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HISTORIE O DUCHACHOd dziesięcioleci goście i pracownicy domu George'a Washingtona donoszą o nadprzyrodzonych zjawiskach. Poniżej znajduje się szereg opowieści o duchach z Mount Vernon, które pracownicy nagrali na przestrzeni lat. Duchy Waszyngtonu nawiedzają Mount Vernon Na początku działalności Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, gdy kobiety przebywały w Mount Vernon, spały w rezydencji. Poniższa relacja została opublikowana w gazecie New York World około 1890 roku. „Oczywiście, najciekawszą ze wszystkich sypialni jest ta należąca do nieśmiertelnego George’a, w której zmarł. Znajduje się w niej oryginalne łoże z baldachimem, na którym Washington spędził ostatnie chwile”.


Od dziesięcioleci goście i pracownicy domu George'a Washingtona donoszą o nadprzyrodzonych zjawiskach. Poniżej znajduje się szereg opowieści o duchach z Mount Vernon, które pracownicy nagrali na przestrzeni lat.
Duchy Waszyngtonu nawiedzają Mount Vernon
Na początku działalności Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, gdy kobiety przebywały w Mount Vernon, spały w rezydencji.
Poniższa relacja została opublikowana w gazecie New York World około 1890 roku.
„Oczywiście, najciekawszą ze wszystkich sypialni jest ta należąca do nieśmiertelnego George’a, w której zmarł. Znajduje się w niej oryginalne łoże z baldachimem, na którym Washington spędził ostatnie chwile”.
Zobacz oryginał
Trump grozi prawnikom, darczyńcom i urzędnikom wyborczym więzieniem za „nieuczciwe zachowanie” Przez Jillian Frankel MOSINEE, Wisconsin — Były prezydent Donald Trump, który często wysuwa fałszywe oskarżenia, że ​​wybory prezydenckie w 2020 r. zostały ukradzione w wyniku masowego oszustwa, ostrzegł w sobotę, że spróbuje uwięzić każdego, kto dopuści się „nieuczciwego zachowania” podczas tegorocznych wyborów. Wydał groźbę na Truth Social, swojej stronie w mediach społecznościowych, i powtórzył fałszywe twierdzenia, że ​​wybory w 2020 r. zostały skradzione, oskarżając Demokratów o „szalejące oszustwa i machlojki”. „Wybory w 2024 r., w których głosy dopiero zaczynają być oddawane, zostaną poddane najściślejszej kontroli zawodowej, a GDY WYGRAM, osoby, które OSZUKALI, zostaną pociągnięte do odpowiedzialności z całą surowością prawa, w tym z długoletnimi wyrokami więzienia, aby ta Deprawacja Sprawiedliwości nie powtórzyła się” – napisał.

Trump grozi prawnikom, darczyńcom i urzędnikom wyborczym więzieniem za „nieuczciwe zachowanie”

Przez Jillian Frankel
MOSINEE, Wisconsin — Były prezydent Donald Trump, który często wysuwa fałszywe oskarżenia, że ​​wybory prezydenckie w 2020 r. zostały ukradzione w wyniku masowego oszustwa, ostrzegł w sobotę, że spróbuje uwięzić każdego, kto dopuści się „nieuczciwego zachowania” podczas tegorocznych wyborów.
Wydał groźbę na Truth Social, swojej stronie w mediach społecznościowych, i powtórzył fałszywe twierdzenia, że ​​wybory w 2020 r. zostały skradzione, oskarżając Demokratów o „szalejące oszustwa i machlojki”.
„Wybory w 2024 r., w których głosy dopiero zaczynają być oddawane, zostaną poddane najściślejszej kontroli zawodowej, a GDY WYGRAM, osoby, które OSZUKALI, zostaną pociągnięte do odpowiedzialności z całą surowością prawa, w tym z długoletnimi wyrokami więzienia, aby ta Deprawacja Sprawiedliwości nie powtórzyła się” – napisał.
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Harris próbuje nadwyrężyć przewagę Trumpa w gospodarce. To może zadecydować o wyborach. WASZYNGTON — Kamala Harris stara się zneutralizować rażącą słabość, która zagraża jej perspektywom od czasu, gdy zastąpiła Joe Bidena na stanowisku kandydata Demokratów na prezydenta: frustrację wyborców spowodowaną wysokimi cenami. Harris mówi o gospodarce, mając nadzieję na pozyskanie wyborców, którzy nadal odczuwają dokuczliwy ból ekonomiczny. Może to być najbardziej świadome i wyraźne zerwanie z Bidenem, jakie miała od czasu objęcia przez nią stanowiska. Biden spędził ostatni rok na zachwalaniu „bidenomiki” i zapewnianiu, że wyborcy przyjdą i docenią go za szereg zwycięstw legislacyjnych, nie obwiniając go jednak ostatecznie o wysokie koszty artykułów spożywczych i innych niezbędnych rzeczy.

Harris próbuje nadwyrężyć przewagę Trumpa w gospodarce. To może zadecydować o wyborach.

WASZYNGTON — Kamala Harris stara się zneutralizować rażącą słabość, która zagraża jej perspektywom od czasu, gdy zastąpiła Joe Bidena na stanowisku kandydata Demokratów na prezydenta: frustrację wyborców spowodowaną wysokimi cenami.
Harris mówi o gospodarce, mając nadzieję na pozyskanie wyborców, którzy nadal odczuwają dokuczliwy ból ekonomiczny. Może to być najbardziej świadome i wyraźne zerwanie z Bidenem, jakie miała od czasu objęcia przez nią stanowiska.
Biden spędził ostatni rok na zachwalaniu „bidenomiki” i zapewnianiu, że wyborcy przyjdą i docenią go za szereg zwycięstw legislacyjnych, nie obwiniając go jednak ostatecznie o wysokie koszty artykułów spożywczych i innych niezbędnych rzeczy.
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CFTC przegrywa pierwszą rundę: Kalshi ma pozwolenie na oferowanie zakładów na wybory w USA W tym tygodniu sędzia federalny opowiedział się po stronie rynku prognoz Kalshiego, wniosku o wydanie wyroku podsumowującego w jego batalii prawnej z amerykańską Komisją ds. Obrotu Kontraktami Terminowymi na Towary (CFTC). Ta decyzja otwiera drzwi obywatelom USA do obstawiania zakładów na nadchodzące listopadowe wybory. Jednak orzeczenie nie jest jeszcze ostatecznym słowem, ponieważ CFTC nadal może się od niego odwołać. Po wydaniu zarządzenia przez sędziego regulator towarów natychmiast złożył wniosek o dwutygodniowe zawieszenie. Zwycięstwo prawne Kalshiego może zmienić krajobraz zakładów bukmacherskich w wyborach w USA, CFTC składa wniosek awaryjny

CFTC przegrywa pierwszą rundę: Kalshi ma pozwolenie na oferowanie zakładów na wybory w USA

W tym tygodniu sędzia federalny opowiedział się po stronie rynku prognoz Kalshiego, wniosku o wydanie wyroku podsumowującego w jego batalii prawnej z amerykańską Komisją ds. Obrotu Kontraktami Terminowymi na Towary (CFTC). Ta decyzja otwiera drzwi obywatelom USA do obstawiania zakładów na nadchodzące listopadowe wybory. Jednak orzeczenie nie jest jeszcze ostatecznym słowem, ponieważ CFTC nadal może się od niego odwołać. Po wydaniu zarządzenia przez sędziego regulator towarów natychmiast złożył wniosek o dwutygodniowe zawieszenie.

Zwycięstwo prawne Kalshiego może zmienić krajobraz zakładów bukmacherskich w wyborach w USA, CFTC składa wniosek awaryjny
Zobacz oryginał
Ceny kryptowalut dzisiaj (8 września): Szeroki rynek dzisiaj odzyskał ruch wzrostowy po niedawnym spadku. Cena bitcoina (BTC) ponownie osiągnęła poziom 54 tys. USD, podczas gdy Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL) i XRP były notowane dominująco na zielonym terytorium. W międzyczasie globalna kapitalizacja rynku kryptowalut wzrosła o 1,28% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin, osiągając 1,93 biliona USD. Jednak całkowity wolumen rynku odnotował fenomenalny spadek wartości o 56,43% do 42,88 miliarda USD. Oto krótki przegląd niektórych wiodących kryptowalut według kapitalizacji rynkowej i ich akcji cenowej dzisiaj, 8 września. Cena BTC wzrosła o prawie 1% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin, handlując po 54 318 USD. Najniższa i najwyższa cena monety w ciągu 24 godzin wyniosła odpowiednio 53 799,05 USD i 54 838,15 USD. #BTC☀ #Write2Earn! #Holi_Box {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Ceny kryptowalut dzisiaj (8 września): Szeroki rynek dzisiaj odzyskał ruch wzrostowy po niedawnym spadku. Cena bitcoina (BTC) ponownie osiągnęła poziom 54 tys. USD, podczas gdy Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL) i XRP były notowane dominująco na zielonym terytorium.
W międzyczasie globalna kapitalizacja rynku kryptowalut wzrosła o 1,28% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin, osiągając 1,93 biliona USD. Jednak całkowity wolumen rynku odnotował fenomenalny spadek wartości o 56,43% do 42,88 miliarda USD.

Oto krótki przegląd niektórych wiodących kryptowalut według kapitalizacji rynkowej i ich akcji cenowej dzisiaj, 8 września.
Cena BTC wzrosła o prawie 1% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin, handlując po 54 318 USD. Najniższa i najwyższa cena monety w ciągu 24 godzin wyniosła odpowiednio 53 799,05 USD i 54 838,15 USD.
Zobacz oryginał
Ceny kryptowalut dzisiaj 7 września: Bitcoin spada do 53 tys. dolarów, Altcoiny spadają w synchronizacji Szerszy rynek był świadkiem załamania cen, ponieważ dane o zatrudnieniu w USA i obawy przed recesją wywołały zmienność. Cena Bitcoina (BTC) spadła do poziomu 53 tys. dolarów w ciągu ostatniego dnia, podczas gdy ceny Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL) i XRP spadły o 4-7%. Globalna kapitalizacja rynkowa odnotowała dziś spadek wartości o prawie 5% do 1,90 biliona dolarów. Jednak wolumen rynku wzrósł o 54,81% do 98,3 miliarda dolarów, co wywołało spekulacje inwestorów. $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) #BTC☀
Ceny kryptowalut dzisiaj 7 września: Bitcoin spada do 53 tys. dolarów, Altcoiny spadają w synchronizacji

Szerszy rynek był świadkiem załamania cen, ponieważ dane o zatrudnieniu w USA i obawy przed recesją wywołały zmienność. Cena Bitcoina (BTC) spadła do poziomu 53 tys. dolarów w ciągu ostatniego dnia, podczas gdy ceny Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL) i XRP spadły o 4-7%. Globalna kapitalizacja rynkowa odnotowała dziś spadek wartości o prawie 5% do 1,90 biliona dolarów. Jednak wolumen rynku wzrósł o 54,81% do 98,3 miliarda dolarów, co wywołało spekulacje inwestorów.

Dogs Coin Price Prediction 2024-2030 Here are the most important things you need to know from our Dogs price prediction: Our real-time $DOGS to USD price chart gives the current Dogs price as $0.0012 on August 30, 2024. Dogs has a current market cap of $658.88M, making it the 9th-largest meme coin by market cap just 3 days after launching. We predict $DOGS will continue to gain momentum through the final months of 2024, reaching $0.0014 by the end of the year. Our Dogs price prediction for 2025 indicates an average price of $0.0015 and we think the token could reach a price of $0.0034 by the end of 2030. {spot}(DOGSUSDT) $DOGS #DOGSONBINANCE
Dogs Coin Price Prediction 2024-2030
Here are the most important things you need to know from our Dogs price prediction:
Our real-time $DOGS to USD price chart gives the current Dogs price as $0.0012 on August 30, 2024.
Dogs has a current market cap of $658.88M, making it the 9th-largest meme coin by market cap just 3 days after launching.

We predict $DOGS will continue to gain momentum through the final months of 2024, reaching $0.0014 by the end of the year.
Our Dogs price prediction for 2025 indicates an average price of $0.0015 and we think the token could reach a price of $0.0034 by the end of 2030.

Today - According to on-chain data provider Lookonchain, a whale or institution has deposited 2,364 Bitcoin (BTC) worth nearly $140 million to one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance. This massive move, occurring hours ago, has sparked speculation in the cryptocurrency market. Depositing to exchanges typically indicates an intention to sell, while withdrawals suggest an intent to buy. Whether this move signals selling or a strategic play remains unknown. According to Glassnode's most recent weekly report, net capital inflows into Bitcoin have slowed in recent months. This suggests a degree of equilibrium is reached between investors taking profit and loss. Notably, capital inflows into the Bitcoin market are rarely this quiet, with 89% of days seeing a greater capital inflow (excluding loss-dominated bear markets). #BTC☀ {spot}(BTCUSDT) According to Glassnode, the market has remained within a structurally ordered downtrend for over five months with a period of consolidation and accumulation following. This view is supported by on-chain analytics firm CryptoQuant, which indicated that the Bitcoin market cycle indicator is again in the bear phase. This observation was made by CryptoQuant head of Research, Julio Moreno, who also stated that from a valuation perspective, if the Bitcoin price pierces $56,000 to the downside, it stands the risk of a larger correction increase.
Today - According to on-chain data provider Lookonchain, a whale or institution has deposited 2,364 Bitcoin (BTC) worth nearly $140 million to one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance. This massive move, occurring hours ago, has sparked speculation in the cryptocurrency market.

Depositing to exchanges typically indicates an intention to sell, while withdrawals suggest an intent to buy. Whether this move signals selling or a strategic play remains unknown.

According to Glassnode's most recent weekly report, net capital inflows into Bitcoin have slowed in recent months. This suggests a degree of equilibrium is reached between investors taking profit and loss.

Notably, capital inflows into the Bitcoin market are rarely this quiet, with 89% of days seeing a greater capital inflow (excluding loss-dominated bear markets).


According to Glassnode, the market has remained within a structurally ordered downtrend for over five months with a period of consolidation and accumulation following.
This view is supported by on-chain analytics firm CryptoQuant, which indicated that the Bitcoin market cycle indicator is again in the bear phase. This observation was made by CryptoQuant head of Research, Julio Moreno, who also stated that from a valuation perspective, if the Bitcoin price pierces $56,000 to the downside, it stands the risk of a larger correction increase.
Cryptocurrency Price Today (August 30): Bitcoin Dips Below $59,000, BEAM Becomes Top Gainer.... Bitcoin (BTC), the world’s oldest and most valued cryptocurrency, dipped below the $60,000 mark and continued to be on a freefall early Friday. Other popular altcoins — including the likes of Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Solana (SOL), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC) — landed in the reds across the board as the overall Market Fear & Greed Index stood at 46 (Neutral) out of 100, as per CoinMarketCap data. The BEAM token emerged to be the biggest gainer of the lot, with a 24-hour jump of over 5 percent. DOGS became the biggest loser, with a 24-hour dip of nearly 18 percent. The global crypto market cap stood at $2.07 trillion at the time of writing, registering a 24-hour dip of 0.56 percent. Bitcoin (BTC) Price Today Bitcoin price stood at $58,787.47, registering a 24-hour loss of 0.93 percent, as per CoinMarketCap. According to Indian exchanges, BTC price stood at Rs 53.65 lakh. Ethereum (ETH) Price Today ETH price stood at $2,511.62, marking a 24-hour dip of 0.82 percent at the time of writing. Ethereum price in India stood at Rs 2.30 lakh. Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Today DOGE registered a 24-hour dip of 0.63 percent, as per CoinMarketCap data, currently priced at $0.09997. Dogecoin price in India stood at Rs 9.15. Litecoin (LTC) Price Today Litecoin saw a 24-hour gain of 0.30 percent. At the time of writing, it was trading at $62.13. LTC price in India stood at Rs 5,394.71. Ripple (XRP) Price Today XRP price stood at $0.5609, seeing a 24-hour dip of 2.02 percent. Ripple price in India stood at Rs 50.18. Solana (SOL) Price Today Solana price stood at $138.19, marking a 24-hour loss of 3.80 percent. SOL price in India stood at Rs 13,330.33. {spot}(BTCUSDT) $BTC
Cryptocurrency Price Today (August 30): Bitcoin Dips Below $59,000, BEAM Becomes Top Gainer....
Bitcoin (BTC), the world’s oldest and most valued cryptocurrency, dipped below the $60,000 mark and continued to be on a freefall early Friday. Other popular altcoins — including the likes of Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Solana (SOL), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC) — landed in the reds across the board as the overall Market Fear & Greed Index stood at 46 (Neutral) out of 100, as per CoinMarketCap data. The BEAM token emerged to be the biggest gainer of the lot, with a 24-hour jump of over 5 percent. DOGS became the biggest loser, with a 24-hour dip of nearly 18 percent.
The global crypto market cap stood at $2.07 trillion at the time of writing, registering a 24-hour dip of 0.56 percent.

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Today

Bitcoin price stood at $58,787.47, registering a 24-hour loss of 0.93 percent, as per CoinMarketCap. According to Indian exchanges, BTC price stood at Rs 53.65 lakh.

Ethereum (ETH) Price Today

ETH price stood at $2,511.62, marking a 24-hour dip of 0.82 percent at the time of writing. Ethereum price in India stood at Rs 2.30 lakh.

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Today

DOGE registered a 24-hour dip of 0.63 percent, as per CoinMarketCap data, currently priced at $0.09997. Dogecoin price in India stood at Rs 9.15.

Litecoin (LTC) Price Today

Litecoin saw a 24-hour gain of 0.30 percent. At the time of writing, it was trading at $62.13. LTC price in India stood at Rs 5,394.71.

Ripple (XRP) Price Today

XRP price stood at $0.5609, seeing a 24-hour dip of 2.02 percent. Ripple price in India stood at Rs 50.18.

Solana (SOL) Price Today

Solana price stood at $138.19, marking a 24-hour loss of 3.80 percent. SOL price in India stood at Rs 13,330.33.
UK Police Charge Shop Owner Over Unregistered Bitcoin ATM An extensive crackdown on illicit digital asset businesses has begun with the charging of a man in the UK who ran an unlicensed cryptocurrency ATM. The UK police charged Habibur Rahman, 37, from East Ham, London, on August 28 with operating unregistered crypto ATMs and laundering thousands of pounds. The landmark event marks the UK’s first prosecution for crypto ATM operations, signaling an important step in the country’s efforts to combat illegal digital asset activities. #CryptoATM #Bitcoin❗ {spot}(BTCUSDT) $BTC
UK Police Charge Shop Owner Over Unregistered Bitcoin ATM
An extensive crackdown on illicit digital asset businesses has begun with the charging of a man in the UK who ran an unlicensed cryptocurrency ATM.
The UK police charged Habibur Rahman, 37, from East Ham, London, on August 28 with operating unregistered crypto ATMs and laundering thousands of pounds.

The landmark event marks the UK’s first prosecution for crypto ATM operations, signaling an important step in the country’s efforts to combat illegal digital asset activities.
Zobacz oryginał
Kryptowaluty spadają pośród fali długich likwidacji, bitcoin spada poniżej 60 000 USD Kryptowaluty kontynuowały spadki od wtorku, ponieważ kontrakty terminowe na Azję wskazywały na spadek, wywołując falę likwidacji na giełdzie Bybit. Cena bitcoina była ostatnio niższa o 5,9% do 59 421,95 USD w środę, według Coin Metrics. Ether spadł o ponad 4,5% do 2469,50 USD Rynki kryptowalut gwałtownie spadły, wywołując likwidację napędzaną dźwignią", powiedział Steven Lubka, szef klientów prywatnych i biur rodzinnych w Swan Bitcoin. „Wydaje się, że ten ruch został zapoczątkowany przez istotny spadek Ethereum, które przez cały rok zmagało się z bitcoinem". Według CoinGlass, rynek kontraktów terminowych odnotował 93,52 mln USD w długoterminowych likwidacjach etheru, co zmusza traderów do sprzedaży swoich aktywów po cenie rynkowej w celu uregulowania długów na scentralizowanych giełdach. Odnotowano około 85,93 mln USD w likwidacjach bitcoinów. #CryptoNewss „Fale napędzane dźwignią są zazwyczaj świetną okazją do kupna", dodał Lubka. „I chociaż spodziewam się, że rynki kupią spadek bitcoina, Ethereum może nadal mieć problemy, dopóki inwestorzy nie będą mieli powodu, aby ponownie pozytywnie ocenić ten składnik aktywów". W tym roku bitcoin nadal wzrósł o 39%. Ether utrzymuje skromniejszy zysk na poziomie 7%. Sierpień, typowo spokojny miesiąc dla kryptowalut i aktywów ryzykownych, był w tym roku szczególnie zmienny. Jednak kryptowaluty nie są obce dużym wycofywaniom na rynkach byka. Bitcoin nadal bezpiecznie utrzymuje się w przedziale, w którym znajduje się od kwietnia – między 55 000 a 70 000 USD. Trump pozycjonuje się jako kandydat pro-krypto w nadchodzących wyborach prezydenckich w USA. Wiceprezydent Kamala Harris, kandydatka Demokratów, nie podzieliła się jeszcze publicznie swoją opinią na temat branży. „Traderzy nie lubią niestabilności i często przechodzą na ryzyko w zamian za gotówkę w takich warunkach” – powiedział Bartosz Lipiński, dyrektor generalny platformy do handlu kryptowalutami Cube.Exchange. „Prawdopodobnie tak jest dzisiaj”. $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Kryptowaluty spadają pośród fali długich likwidacji, bitcoin spada poniżej 60 000 USD

Kryptowaluty kontynuowały spadki od wtorku, ponieważ kontrakty terminowe na Azję wskazywały na spadek, wywołując falę likwidacji na giełdzie Bybit.

Cena bitcoina była ostatnio niższa o 5,9% do 59 421,95 USD w środę, według Coin Metrics. Ether spadł o ponad 4,5% do 2469,50 USD

Rynki kryptowalut gwałtownie spadły, wywołując likwidację napędzaną dźwignią", powiedział Steven Lubka, szef klientów prywatnych i biur rodzinnych w Swan Bitcoin. „Wydaje się, że ten ruch został zapoczątkowany przez istotny spadek Ethereum, które przez cały rok zmagało się z bitcoinem".

Według CoinGlass, rynek kontraktów terminowych odnotował 93,52 mln USD w długoterminowych likwidacjach etheru, co zmusza traderów do sprzedaży swoich aktywów po cenie rynkowej w celu uregulowania długów na scentralizowanych giełdach. Odnotowano około 85,93 mln USD w likwidacjach bitcoinów.


„Fale napędzane dźwignią są zazwyczaj świetną okazją do kupna", dodał Lubka. „I chociaż spodziewam się, że rynki kupią spadek bitcoina, Ethereum może nadal mieć problemy, dopóki inwestorzy nie będą mieli powodu, aby ponownie pozytywnie ocenić ten składnik aktywów".

W tym roku bitcoin nadal wzrósł o 39%. Ether utrzymuje skromniejszy zysk na poziomie 7%.

Sierpień, typowo spokojny miesiąc dla kryptowalut i aktywów ryzykownych, był w tym roku szczególnie zmienny. Jednak kryptowaluty nie są obce dużym wycofywaniom na rynkach byka. Bitcoin nadal bezpiecznie utrzymuje się w przedziale, w którym znajduje się od kwietnia – między 55 000 a 70 000 USD.

Trump pozycjonuje się jako kandydat pro-krypto w nadchodzących wyborach prezydenckich w USA. Wiceprezydent Kamala Harris, kandydatka Demokratów, nie podzieliła się jeszcze publicznie swoją opinią na temat branży.

„Traderzy nie lubią niestabilności i często przechodzą na ryzyko w zamian za gotówkę w takich warunkach” – powiedział Bartosz Lipiński, dyrektor generalny platformy do handlu kryptowalutami Cube.Exchange. „Prawdopodobnie tak jest dzisiaj”.

Durov’s arrest was not political, Macron says French President Macron confirmed Durov’s arrest in an Aug. 26 post on the X social media platform. In the post, Macron addressed the “false information” being spread on social media, which alleged that Durov’s arrest was politically motivated. It was in “no way a political decision,” said Macron. Durov was arrested on Aug. 24 at an airport outside Paris, sparking rumors about his potential charges and enforcement actions against Telegram. On Aug. 25, Telegram issued a statement expressing solidarity with its founder, adding that Durov had nothing to hide in his frequent trips throughout Europe. On Aug. 26, Cointelegraph reported that French authorities could legally detain Durov until Aug. 28. In an Aug. 26 notice, French prosecutors said Durov was taken into custody as part of an investigation “against person unnamed.”
Durov’s arrest was not political, Macron says

French President Macron confirmed Durov’s arrest in an Aug. 26 post on the X social media platform.

In the post, Macron addressed the “false information” being spread on social media, which alleged that Durov’s arrest was politically motivated. It was in “no way a political decision,” said Macron.

Durov was arrested on Aug. 24 at an airport outside Paris, sparking rumors about his potential charges and enforcement actions against Telegram.

On Aug. 25, Telegram issued a statement expressing solidarity with its founder, adding that Durov had nothing to hide in his frequent trips throughout Europe.

On Aug. 26, Cointelegraph reported that French authorities could legally detain Durov until Aug. 28. In an Aug. 26 notice, French prosecutors said Durov was taken into custody as part of an investigation “against person unnamed.”
Toncoin Price Prediction: Why is TON price down today and how BNB’s market cap shot past Solana (SOL) in spite of recent crypto market events. The cryptocurrency market continues to experience notable shifts, with Toncoin (TON) capturing significant attention due to recent news surrounding Telegram’s cofounder. Analysts are now predicting a mixed bag of possibilities for TON, with optimistic outlooks suggesting a surge to as high as $10 if momentum continues, while others warn of a possible price correction.. In another head-turning development, BNB recently surpassed Solana (SOL) in market capitalization. Meanwhile, the JetBolt presale is generating significant buzz, drawing in early buyers eager to experience its groundbreaking features. This article will explore these latest crypto market developments in depth. New Coin JetBolt’s Presale Gains Momentum JetBolt, a recently launched coin, is emerging as a top crypto presale, quickly catching the attention of traders, and enthusiasts across the entire crypto community. JetBolt’s revolutionary features, from its zero gas technology, easy-to-earn staking, and AI-powered utility, are fueling its rising popularity. With such innovative features creating significantly growing buzz, this new crypto coin is now among the most-watched new crypto coins of 2024. $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) $TON {spot}(TONUSDT) {spot}(SOLUSDT)
Toncoin Price Prediction: Why is TON price down today and how BNB’s market cap shot past Solana (SOL) in spite of recent crypto market events.
The cryptocurrency market continues to experience notable shifts, with Toncoin (TON) capturing significant attention due to recent news surrounding Telegram’s cofounder. Analysts are now predicting a mixed bag of possibilities for TON, with optimistic outlooks suggesting a surge to as high as $10 if momentum continues, while others warn of a possible price correction.. In another head-turning development, BNB recently surpassed Solana (SOL) in market capitalization.
Meanwhile, the JetBolt presale is generating significant buzz, drawing in early buyers eager to experience its groundbreaking features. This article will explore these latest crypto market developments in depth.
New Coin JetBolt’s Presale Gains Momentum

JetBolt, a recently launched coin, is emerging as a top crypto presale, quickly catching the attention of traders, and enthusiasts across the entire crypto community. JetBolt’s revolutionary features, from its zero gas technology, easy-to-earn staking, and AI-powered utility, are fueling its rising popularity. With such innovative features creating significantly growing buzz, this new crypto coin is now among the most-watched new crypto coins of 2024.

Crypto Price Today Bitcoin Dips to $63K, Altcoins Show Mixed Results Crypto Price Today: On August 27, 2024, the crypto market shows a mix of gains and losses across various tokens, with Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) experiencing slight downturns in their 24-hour trading cycles, whereas other altcoins like Solana (SOL) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) posted gains over the week. This detailed analysis will explore the significant factors influencing the prices of major cryptocurrencies and potential future movements driven by market sentiment, investor behavior, and external economic factors. Overview of Major Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin (BTC): The premier cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, is currently priced at $63,048.99, experiencing a daily decrease of 1.51% but maintaining a weekly gain of 3.59%, as per CoinMarketCap. This slight pullback can be attributed to the recent discussions around Federal Reserve policies, which continue to be a pivotal influence on Bitcoin's price trajectory. Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum, following its recent upgrade, is trading at $2,686.94. It saw a daily decrease of 2.34% but a modest weekly increase of 0.84%. Ethereum's volatility is partly due to ongoing adjustments post-upgrade and the market's speculative response to decentralized finance (DeFi) activities. Solana (SOL): Marked as one of the week's better performers with a 7.86% increase, Solana trades at $158.56. The growth is linked to its increasing adoption in decentralized applications (dApps) and continuous network improvements. Ripple (XRP) and Shiba Inu (SHIB): XRP sees a minor daily loss and a weekly decline, trading at $0.59. Conversely, Shiba Inu points upwards with a notable 7.14% increase over the week, despite a 2.32% drop in the day, possibly fueled by the meme coin's community-driven activities and speculative trading. Federal Reserve's Influence on Crypto Prices The Federal Reserve's monetary policies are a significant catalyst for Bitcoin and the broader crypto market. The potential rate cut speculated for September could serve as a critical bullish signal for Bitcoin, pushing its price possibly above $68,000. Furthermore, Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s recent dovish remarks at the Jackson Hole Symposium have sparked expectations of a more accommodative policy stance, which historically benefits risk assets like cryptocurrencies. This macroeconomic backdrop suggests a potentially favorable near-term outlook for Bitcoin and similar risk-sensitive digital assets. Bitcoin ETFs and Institutional Interest Another notable development is the substantial inflows into U.S.-listed spot Bitcoin ETFs, which saw their highest daily net inflows since July, totaling over $252 million. This surge indicates robust institutional interest, which may contribute to sustained buying pressure and support higher price levels for Bitcoin. Institutional investors' growing involvement is a bullish indicator, as it reflects increased acceptance and integration of Bitcoin within traditional investment portfolios. Market Dynamics: Winners and Losers The altcoin market shows diverse performance, with certain cryptocurrencies posting significant gains while others struggle. For instance: Helium (HNT) saw a substantial 14.26% increase, possibly driven by expanded use cases in IoT applications and positive community developments. Akash Network (AKT) and Klaytn (KLAY) also posted strong gains, highlighting the market's appetite for niche blockchain platforms that offer unique functionalities. Conversely, the market also witnessed notable declines: DOGS and Notcoin (NOT) fell by 19.21% and 11.22% respectively, reflecting the high volatility and risk associated with less-established tokens. $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $ALT {future}(ALTUSDT)

Crypto Price Today Bitcoin Dips to $63K, Altcoins Show Mixed Results

Crypto Price Today: On August 27, 2024, the crypto market shows a mix of gains and losses across various tokens, with Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) experiencing slight downturns in their 24-hour trading cycles, whereas other altcoins like Solana (SOL) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) posted gains over the week. This detailed analysis will explore the significant factors influencing the prices of major cryptocurrencies and potential future movements driven by market sentiment, investor behavior, and external economic factors.

Overview of Major Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin (BTC): The premier cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, is currently priced at $63,048.99, experiencing a daily decrease of 1.51% but maintaining a weekly gain of 3.59%, as per CoinMarketCap. This slight pullback can be attributed to the recent discussions around Federal Reserve policies, which continue to be a pivotal influence on Bitcoin's price trajectory.

Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum, following its recent upgrade, is trading at $2,686.94. It saw a daily decrease of 2.34% but a modest weekly increase of 0.84%. Ethereum's volatility is partly due to ongoing adjustments post-upgrade and the market's speculative response to decentralized finance (DeFi) activities.

Solana (SOL): Marked as one of the week's better performers with a 7.86% increase, Solana trades at $158.56. The growth is linked to its increasing adoption in decentralized applications (dApps) and continuous network improvements.

Ripple (XRP) and Shiba Inu (SHIB): XRP sees a minor daily loss and a weekly decline, trading at $0.59. Conversely, Shiba Inu points upwards with a notable 7.14% increase over the week, despite a 2.32% drop in the day, possibly fueled by the meme coin's community-driven activities and speculative trading.
Federal Reserve's Influence on Crypto Prices

The Federal Reserve's monetary policies are a significant catalyst for Bitcoin and the broader crypto market. The potential rate cut speculated for September could serve as a critical bullish signal for Bitcoin, pushing its price possibly above $68,000. Furthermore, Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s recent dovish remarks at the Jackson Hole Symposium have sparked expectations of a more accommodative policy stance, which historically benefits risk assets like cryptocurrencies. This macroeconomic backdrop suggests a potentially favorable near-term outlook for Bitcoin and similar risk-sensitive digital assets.

Bitcoin ETFs and Institutional Interest
Another notable development is the substantial inflows into U.S.-listed spot Bitcoin ETFs, which saw their highest daily net inflows since July, totaling over $252 million. This surge indicates robust institutional interest, which may contribute to sustained buying pressure and support higher price levels for Bitcoin. Institutional investors' growing involvement is a bullish indicator, as it reflects increased acceptance and integration of Bitcoin within traditional investment portfolios.

Market Dynamics: Winners and Losers
The altcoin market shows diverse performance, with certain cryptocurrencies posting significant gains while others struggle. For instance:

Helium (HNT) saw a substantial 14.26% increase, possibly driven by expanded use cases in IoT applications and positive community developments.

Akash Network (AKT) and Klaytn (KLAY) also posted strong gains, highlighting the market's appetite for niche blockchain platforms that offer unique functionalities.

Conversely, the market also witnessed notable declines:

DOGS and Notcoin (NOT) fell by 19.21% and 11.22% respectively, reflecting the high volatility and risk associated with less-established tokens.
How is crypto doing today? Today's Cryptocurrency Prices by Market Cap The total volume in DeFi is currently $3.32B, 6.44% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. The volume of all stable coins is now $46.93B, which is 90.95% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. Bitcoin's dominance is currently 56.28%, an increase of 0.14% over the day. $DOGS {spot}(DOGSUSDT)
How is crypto doing today?

Today's Cryptocurrency Prices by Market Cap

The total volume in DeFi is currently $3.32B, 6.44% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. The volume of all stable coins is now $46.93B, which is 90.95% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. Bitcoin's dominance is currently 56.28%, an increase of 0.14% over the day.

Telegram messaging app CEO Pavel Durov arrested in France Russia’s embassy in France has demanded consular access to the 39-year-old Franco-Russian billionaire. Founder and CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, has been arrested at Bourget airport outside Paris for alleged offences related to his messaging app. Local sources said on Sunday that Durov, 39, had been travelling on his private jet from Azerbaijan and that a French arrest warrant targeted him as part of a preliminary investigation. The offences levelled at Durov by France’s OFMIN, an agency that deals with the prevention of violence against minors, include fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, and organised crime, according to the AFP news agency, which quoted officials speaking on condition of anonymity. The Franco-Russian billionaire is also accused of failing to take action against the harmful use of Telegram. Durov faces possible indictment on Sunday, according to French media. TF1 TV and BFM TV, both quoting unidentified sources, said the investigation was focused on a lack of moderators and that police considered that this situation allowed criminal activity to go on undeterred on the messaging app. One of the investigators told AFP they were surprised Durov entered France despite the warrant against him, adding “enough of Telegram’s impunity”. Meanwhile, the Russian embassy in France has demanded consular access to Durov and demanded that his rights be ensured, Russian state news agency TASS reported on Sunday. The embassy said France has so far “avoided engagement” on the situation with Durov. Russian diplomats are in contact with Durov’s lawyer, the embassy said. Russia-Ukraine war With its desirable encryption features, Telegram, whose user base is close to one billion, was created by Durov and his brother in 2013 in Russia. He fled the country in 2014 and travelled across the globe to search for a home for his company, including the German capital, Berlin, and San Francisco in the United States. But after Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Telegram became the main source of unfiltered and sometimes graphic content from both warring parties. The app is heavily used by Russian and Ukrainian officials, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. However, due to Telegram’s increasing popularity, several countries in Europe, including France, have scrutinised the app due to security and data breach concerns. Russia’s representative to international organisations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, accused France of acting as a “totalitarian” society. “Some naive persons still don’t understand that if they play more or less visible role in international information space it is not safe for them to visit countries which move towards much more totalitarian societies,” Ulyanov wrote on X. Several Russian bloggers have called for protests outside French embassies worldwide. Tech mogul and billionaire Elon Musk also criticised Durov’s arrest, saying, “It’s 2030 in Europe, and you’re being executed for liking a meme.” Telegram did not immediately respond and the French Ministry of the Interior and police had no comment, the Reuters news agency said. #TelegramCEO #PavelDurov $TON {future}(TONUSDT)

Telegram messaging app CEO Pavel Durov arrested in France

Russia’s embassy in France has demanded consular access to the 39-year-old Franco-Russian billionaire.
Founder and CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov
Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, has been arrested at Bourget airport outside Paris for alleged offences related to his messaging app.
Local sources said on Sunday that Durov, 39, had been travelling on his private jet from Azerbaijan and that a French arrest warrant targeted him as part of a preliminary investigation.
The offences levelled at Durov by France’s OFMIN, an agency that deals with the prevention of violence against minors, include fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, and organised crime, according to the AFP news agency, which quoted officials speaking on condition of anonymity.
The Franco-Russian billionaire is also accused of failing to take action against the harmful use of Telegram.
Durov faces possible indictment on Sunday, according to French media.
TF1 TV and BFM TV, both quoting unidentified sources, said the investigation was focused on a lack of moderators and that police considered that this situation allowed criminal activity to go on undeterred on the messaging app.
One of the investigators told AFP they were surprised Durov entered France despite the warrant against him, adding “enough of Telegram’s impunity”.
Meanwhile, the Russian embassy in France has demanded consular access to Durov and demanded that his rights be ensured, Russian state news agency TASS reported on Sunday.
The embassy said France has so far “avoided engagement” on the situation with Durov. Russian diplomats are in contact with Durov’s lawyer, the embassy said.
Russia-Ukraine war
With its desirable encryption features, Telegram, whose user base is close to one billion, was created by Durov and his brother in 2013 in Russia.
He fled the country in 2014 and travelled across the globe to search for a home for his company, including the German capital, Berlin, and San Francisco in the United States.
But after Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Telegram became the main source of unfiltered and sometimes graphic content from both warring parties.
The app is heavily used by Russian and Ukrainian officials, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
However, due to Telegram’s increasing popularity, several countries in Europe, including France, have scrutinised the app due to security and data breach concerns.
Russia’s representative to international organisations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, accused France of acting as a “totalitarian” society.
“Some naive persons still don’t understand that if they play more or less visible role in international information space it is not safe for them to visit countries which move towards much more totalitarian societies,” Ulyanov wrote on X.
Several Russian bloggers have called for protests outside French embassies worldwide.
Tech mogul and billionaire Elon Musk also criticised Durov’s arrest, saying, “It’s 2030 in Europe, and you’re being executed for liking a meme.”
Telegram did not immediately respond and the French Ministry of the Interior and police had no comment, the Reuters news agency said.
Crypto horoscope from August 26 to September 1 25 August 2024 New week, new crypto horoscope dedicated to the upcoming week from August 26 to September 1.  This week will be characterized by two transits:  Mercury goes direct again;Venus enters Libra from Thursday 29/8. For several months now, we have been dedicating space to the crypto horoscope written by Stefania Stimolo, an expert in astrology and blockchain. It is a weekly column with the horoscope of each zodiac sign available every Sunday only on The Cryptonomist. In our slogan of “Raccontiamo il Futuro”, we wanted to delve deeper into the topic, jokingly speaking, with this entertainment column.  Summary The crypto horoscope“Don’t Trust, Verify” The crypto horoscope We call it crypto horoscope for the simple fact that sector terminology is used.  Words like NFT, metaverse, and Over-The-Counter to describe actions and scenarios, but also trading terminology like bullish, bull run, bear market, or dump to identify the mood of each zodiac sign during the days of the week. Obviously, the famous to-the-moon to indicate the mood of that sign cannot be missing!  In general, you might experience a period of “hard-fork”, understood as an “inner split”, or pass your lightning torch to the next zodiac sign, meaning that the Sun is moving to the next sign.  Or, simply, you need to reflect on some situations that go into “verify,” that is, when the planet is in dissonance with respect to the zodiac sign. Not only that, with each new change of the Sun’s guard through the constellations of the zodiac, the roadmap of each sign will reach a new step.  Obviously, no investment advice is given; on the contrary, it is purely entertainment, just like any other horoscope. It must be said that many beginners in the sector have understood the specific crypto terminology also thanks to the horoscope on The Cryptonomist.  “Don’t Trust, Verify” Astrology is not an exact science, but it aims in its own way to predict the future. So why not associate the typical blockchain phrase “Don’t Trust, Verify” here as well.  In fact, what the author wants to propose is her interpretation of the planetary transits that occur during the week, describing the reaction of each zodiac sign, following the “logic” of traditional astrology.  For those who are astrology enthusiasts, they could stay updated even just with the transits that are communicated weekly, which, in some way, influence us. A Retrograde Mercury, rather than the days of Full Moon.  Others, on the other hand, might access the dedicated page, which is updated every Sunday, and read the horoscope of their zodiac sign, their ascendant, or why not, even the horoscope of friends and loved ones.  And so, for entertainment purposes only, don’t waste time and click here to read your horoscope for this week! #CryptoNewss $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)

Crypto horoscope from August 26 to September 1

25 August 2024

New week, new crypto horoscope dedicated to the upcoming week from August 26 to September 1. 
This week will be characterized by two transits: 
Mercury goes direct again;Venus enters Libra from Thursday 29/8.
For several months now, we have been dedicating space to the crypto horoscope written by Stefania Stimolo, an expert in astrology and blockchain. It is a weekly column with the horoscope of each zodiac sign available every Sunday only on The Cryptonomist.
In our slogan of “Raccontiamo il Futuro”, we wanted to delve deeper into the topic, jokingly speaking, with this entertainment column. 
The crypto horoscope“Don’t Trust, Verify”
The crypto horoscope
We call it crypto horoscope for the simple fact that sector terminology is used. 
Words like NFT, metaverse, and Over-The-Counter to describe actions and scenarios, but also trading terminology like bullish, bull run, bear market, or dump to identify the mood of each zodiac sign during the days of the week.
Obviously, the famous to-the-moon to indicate the mood of that sign cannot be missing! 
In general, you might experience a period of “hard-fork”, understood as an “inner split”, or pass your lightning torch to the next zodiac sign, meaning that the Sun is moving to the next sign. 
Or, simply, you need to reflect on some situations that go into “verify,” that is, when the planet is in dissonance with respect to the zodiac sign. Not only that, with each new change of the Sun’s guard through the constellations of the zodiac, the roadmap of each sign will reach a new step. 
Obviously, no investment advice is given; on the contrary, it is purely entertainment, just like any other horoscope. It must be said that many beginners in the sector have understood the specific crypto terminology also thanks to the horoscope on The Cryptonomist. 
“Don’t Trust, Verify”
Astrology is not an exact science, but it aims in its own way to predict the future. So why not associate the typical blockchain phrase “Don’t Trust, Verify” here as well. 
In fact, what the author wants to propose is her interpretation of the planetary transits that occur during the week, describing the reaction of each zodiac sign, following the “logic” of traditional astrology. 
For those who are astrology enthusiasts, they could stay updated even just with the transits that are communicated weekly, which, in some way, influence us. A Retrograde Mercury, rather than the days of Full Moon. 
Others, on the other hand, might access the dedicated page, which is updated every Sunday, and read the horoscope of their zodiac sign, their ascendant, or why not, even the horoscope of friends and loved ones. 
And so, for entertainment purposes only, don’t waste time and click here to read your horoscope for this week!
$TON {future}(TONUSDT) Ton Suddenly Going Down In 4 Hours 💔 Crazy Right? What Do You Think It's Going Up Again Everyone I Want To Know Your Opinion 😍 #tonecoin
Ton Suddenly Going Down In 4 Hours 💔
Crazy Right?
What Do You Think It's Going Up Again Everyone I Want To Know Your Opinion 😍

Bitcoin rises after Fed Chair Powell lays groundwork for interest rate cuts: CNBC Crypto World CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On today’s show, Dennis Kelleher of Better Markets discusses his op-ed encouraging Kamala Harris to reject pressure from the crypto industry. Plus, Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon discusses the state’s stablecoin project. $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)

Bitcoin rises after Fed Chair Powell lays groundwork for interest rate cuts: CNBC Crypto World

CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On today’s show, Dennis Kelleher of Better Markets discusses his op-ed encouraging Kamala Harris to reject pressure from the crypto industry. Plus, Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon discusses the state’s stablecoin project.
Explore the latest crypto news
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