez disso, #Buterin coloca a IA numa categoria própria devido ao seu potencial para revolucionar a sociedade (tal como fizeram a imprensa ou a roda).A reviravolta? A IA pode ser mais esperta que todos nós, tornando-se potencialmente a força dominante na Terra. É um salto para um território desconhecido.
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O novo CEO da Binance encontra Khabib e Ronaldo: dica de parceria? #BinanceCEO Richard Teng, acompanhado pelos ícones do esporte Khabib e Ronaldo no Grande Prêmio de Abu Dhabi, desperta rumores sobre uma possível colaboração. O Grande Prêmio de Fórmula 1 em Abu Dhabi não só apresentou corridas de alta velocidade, mas também reuniu rostos inesperados. #RichardTeng , o novo CEO da #Binance , foi visto ao lado da lenda das artes marciais mistas Khabib Nurmagomedov e do ícone do futebol Ronaldo.Em linha com o cenário esportivo contemporâneo, os logotipos das empresas de criptografia, incluindo o da Binance, tiveram destaque em banners publicitários. A interação entre Teng e as lendas do esporte alimentou imediatamente especulações nas redes sociais sobre uma potencial colaboração entre o gigante da criptografia e os dois atletas.

O novo CEO da Binance encontra Khabib e Ronaldo: dica de parceria?

#BinanceCEO Richard Teng, acompanhado pelos ícones do esporte Khabib e Ronaldo no Grande Prêmio de Abu Dhabi, desperta rumores sobre uma possível colaboração. O Grande Prêmio de Fórmula 1 em Abu Dhabi não só apresentou corridas de alta velocidade, mas também reuniu rostos inesperados. #RichardTeng , o novo CEO da #Binance , foi visto ao lado da lenda das artes marciais mistas Khabib Nurmagomedov e do ícone do futebol Ronaldo.Em linha com o cenário esportivo contemporâneo, os logotipos das empresas de criptografia, incluindo o da Binance, tiveram destaque em banners publicitários. A interação entre Teng e as lendas do esporte alimentou imediatamente especulações nas redes sociais sobre uma potencial colaboração entre o gigante da criptografia e os dois atletas.
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Preço do Bitcoin enfrenta rejeição e agora corre risco de extensão negativaO preço do Bitcoin ainda está lutando para se estabilizar acima de US$ 38.000. O BTC está mostrando alguns sinais de baixa e pode cair abaixo do suporte de US$ 37.150.O Bitcoin ainda enfrenta forte resistência perto da resistência de US$ 37.750.O preço está sendo negociado abaixo de US$ 37.500 e da média móvel simples de 100 horas.Há uma linha de tendência de baixa se formando com resistência perto de US$ 37.450 no gráfico horário do par BTC/USD (feed de dados do Kraken).O par pode continuar caindo se quebrar o suporte de US$ 37.150.Correção negativa de sinais de preço do Bitcoin

Preço do Bitcoin enfrenta rejeição e agora corre risco de extensão negativa

O preço do Bitcoin ainda está lutando para se estabilizar acima de US$ 38.000. O BTC está mostrando alguns sinais de baixa e pode cair abaixo do suporte de US$ 37.150.O Bitcoin ainda enfrenta forte resistência perto da resistência de US$ 37.750.O preço está sendo negociado abaixo de US$ 37.500 e da média móvel simples de 100 horas.Há uma linha de tendência de baixa se formando com resistência perto de US$ 37.450 no gráfico horário do par BTC/USD (feed de dados do Kraken).O par pode continuar caindo se quebrar o suporte de US$ 37.150.Correção negativa de sinais de preço do Bitcoin
Mad Money’s Jim Cramer Turns Bullish on Bitcoin: Is It Time to Sell? Jim Cramer, host of CNBC's "Mad Money," has shifted his view on Bitcoin, now advocating for it as it achieves an 18-month high.After a year of advising against Bitcoin, Cramer's change to bullishness raises questions among investors and market analysts.Cramer's new support for BTC coincides with its significant price surge, with investors reacting skeptically to his flip-flopping stance.Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC’s “Mad Money,” has reversed his stance on Bitcoin, advocating for it as it reaches an 18-month high.This change in opinion comes after a year of Cramer emphatically advising against Bitcoin. Consequently, leaving investors and market watchers to ponder the implications of his newfound bullishness.Cramer Turns Bullish on BTCMad Money’s Jim Cramer, known for his dynamic and often fluctuating views on financial products, stated that he had previously believed “the money had been made” in Bitcoin. However, he now admits this judgment was premature.“Look, if you like Bitcoin, buy Bitcoin. That has always been my view. And for a while, I liked it, and I decided that money had been made, but I was premature,” Cramer said.His renewed support for Bitcoin aligns with the cryptocurrency’s recent surge. #BTC soared above $38,000 for the first time in a year and a half, marking a 10% increase last month.The crypto and finance communities, often critical of Cramer’s shifting opinions, have raised eyebrows at this latest turn. Some investors humorously suggest that taking a stance opposite to Cramer’s advice could be a wise financial move.This sentiment even led to proposals for “Inverse Cramer ETFs” to the SEC, which based investments contrary to Cramer’s guidance. With Cramer’s renewed confidence in Bitcoin, some social media voices in the crypto market speculate that this might signal a potential downturn, potentially erasing recent gains.Is It Time to Sell Bitcoin?While some suggest it is time to sell Bitcoin after Cramer’s endorsement, several crypto experts beg to differ. For instance, Tone Vays, a trading veteran, sees no immediate resistance for the price of Bitcoin.“I don’t see any resistance. [Still,] according to the Fibonacci levels we do have resistance at $48,000 – $49,000 which is interesting because it’s just below that $50,000 round number. I know I have been saying that $41,000 – $42,000 is an area of reversal, but I think we can blow through that,” Vays said.Likewise, Ali Martinez, BeInCrypto’s Global Head of News, pointed out that Bitcoin built a strong support barrier between $25,000 and $30,000. Like Vays, Martinez emphasized that the only critical resistance levels are now at $38,440 and $47,360.Jacob Canfield, a renowned crypto trader, also shared a similar view, suggesting that Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins have more room to go up before the market faces a significant correction.“My playbook: First BTC to $48,700. Then ETH to $3,350. Then altcoins party for 14 days. Then sell everything to USD. Buy the 40% dip on Bitcoin and alts,” Canfield said.Finally, Thomas Lee, Head of Research at Fundstrat, interprets the current trends as positive signs for December, indicating a “risk on” environment.“The positive seasonals are working, and that is a risk on environment. I think the move on Bitcoin, which made a new high for the year, is another sign of risk on. I think for now it’s all good signs for December,” Lee added.Despite Cramer’s latest endorsement, Bitcoin may have more legs to go up before the next important move.#CZBNB #CryptoMovement #RichardTeng $BTC $ETH $BNB

Mad Money’s Jim Cramer Turns Bullish on Bitcoin: Is It Time to Sell?

Jim Cramer, host of CNBC's "Mad Money," has shifted his view on Bitcoin, now advocating for it as it achieves an 18-month high.After a year of advising against Bitcoin, Cramer's change to bullishness raises questions among investors and market analysts.Cramer's new support for BTC coincides with its significant price surge, with investors reacting skeptically to his flip-flopping stance.Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC’s “Mad Money,” has reversed his stance on Bitcoin, advocating for it as it reaches an 18-month high.This change in opinion comes after a year of Cramer emphatically advising against Bitcoin. Consequently, leaving investors and market watchers to ponder the implications of his newfound bullishness.Cramer Turns Bullish on BTCMad Money’s Jim Cramer, known for his dynamic and often fluctuating views on financial products, stated that he had previously believed “the money had been made” in Bitcoin. However, he now admits this judgment was premature.“Look, if you like Bitcoin, buy Bitcoin. That has always been my view. And for a while, I liked it, and I decided that money had been made, but I was premature,” Cramer said.His renewed support for Bitcoin aligns with the cryptocurrency’s recent surge. #BTC soared above $38,000 for the first time in a year and a half, marking a 10% increase last month.The crypto and finance communities, often critical of Cramer’s shifting opinions, have raised eyebrows at this latest turn. Some investors humorously suggest that taking a stance opposite to Cramer’s advice could be a wise financial move.This sentiment even led to proposals for “Inverse Cramer ETFs” to the SEC, which based investments contrary to Cramer’s guidance. With Cramer’s renewed confidence in Bitcoin, some social media voices in the crypto market speculate that this might signal a potential downturn, potentially erasing recent gains.Is It Time to Sell Bitcoin?While some suggest it is time to sell Bitcoin after Cramer’s endorsement, several crypto experts beg to differ. For instance, Tone Vays, a trading veteran, sees no immediate resistance for the price of Bitcoin.“I don’t see any resistance. [Still,] according to the Fibonacci levels we do have resistance at $48,000 – $49,000 which is interesting because it’s just below that $50,000 round number. I know I have been saying that $41,000 – $42,000 is an area of reversal, but I think we can blow through that,” Vays said.Likewise, Ali Martinez, BeInCrypto’s Global Head of News, pointed out that Bitcoin built a strong support barrier between $25,000 and $30,000. Like Vays, Martinez emphasized that the only critical resistance levels are now at $38,440 and $47,360.Jacob Canfield, a renowned crypto trader, also shared a similar view, suggesting that Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins have more room to go up before the market faces a significant correction.“My playbook: First BTC to $48,700. Then ETH to $3,350. Then altcoins party for 14 days. Then sell everything to USD. Buy the 40% dip on Bitcoin and alts,” Canfield said.Finally, Thomas Lee, Head of Research at Fundstrat, interprets the current trends as positive signs for December, indicating a “risk on” environment.“The positive seasonals are working, and that is a risk on environment. I think the move on Bitcoin, which made a new high for the year, is another sign of risk on. I think for now it’s all good signs for December,” Lee added.Despite Cramer’s latest endorsement, Bitcoin may have more legs to go up before the next important move.#CZBNB #CryptoMovement #RichardTeng $BTC $ETH $BNB
Do Not See Crypto as a Job. Says Crypto Analyst.Crypto analyst ionicXBT advises his substantial social media following against treating crypto trading as a job.The analyst argues that the mindset for crypto trading needs a shift, cautioning its pitfalls if it remains the same.He emphasizes the importance of treating trading as a business, where success is contingent on effect.“If you come into trading with this same mindset, you are WRONG,” he stated.Mindset For Crypto Trading Must Change, According to AnalystIn a post on X (formerly Twitter), crypto analyst ionicXBT explained to his followers why they should change their mindset when it comes to trading crypto, warning that it should not be viewed as a job.“Here’s why: Trading is a Business. When trading, you don’t get paid for time. You get paid for: – Trading decisions you make – The actions and processes you follow – How well you manage your risk – How well you maintain emotionalHe advices his followers, “instead of spending more time trading, spend more time polishing the above aspects.”Moreover, he emphasizes that there is no overtime pay or salary involved, indicating that the responsibility to profit or incur losses rests solely on the investor.#BTC #Blast #Onchain #RichardTeng #etf $BTC $ETH $BNB

Do Not See Crypto as a Job. Says Crypto Analyst.

Crypto analyst ionicXBT advises his substantial social media following against treating crypto trading as a job.The analyst argues that the mindset for crypto trading needs a shift, cautioning its pitfalls if it remains the same.He emphasizes the importance of treating trading as a business, where success is contingent on effect.“If you come into trading with this same mindset, you are WRONG,” he stated.Mindset For Crypto Trading Must Change, According to AnalystIn a post on X (formerly Twitter), crypto analyst ionicXBT explained to his followers why they should change their mindset when it comes to trading crypto, warning that it should not be viewed as a job.“Here’s why: Trading is a Business. When trading, you don’t get paid for time. You get paid for: – Trading decisions you make – The actions and processes you follow – How well you manage your risk – How well you maintain emotionalHe advices his followers, “instead of spending more time trading, spend more time polishing the above aspects.”Moreover, he emphasizes that there is no overtime pay or salary involved, indicating that the responsibility to profit or incur losses rests solely on the investor.#BTC #Blast #Onchain #RichardTeng #etf $BTC $ETH $BNB
ECB son Loses 60% of his Crypto Investment.The ECB President Christine Lagarde revealed that her son has lost about 60% of his investments in cryptocurrencies.Lagarde asserted that though her son disregarded his warnings against crypto, he realized its risky nature in the end.Analysing Lagarde’s previous comments on cryptocurrencies reinforces her anti-crypto stance.The European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde reinforced her anti-crypto stance, illustrating her son’s losses in crypto investments. During a meeting with students in Frankfurt, Lagarde revealed that her son has lost “almost all” of his crypto investments, as he “ignored” her warnings against crypto.Christine Lagarde could be regarded as one of the biggest critics of cryptocurrencies, considering her anti-crypto notions and comments. In May 2022, Lagarde asserted that cryptocurrencies are “worth nothing” as the assets are “based on nothing.” It was under her leadership that the European Central Bank initiated its venture to launch Europe’s CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), Digital Euro, as a way to challenge the expanding dominance of virtual assets.Talking about her son’s failure in crypto investments, Lagarde said that though the loss wasn’t severe, he lost about 60% of his investments. She added that though he disregarded her caution against digital assets in the beginning, he realized the risky nature of cryptocurrencies following his losses, as she cited, “He reluctantly accepted that I was right.” Lagarde added,I have, as you can tell, a very low opinion of cryptos. People are free to invest their money where they want, people are free to speculate as much as they want, (but) people should not be free to participate in criminally sanctioned trade and businesses.In 2021, Lagarde shared her strong opposition to Bitcoin’s dominance, arguing that the central banks are less likely to adopt Bitcoins in the near future. Though the ECB President considered the introduction of CBDCs could confront the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, the bank hasn’t proceeded with the further steps of realizing the digital euro as an alternative entity to cryptocurrencies. ECB cited, “After two years, the Governing Council will decide whether to move to the next stage of preparations, to pave the way for the possible future issuance and roll-out of a digital euro.#RichardTeng #BTC #Onchain #etf

ECB son Loses 60% of his Crypto Investment.

The ECB President Christine Lagarde revealed that her son has lost about 60% of his investments in cryptocurrencies.Lagarde asserted that though her son disregarded his warnings against crypto, he realized its risky nature in the end.Analysing Lagarde’s previous comments on cryptocurrencies reinforces her anti-crypto stance.The European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde reinforced her anti-crypto stance, illustrating her son’s losses in crypto investments. During a meeting with students in Frankfurt, Lagarde revealed that her son has lost “almost all” of his crypto investments, as he “ignored” her warnings against crypto.Christine Lagarde could be regarded as one of the biggest critics of cryptocurrencies, considering her anti-crypto notions and comments. In May 2022, Lagarde asserted that cryptocurrencies are “worth nothing” as the assets are “based on nothing.” It was under her leadership that the European Central Bank initiated its venture to launch Europe’s CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), Digital Euro, as a way to challenge the expanding dominance of virtual assets.Talking about her son’s failure in crypto investments, Lagarde said that though the loss wasn’t severe, he lost about 60% of his investments. She added that though he disregarded her caution against digital assets in the beginning, he realized the risky nature of cryptocurrencies following his losses, as she cited, “He reluctantly accepted that I was right.” Lagarde added,I have, as you can tell, a very low opinion of cryptos. People are free to invest their money where they want, people are free to speculate as much as they want, (but) people should not be free to participate in criminally sanctioned trade and businesses.In 2021, Lagarde shared her strong opposition to Bitcoin’s dominance, arguing that the central banks are less likely to adopt Bitcoins in the near future. Though the ECB President considered the introduction of CBDCs could confront the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, the bank hasn’t proceeded with the further steps of realizing the digital euro as an alternative entity to cryptocurrencies. ECB cited, “After two years, the Governing Council will decide whether to move to the next stage of preparations, to pave the way for the possible future issuance and roll-out of a digital euro.#RichardTeng #BTC #Onchain #etf
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