Binance Square
Toxic Bitcoiner
Inspired by Finn from @EinfachBitcoin (YouTube).
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Zarabianie pieniędzy na grach mobilnych 💰 Bez oszustw🐹 Czym jest Freecash? Freecash to platforma internetowa, na której użytkownicy mogą zarabiać karty podarunkowe, grając w gry, testując aplikacje, robiąc zakupy lub wypełniając ankiety. Możesz również zarabiać gotówkę, kryptowaluty i nagrody w grach wideo. Firmy wykorzystują Freecash do reklamowania swoich produktów i usług za pomocą tych ofert. Freecash oferuje codzienne bonusy i inne nagrody dla częstych użytkowników. - Brak Airdropów - Dokładna wiedza, ile zarobisz - Wypłata w kryptowalutach bez opłat - Minimalna kwota wypłaty tylko przy pierwszej wypłacie Możesz wypełniać ankiety lub grać w gry mobilne i otrzymywać wynagrodzenie za osiągnięcie określonych celów. --> 4,7/5 gwiazdek na Trustpilot z +120 tys. głosów --> Uczciwa zapłata za Twój czas --> Wymagany KYC Link 👉 👈
Zarabianie pieniędzy na grach mobilnych 💰
Bez oszustw🐹

Czym jest Freecash?

Freecash to platforma internetowa, na której użytkownicy mogą zarabiać karty podarunkowe, grając w gry, testując aplikacje, robiąc zakupy lub wypełniając ankiety. Możesz również zarabiać gotówkę, kryptowaluty i nagrody w grach wideo. Firmy wykorzystują Freecash do reklamowania swoich produktów i usług za pomocą tych ofert.

Freecash oferuje codzienne bonusy i inne nagrody dla częstych użytkowników.

- Brak Airdropów
- Dokładna wiedza, ile zarobisz
- Wypłata w kryptowalutach bez opłat
- Minimalna kwota wypłaty tylko przy pierwszej wypłacie

Możesz wypełniać ankiety lub grać w gry mobilne i otrzymywać wynagrodzenie za osiągnięcie określonych celów.

--> 4,7/5 gwiazdek na Trustpilot z +120 tys. głosów
--> Uczciwa zapłata za Twój czas
--> Wymagany KYC

Link 👉 👈
Its NOT LOOKING GOOD FOR $HMSTR Falling 20% in one minute. Many users are already angry cause they feel cheated as they only received pennys for months of work and just now the price of $HMSTR took a steep nosedive, moving over 20% down in just a single 1 Minute candle.
Falling 20% in one minute.

Many users are already angry cause they feel cheated as they only received pennys for months of work and just now the price of $HMSTR took a steep nosedive, moving over 20% down in just a single 1 Minute candle.
Zobacz oryginał
NIE GRAJ W DRUGIM SEZONIE HAMSTER COMBAT, oto dlaczego: Już zostałeś oszukany w pierwszym sezonie, otrzymując jedynie okruszki chleba na godziny i godziny swojego życia. Tokeny, które zostaną wydane w drugim sezonie, stanowią tylko 1/4 tego, co otrzymałeś w pierwszym sezonie. I tym razem będziesz musiał obejrzeć tysiące reklam, aby Postępować, co sprawi, że Deweloper otrzyma więcej Pieniędzy, a jednocześnie jeszcze mniej.

Już zostałeś oszukany w pierwszym sezonie, otrzymując jedynie okruszki chleba na godziny i godziny swojego życia.

Tokeny, które zostaną wydane w drugim sezonie, stanowią tylko 1/4 tego, co otrzymałeś w pierwszym sezonie.
I tym razem będziesz musiał obejrzeć tysiące reklam, aby Postępować, co sprawi, że Deweloper otrzyma więcej Pieniędzy, a jednocześnie jeszcze mniej.
Zobacz oryginał
Jak NAPRAWDĘ obliczyć swoje nagrody $HMSTR. Zarobione monety*0,0107 (aktualna cena na ByBit) Mam nadzieję, że wszyscy dobrze się bawiliście, marnując godziny i godziny na drobne;) Weź liczbę godzin spędzonych na tej grze i oblicz, ile zarobiłeś/godzinę. Zrobiłem obliczenia i ludzie wydają się zarabiać 0,02$/godzinę 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣.
Jak NAPRAWDĘ obliczyć swoje nagrody $HMSTR.

Zarobione monety*0,0107 (aktualna cena na ByBit)

Mam nadzieję, że wszyscy dobrze się bawiliście, marnując godziny i godziny na drobne;)

Weź liczbę godzin spędzonych na tej grze i oblicz, ile zarobiłeś/godzinę.

Zrobiłem obliczenia i ludzie wydają się zarabiać 0,02$/godzinę 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣.
Zobacz oryginał
Trading to nie jedyny sposób na zysk 👌
Trading to nie jedyny sposób na zysk 👌
Zobacz oryginał
Czas na short, jakby jutra miało nie być
Czas na short, jakby jutra miało nie być
Toxic Bitcoiner
Binance in a nutshell, nothing Trading related works while the cancerous Binance Square loads perfectly fine, Binance really knows where to put their focus. I can't imagine how much Money was lost from scams and memecoin shilling cause Binance created the Binance Square. #DeleteTheBinanceSquare
Binance in a nutshell, nothing Trading related works while the cancerous Binance Square loads perfectly fine, Binance really knows where to put their focus.

I can't imagine how much Money was lost from scams and memecoin shilling cause Binance created the Binance Square.

@Binance_Customer_Support hey how about you do something against the russian bots shilling on your Platform? just delete the Binance Square , only scammers, bot Posts, fake news, ai generated posts and other garbage.
@Binance Customer Support hey how about you do something against the russian bots shilling on your Platform?

just delete the Binance Square , only scammers, bot Posts, fake news, ai generated posts and other garbage.
Zobacz oryginał
⚠️ Najnowsze wiadomości ⚠️ Kilka minut temu Israel Today poinformował o nadchodzącym ataku na północny Izrael, wystrzelono dziesiątki rakiet. Handluj ostrożnie.
⚠️ Najnowsze wiadomości ⚠️
Kilka minut temu Israel Today poinformował o nadchodzącym ataku na północny Izrael, wystrzelono dziesiątki rakiet.

Handluj ostrożnie.
Zobacz oryginał
Przygotuj się na niestabilne ruchy rynkowe dziś wieczorem, eksperci wojskowi zakładają, że Iran najprawdopodobniej zaatakuje Izrael dziś wieczorem, 6 sierpnia. Nie bądź głupi i nie handluj kontraktami futures. Wypełnij swoje torby BTC na rynku spot.
Przygotuj się na niestabilne ruchy rynkowe dziś wieczorem, eksperci wojskowi zakładają, że Iran najprawdopodobniej zaatakuje Izrael dziś wieczorem, 6 sierpnia.

Nie bądź głupi i nie handluj kontraktami futures.
Wypełnij swoje torby BTC na rynku spot.
Zobacz oryginał
To, że rynek krwawi, nie znaczy, że nie możesz zarobić 👌
To, że rynek krwawi, nie znaczy, że nie możesz zarobić 👌
Zobacz oryginał
No cóż, to była klapa, wyszło przy +-0 🙃 Kurwa, ten pomarańczowy facet robi tylko swoją kampanię
No cóż, to była klapa, wyszło przy +-0 🙃 Kurwa, ten pomarańczowy facet robi tylko swoją kampanię
Zobacz oryginał
⚠️ Jak mogłeś pokonać rynek. ⚠️ Gdybyś oglądał transmisję na żywo z konferencji Bitcoin i wykres BTC (z 1-minutowymi świecami), zauważyłbyś bardziej zmienny ruch, a BTC wzrósł do 69,400$BTC , kiedy przybył Trump i ludzie spodziewali się, że przemówi. Tak się jednak nie stało i zamiast tego grupa polityków zamieściła własną reklamę. Co się stało? Wkrótce potem Bitcoin spadł do poziomu poniżej 69 000 dolarów. Przewidywalne.. To jeden z możliwych sposobów zarabiania pieniędzy. Nie ufaj podejrzanym ludziom, którzy mówią Ci, że ich „analiza techniczna” przyniesie ci pieniądze, a jedyne, co musisz zrobić, to dołączyć do ich grup handlowych tylko po to, aby zostać oszukanym na Telegramie lub gdziekolwiek.
⚠️ Jak mogłeś pokonać rynek. ⚠️

Gdybyś oglądał transmisję na żywo z konferencji Bitcoin i wykres BTC (z 1-minutowymi świecami), zauważyłbyś bardziej zmienny ruch, a BTC wzrósł do 69,400$BTC , kiedy przybył Trump i ludzie spodziewali się, że przemówi.

Tak się jednak nie stało i zamiast tego grupa polityków zamieściła własną reklamę. Co się stało?

Wkrótce potem Bitcoin spadł do poziomu poniżej 69 000 dolarów.


To jeden z możliwych sposobów zarabiania pieniędzy. Nie ufaj podejrzanym ludziom, którzy mówią Ci, że ich „analiza techniczna” przyniesie ci pieniądze, a jedyne, co musisz zrobić, to dołączyć do ich grup handlowych tylko po to, aby zostać oszukanym na Telegramie lub gdziekolwiek.
Stop scrolling and watch the Bitcoin conference livestream!
Stop scrolling and watch the Bitcoin conference livestream!
How bullish are y'all for Trumps speech today? Today on the 27th in around 3 hours the second day of the Bitcoin Conference '24 (Nashville, Tennessee) will begin and one of the speakers will be the the former 45th president of the United Staates of America, Donald Trump. The Bitcoincommunity anticipates bullish news and the price of Bitcoin is moving accordingly. Let me know, what do you expect to hear today and are you prepared for potential volatile market movements? There is a livestream for the event. 1.) Go on Youtube 2.) Search for "Bitcoin Magazine" 3.) Go to their Channel and from there to the "Live " section. Lets all pray for bullish news 🐢
How bullish are y'all for Trumps speech today?

Today on the 27th in around 3 hours the second day of the Bitcoin Conference '24 (Nashville, Tennessee) will begin and one of the speakers will be the the former 45th president of the United Staates of America, Donald Trump.

The Bitcoincommunity anticipates bullish news and the price of Bitcoin is moving accordingly.

Let me know, what do you expect to hear today and are you prepared for potential volatile market movements?

There is a livestream for the event.
1.) Go on Youtube
2.) Search for "Bitcoin Magazine"
3.) Go to their Channel and from there to the "Live " section.

Lets all pray for bullish news 🐢
We are green again, never short bitcoin 😁
We are green again, never short bitcoin 😁
Life is short, so you should go long $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
Life is short, so you should go long $BTC
⚠️ US Federal Judge Partially Allows Lawsuit Against Binance and Changpeng Zhao ⚠️ ⚠️ US Federal Judge Partially Allows Lawsuit Against Binance and Changpeng Zhao ⚠️ Judge Amy Berman Jackson upholds many of the SEC's claims against Binance, though the crypto exchange achieved partial victories in some areas. Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the District Court of Columbia has allowed part of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) charges against the cryptocurrency exchange Binance and its founder Changpeng Zhao to proceed. The SEC accused Binance, Binance.US, and Zhao of offering unregistered brokerage, trading, and clearing services for digital securities in the U.S. The regulatory body also brought similar charges against Coinbase, Kraken, Consensys, and MetaMask. As reported by Coindesk, on Friday, Judge Jackson decided that the SEC's charges against Binance regarding the Initial Coin Offering and ongoing sales of BNB, BNB Vault, and staking services, as well as charges related to non-registration and fraud allegations, can proceed. She also rejected Binance and Zhao's request to dismiss the charges concerning secondary BNB sales and Simple Earn. The SEC's lawsuit against former Binance CEO Changpeng "CZ" Zhao also remains. Zhao is accused of acting as a "controlling person." He is currently serving a four-month prison sentence, which was imposed for, among other things, the lack of anti-money laundering measures on the platform. This action was initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Treasury Department. The SEC is conducting a separate proceeding against him, which is distinct from the criminal charges. Additionally, the SEC’s allegation that Binance should have registered for various trading activities under securities law will continue to be pursued. Partial Victory for Binance However, the SEC did not achieve complete success and failed to prevail on some of the charges. Judge Jackson decided to dismiss the claims related to the secondary market sales of BNB and all sales associated with the stablecoin Binance USD (BUSD). (Image: Nadezda Murmakova/ $BTC #BinanceTournament #altcoins

⚠️ US Federal Judge Partially Allows Lawsuit Against Binance and Changpeng Zhao ⚠️

⚠️ US Federal Judge Partially Allows Lawsuit Against Binance and Changpeng Zhao ⚠️

Judge Amy Berman Jackson upholds many of the SEC's claims against Binance, though the crypto exchange achieved partial victories in some areas.

Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the District Court of Columbia has allowed part of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) charges against the cryptocurrency exchange Binance and its founder Changpeng Zhao to proceed.

The SEC accused Binance, Binance.US, and Zhao of offering unregistered brokerage, trading, and clearing services for digital securities in the U.S. The regulatory body also brought similar charges against Coinbase, Kraken, Consensys, and MetaMask.

As reported by Coindesk, on Friday, Judge Jackson decided that the SEC's charges against Binance regarding the Initial Coin Offering and ongoing sales of BNB, BNB Vault, and staking services, as well as charges related to non-registration and fraud allegations, can proceed. She also rejected Binance and Zhao's request to dismiss the charges concerning secondary BNB sales and Simple Earn.

The SEC's lawsuit against former Binance CEO Changpeng "CZ" Zhao also remains. Zhao is accused of acting as a "controlling person." He is currently serving a four-month prison sentence, which was imposed for, among other things, the lack of anti-money laundering measures on the platform. This action was initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Treasury Department. The SEC is conducting a separate proceeding against him, which is distinct from the criminal charges.

Additionally, the SEC’s allegation that Binance should have registered for various trading activities under securities law will continue to be pursued.

Partial Victory for Binance
However, the SEC did not achieve complete success and failed to prevail on some of the charges. Judge Jackson decided to dismiss the claims related to the secondary market sales of BNB and all sales associated with the stablecoin Binance USD (BUSD).

(Image: Nadezda Murmakova/
⚠️ US Federal Judge Partially Allows Lawsuit Against Binance and Changpeng Zhao ⚠️ Judge Amy Berman Jackson upholds many of the SEC's claims against Binance, though the crypto exchange achieved partial victories in some areas. Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the District Court of Columbia has allowed part of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) charges against the cryptocurrency exchange Binance and its founder Changpeng Zhao to proceed. The SEC accused Binance, Binance.US, and Zhao of offering unregistered brokerage, trading, and clearing services for digital securities in the U.S. The regulatory body also brought similar charges against Coinbase, Kraken, Consensys, and MetaMask. As reported by Coindesk, on Friday, Judge Jackson decided that the SEC's charges against Binance regarding the Initial Coin Offering and ongoing sales of BNB, BNB Vault, and staking services, as well as charges related to non-registration and fraud allegations, can proceed. She also rejected Binance and Zhao's request to dismiss the charges concerning secondary BNB sales and Simple Earn. The SEC's lawsuit against former Binance CEO Changpeng "CZ" Zhao also remains. Zhao is accused of acting as a "controlling person." He is currently serving a four-month prison sentence, which was imposed for, among other things, the lack of anti-money laundering measures on the platform. This action was initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Treasury Department. The SEC is conducting a separate proceeding against him, which is distinct from the criminal charges. Additionally, the SEC’s allegation that Binance should have registered for various trading activities under securities law will continue to be pursued. Partial Victory for Binance However, the SEC did not achieve complete success and failed to prevail on some of the charges. Judge Jackson decided to dismiss the claims related to the secondary market sales of BNB and all sales associated with the stablecoin Binance USD (BUSD). (Image: Nadezda Murmakova/
⚠️ US Federal Judge Partially Allows Lawsuit Against Binance and Changpeng Zhao ⚠️

Judge Amy Berman Jackson upholds many of the SEC's claims against Binance, though the crypto exchange achieved partial victories in some areas.

Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the District Court of Columbia has allowed part of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) charges against the cryptocurrency exchange Binance and its founder Changpeng Zhao to proceed.

The SEC accused Binance, Binance.US, and Zhao of offering unregistered brokerage, trading, and clearing services for digital securities in the U.S. The regulatory body also brought similar charges against Coinbase, Kraken, Consensys, and MetaMask.

As reported by Coindesk, on Friday, Judge Jackson decided that the SEC's charges against Binance regarding the Initial Coin Offering and ongoing sales of BNB, BNB Vault, and staking services, as well as charges related to non-registration and fraud allegations, can proceed. She also rejected Binance and Zhao's request to dismiss the charges concerning secondary BNB sales and Simple Earn.

The SEC's lawsuit against former Binance CEO Changpeng "CZ" Zhao also remains. Zhao is accused of acting as a "controlling person." He is currently serving a four-month prison sentence, which was imposed for, among other things, the lack of anti-money laundering measures on the platform. This action was initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Treasury Department. The SEC is conducting a separate proceeding against him, which is distinct from the criminal charges.

Additionally, the SEC’s allegation that Binance should have registered for various trading activities under securities law will continue to be pursued.

Partial Victory for Binance
However, the SEC did not achieve complete success and failed to prevail on some of the charges. Judge Jackson decided to dismiss the claims related to the secondary market sales of BNB and all sales associated with the stablecoin Binance USD (BUSD).

(Image: Nadezda Murmakova/
$BTC Down only 5% and so many shtcoins (all altcoins) are down double digits lol Hope you have fun watching your money turn into dust cause you gambled it all. Close your positions, sell your coins and go all in on BTC. Just buy in spot, transfer your BTC away from an exchange to your own hardware wallet and never sell. Crypto is a massive scam, its just unregistered securitys handed out by software companys. Bitcoin is the first and only cryptocurrency.
$BTC Down only 5% and so many shtcoins (all altcoins) are down double digits lol

Hope you have fun watching your money turn into dust cause you gambled it all.

Close your positions, sell your coins and go all in on BTC.
Just buy in spot, transfer your BTC away from an exchange to your own hardware wallet and never sell.

Crypto is a massive scam, its just unregistered securitys handed out by software companys.

Bitcoin is the first and only cryptocurrency.
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