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Russia has created a technology that allows simultaneous control of up to 500,000 drones Imagine, in the near future there will no longer be a need to coordinate the flight of a drone with many different services - everything will be done by a neural network. This will become a reality thanks to a unique technology developed by Russian scientists based on artificial intelligence, capable of tracking the position and condition of up to 500 thousand UAVs, simultaneously. And, as experts say, the real scope for the use of this technology is not in the civilian sphere Engineers from the NTI Competence Center “Geodata and Geoinformation Technologies” at the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIG*AiK) introduced a unique technology called “Constructor of systems for pipeline processing of high-intensity spatio-temporal data streams.” This sounds quite complicated, but let's look at what it actually is. Using artificial intelligence, this development opens the door to the creation of new monitoring systems that respond to events in milliseconds. Technical specialists are already committed to the successful launch of an experimental prototype before the end of this year, and full tests are planned for 2024. #Russia #BTC #Neutron #BinanceSquareXRP #sol $BNB $XRP $USDC

Russia has created a technology that allows simultaneous control of up to 500,000 drones

Imagine, in the near future there will no longer be a need to coordinate the flight of a drone with many different services - everything will be done by a neural network. This will become a reality thanks to a unique technology developed by Russian scientists based on artificial intelligence, capable of tracking the position and condition of up to 500 thousand UAVs, simultaneously. And, as experts say, the real scope for the use of this technology is not in the civilian sphere

Engineers from the NTI Competence Center “Geodata and Geoinformation Technologies” at the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIG*AiK) introduced a unique technology called “Constructor of systems for pipeline processing of high-intensity spatio-temporal data streams.” This sounds quite complicated, but let's look at what it actually is.

Using artificial intelligence, this development opens the door to the creation of new monitoring systems that respond to events in milliseconds. Technical specialists are already committed to the successful launch of an experimental prototype before the end of this year, and full tests are planned for 2024.

#Russia #BTC #Neutron #BinanceSquareXRP #sol


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