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币圈丽盈:12.20以太坊是否会结束多头,开启新的下跌趋势?最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.20----02点:00分      以太坊现价3480,以太坊多头遭遇清算,主力开始获利了结,中线4050布局的空再回踩3700附近的时候已经获利了结了,现在凌晨两点清算直接跌破3400关口支撑,多头趋势转变空头,短空来袭以后行情会怎么走?是结束多头还是再次开启多头?      来看目前的行情,首先还是从价格趋势分析,盘口的K线形态明显的下跌趋势,尤其是19日和18日的大阴线显示了强烈的卖压,在4小时周期内,价格从高位3908逐步回落至3520附近,形成了一系列的低点和低高点。技术指标MACD在4小时周期中,MACD柱状图持续为负且扩大,DIF和DEA均向下发散,表明空头力量较强      相对强弱指标当前RSI值为27.54,处于超卖区间,短期可能有反弹需求,但整体仍偏弱势。趋势指标EMA7、EMA30、EMA120均呈现空头排列,且价格运行在所有均线之下,显示出明显的下行趋势。成交量放大市场抛售压力加剧。近期波动较大伴随价格下跌时放量,说明市场情绪偏空,短期内的思路可以采用逢高做空逢低做多的思路来做,暂时以空为主      今日最新点位参考      做多点3400,补3350,止3300,目标3650      做空点3650,补3700,止3750,目标3450      以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析 {future}(ETHUSDT)
  以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析
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币圈丽盈:12.20空头排列显示利空信号!比特币下一步该如何布局?最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.20—01点:30分      比特币现价99500,比特币出现深度回踩,这也是丽盈连续三个多月来首次做多止损离场,但是中线布局的107000空最后在102000下方获利了结,错失了一部分的空间没有在99000落袋,回拉破了102000该走了还是不能犹豫,见好就收毕竟这一波有5000多的空间,言归正传      目前行情可以看到,盘口的K线形态在高位出现明显的回调,形成了一个较大的阴线,显示出市场抛压增强。在4小时周期内,价格从18日的高点107600逐步下跌至当前99500,短期内呈现出下降趋势。技术指标MACD在4小时周期中,MACD柱状图由正转负,且DIF线向下穿越DEA线,表明短期内空头力量占优,那就等空势再一次探底以后再入场布局,大级别趋势还没有变之前信仰不会变      相对强弱指标RSI值为35,接近超卖区,但尚未进入极端区域,暗示可能会有技术性反弹需求,趋势指标EMA当前价格低于EMA7和EMA30和EMA120,显示出强烈的下行压力。EMA均线系统呈现空头排列,进一步确认下行趋势,这个时候就不适合做多了,等止跌以后再说,暂时等着就可以了,再来看看成交量在大幅下跌时放量,说明市场情绪偏空,抛售压力加大,主力明显的获利了结行为,等空势结束以后再入场布局,暂时观望      今日丽盈点位预测      做多点97000,96000补多,止500,目标99500      做空点102000,103000补空,止500,目标99500      以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考 $BTC #比特币行情分析 {future}(BTCUSDT)
$BTC #比特币行情分析
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币圈丽盈:12.19以太坊短期回调不改长线看涨!趋势未变,静待反弹!最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.19----01点:05分      以太坊现价3961,昨日丽盈思路和目前一样思路不变,短期内虽然行情又回调,但是我们的主线思路不要改变,因为大级别趋势依旧是多头趋势,按照目前的趋势来看已经到了关键支撑点,主力在此地吸筹,丽盈建议找机会入场开始布局,防止错过上车的机会      来看目前的盘口K线形态在高位震荡,17日出现长上影线,表明上方抛压较大,18日和19日的K线呈现小幅波动,市场情绪趋于谨慎,又进一步下探的可能存在,技术指标MACD当前DIF与DEA均为负值且MACD柱状图持续在零轴下方,显示空头力量占优,但有收敛迹象,可能面临反弹,所以找机会上车是有必要的      相对强弱指标RSI接近中性区域45左右,未进入超买或超卖区间,短期内无明显趋势信号,但是长期多头不变,趋势指标EMA价格目前低于EMA7、EMA30但高于EMA120,短期偏弱,中长期仍处于多头格局,成交量放大,伴随价格回落,说明资金流出压力较大,短期内还会继续吸筹,但是趋势没变,我们顺势去做就可以了既然到了支撑位,我们该入场还是要入场,等到压力位以后再考虑空      今日最新点位参考      做多点3800,补3750,止3700,目标3950      做空点3950,补4000,止4050,目标3800      以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析 {future}(ETHUSDT) {future}(ETHUSDT)
  以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析
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币圈丽盈:12.19比特币大级别多头趋势不变,103500的入场机会谁能把握?最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.19—01点:05分      比特币现价103900,机会来了,大级别趋势多头不变,主力这一波清算多头就是我们的机会,103500上车持有就可以了,丽盈一直坚定的就是顺势而为,跟着主力走就可以了,让时间去证明我们的选择没有错,至少着三个月我们一直都是如此不是嘛      来看目前的行情,丽盈还是从价格趋势分析,盘口K线形态依旧在高位震荡,16日至18日出现较大波动,形成长上影线和下影线的K线组合,显示市场多空争夺激烈,日线图中15日到17日形成了一个明显的上涨趋势,但随后在18日回调,呈现出短期顶部信号,但是四小时MACD技术指标周期MACD柱状图由正转负,DIF线向下穿越DEA线,表明短期内有回调压力。      相对强弱指标目前RSI值为49.2,接近中性区域,之前曾进入超买区间后回落,显示当前市场情绪趋于谨慎,EMA趋势指标价格已跌破EMA7,但仍在EMA30之上,EMA120远低于当前价位,长期趋势依然看涨,但短期可能面临调整。成交量放大,伴随价格大幅上涨,显示资金推动强劲,说明多头趋势依旧在,思路上低多为主的策略不变,高空为辅      今日丽盈点位预测      做多点103000,102000补多,止101500,目标105500      做空点106000,107000补空,止107500,目标103500      以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC #比特币行情分析 {future}(BTCUSDT)
  以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC #比特币行情分析
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币圈丽盈:12.18以太坊中长期趋势为何依然看涨?最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.18----01点:25分      以太坊现价3965,丽盈昨日文章点位完美达到,首先3900多最后目标4100,而后反手4100空,发稿前3950获利了结,多空双收拿下350点,3950已经再次上车了,目标前高看会不会抵达预期吧,防守3900止损跌破3900以后手动离场就可以了,安全第一做好风险管理   ​   目前盘口的趋势,丽盈先从K线形态来讲,目前的价格在4000附近波动,17日出现较长上影线,显示上方抛压较大。16日的K线为长下影阳线,表明下方存在一定支撑。MACD四小时技术指标周期中,DIF和DEA接近粘合,MACD柱状图由正转负,显示短期内多空力量均衡,但有走弱迹象。      相对强弱指标目前RSI值在53左右,处于中性区域,没有明显超买或超卖信号。EMA趋势指标当前价格位于EMA7之下,略高于EMA30,显示短期趋势偏弱,中长期仍保持向上,成交量放大是好事,多空换手率增加,趋势不变的情况下对我们都是有利的,只要我们做好风控,剩下的交给时间就可以了,丽盈的思路不变,顺势做多为主,空为辅      今日最新点位参考      做多点3900,补3850,止3800,目标4000      做空点4050,补4100,止4150,目标3900      以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析 {future}(ETHUSDT)
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币圈丽盈:12.18谁能阻挡比特币的上涨?还有多少上涨空间让人期待?最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.18—01点:25分      比特币现价107500,多头趋势延续,大饼再次破历史记录,破了108000,距离11万很近了,不要怀疑主力的决心,不要猜顶,记住丽盈的生存法则,顺势而为,坚定不移的执行这一策略,跟着主力顺势去做,这个市场就会一直保持高胜率,高稳定的模式去操作,这一波回踩明显抵达了106000新的支撑点,既然支撑有效为何不入场?入场了现在至少有1500点空间了,      来看目前的行情,丽盈还是从价格开始分析,盘口的K线形态连续的阳线,显示出市场的强势上涨趋势。在16日到18日期间,多次出现长下影线,表明下方存在较强支撑,MACD技术指标DIF和DEA均在零轴上方,并且MACD柱状图为正值,显示出多头动能较强。      相对强弱指标RSI14接近超买区,但未进入极端区域,显示出市场仍有一定的上涨空间,趋势指标价格位于EMA7、EMA30和EMA120之上,短期、中期和长期均线呈现多头排列,支持当前的上涨趋势,成交量16日成交量显著放大,伴随价格突破,显示出资金积极入场,但整体维持在较高水平,表明市场参与度依然较高,这个时候坚定自己的信念,守住自己的多头,不要随便下车,做空的币友带好止损,明确压力以后快进快出      今日丽盈点位预测      做多点106000,10500补多,止104500,目标108000      做空点108000,109000补空,止110000,目标106000      以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC #比特币行情分析 {future}(BTCUSDT)
  以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC #比特币行情分析
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币圈丽盈:12.17多头趋势来袭!以太坊再创新高的信念从何而来?最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.17----01点:05分      以太坊现价3970,等了一天丽盈都在等大饼会不会回调,最后姨太在3900入场持有,止损带了30点,不管怎么样这一波被动上涨已经不可避免了,以太冲击4000预计是板上钉钉的趋势,过了4000以后天高任鸟飞了,下一个关口就是历史最高点,保持信仰,坚定看多      来看丽盈分析你就明白为什么丽盈一直坚持看多了,首先价格趋势分析可以看到K线形态在3900至4000区间内震荡,存在一定的上影线和下影线,表明市场多空争夺激烈,日线级别出现了连续的小阳线,暗示短期内有反弹动能,但上方压力较大,MACD四小时技术指标周期MACD快慢线均向上,且柱状图为正值,显示出上涨动能增强。但需注意接近前高时可能会遇到阻力。      相对强弱指标RSI当前RSI位于60附近,未进入超买区域,仍有上涨空间,但需警惕过度拉升后的回调风险,没有上车的等回调,趋势指标EMA价格目前在EMA7之上,并逐步逼近EMA30,若突破EMA30并站稳,则可能继续测试更高点位。EMA120则提供长期支撑,加上成交量放大市场参与者活跃度增加,回踩3950以下就可以开始多单入场建仓了,暂时不考虑做空,等出现明显压力位以后再决定      今日最新点位参考      做多点3900,补3850,止3800,目标4000      做空点4050,补4100,止4150,目标3900      以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH {future}(ETHUSDT)
币圈丽盈:12.17突破后的拉升!比特币在11万新高的征程中前行!最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.17—01点:05分      比特币现价106830,怎么样,丽盈说了不要怀疑多头还在不在就看你敢不敢跟,也不要怀疑自己的交易系统,按照系统去执行,保持自己的信仰,跟着主力出发就可以了,丽盈连续提醒几个月回踩做多为主,跟着主力牛市可以不做空,但是回踩就是做多的机会,几乎做多丽盈目前保持的事0失误      来看今日的行情,丽盈还是从价格趋势分析,目前盘口的K线形态明显的上涨趋势,尤其是在15日和16日的大阳线上涨。在4小时周期内,价格突破了前期高点106466,并在107170附近遇到阻力。MACD技术指标当前DIF和DEA均为正值且持续上升,MACD柱状图也在放大,显示出强烈的多头动能。      相对强弱指标RSI14接近超买区,但尚未进入极端区域,表明市场仍有一定的上涨空间,EMA趋势指标短期EMA7已上穿中长期EMA30和EMA120,形成金叉,支持看涨趋势,成交量增加资金流入推动价格上涨4小时周期内,成交量在关键突破时段有所放大,验证了价格的有效突破,那么102000多有效继续持有,等冲击11万以后明确压力位再说,      今日丽盈点位预测      做多点105000,103500补多,止102500,目标104000      做空点109000,110000补空,止110500,目标105000      以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考 $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
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币圈丽盈:12.16多头趋势再度上扬!以太坊的下一个目标锁定4000!最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.16----01点:20分      以太坊现价3090,探底结束短空落袋3830,挂的委托3800多没有入场,现在行情回到了3900以上,预计多头趋势还会延续拉伸,昨天丽盈也提醒过大家发稿前确实空势很明显,有利可图,不要贪,因为大级别趋势是多头空能不做最好不做,现在行情拉伸破了3900就已经验证了丽盈的说法      在来看盘口K线形态在3900附近波动,形成了一个相对窄幅的震荡区间。日K线上出现了一些长上影线和下影线,显示出多空双方争夺激烈,MACD四小时技术指标周期中,DIF与DEA接近零轴,MACD柱状图由负转正,表明短期内可能有反弹动力,但整体趋势仍需观察,毕竟我们错过了入场点,那就等回踩以后再做多为主      相对强弱指标RSI目前RSI值在50左右徘徊,未进入超买或超卖区域,市场处于平衡状态,趋势指标EMA当前价格位于EMA7之上但接近EMA30,EMA120远低于现价,短期均线呈现一定支撑作用,中长期趋势偏向上涨,加上成交量在关键点位3900放大,说明该位置存在较强的多空博弈,我们静观其变等方向走出来以后再入场      今日最新点位参考      做多点3800,补3750,止3700,目标4000      做空点4000,补4050,止4100,目标3850      以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析 {future}(ETHUSDT)
  以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析
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币圈丽盈:12.16上升趋势态势明显!比特币的多头全面回归,后市可期!最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.16—01点:20分      比特币现价103100,丽盈昨日实时数据102000最后在101000获利了结,这是实实在在的,文章中开篇就说了这个点位,拿下1000点就足够了空单不能久拿,只能快进快出,不像多单,选好了入场点以后就不急着走,因为大级别趋势属于多头只是主力迟迟没有拉伸,一直在吸筹而已,不要急现在就是需要耐心去持有,跟着主力顺势而为就可以了,来看目前的盘口      丽盈还是从K线形态讲解,目前属于明显的上升趋势,尤其是15日和16日的阳线较为强劲,在4小时周期内,多次出现长下影线,显示出市场在低位有较强的买盘支撑,在来看MACD技术指标当前DIF高于DEA,并且MACD柱状图持续在正值区域,表明多头动能较强,      相对强弱指标RSI目前处于66.8,接近超买区,但尚未进入极端超买状态,仍有一定上涨空间,EMA趋势指标价格已突破EMA7和EMA30及EMA120,短期均线向上发散,支持继续看涨,进一步验证丽盈一直坚持的多头趋势,顺势而为做多为主,加上成交量伴随价格上涨,显示资金流入积极,整体保持活跃,配合价格上涨,所以不要怀疑多头趋势还在不在,就说你跟不跟      今日丽盈点位预测      做多点102000,101000补多,止100500,目标104000      做空点104000,105000补空,止105500,目标100500      以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) #比特币行情分析

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币圈丽盈:12.15没表现出来的势能!以太坊会在3850处沉寂多久?最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.15----01点:30分      以太坊现价3860,以太坊等了一天的行情都没有到,直等到了探底3850的支撑,但是没有出现稳起迹象,还有进一步探底的可能,所以丽盈选择继续等待,探底结束以后在选择入场做多,行情有利可图,也不图,因为大级别趋势依旧是多头,最好的方式就是空仓等着,等探底以后做多为主,再或者拉伸破了4000以后再找机会做空,      来看目前的行情分析,盘口的K线形态K线形态在3900附近波动,形成了一个较为明显的震荡区间,在13日和14日出现了长上影线,显示出上方存在一定抛压,技术指标MACD当前DIF与DEA接近零轴下方,MACD柱状图由正转负,表明短期内多头力量减弱,可能进入调整阶段,   ​   相对强弱指标RSI值从超买区域回落至中性区域,目前约为48.58,显示市场情绪趋于平稳,但需警惕进一步走低,趋势指标EMA7已被跌破,EMA30提供支撑, EMA120仍处于远离位置,整体趋势偏向震荡整理,加上成交量13日至14日期间成交量显著增加,尤其是在高位时放量,显示出多空双方争夺激烈,最新一根K线成交量有所减少,表明市场观望情绪加重,说明大家都在等,都很理想,不想追涨杀跌,那么这个时候更加不要入场了,等方向出现以后再出手      今日最新点位参考      做多点3800,补3750,止3700,目标4000      做空点4000,补4050,止4100,目标3850      以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析 {future}(ETHUSDT)
  相对强弱指标RSI值从超买区域回落至中性区域,目前约为48.58,显示市场情绪趋于平稳,但需警惕进一步走低,趋势指标EMA7已被跌破,EMA30提供支撑, EMA120仍处于远离位置,整体趋势偏向震荡整理,加上成交量13日至14日期间成交量显著增加,尤其是在高位时放量,显示出多空双方争夺激烈,最新一根K线成交量有所减少,表明市场观望情绪加重,说明大家都在等,都很理想,不想追涨杀跌,那么这个时候更加不要入场了,等方向出现以后再出手
  以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析
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Crypto Circle Liying: 12.15 Short-Term Correction and Long-Term Trend Dance Together! How to Interpret Ethereum's Market Logic? Latest Market Analysis      Article Release Time 2024.12.15—01:30      Current Price of Bitcoin 101250, yesterday's thoughts everyone also saw, let’s review again Liying’s real-time thoughts 100500 long position, did not reach, 102000 short position as expected, before the press has exceeded 800 points of space that can be cashed anytime, no rush, the market will wash and absorb around the 100,000 mark, what we need to do is to sell high and buy low, and manage risks to profit back and forth      Looking at the current market, Liying is still analyzing the price trend, the current K-line pattern shows a clear oscillating trend, the price fluctuates between 100000 and 102500, after a long bullish line appeared on the 11th, the market entered an adjustment phase, and is currently in a high consolidation state. The technical indicators MACD currently show both DIF and DEA as positive and gradually flattening, the MACD histogram shortens, indicating a weakening of bullish momentum, potentially facing correction pressure, continue to hold short positions, wait for the correction to end before cashing out      The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently around 57, retreating from the overbought zone, showing that market sentiment tends to be neutral. The trend indicators EMA7 and EMA30 show a bullish arrangement, but EMA120 is still relatively low, with the long-term trend still pointing upward, confirming Liying's view that the main trend is bullish, trading volume has recently decreased, especially on the 14th showing an increase in market cautious sentiment, indicating that after the main force pushes up again, there are suspicions of profit-taking, but do not doubt the bullish determination, mainly focusing on pullbacks for longs and shorts as a supplement      Today's Liying Point Prediction      Long position point 100000, 99000 additional long, stop at 98500, target 102500      Short position point 102500, 103500 additional short, stop at 104000, target 100000      The above is Liying's brief analysis of the current market for reference by investors $BTC #比特币行情分析 {future}(BTCUSDT)
Crypto Circle Liying: 12.15 Short-Term Correction and Long-Term Trend Dance Together! How to Interpret Ethereum's Market Logic? Latest Market Analysis
  Article Release Time 2024.12.15—01:30
  Current Price of Bitcoin 101250, yesterday's thoughts everyone also saw, let’s review again Liying’s real-time thoughts 100500 long position, did not reach, 102000 short position as expected, before the press has exceeded 800 points of space that can be cashed anytime, no rush, the market will wash and absorb around the 100,000 mark, what we need to do is to sell high and buy low, and manage risks to profit back and forth
  Looking at the current market, Liying is still analyzing the price trend, the current K-line pattern shows a clear oscillating trend, the price fluctuates between 100000 and 102500, after a long bullish line appeared on the 11th, the market entered an adjustment phase, and is currently in a high consolidation state. The technical indicators MACD currently show both DIF and DEA as positive and gradually flattening, the MACD histogram shortens, indicating a weakening of bullish momentum, potentially facing correction pressure, continue to hold short positions, wait for the correction to end before cashing out
  The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently around 57, retreating from the overbought zone, showing that market sentiment tends to be neutral. The trend indicators EMA7 and EMA30 show a bullish arrangement, but EMA120 is still relatively low, with the long-term trend still pointing upward, confirming Liying's view that the main trend is bullish, trading volume has recently decreased, especially on the 14th showing an increase in market cautious sentiment, indicating that after the main force pushes up again, there are suspicions of profit-taking, but do not doubt the bullish determination, mainly focusing on pullbacks for longs and shorts as a supplement
  Today's Liying Point Prediction
  Long position point 100000, 99000 additional long, stop at 98500, target 102500
  Short position point 102500, 103500 additional short, stop at 104000, target 100000
  The above is Liying's brief analysis of the current market for reference by investors $BTC #比特币行情分析
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Crypto Circle Liying: 12.14 Bull Market Logic Remains Unchanged! Follow the Main Force in Accumulation! How to Find Opportunities for Ethereum in High-level Consolidation? Latest Market Analysis Article Published on 2024.12.14----01:25 Current Price of Ethereum 3919, have you caught this sky-high wealth? Liying's strategy of going long at 3850 yesterday set a target of 4000. Although it peaked at 3970, there was still a space of 120. Congratulations to the coin friends who followed along. Liying's real-time thought finally settled at 3950, as the market showed signs of a pullback, indicating that the main force will harvest around 3900. Since that's the case, why not follow the main force to grab a few more waves? The total space accumulated would be more than a hundred points. Looking at the current market, Liying is still analyzing the price trend. The current K-line pattern is fluctuating within the range of 3800 to 4000, forming a relatively narrow consolidation area. A significant upward breakout occurred from the 11th to the 12th, but it then retraced, and is currently in a high-level consolidation state. The technical indicator MACD currently shows both DIF and DEA as positive values, and the MACD histogram presents a bullish trend, indicating that the market still has upward momentum, but the momentum is not strong. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) 14 is close to 60, not entering the overbought area, indicating that there is still some upward space in the market. The trend indicator short-term EMA7 has crossed above the medium and long-term EMA30 and EMA120, showing a strong short-term bullish trend. Coupled with increased trading volume, especially during the significant rise on the 12th, this indicates heightened capital activity. In this situation, Liying has reason to believe that the main force is likely accumulating. No matter how it goes, we adhere to the main line of thought: primarily going long on pullbacks to support and secondarily going short at resistance levels for layout purposes. Today's Latest Point of Reference Long Entry Point 3850, Add at 3800, Stop at 3750, Target 4000 Short Entry Point 4000, Add at 4050, Stop at 4100, Target 3850 The above analysis is based on market data and trend analysis from the order book by Liying and does not constitute investment advice. For family members' reference $ETH #以太坊行情分析 {future}(ETHUSDT)
Crypto Circle Liying: 12.14 Bull Market Logic Remains Unchanged! Follow the Main Force in Accumulation! How to Find Opportunities for Ethereum in High-level Consolidation? Latest Market Analysis

Article Published on 2024.12.14----01:25

Current Price of Ethereum 3919, have you caught this sky-high wealth? Liying's strategy of going long at 3850 yesterday set a target of 4000. Although it peaked at 3970, there was still a space of 120. Congratulations to the coin friends who followed along. Liying's real-time thought finally settled at 3950, as the market showed signs of a pullback, indicating that the main force will harvest around 3900. Since that's the case, why not follow the main force to grab a few more waves? The total space accumulated would be more than a hundred points.

Looking at the current market, Liying is still analyzing the price trend. The current K-line pattern is fluctuating within the range of 3800 to 4000, forming a relatively narrow consolidation area. A significant upward breakout occurred from the 11th to the 12th, but it then retraced, and is currently in a high-level consolidation state. The technical indicator MACD currently shows both DIF and DEA as positive values, and the MACD histogram presents a bullish trend, indicating that the market still has upward momentum, but the momentum is not strong.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) 14 is close to 60, not entering the overbought area, indicating that there is still some upward space in the market. The trend indicator short-term EMA7 has crossed above the medium and long-term EMA30 and EMA120, showing a strong short-term bullish trend. Coupled with increased trading volume, especially during the significant rise on the 12th, this indicates heightened capital activity. In this situation, Liying has reason to believe that the main force is likely accumulating. No matter how it goes, we adhere to the main line of thought: primarily going long on pullbacks to support and secondarily going short at resistance levels for layout purposes.

Today's Latest Point of Reference

Long Entry Point 3850, Add at 3800, Stop at 3750, Target 4000

Short Entry Point 4000, Add at 4050, Stop at 4100, Target 3850

The above analysis is based on market data and trend analysis from the order book by Liying and does not constitute investment advice. For family members' reference $ETH #以太坊行情分析
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Crypto Circle Liying: 12.14 Low Position Long Position Strikes Again! Can the seemingly calm Bitcoin welcome an explosion? Latest Market Analysis      Article Release Time 2024.12.14—01:25      Current Bitcoin Price 101300, Liying's strategy yesterday was to buy on a pullback to 99500, finally taking profits at 101000, helping everyone secure another victory with a gain of 1500. Under the condition of an unchanged larger trend, Liying's consistent strategy will not change; as long as there is a pullback to support, we will decisively layout long positions. We have been steadily generating profits for nearly three months now, do not doubt it, this is reality, and there have been almost no mistakes in the strategy of buying on a pullback—every instance has resulted in profit-taking.      Looking at today's strategy, Liying still analyzes from the price trend perspective. Currently, the K-line pattern at the market: fluctuating above 100000, forming a relatively obvious oscillation range. Between the 11th and 13th, there was a quick rise that broke through the previous high but then retraced, currently in an adjustment phase. The technical indicator MACD in the 4-hour cycle shows that both DIF and DEA are above the zero axis, and the MACD histogram reflects a bullish trend but shows signs of shortening, indicating a weakening of upward momentum.      Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently close to 60, not entering the overbought zone, indicating that the market still has certain upward space, but caution is needed for possible corrections. The trend indicator EMA shows the current price is above EMA7, indicating a positive short-term trend; it is also above EMA30 and EMA120, maintaining a good long-term trend. Additionally, the short-term decrease in trading volume indicates a decline in market activity, suggesting that the main force has signs of pullback support. One can wait to continue laying out longs at lower levels while being cautious about shorting at higher levels.      Today's Liying Forecast      Long Entry Point 100500, Add Long at 99500, Stop at 99000, Target 102000      Short Entry Point 102000, Add Short at 103500, Stop at 104000, Target 99000      The above is a brief analysis from Liying regarding the current market situation for investors' reference $BTC #比特币行情分析 {future}(BTCUSDT)
Crypto Circle Liying: 12.14 Low Position Long Position Strikes Again! Can the seemingly calm Bitcoin welcome an explosion? Latest Market Analysis
  Article Release Time 2024.12.14—01:25
  Current Bitcoin Price 101300, Liying's strategy yesterday was to buy on a pullback to 99500, finally taking profits at 101000, helping everyone secure another victory with a gain of 1500. Under the condition of an unchanged larger trend, Liying's consistent strategy will not change; as long as there is a pullback to support, we will decisively layout long positions. We have been steadily generating profits for nearly three months now, do not doubt it, this is reality, and there have been almost no mistakes in the strategy of buying on a pullback—every instance has resulted in profit-taking.
  Looking at today's strategy, Liying still analyzes from the price trend perspective. Currently, the K-line pattern at the market: fluctuating above 100000, forming a relatively obvious oscillation range. Between the 11th and 13th, there was a quick rise that broke through the previous high but then retraced, currently in an adjustment phase. The technical indicator MACD in the 4-hour cycle shows that both DIF and DEA are above the zero axis, and the MACD histogram reflects a bullish trend but shows signs of shortening, indicating a weakening of upward momentum.
  Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently close to 60, not entering the overbought zone, indicating that the market still has certain upward space, but caution is needed for possible corrections. The trend indicator EMA shows the current price is above EMA7, indicating a positive short-term trend; it is also above EMA30 and EMA120, maintaining a good long-term trend. Additionally, the short-term decrease in trading volume indicates a decline in market activity, suggesting that the main force has signs of pullback support. One can wait to continue laying out longs at lower levels while being cautious about shorting at higher levels.
  Today's Liying Forecast
  Long Entry Point 100500, Add Long at 99500, Stop at 99000, Target 102000
  Short Entry Point 102000, Add Short at 103500, Stop at 104000, Target 99000
  The above is a brief analysis from Liying regarding the current market situation for investors' reference $BTC #比特币行情分析
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Crypto Circle Li Ying: Another push on 12.13 and we're off to the moon! Will Ethereum's 4000 mark be breached instantly? Latest market analysis Article published on 2024.12.13----01:00 Ethereum's current price is 3930, very close to the 4000 mark before publication. As long as we stretch again, it’s just a simple matter of a final push. The strength of the bulls is stronger than that of the bears, so don’t doubt it. If you got in at 3830 today, don’t rush to exit. The bulls haven't finished yet; unless we dip below 3900, you can hold on and watch for previous highs. Go with the trend, especially with the current strong market trend. Exiting recklessly will cause you to miss the best entry point. From the price trend analysis, the current K-line pattern rebounded quickly from a low of 3628.41 on the 11th to a high of 3985.3 on the 13th, forming a clear V-shaped reversal. On the daily K-line, there have been three consecutive days of gains from the 10th to the 12th, showing strong upward momentum and clarifying the upward trend. In the four-hour MACD cycle, DIF and DEA are gradually rising and approaching the zero axis, and the MACD histogram has turned positive from negative, indicating that bullish strength is increasing in the short term. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently around 60, in a relatively healthy range, but caution is needed for potential pullback risks after entering the overbought zone. The trend indicator EMA is currently above EMA7 and has broken through EMA30, indicating a short-term upward signal. EMA120 is far below the current price, and the long-term trend remains bullish. Looking at the market volume accompanying the significant price increase, it shows that market participants are becoming more active. Subsequently, the trading volume of a few K-lines has decreased, but the price continues to rise, indicating that market sentiment remains optimistic, with bulls dominating. The mindset remains primarily bullish, with bears as a supplement. Today's latest point of reference Long entry point 3850, add at 3800, stop at 3750, target 4000 Short entry point 4000, add at 4050, stop at 4100, target 3850 The above analysis is based on market data and trend analysis of the order book and does not constitute investment advice. For family reference $ETH #以太坊行情分析 {future}(ETHUSDT)
Crypto Circle Li Ying: Another push on 12.13 and we're off to the moon! Will Ethereum's 4000 mark be breached instantly? Latest market analysis

Article published on 2024.12.13----01:00

Ethereum's current price is 3930, very close to the 4000 mark before publication. As long as we stretch again, it’s just a simple matter of a final push. The strength of the bulls is stronger than that of the bears, so don’t doubt it. If you got in at 3830 today, don’t rush to exit. The bulls haven't finished yet; unless we dip below 3900, you can hold on and watch for previous highs. Go with the trend, especially with the current strong market trend. Exiting recklessly will cause you to miss the best entry point.

From the price trend analysis, the current K-line pattern rebounded quickly from a low of 3628.41 on the 11th to a high of 3985.3 on the 13th, forming a clear V-shaped reversal. On the daily K-line, there have been three consecutive days of gains from the 10th to the 12th, showing strong upward momentum and clarifying the upward trend. In the four-hour MACD cycle, DIF and DEA are gradually rising and approaching the zero axis, and the MACD histogram has turned positive from negative, indicating that bullish strength is increasing in the short term.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently around 60, in a relatively healthy range, but caution is needed for potential pullback risks after entering the overbought zone. The trend indicator EMA is currently above EMA7 and has broken through EMA30, indicating a short-term upward signal. EMA120 is far below the current price, and the long-term trend remains bullish. Looking at the market volume accompanying the significant price increase, it shows that market participants are becoming more active. Subsequently, the trading volume of a few K-lines has decreased, but the price continues to rise, indicating that market sentiment remains optimistic, with bulls dominating. The mindset remains primarily bullish, with bears as a supplement.

Today's latest point of reference

Long entry point 3850, add at 3800, stop at 3750, target 4000

Short entry point 4000, add at 4050, stop at 4100, target 3850

The above analysis is based on market data and trend analysis of the order book and does not constitute investment advice. For family reference $ETH #以太坊行情分析
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币圈丽盈:12.13比特币获利了结后再出发!如何在比特币的波动中保持盈利?最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.13—01点:00分      比特币现价101500,丽盈发稿前战绩102000获利了结2500点,有多少粉丝跟上了,再次恭喜一下,趋势不变,思路自然不变依旧是低多为主,等回踩以后继续上车做多,永远只做顺势单,顺势而为,这样才能做币圈的常胜将军,年关越来越近了,再次之前大饼会不会继续向上拉?丽盈认为概率很大,      来看目前的行情,丽盈还是从价格趋势分析,目前盘口的K线形态在100000上方震荡,形成了一个较为明显的箱体整理形态,在11日到13日期间,K线呈现出多次长下影线,显示下方买盘支撑较强,技术指标四小时MACD周期中,MACD柱状图由负转正,DIF线上穿DEA线,表明短期内有反弹动能,但需关注是否持续。再决定多头是否全部落袋      相对强弱指标RSI目前RSI值在60左右,处于相对高位但未进入超买区,显示市场情绪偏向乐观,趋势指标EMA当前价格在EMA7和EMA30之间波动,EMA7已上穿EMA30,显示短期趋势偏多;EMA120仍在下方,长期趋势尚未完全扭转,那就顺势而为,做多为主,在加上成交量放大,尤其是在价格接近101000时,显示该区域存在较大的资金博弈,在上涨过程中逐步增加,说明市场参与者对当前价位认可度提高,贪婪指数在83,上涨还没结束      今日丽盈点位预测      做多点100500,99500补多,止99000,目标102000      做空点102000,103500补空,止104000,目标99000      以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC #比特币行情分析 {future}(BTCUSDT)
  以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC #比特币行情分析
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Crypto Circle Liying: 12.12 Short Selling Power Weakens! Does This Mean the Ethereum Bull Market Will Strike Again? Latest Market Analysis      Article Published on 2024.12.12----01:25      Current Price of Ethereum 3800, indeed the market aligns with Liying’s prediction that 3500 was not breached, the bullish trend continues. Although the best entry point was missed, Liying's choice to enter at 3650 yesterday afternoon at four o'clock also provided a decent opportunity. The main force's attempt to break the 3850 resistance level failed, retracing to 3820 yielded a profit of 170 points, which is sufficient. In a bull market, buying on dips at support allows continuous profit-taking, maintaining a high win rate, and ensuring stable returns.      Currently, in the market, Liying is still analyzing price trends. The current candlestick pattern showed significant fluctuations from the 9th to the 11th, especially the long lower shadow on the 10th indicating strong buying support. The current candlestick shows a clear upward oscillation trend but faces resistance near previous highs. This level can be referenced; if broken, it indicates that the bulls are continuing to strengthen. If not broken, wait for a retracement to continue buying. The technical indicator MACD currently shows both DIF and DEA as negative, but the MACD histogram is gradually shortening, indicating that short selling power is weakening, and the bullish trend continues.      The Relative Strength Index (RSI) has recovered from the oversold zone and is now close to the neutral area of 50, indicating that market sentiment has improved. The EMA trend indicator's price is currently above EMA7 and approaching EMA30. If it can break above EMA30, it will further confirm the short-term rebound trend. The trading volume on the 10th significantly increased, but in the following days, the trading volume decreased, indicating that after the sharp decline, there was capital entering the market to buy the dip. The main force has already taken on those who need to get on board. Additionally, the trading volume has remained relatively stable over the last few cycles, showing no significant increase or decrease, which confirms Liying's hypothesis that the bullish trend continues.      Today's Latest Reference Points      Buy Point 3700, Add 3650, Stop 3600, Target 3850      Sell Point 3850, Add 3900, Stop 3950, Target 3700      The above analysis is based on market data and trend analysis from Liying and does not constitute investment advice. For family reference $ETH #以太坊行情分析 {future}(ETHUSDT)
Crypto Circle Liying: 12.12 Short Selling Power Weakens! Does This Mean the Ethereum Bull Market Will Strike Again? Latest Market Analysis
  Article Published on 2024.12.12----01:25
  Current Price of Ethereum 3800, indeed the market aligns with Liying’s prediction that 3500 was not breached, the bullish trend continues. Although the best entry point was missed, Liying's choice to enter at 3650 yesterday afternoon at four o'clock also provided a decent opportunity. The main force's attempt to break the 3850 resistance level failed, retracing to 3820 yielded a profit of 170 points, which is sufficient. In a bull market, buying on dips at support allows continuous profit-taking, maintaining a high win rate, and ensuring stable returns.
  Currently, in the market, Liying is still analyzing price trends. The current candlestick pattern showed significant fluctuations from the 9th to the 11th, especially the long lower shadow on the 10th indicating strong buying support. The current candlestick shows a clear upward oscillation trend but faces resistance near previous highs. This level can be referenced; if broken, it indicates that the bulls are continuing to strengthen. If not broken, wait for a retracement to continue buying. The technical indicator MACD currently shows both DIF and DEA as negative, but the MACD histogram is gradually shortening, indicating that short selling power is weakening, and the bullish trend continues.
  The Relative Strength Index (RSI) has recovered from the oversold zone and is now close to the neutral area of 50, indicating that market sentiment has improved. The EMA trend indicator's price is currently above EMA7 and approaching EMA30. If it can break above EMA30, it will further confirm the short-term rebound trend. The trading volume on the 10th significantly increased, but in the following days, the trading volume decreased, indicating that after the sharp decline, there was capital entering the market to buy the dip. The main force has already taken on those who need to get on board. Additionally, the trading volume has remained relatively stable over the last few cycles, showing no significant increase or decrease, which confirms Liying's hypothesis that the bullish trend continues.
  Today's Latest Reference Points
  Buy Point 3700, Add 3650, Stop 3600, Target 3850
  Sell Point 3850, Add 3900, Stop 3950, Target 3700
  The above analysis is based on market data and trend analysis from Liying and does not constitute investment advice. For family reference $ETH #以太坊行情分析
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币圈丽盈:12.12诱空陷阱终被揭开!比特币多头势头如虹,你准备好了吗?最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.12—01点:25分      比特币现价100650,大趋势果然和丽盈预料的一样,这一波诱空又有多少人入场了,唯一可惜的是没有回踩到关键支撑92000附近就直接拉伸回到了十万关口,整体趋势依旧是多头趋势这个不需要怀疑,回踩的深度越大,多头扳回的越快,一天的时间就回拉了七千点,还没有停止拉伸的意思,后续会如何走来看丽盈分析      首先还是从K线形态分析,近期价格在高位震荡,昨日出现长阳线突破前期高点,9日至10日期间有较大幅度的下跌,但随后快速反弹,技术指标MACD当前DIF和DEA均为正值,MACD柱状图由负转正,显示出多头趋势增强,      相对强弱指标RSI14接近超买区62.1,但未进入极端区域,表明上行动能仍存,趋势指标EMA短期EMA7已上穿中长期EMA30和EMA120,形成金叉,支持上涨趋势,多头延续成交量11日成交量显著放大,伴随价格上涨,显示资金流入积极,之前几天成交量相对平稳,波动不大,说明市场情绪逐渐积累,主力高位获利了结结束以后开始进一步拉伸,丽盈坚持自己的思路顺势而为,多为主,空为辅      今日丽盈点位预测      做多点99000,98000补多,止97500,目标102000      做空点102000,103500补空,止104000,目标99000      以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC #比特币行情分析 {future}(BTCUSDT)
  以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC #比特币行情分析
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币圈丽盈:12.11等待九万探底后的机会!比特币的投资逻辑将如何重塑!最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.11—00点:55分      比特币现价95800,昨天发完就睡觉了,等待的入场点也在梦里错过了,一天都没有入场,因为短期内主力获利了结的决定太浓烈,也有可能在十万上方狙击了太多的筹码,所以才会来回清算,大级别趋势支撑点在九万关口,多头能否守住这个位置很关键,来看丽盈的分析      首先开始从价格趋势分析,目前的K线形态在高位出现明显的回调,尤其是9日和10日的大阴线显示出较强的抛压,日K线图上形成了一个短期的下降趋势,高点逐步降低,技术指标MACD4小时周期中,MACD处于零轴下方,DIF与DEA均向下发散,表明当前市场处于短线空头趋势,激进者现价可以空,目标不太看太远,拿下500点以上的空间就可以落袋了      相对强弱指标RSI值在36左右,接近超卖区,但尚未进入极端区域,可能会有反弹需求,趋势指标EMA价格目前低于EMA7、EMA30和EMA120,且EMA呈现空头排列,进一步确认短期内下行趋势,再来看盘口成交量9日成交量大幅增加,伴随价格下跌,显示出较强的卖盘压力随后几天成交量有所减少,说明市场情绪趋于谨慎,观望气氛浓厚,丽盈的建议是等探底九万关口以后找机会继续入场,顺着大趋势去做,短空可以做一定要做好风险管理      今日丽盈点位预测      做多点92500,91500补多,止91000,目标95500      做空点98000,99000补空,止99500,目标95500      以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC #比特币行情分析 {future}(BTCUSDT)
  以上是丽盈针对当前盘口行情的简要分析,供投资者参考$BTC #比特币行情分析
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币圈丽盈:12.11长上影线无情显示抛压,以太坊会否迎来破位大行情!最新行情分析      文章发布时间2024.12.11----01点:00分      以太坊现价3600,丽盈对于行情的想法很简单,宁可错过也不做错的原则,不要为错过的行情可惜,有很多粉丝都觉得昨日这一波多头错过了很可惜,但是市场有56万人被清算,我们是这56万人之外的何其幸运,短期内行情进入了空势,至于能不能守住3500关口还要等行情抵达3500以后才能决定      来看目前盘口的K线形态从高位回落,形成明显的下降趋势,出现长上影线和大阴线,显示出较强的抛压,主力获利了结的决定坚定,MACD技术指标可以看到DIF和DEA均在零轴下方,并且MACD柱状图为负值,表明市场短期内处于空头趋势中,有想要做空的币友可以开始尝试空,      相对强弱指标RSI数值接近超卖区,但未进入,短期内可能有反弹需求,但整体仍偏弱势,趋势指标EMA当前价格低于EMA7、EMA30和EMA120,显示出短、中、长期均线系统呈现空头排列,确认了下行趋势,成交量在10日04:00至08:00期间出现放量下跌,成交量显著增加,说明抛售压力加大,短空来袭,随后成交量有所减少,市场情绪趋于谨慎,进一步探底以后可以开始入场做多,因为大级别趋势支撑点再3500附近,不破可以跟随趋势继续做多      今日最新点位参考      做多点3530,补3480,止3430,目标3700      做空点3700,补3750,止3790,目标3550      以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析 {future}(ETHUSDT)
  以上分析丽盈基于市场数据和盘口的趋势分析得出的结论,并不构成投资建议。供家人们参考$ETH #以太坊行情分析
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