Defensor do Bitcoin Suíço quer 100.000 assinaturas para pressionar pela Emenda Constitucional da Reserva Bitcoin do Banco Nacional
Em 31 de dezembro de 2023, a Chancelaria Federal Suíça apresentou uma proposta importante pedindo mudanças na (Constituição Federal Suíça) com o objetivo de fortalecer a política monetária do país por meio das reservas de Bitcoin (BTC). A mudança marca um ponto de viragem fundamental na narrativa global da criptomoeda, à medida que tenta institucionalizar o Bitcoin dentro da estrutura financeira de uma grande economia. A proposta descreve a necessidade de o Banco Nacional Suíço (SNB) manter parte das suas reservas em Bitcoin, um movimento que sinalizaria um reconhecimento substancial da moeda digital.
The proposal originates from the efforts of 2B4CH, a Swiss Bitcoin non-profit organization founded by Yves Bennaïm. The organization has been advocating for this amendment since at least April 2023, demonstrating a commitment to integrating cryptocurrency into national financial practices. Tether Vice President Giw Zanganeh stated, 'This is about creating a financially sound, sovereign, and responsible Switzerland.' The push for this initiative reflects a broader trend of countries exploring or establishing Bitcoin reserves, with interest from the U.S. and Brazil serving as evidence.
To successfully initiate a referendum, supporters of the initiative must collect 100,000 signatures from Switzerland's approximately 8.92 million residents. This represents about 1.12% of the population, a challenging yet achievable target that underscores the importance of public support in shaping monetary policy. Supporters must gather these signatures by June 30, 2026, which will require a coordinated grassroots campaign nationwide.
Despite enthusiastic support from Bitcoin proponents, the proposal faces challenges, particularly regarding regulatory acceptance. Swiss National Bank President Martin Schlegel has expressed concerns about the viability of Bitcoin as a legitimate means of payment and the environmental impact associated with Bitcoin mining. Critics argue that integrating cryptocurrency into the financial system could expose the Swiss economy to new forms of volatility and risk.
The Swiss proposal aligns with global movements surrounding other digital assets. For instance, the United States is actively considering a bill that would allow the Treasury to hold Bitcoin. Meanwhile, Brazil and Poland have also expressed interest in establishing national Bitcoin reserves. These developments indicate a growing recognition of Bitcoin as a potentially stable asset in the contemporary financial landscape.
Swiss Bitcoin advocates are calling for the Swiss central bank to hold Bitcoin, a milestone proposal that could set a precedent for other countries. If successful, this move would not only position Switzerland at the forefront of cryptocurrency adoption but also pave the way for similar initiatives globally. With this movement gaining momentum, the coming months will be crucial in determining the fate of Bitcoin as a mainstream component of national financial infrastructure.