Binance Square
Designing and writing trading strategies. Custom indicators. Copytrading. All profit positions💥
Cała zawartość
💵 Be among the 0.1% of people who came here not for money, but for personal qualities. And you will be able to overcome 99.9% of failures and setbacks. As you open the chart, you are greeted with eagerness for profit, impatience, greed, and obsession. The triumph of avarice. Trading can serve as a tool for eliminating personal flaws. Money is only peripheral. The outcome of closed deals, whether positive or negative, is always secondary. The best exchange for money is labor, creation. If you create nothing, and you are given extra money, you will most likely pay another price for it. When your investments of effort do not match the opportunities given to you, give them to another. Do not take anything unnecessary from this world. Only what is essential and nothing more. For excess always desires to possess you. $BTC #Bitcoin #TradeNTell #Trading #Fomo #Finance
💵 Be among the 0.1% of people who came here not for money, but for personal qualities. And you will be able to overcome 99.9% of failures and setbacks.
As you open the chart, you are greeted with eagerness for profit, impatience, greed, and obsession. The triumph of avarice.
Trading can serve as a tool for eliminating personal flaws. Money is only peripheral. The outcome of closed deals, whether positive or negative, is always secondary.
The best exchange for money is labor, creation. If you create nothing, and you are given extra money, you will most likely pay another price for it. When your investments of effort do not match the opportunities given to you, give them to another.
Do not take anything unnecessary from this world. Only what is essential and nothing more.
For excess always desires to possess you.

#Bitcoin #TradeNTell #Trading
#Fomo #Finance
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Od 2936 do ±2912

#TradeNTell #ETH
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Zobacz oryginał
$BTC BTC: Otworzyłem pozycję długą TP: 1% - 2% - 3%

BTC: Otworzyłem pozycję długą
TP: 1% - 2% - 3%
Zobacz oryginał
$BTC 💥 Termin 15m. Gdybym był animatorem rynku, zrobiłbym to w ten sposób. Najpierw musisz oddalić pozycje od tych, które celują w dół, następnie pokazać fałszywy trend wzrostowy i wrócić do strefy płynności. Zobaczymy co powie nam rynek #BTCUSDT  #cryptonews  #TradeNTell #futures
$BTC 💥
Termin 15m.
Gdybym był animatorem rynku, zrobiłbym to w ten sposób. Najpierw musisz oddalić pozycje od tych, które celują w dół, następnie pokazać fałszywy trend wzrostowy i wrócić do strefy płynności. Zobaczymy co powie nam rynek

#BTCUSDT  #cryptonews  #TradeNTell #futures
Zobacz oryginał
$BTC 💥 Termin 15m. Cześć drodzy przyjaciele. Przed weekendem zaskoczył mnie krótki sygnał bitcoinowy i postanowiłem się nim z wami podzielić. Jeśli ktoś w tym momencie zdecydował się otworzyć krótką pozycję, to uważam, że przyjął ten zysk 🤙 #BTCUSDT #cryptonews #TradeNTell #BTC🔥🔥
$BTC 💥
Termin 15m.
Cześć drodzy przyjaciele. Przed weekendem zaskoczył mnie krótki sygnał bitcoinowy i postanowiłem się nim z wami podzielić. Jeśli ktoś w tym momencie zdecydował się otworzyć krótką pozycję, to uważam, że przyjął ten zysk 🤙

#BTCUSDT #cryptonews #TradeNTell #BTC🔥🔥
Zobacz oryginał
$BTC 💥 Termin 15m Po raz pierwszy od dłuższego czasu otrzymałem krótki sygnał. Kodując strategię, starałem się usunąć z wykresu fałszywe sygnały i manipulacje. Ale od 31 stycznia jest to pierwszy krótki sygnał Ale nie jest to dla mnie bezpośredni przewodnik, więc zobaczmy, co będzie dalej #BTCUSDT  #Write2Earn  #TradeNTell  #cryptonews
$BTC 💥
Termin 15m
Po raz pierwszy od dłuższego czasu otrzymałem krótki sygnał. Kodując strategię, starałem się usunąć z wykresu fałszywe sygnały i manipulacje. Ale od 31 stycznia jest to pierwszy krótki sygnał
Ale nie jest to dla mnie bezpośredni przewodnik, więc zobaczmy, co będzie dalej
#BTCUSDT  #Write2Earn  #TradeNTell  #cryptonews
$BTC What's up Bitcoin? 📈 💥 Everything remains the same: big speculators want to take funds from small speculators. I don't play by others' rules, so I trade in small amounts. In January, I worked on an interesting case, then Binance drew a terrible 32.24% MDD for me 😁 When the market started to fall, I opened a long position at the level of 46k. I knew the market would go up, but when? I had many questions. I was so sure about it that I opened 4 long positions at once for SOL, ETC, STX! First, I averaging SOL, it was the easiest. Then came the time for Bitcoin. I continued to average down at levels of 44k, 43k, 41k, 39k! Now my entry price for BTC was 42408. The Bitcoin position lasted for 18 days. My average closing price was 42908! Then I averaging ETC, and STX closed without averaging down. In total, 4/4 positions closed with profit. All this is in my copytrading statistics. Nevertheless, I made many mistakes and errors, which turned out to be beneficial for me. Now I am actively buying short positions for Bitcoin. My average entry price is 50.6k. I plan to average the position when we reach 53-54k. There are indicators that market makers will push the market to this zone to liquidate many short positions. I am sure that BTC will drop to 47k. It is my TP. It's just a matter of time and patience. I'm in no rush 😎 #BTCUSDT #Write2Earn #TradeNTell #cryptonews
What's up Bitcoin? 📈 💥
Everything remains the same: big speculators want to take funds from small speculators. I don't play by others' rules, so I trade in small amounts.
In January, I worked on an interesting case, then Binance drew a terrible 32.24% MDD for me 😁
When the market started to fall, I opened a long position at the level of 46k. I knew the market would go up, but when? I had many questions. I was so sure about it that I opened 4 long positions at once for SOL, ETC, STX!
First, I averaging SOL, it was the easiest. Then came the time for Bitcoin. I continued to average down at levels of 44k, 43k, 41k, 39k!
Now my entry price for BTC was 42408. The Bitcoin position lasted for 18 days. My average closing price was 42908! Then I averaging ETC, and STX closed without averaging down.
In total, 4/4 positions closed with profit.
All this is in my copytrading statistics. Nevertheless, I made many mistakes and errors, which turned out to be beneficial for me.
Now I am actively buying short positions for Bitcoin. My average entry price is 50.6k. I plan to average the position when we reach 53-54k. There are indicators that market makers will push the market to this zone to liquidate many short positions. I am sure that BTC will drop to 47k. It is my TP. It's just a matter of time and patience. I'm in no rush 😎

#BTCUSDT #Write2Earn #TradeNTell #cryptonews
Zobacz oryginał
$BTC 💥 15-minutowy przedział czasowy Trend: niedźwiedzi Połowa trendu: niedźwiedzi Widzimy ładną strefę płynności przy 50 tys. i 50,4 tys. Ale nie widzę sygnału na krótką pozycję. Brakuje nam wolumenu. Uważaj, animatorzy rynku będą manipulować rynkiem #Bitcoin #TradeNTeel #Write2Earn
$BTC 💥
15-minutowy przedział czasowy
Trend: niedźwiedzi
Połowa trendu: niedźwiedzi

Widzimy ładną strefę płynności przy 50 tys. i 50,4 tys.
Ale nie widzę sygnału na krótką pozycję. Brakuje nam wolumenu. Uważaj, animatorzy rynku będą manipulować rynkiem

#Bitcoin #TradeNTeel #Write2Earn
Zobacz oryginał
STX: skalp KRÓTKI od 2.517$ $STX
STX: skalp
KRÓTKI od 2.517$
$BTC How’s it going? Yesterday I posted a signal to buy a long position on BTC. I was very tired so yesterday post was as laconic. Then I set TP and went to rest. Seeing the current situation on the market, I understood that I could have set TP higher, but I didn’t want to be greedy. Therefore, I am not upset about the missed opportunity to earn more. Now I’m at the strategy testing stage, so I’m trading small amounts. Take profit for everyone and have a nice day! 💥
How’s it going? Yesterday I posted a signal to buy a long position on BTC.
I was very tired so yesterday post was as laconic. Then I set TP and went to rest.
Seeing the current situation on the market, I understood that I could have set TP higher, but I didn’t want to be greedy. Therefore, I am not upset about the missed opportunity to earn more.
Now I’m at the strategy testing stage, so I’m trading small amounts.
Take profit for everyone and have a nice day! 💥
$BTC BTC: I opened LONG from futures Entered: 51783

BTC: I opened LONG from futures
Entered: 51783
$BTC $SOL Hola. Since the beginning of this year I have been testing the strategy and own indicators. Trade priority is SOL and BTC. If there is activity, i 'll be happy to post my transactions. I know that no one will follow the signals of a no-name trader, which I am for you. So I need to do some work 🤙 Further more. SOL: positions on Solana are not yet visible. BTC: buying more shorted btc 50k, 52k.
Hola. Since the beginning of this year I have been testing the strategy and own indicators. Trade priority is SOL and BTC. If there is activity, i 'll be happy to post my transactions. I know that no one will follow the signals of a no-name trader, which I am for you. So I need to do some work 🤙
Further more. SOL: positions on Solana are not yet visible. BTC: buying more shorted btc 50k, 52k.
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