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Wszystkie#celebcoinywyemitowane pod numerem #Solana od czerwca straciły w większości 99%.
Wszystkie#celebcoinywyemitowane pod numerem #Solana od czerwca straciły w większości 99%.
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UE przekazuje Ukrainie 1,5 miliarda euro zysków z zamrożonych rosyjskich aktywów.
UE przekazuje Ukrainie 1,5 miliarda euro zysków z zamrożonych rosyjskich aktywów.
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📢 Kilka chwil temu do Coinbase przekazano 13 019 bitcoinów (873 860 900 dolarów)
📢 Kilka chwil temu do Coinbase przekazano 13 019 bitcoinów (873 860 900 dolarów)
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Dlaczego przejęcie części tej branży o wartości 450 miliardów dolarów może sprawić, że nowy Altcoin osiągnie lepsze wyniki niż PEPE i SHIB Wielu inwestorów kryptowalut zwróciło się ku memecoinom, takim jak Pepe (PEPE) i Shiba Inu (SHIB), aby przenieść swoje portfele na wyższy poziom i zapewnić gigantyczne zyski w ciągu ostatnich dwunastu miesięcy. Monety te mają teraz ograniczoną przewagę w porównaniu z nową monetą z niszy „Graj, aby zarobić”, Rollblock ($RBLK). Dowiedz się, dlaczego eksperci wzywają do uzyskania w tym roku nawet 100-krotnych zysków RBLK. Pepe ($PEPE) na fali popularności ETH ETF Pepe (PEPE) zanotował w tym tygodniu imponujące wzrosty i w ciągu ostatnich siedmiu dni wzrósł o ponad 30%, osiągając poziom 0,000012 USD. Jest to prawdopodobnie spowodowane tym, że inwestorzy z przodu uruchomili nadchodzący ETF Ethereum, który będzie niesamowicie byczy dla proxy ETH na żywo Pepe.

Dlaczego przejęcie części tej branży o wartości 450 miliardów dolarów może sprawić, że nowy Altcoin osiągnie lepsze wyniki niż PEPE i SHIB

Wielu inwestorów kryptowalut zwróciło się ku memecoinom, takim jak Pepe (PEPE) i Shiba Inu (SHIB), aby przenieść swoje portfele na wyższy poziom i zapewnić gigantyczne zyski w ciągu ostatnich dwunastu miesięcy. Monety te mają teraz ograniczoną przewagę w porównaniu z nową monetą z niszy „Graj, aby zarobić”, Rollblock ($RBLK). Dowiedz się, dlaczego eksperci wzywają do uzyskania w tym roku nawet 100-krotnych zysków RBLK.

Pepe ($PEPE) na fali popularności ETH ETF
Pepe (PEPE) zanotował w tym tygodniu imponujące wzrosty i w ciągu ostatnich siedmiu dni wzrósł o ponad 30%, osiągając poziom 0,000012 USD. Jest to prawdopodobnie spowodowane tym, że inwestorzy z przodu uruchomili nadchodzący ETF Ethereum, który będzie niesamowicie byczy dla proxy ETH na żywo Pepe.
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Podejrzane transakcje WazirX: 234,9 mln dolarów przesunięte z powodu naruszenia bezpieczeństwa, wypłaty wstrzymane Nowy adres spowodował już zamianę przesuniętych funduszy, w skład których wchodziły Tether, Pepe i Gala (GALA), na Ether. Firma Cyvers zajmująca się bezpieczeństwem Web3 wykryła „wiele podejrzanych transakcji” z udziałem portfela Safe Multisig WazirX w Ethereum. Według postu X, 234,9 miliona dolarów środków w portfelu Safe Multisig indyjskiej giełdy kryptowalut zostało przeniesionych na nowy adres. Osoba wywołująca każdą transakcję była finansowana przez Tornado Cash, zdecentralizowany protokół transakcji prywatnych. Nowy adres spowodował już zamianę przesuniętych funduszy, w skład których wchodziły Tether, Pepe i Gala (GALA), na Ether.

Podejrzane transakcje WazirX: 234,9 mln dolarów przesunięte z powodu naruszenia bezpieczeństwa, wypłaty wstrzymane

Nowy adres spowodował już zamianę przesuniętych funduszy, w skład których wchodziły Tether, Pepe i Gala (GALA), na Ether.

Firma Cyvers zajmująca się bezpieczeństwem Web3 wykryła „wiele podejrzanych transakcji” z udziałem portfela Safe Multisig WazirX w Ethereum.
Według postu X, 234,9 miliona dolarów środków w portfelu Safe Multisig indyjskiej giełdy kryptowalut zostało przeniesionych na nowy adres.
Osoba wywołująca każdą transakcję była finansowana przez Tornado Cash, zdecentralizowany protokół transakcji prywatnych.
Nowy adres spowodował już zamianę przesuniętych funduszy, w skład których wchodziły Tether, Pepe i Gala (GALA), na Ether.
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Prognoza ceny XRP: Czy poza przypadkiem Ripple vs SEC XRP ponownie osiągnie ATH?Prognozy cen XRP podają w wątpliwość zdolność byków do utrzymania trendu wzrostowego do 1 dolara, chyba że określenie środków zaradczych w sprawie Ripple vs SEC będzie sprzyjać XRP. Oczekuje się, że batalia sądowa pomiędzy Ripple a Komisją Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd (SEC) wkrótce się zakończy. W zeszłym tygodniu XRP osiągnęło najlepszy wynik od kwietnia w obliczu rosnącego optymizmu co do ugody. Jednak obecna prognoza cen XRP poddaje w wątpliwość kontynuację trendu wzrostowego. Na zmiany cen XRP w nadchodzących tygodniach i być może miesiącach będzie miało wpływ kilka czynników, w tym pozew Ripple przeciwko SEC, który niedawno wszedł w fazę próbną.

Prognoza ceny XRP: Czy poza przypadkiem Ripple vs SEC XRP ponownie osiągnie ATH?

Prognozy cen XRP podają w wątpliwość zdolność byków do utrzymania trendu wzrostowego do 1 dolara, chyba że określenie środków zaradczych w sprawie Ripple vs SEC będzie sprzyjać XRP.

Oczekuje się, że batalia sądowa pomiędzy Ripple a Komisją Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd (SEC) wkrótce się zakończy. W zeszłym tygodniu XRP osiągnęło najlepszy wynik od kwietnia w obliczu rosnącego optymizmu co do ugody. Jednak obecna prognoza cen XRP poddaje w wątpliwość kontynuację trendu wzrostowego.
Na zmiany cen XRP w nadchodzących tygodniach i być może miesiącach będzie miało wpływ kilka czynników, w tym pozew Ripple przeciwko SEC, który niedawno wszedł w fazę próbną.
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Zwycięzcą jest: Mamy modele sztucznej inteligencji umożliwiające przewidzenie przyszłego prezydentaChatGPT, Grok, Claude AI i Venice AI przedstawili swoje przypuszczenia, kto wygra w hipotetycznym pojedynku jeden na jednego. Kto wygrałby w bezpośrednim pojedynku pomiędzy byłym prezydentem Donaldem Trumpem a wiceprezydent Kamalą Harris? Aby zapobiec wykorzystywaniu swoich modeli sztucznej inteligencji do rozpowszechniania dezinformacji w Internecie, twórcy sztucznej inteligencji – w tym OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Meta i Microsoft – ograniczyli swoje modele w zakresie odpowiadania na pytania dotyczące wyborów, zamiast tego nakazując użytkownikowi samodzielne przeszukiwanie Internetu lub przeglądanie witryn internetowych uważane za „zaufane źródła”.

Zwycięzcą jest: Mamy modele sztucznej inteligencji umożliwiające przewidzenie przyszłego prezydenta

ChatGPT, Grok, Claude AI i Venice AI przedstawili swoje przypuszczenia, kto wygra w hipotetycznym pojedynku jeden na jednego.

Kto wygrałby w bezpośrednim pojedynku pomiędzy byłym prezydentem Donaldem Trumpem a wiceprezydent Kamalą Harris?
Aby zapobiec wykorzystywaniu swoich modeli sztucznej inteligencji do rozpowszechniania dezinformacji w Internecie, twórcy sztucznej inteligencji – w tym OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Meta i Microsoft – ograniczyli swoje modele w zakresie odpowiadania na pytania dotyczące wyborów, zamiast tego nakazując użytkownikowi samodzielne przeszukiwanie Internetu lub przeglądanie witryn internetowych uważane za „zaufane źródła”.
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Telegram dociera do 950 milionów użytkowników w obliczu boomu na gry kryptowalutoweWieloaspektowa aplikacja do przesyłania wiadomości Telegram cieszy się niespotykaną dotąd popularnością, ponieważ staje się platformą wybieraną przez graczy kryptograficznych. Liczba użytkowników Telegramu na całym świecie rośnie wraz z eksplozją zainteresowania grami na platformie. Pavel Durov, założyciel i dyrektor generalny Telegramu, ogłosił w poniedziałek, że platforma do przesyłania wiadomości osiągnęła 950 milionów aktywnych użytkowników miesięcznie. „Wzrost z 900 milionów na wiosnę” – napisał. „Na dobrej drodze do zdobycia miliarda!” Kamień milowy został niewątpliwie osiągnięty szybciej dzięki ogromnemu zainteresowaniu grami kryptograficznymi rozprzestrzeniającymi się w Telegramie oraz powstaniu The Open Network (TON), którą Telegram pierwotnie założył, zanim porzucił projekt w 2020 r. ze względu na problemy regulacyjne. Zamiast tego społeczność zewnętrznych programistów ożywiła łańcuch.

Telegram dociera do 950 milionów użytkowników w obliczu boomu na gry kryptowalutowe

Wieloaspektowa aplikacja do przesyłania wiadomości Telegram cieszy się niespotykaną dotąd popularnością, ponieważ staje się platformą wybieraną przez graczy kryptograficznych.

Liczba użytkowników Telegramu na całym świecie rośnie wraz z eksplozją zainteresowania grami na platformie. Pavel Durov, założyciel i dyrektor generalny Telegramu, ogłosił w poniedziałek, że platforma do przesyłania wiadomości osiągnęła 950 milionów aktywnych użytkowników miesięcznie.
„Wzrost z 900 milionów na wiosnę” – napisał. „Na dobrej drodze do zdobycia miliarda!”
Kamień milowy został niewątpliwie osiągnięty szybciej dzięki ogromnemu zainteresowaniu grami kryptograficznymi rozprzestrzeniającymi się w Telegramie oraz powstaniu The Open Network (TON), którą Telegram pierwotnie założył, zanim porzucił projekt w 2020 r. ze względu na problemy regulacyjne. Zamiast tego społeczność zewnętrznych programistów ożywiła łańcuch.
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Ethereum gotowy na zwyżkowy wzrost w związku z rychłym wprowadzeniem na rynek pierwszych funduszy ETF typu SpotCharles d’Haussy, dyrektor generalny fundacji dYdX, sugeruje, że fundusze ETF na Ether mogą przejąć około 25% zarządzanych aktywów (AUM) istniejących kasowych ETF-ów Bitcoin. Ekosystem Ethereum może wkraczać w swoją najbardziej wzrostową fazę wraz ze zbliżającym się wprowadzeniem na rynek pierwszego spotowego funduszu ETF (ETF). „Z perspektywy czasu można stwierdzić, że druga połowa 2024 r. będzie najbardziej oczywistą zwyżkową konfiguracją dla ekosystemu Ethereum w najnowszej historii. Trzy przeciwne wiatry, które powstrzymywały ETH, od tego tygodnia staną się wiatrami w plecy.”

Ethereum gotowy na zwyżkowy wzrost w związku z rychłym wprowadzeniem na rynek pierwszych funduszy ETF typu Spot

Charles d’Haussy, dyrektor generalny fundacji dYdX, sugeruje, że fundusze ETF na Ether mogą przejąć około 25% zarządzanych aktywów (AUM) istniejących kasowych ETF-ów Bitcoin.

Ekosystem Ethereum może wkraczać w swoją najbardziej wzrostową fazę wraz ze zbliżającym się wprowadzeniem na rynek pierwszego spotowego funduszu ETF (ETF).
„Z perspektywy czasu można stwierdzić, że druga połowa 2024 r. będzie najbardziej oczywistą zwyżkową konfiguracją dla ekosystemu Ethereum w najnowszej historii. Trzy przeciwne wiatry, które powstrzymywały ETH, od tego tygodnia staną się wiatrami w plecy.”
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Shiba Inu (SHIB) rośnie o 8530% w przepływach sieciowych, oto intrygujący zwrot akcjiWedług danych IntoTheBlock w Shiba Inu (SHIB) obserwuje się gwałtowny wzrost przepływów dużych sieci posiadaczy ryb, co jest wskaźnikiem określającym zmianę pozycji kryptowielorybów. W ciągu ostatnich siedmiu dni Shiba Inu odnotował wzrost przepływów netto dużych posiadaczy o 8530,25%, chociaż wzrost ten był ujemny. Zazwyczaj spadki przepływów netto dużych posiadaczy mogą wskazywać na sprzedaż. Ujemny wzrost przepływów sieciowych nie jest aż tak daleko idący, biorąc pod uwagę niedawny incydent, w wyniku którego znaczna ilość SHIB, ponad 5,4 biliona tokenów, została sprzedana w wyniku exploita WazirX. Niepokojący wzrost przepływu sieci może odzwierciedlać reakcję Shiba Inu w łańcuchu po sprzedaży wywołanej incydentem.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) rośnie o 8530% w przepływach sieciowych, oto intrygujący zwrot akcji

Według danych IntoTheBlock w Shiba Inu (SHIB) obserwuje się gwałtowny wzrost przepływów dużych sieci posiadaczy ryb, co jest wskaźnikiem określającym zmianę pozycji kryptowielorybów.
W ciągu ostatnich siedmiu dni Shiba Inu odnotował wzrost przepływów netto dużych posiadaczy o 8530,25%, chociaż wzrost ten był ujemny. Zazwyczaj spadki przepływów netto dużych posiadaczy mogą wskazywać na sprzedaż.
Ujemny wzrost przepływów sieciowych nie jest aż tak daleko idący, biorąc pod uwagę niedawny incydent, w wyniku którego znaczna ilość SHIB, ponad 5,4 biliona tokenów, została sprzedana w wyniku exploita WazirX. Niepokojący wzrost przepływu sieci może odzwierciedlać reakcję Shiba Inu w łańcuchu po sprzedaży wywołanej incydentem.
Hamster Kombat’ Mini Game Puzzle Guide: What Are Keys and How to Earn ThemThe new puzzle mini game in Hamster Kombat introduces keys to the Telegram-based hit. Here’s how to play, and what we know so far. Hit Telegram-based crypto game Hamster Kombat continues to expand ahead of its planned airdrop on The Open Network, and the latest addition is a daily puzzle mini game and the mysterious keys tied to it. Added on July 19, the puzzle mini game refreshes daily and challenges you to move red and green candlestick indicators—like those seen on crypto price charts—to claim a key before time runs out. And the keys could prove to be valuable or useful indeed. As millions more players flood into Hamster Kombat and the promised airdrop draws nearer, serious players are surely looking for ways to make the most of the game and ensure they maximize their token haul. Here’s a look at how the daily puzzle works and what we know about the keys so far What is the puzzle mini game? Hamster Kombat’s puzzle mini game is a riff on the classic sliding puzzle concept, in which you’re trying to move an object within a small, constrained space, and that can only be accomplished by moving the other slides in a certain order. In this case, Hamster Kombat cleverly plays on its crypto premise by repurposing vertical and horizontal candlestick indicators to clutter up each daily puzzle, and making you solve the puzzle to slide a golden key through the exit. And you only have 30 seconds to do so. It’s tough! The first couple puzzles have already been challenging, in part because of apparent control issues. Hamster Kombat says to update your Telegram mobile app if you’re having trouble. Also note that the red vertical indicators only go up and down, while the green horizontal indicators can only go left and right, which makes the puzzles even trickier. And if you don’t solve the puzzle, then you’ll have to wait 90 minutes to try again. And much like the game’s daily combo and daily cipher, the puzzle mini-game is updated daily—in this case, at 4pm ET each day. Luckily, because of the immense popularity of Hamster Kombat, there’s already a wealth of influencers and content creators that are whipping up videos showing successful solutions to each puzzle. So if you keep failing, just fire up Twitter or YouTube to find a video walkthrough and see if that helps—like the example below. What are the keys for? Keys are a brand new concept in Hamster Kombat, offering players something other than just in-game coins to accumulate. Currently, there’s no functional purpose for them—but the developers are clearly teasing some real value here. “The mystery key that you have probably already come across is an extremely useful thing that may come in handy in the future!” the team wrote in a Telegram update. “There are many more exciting things to come, stay tuned!” #BinanceHODLerBANANA #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Hamsterkombat #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #BinanceTournament Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Hamster Kombat’ Mini Game Puzzle Guide: What Are Keys and How to Earn Them

The new puzzle mini game in Hamster Kombat introduces keys to the Telegram-based hit. Here’s how to play, and what we know so far.

Hit Telegram-based crypto game Hamster Kombat continues to expand ahead of its planned airdrop on The Open Network, and the latest addition is a daily puzzle mini game and the mysterious keys tied to it.
Added on July 19, the puzzle mini game refreshes daily and challenges you to move red and green candlestick indicators—like those seen on crypto price charts—to claim a key before time runs out. And the keys could prove to be valuable or useful indeed.

As millions more players flood into Hamster Kombat and the promised airdrop draws nearer, serious players are surely looking for ways to make the most of the game and ensure they maximize their token haul. Here’s a look at how the daily puzzle works and what we know about the keys so far
What is the puzzle mini game?
Hamster Kombat’s puzzle mini game is a riff on the classic sliding puzzle concept, in which you’re trying to move an object within a small, constrained space, and that can only be accomplished by moving the other slides in a certain order.

In this case, Hamster Kombat cleverly plays on its crypto premise by repurposing vertical and horizontal candlestick indicators to clutter up each daily puzzle, and making you solve the puzzle to slide a golden key through the exit. And you only have 30 seconds to do so.

It’s tough! The first couple puzzles have already been challenging, in part because of apparent control issues. Hamster Kombat says to update your Telegram mobile app if you’re having trouble. Also note that the red vertical indicators only go up and down, while the green horizontal indicators can only go left and right, which makes the puzzles even trickier.

And if you don’t solve the puzzle, then you’ll have to wait 90 minutes to try again. And much like the game’s daily combo and daily cipher, the puzzle mini-game is updated daily—in this case, at 4pm ET each day.

Luckily, because of the immense popularity of Hamster Kombat, there’s already a wealth of influencers and content creators that are whipping up videos showing successful solutions to each puzzle. So if you keep failing, just fire up Twitter or YouTube to find a video walkthrough and see if that helps—like the example below.
What are the keys for?
Keys are a brand new concept in Hamster Kombat, offering players something other than just in-game coins to accumulate. Currently, there’s no functional purpose for them—but the developers are clearly teasing some real value here.
“The mystery key that you have probably already come across is an extremely useful thing that may come in handy in the future!” the team wrote in a Telegram update. “There are many more exciting things to come, stay tuned!”
#BinanceHODLerBANANA #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Hamsterkombat #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #BinanceTournament
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Billionaire Elon Musk, owner of Tesla and X, has entered the crisis line resulting from the electronic failure that paralyzed many institutions and companies in various specializations around the world. Through his account on the “X” platform, he mocked the disruption of websites except for his platform. #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #US_Job_Market_Slowdown Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT
Billionaire Elon Musk, owner of Tesla and X, has entered the crisis line resulting from the electronic failure that paralyzed many institutions and companies in various specializations around the world.

Through his account on the “X” platform, he mocked the disruption of websites except for his platform.
#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
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Early Buyer of Oil King Pepe (OILPEPE) Memecoin Makes Huge 6,700% Profit But Waits For 22,000% RallyMost buyers of OILPEPE are deciding to hold onto their tokens and wait for further gains in the coming days and weeks, rather than realize their current profits. Oil King Pepe (OILPEPE) is a newly launched memecoin on the Solana blockchain, and it has the potential to become a mainstream coin, like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). An early buyer of Oil King Pepe (OILPEPE) has generated a profit of over 6,700%, turning a $130 investment into over $7,700. The shrewd investor made the purchase a few hours after OILPEPE began trading on Raydium, and he hasn’t sold any of his tokens yet, as the price of Oil King Pepe is expected to rise another 22,000% from its current price. In fact, most buyers of OILPEPE are deciding to hold onto their tokens and wait for further gains in the coming days and weeks, rather than realize their current profits. OILPEPE will be listed on KuCoin, one of the largest centralized exchanges in the world, in July – and this is a massively bullish development for the token, as millions of new investors will easily be able to buy Oil King Pepe. Oil King Pepe has rallied over 14,300% to reach a market cap of $24.8 million – and it is expected to soon hit a $200 million market cap. Currently, Oil King Pepe can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like Jupiter and Raydium, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days. To buy OILPEPE on these platforms, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask or Phantom wallet, and swap Solana for Oil King Pepe by entering its contract address – GRUCh82C2aUXo2487mNWJx92s5K26pCtZp8HF47ZZAkc – in the receiving field. Early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) and Bonk (BONK) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price. #BinanceHODLerBANANA #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceTurns7 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceTournament Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Early Buyer of Oil King Pepe (OILPEPE) Memecoin Makes Huge 6,700% Profit But Waits For 22,000% Rally

Most buyers of OILPEPE are deciding to hold onto their tokens and wait for further gains in the coming days and weeks, rather than realize their current profits.

Oil King Pepe (OILPEPE) is a newly launched memecoin on the Solana blockchain, and it has the potential to become a mainstream coin, like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB).
An early buyer of Oil King Pepe (OILPEPE) has generated a profit of over 6,700%, turning a $130 investment into over $7,700.
The shrewd investor made the purchase a few hours after OILPEPE began trading on Raydium, and he hasn’t sold any of his tokens yet, as the price of Oil King Pepe is expected to rise another 22,000% from its current price.

In fact, most buyers of OILPEPE are deciding to hold onto their tokens and wait for further gains in the coming days and weeks, rather than realize their current profits.
OILPEPE will be listed on KuCoin, one of the largest centralized exchanges in the world, in July – and this is a massively bullish development for the token, as millions of new investors will easily be able to buy Oil King Pepe.
Oil King Pepe has rallied over 14,300% to reach a market cap of $24.8 million – and it is expected to soon hit a $200 million market cap.

Currently, Oil King Pepe can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like Jupiter and Raydium, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days.

To buy OILPEPE on these platforms, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask or Phantom wallet, and swap Solana for Oil King Pepe by entering its contract address – GRUCh82C2aUXo2487mNWJx92s5K26pCtZp8HF47ZZAkc – in the receiving field.
Early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) and Bonk (BONK) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price.
#BinanceHODLerBANANA #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceTurns7 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceTournament
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Global Internet Outage Highlights Cryptocurrency Sector’s StabilityAmid a global internet outage affecting numerous real-world services, the cryptocurrency sector’s smooth operation did not go unnoticed. On the other hand, CrowdStrike and the notorious Microsoft “Blue Screen of Death” (BSoD) error-themed dozens of new cryptocurrencies were created and launched on the Ethereum and Solana Blockchains. Dozens of New Cryptocurrencies Launched After Outage This unexpected event led millions of Windows users worldwide to experience the dreaded BSoD error, causing systems to shut down or restart suddenly. The issue, affecting a range of businesses including airlines, railways, and exchanges, is reported to be linked to a faulty CrowdStrike software update. Despite widespread disruptions, no cryptocurrency-related company or business reported any errors or service interruptions. This stability in the cryptocurrency sector provided an opportunity for market participants to capitalize on the situation. DEXTools and DEXScreener data show that many new cryptocurrencies named CrowdStrike, STRIKE, Microsoft, bluescreenofdeath, and BSoD have been launched and are actively traded. Investors are currently trying to benefit from the short-term interest in these themes. Some of these newly created cryptocurrencies have accumulated liquidity up to $50,000 as stablecoins and quickly reached market values of up to $1 million on paper. Among the most trending themes are CrowdStrike and Microsoft, while Solana-based token producer Pump Fun has seen a significant increase in cryptocurrency creation. Users have once again demonstrated a niche behavior in the cryptocurrency market by creating hundreds of cryptocurrencies referencing various themes associated with these companies, aiming to profit from short-term hype or trend news narratives. The Bubble May Burst Soon While these cryptocurrencies often attract initial interest, they risk losing all their value over time due to a lack of fundamental support, and their prices may even drop to zero. Nonetheless, this does not deter the creators and early buyers, who often manage to achieve significant profits in the initial trading stages. The rapid issuance and trading of these cryptocurrencies highlight the opportunistic nature of the cryptocurrency market, where trends and news can lead to swift financial movements. Therefore, while these cryptocurrencies are likely to plummet in value soon, the speculative environment of cryptocurrency trading has once again been experienced. #BinanceTournament #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceTurns7 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Global Internet Outage Highlights Cryptocurrency Sector’s Stability

Amid a global internet outage affecting numerous real-world services, the cryptocurrency sector’s smooth operation did not go unnoticed. On the other hand, CrowdStrike and the notorious Microsoft “Blue Screen of Death” (BSoD) error-themed dozens of new cryptocurrencies were created and launched on the Ethereum and Solana Blockchains.
Dozens of New Cryptocurrencies Launched After Outage
This unexpected event led millions of Windows users worldwide to experience the dreaded BSoD error, causing systems to shut down or restart suddenly. The issue, affecting a range of businesses including airlines, railways, and exchanges, is reported to be linked to a faulty CrowdStrike software update.
Despite widespread disruptions, no cryptocurrency-related company or business reported any errors or service interruptions. This stability in the cryptocurrency sector provided an opportunity for market participants to capitalize on the situation.
DEXTools and DEXScreener data show that many new cryptocurrencies named CrowdStrike, STRIKE, Microsoft, bluescreenofdeath, and BSoD have been launched and are actively traded. Investors are currently trying to benefit from the short-term interest in these themes. Some of these newly created cryptocurrencies have accumulated liquidity up to $50,000 as stablecoins and quickly reached market values of up to $1 million on paper.

Among the most trending themes are CrowdStrike and Microsoft, while Solana-based token producer Pump Fun has seen a significant increase in cryptocurrency creation. Users have once again demonstrated a niche behavior in the cryptocurrency market by creating hundreds of cryptocurrencies referencing various themes associated with these companies, aiming to profit from short-term hype or trend news narratives.
The Bubble May Burst Soon
While these cryptocurrencies often attract initial interest, they risk losing all their value over time due to a lack of fundamental support, and their prices may even drop to zero. Nonetheless, this does not deter the creators and early buyers, who often manage to achieve significant profits in the initial trading stages.

The rapid issuance and trading of these cryptocurrencies highlight the opportunistic nature of the cryptocurrency market, where trends and news can lead to swift financial movements. Therefore, while these cryptocurrencies are likely to plummet in value soon, the speculative environment of cryptocurrency trading has once again been experienced.
#BinanceTournament #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceTurns7 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
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Trump Impacts Crypto MarketThe recent moves in the cryptocurrency market, notably Bitcoin (BTC), have been influenced by developments involving former US President Donald Trump. After the US market closed, Bitcoin experienced a sharp drop of $500, settling at $64,000. This fluctuation coincides with positive news surrounding the Ethereum (ETH) ETF. Amid these financial shifts, Trump’s influence on the market has become a focal point. But what exactly is Trump doing? What Are Trump’s Crypto Policies? As a potential candidate for the upcoming US presidential election, Trump has made several crypto-friendly statements, which have impacted Bitcoin’s market performance. His recent comments on foreign dominance in the cryptocurrency sector have resonated with the market, suggesting that his administration would aim to counteract these influences. Criticism of the Biden administration’s policies, particularly those of the SEC, has further fueled his popularity among crypto enthusiasts. Trump’s stance appears to promise a reduction in the regulatory pressures that have led some US-based crypto companies to consider relocating to more favorable jurisdictions like the UAE. His positioning as a pro-crypto candidate could lead to significant policy changes that might benefit the cryptocurrency market. How Does JPMorgan Fit Into Trump’s Strategy? JPMorgan, the largest bank in the US, and its CEO, Jamie Dimon, known for his anti-crypto rhetoric, have become surprising allies in this context. Despite Dimon’s critical views, JPMorgan collaborates with BTC ETF issuers, reflecting the bank’s pragmatic approach to the growing crypto market. This complex relationship has potential implications for Trump’s economic strategy. Initially, Trump considered Dimon an unlikely ally, especially for the role of Treasury Secretary. However, Trump’s perspective shifted following Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s comments on the evolving role of cryptocurrency in the US economy. This change suggests that Dimon’s inclusion in Trump’s team could align with a pro-crypto agenda. Concrete Takeaways Trump’s influence on cryptocurrency policies leads to several actionable insights: Potential reduction in regulatory hurdles for US-based crypto companies. A possible shift in the US government’s stance towards a more pro-crypto regulatory environment. Increased market stability and potential growth for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Strategic alliances with influential banking figures like Jamie Dimon could shape future policies. These points highlight the tangible effects of Trump’s political maneuvers on the cryptocurrency market. In conclusion, Trump’s potential return to the presidency and his evolving stance on cryptocurrency could herald significant shifts in the market dynamics. By aligning with key financial figures and advocating for reduced foreign influence, Trump positions himself as a pivotal force in shaping the future landscape of the crypto market in the US. #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceTournament #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Trump Impacts Crypto Market

The recent moves in the cryptocurrency market, notably Bitcoin (BTC), have been influenced by developments involving former US President Donald Trump. After the US market closed, Bitcoin experienced a sharp drop of $500, settling at $64,000. This fluctuation coincides with positive news surrounding the Ethereum (ETH) ETF. Amid these financial shifts, Trump’s influence on the market has become a focal point. But what exactly is Trump doing?
What Are Trump’s Crypto Policies?
As a potential candidate for the upcoming US presidential election, Trump has made several crypto-friendly statements, which have impacted Bitcoin’s market performance. His recent comments on foreign dominance in the cryptocurrency sector have resonated with the market, suggesting that his administration would aim to counteract these influences. Criticism of the Biden administration’s policies, particularly those of the SEC, has further fueled his popularity among crypto enthusiasts.
Trump’s stance appears to promise a reduction in the regulatory pressures that have led some US-based crypto companies to consider relocating to more favorable jurisdictions like the UAE. His positioning as a pro-crypto candidate could lead to significant policy changes that might benefit the cryptocurrency market.
How Does JPMorgan Fit Into Trump’s Strategy?
JPMorgan, the largest bank in the US, and its CEO, Jamie Dimon, known for his anti-crypto rhetoric, have become surprising allies in this context. Despite Dimon’s critical views, JPMorgan collaborates with BTC ETF issuers, reflecting the bank’s pragmatic approach to the growing crypto market. This complex relationship has potential implications for Trump’s economic strategy.
Initially, Trump considered Dimon an unlikely ally, especially for the role of Treasury Secretary. However, Trump’s perspective shifted following Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s comments on the evolving role of cryptocurrency in the US economy. This change suggests that Dimon’s inclusion in Trump’s team could align with a pro-crypto agenda.
Concrete Takeaways
Trump’s influence on cryptocurrency policies leads to several actionable insights:
Potential reduction in regulatory hurdles for US-based crypto companies.
A possible shift in the US government’s stance towards a more pro-crypto regulatory environment.
Increased market stability and potential growth for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Strategic alliances with influential banking figures like Jamie Dimon could shape future policies.
These points highlight the tangible effects of Trump’s political maneuvers on the cryptocurrency market.
In conclusion, Trump’s potential return to the presidency and his evolving stance on cryptocurrency could herald significant shifts in the market dynamics. By aligning with key financial figures and advocating for reduced foreign influence, Trump positions himself as a pivotal force in shaping the future landscape of the crypto market in the US.
#US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceTournament #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
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Pepe Saves Trump (PEPETRUMP) Memecoin Rallies 1,900% and Will Surge Another 18,000% as KuCoin ListinEarly investors in SHIB and DOGE made astronomical returns, and Pepe Saves Trump could become the next viral memecoin. Pepe Saves Trump could turn early investors into multi-millionaires, like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) did. Pepe Saves Trump (PEPETRUMP), a new Solana memecoin that was launched recently, is poised to explode over 18,000% in price in the coming days. This is because PEPETRUMP has announced its first centralized exchange listing, which will be on KuCoin. This will give the Solana memecoin exposure to millions of additional investors, who will pour funds into the coin and drive its price up. The memecoin has rallied over 1,900% in the last 24 hours, hitting a market cap of $181,000, but massive further gains are expected in the coming days, as it will hit a $30 million market cap. Currently, Pepe Saves Trump can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like and, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days. Early investors in SHIB and DOGE made astronomical returns, and Pepe Saves Trump could become the next viral memecoin. Pepe Saves Trump launched with over $3,000 of locked liquidity, giving it a unique advantage over the majority of other new memecoins, and early investors could make huge gains. To buy Pepe Saves Trump on Raydium or Jupiter ahead of the KuCoin listing, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask or Phantom wallet, and swap Solana for Pepe Saves Trump by entering its contract address – 2Rk1trmK8Zu7omqNwGTDvZVrsNmx2pxMWdxa2DZeELab – in the receiving field. If you don’t have one of these wallets already, you can create a new wallet in a few minutes and transfer some Solana to it (which will then be used to buy the memecoin), from an exchange like Coinbase, Binance and many others. In fact, early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price. If this happens, a new wave of memecoin millionaires could be created in a matter of weeks – or potentially even sooner. The Solana memecoin craze continues amid larger memecoins, like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) and DogWifHat (WIF) trading sideways in recent weeks and losing momentum. This is why many SHIB, DOGE and WIF investors are instead investing in new Solana memecoins, like PEPETRUMP. #Write2Earn! #BinanceTurns7 #mememcoinseason2024 #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Pepe Saves Trump (PEPETRUMP) Memecoin Rallies 1,900% and Will Surge Another 18,000% as KuCoin Listin

Early investors in SHIB and DOGE made astronomical returns, and Pepe Saves Trump could become the next viral memecoin.

Pepe Saves Trump could turn early investors into multi-millionaires, like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) did.
Pepe Saves Trump (PEPETRUMP), a new Solana memecoin that was launched recently, is poised to explode over 18,000% in price in the coming days.
This is because PEPETRUMP has announced its first centralized exchange listing, which will be on KuCoin.
This will give the Solana memecoin exposure to millions of additional investors, who will pour funds into the coin and drive its price up.
The memecoin has rallied over 1,900% in the last 24 hours, hitting a market cap of $181,000, but massive further gains are expected in the coming days, as it will hit a $30 million market cap.
Currently, Pepe Saves Trump can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like and, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days.
Early investors in SHIB and DOGE made astronomical returns, and Pepe Saves Trump could become the next viral memecoin.
Pepe Saves Trump launched with over $3,000 of locked liquidity, giving it a unique advantage over the majority of other new memecoins, and early investors could make huge gains.
To buy Pepe Saves Trump on Raydium or Jupiter ahead of the KuCoin listing, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask or Phantom wallet, and swap Solana for Pepe Saves Trump by entering its contract address – 2Rk1trmK8Zu7omqNwGTDvZVrsNmx2pxMWdxa2DZeELab – in the receiving field.
If you don’t have one of these wallets already, you can create a new wallet in a few minutes and transfer some Solana to it (which will then be used to buy the memecoin), from an exchange like Coinbase, Binance and many others.
In fact, early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price.
If this happens, a new wave of memecoin millionaires could be created in a matter of weeks – or potentially even sooner.
The Solana memecoin craze continues amid larger memecoins, like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) and DogWifHat (WIF) trading sideways in recent weeks and losing momentum.
This is why many SHIB, DOGE and WIF investors are instead investing in new Solana memecoins, like PEPETRUMP.
#Write2Earn! #BinanceTurns7 #mememcoinseason2024 #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip
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Solana Memecoins To Watch: $HINU, $MAGA, $BONK, And $DAWGZThe crypto market started 2024 off with a bang, with Solana memecoins taking charge. Memecoins often have no utility but bring strong community support to the very serious industry.  The memecoin market witnessed explosive growth in recent months, with Solana-based memecoins, particularly, seeing significant upticks. Solana-based memecoins boast a total market cap exceeding $6.4 billion. Here’s a quick overview of four Solana memecoins to watch: Husky Inu ($HINU), Trump ($MAGA), Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ), and Bonk ($BONK).  Solana Becomes Prime Memecoin Platform Solana is a popular blockchain for memecoin development due to some of its unique features. Solana is designed to handle high numbers of transactions per second (TPS) at low transaction costs. The Solana blockchain’s ability to quickly process transactions ensures that trades are promptly executed. Memecoins are subject to rapid price fluctuations, and transaction speed is of the essence. Memecoins rely heavily on community support. Solana has cultivated a strong and active community, making it the ideal platform for memecoins. The blockchain further offers strong developmental tools and resources, making it a developer-friendly environment that enables them to create and deploy new tokens easily. Husky Inu ($HINU): Shiba Inu’s New Best Friend Husky Inu is the newest memecoin on the market and was created to bring its holders more utility and value by leveraging the Solana blockchain. Husky Inu and its native token, $HINU, want to dominate the memecoin market by building a supportive community with innovative features and enhanced rewards. Husky Inu recently launched the presale for $HINU, which has already gained significant attention. The project plans to launch its own Earn App and Decentralized Exchange. Earn App users will receive $HINU tokens as a reward for engaging with the project and completing easy tasks such as liking, reposting, and sharing content. Husky Inu’s Decentralized Exchange will facilitate decentralized trading, enhancing the utility and value of $HINU holders. Trump ($MAGA) Trump $MAGA has gained in popularity thanks to the popularity and infamy of its namesake and the impending US elections scheduled for November 2024. $MAGA, recently launched in May, reached an all-time high of $0.0007379 but has been on a downward trend in line with the overall market downturn. With a market cap of over $266 million, $MAGA currently ranks 216th on CoinMarketCap. Bonk ($BONK) Goes Ballistic BONK, is marketed as the first dog-themed token on the Solana blockchain “for the people, by the people,” with 50% of its total supply airdropped to members of the Solana community. BONK launched in December 2022, and its launch caused $SOL to gain 34% in 48 hours. The project’s goal is to bring liquidity back to Solana-based DEXs. With a market cap exceeding $1.5 billion, $BONK currently ranks 51st. Multi-Chain Base Dawgs ($DAWGZ) Picks Up Speed Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) is a multi-chain memecoin quickly gaining investors’ attention. The project recently launched the presale of its native token, $DAWGZ, and raised over $2.2 million in its first two weeks. $DAWGZ is a versatile and adaptable token compatible with the Ethereum blockchain, Solana blockchain, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche. $DAWGZ is primarily based on the Base network, Coinbase’s Layer 2 chain. Despite recent market downturns, memecoins are expected to grow in value. Investors seek alternative opportunities that may offer them exponential potential growth. With its successful presale, Husky Inu appears primed for great potential ROIs. At a modest price, $HINU makes a great addition to a diversified portfolio. #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Solana Memecoins To Watch: $HINU, $MAGA, $BONK, And $DAWGZ

The crypto market started 2024 off with a bang, with Solana memecoins taking charge. Memecoins often have no utility but bring strong community support to the very serious industry. 
The memecoin market witnessed explosive growth in recent months, with Solana-based memecoins, particularly, seeing significant upticks. Solana-based memecoins boast a total market cap exceeding $6.4 billion.
Here’s a quick overview of four Solana memecoins to watch: Husky Inu ($HINU), Trump ($MAGA), Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ), and Bonk ($BONK). 
Solana Becomes Prime Memecoin Platform
Solana is a popular blockchain for memecoin development due to some of its unique features. Solana is designed to handle high numbers of transactions per second (TPS) at low transaction costs. The Solana blockchain’s ability to quickly process transactions ensures that trades are promptly executed. Memecoins are subject to rapid price fluctuations, and transaction speed is of the essence.

Memecoins rely heavily on community support. Solana has cultivated a strong and active community, making it the ideal platform for memecoins. The blockchain further offers strong developmental tools and resources, making it a developer-friendly environment that enables them to create and deploy new tokens easily.
Husky Inu ($HINU): Shiba Inu’s New Best Friend
Husky Inu is the newest memecoin on the market and was created to bring its holders more utility and value by leveraging the Solana blockchain. Husky Inu and its native token, $HINU, want to dominate the memecoin market by building a supportive community with innovative features and enhanced rewards.

Husky Inu recently launched the presale for $HINU, which has already gained significant attention.

The project plans to launch its own Earn App and Decentralized Exchange. Earn App users will receive $HINU tokens as a reward for engaging with the project and completing easy tasks such as liking, reposting, and sharing content. Husky Inu’s Decentralized Exchange will facilitate decentralized trading, enhancing the utility and value of $HINU holders.
Trump ($MAGA)
Trump $MAGA has gained in popularity thanks to the popularity and infamy of its namesake and the impending US elections scheduled for November 2024. $MAGA, recently launched in May, reached an all-time high of $0.0007379 but has been on a downward trend in line with the overall market downturn. With a market cap of over $266 million, $MAGA currently ranks 216th on CoinMarketCap.
Bonk ($BONK) Goes Ballistic
BONK, is marketed as the first dog-themed token on the Solana blockchain “for the people, by the people,” with 50% of its total supply airdropped to members of the Solana community. BONK launched in December 2022, and its launch caused $SOL to gain 34% in 48 hours. The project’s goal is to bring liquidity back to Solana-based DEXs. With a market cap exceeding $1.5 billion, $BONK currently ranks 51st.
Multi-Chain Base Dawgs ($DAWGZ) Picks Up Speed
Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) is a multi-chain memecoin quickly gaining investors’ attention. The project recently launched the presale of its native token, $DAWGZ, and raised over $2.2 million in its first two weeks. $DAWGZ is a versatile and adaptable token compatible with the Ethereum blockchain, Solana blockchain, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche. $DAWGZ is primarily based on the Base network, Coinbase’s Layer 2 chain.
Despite recent market downturns, memecoins are expected to grow in value. Investors seek alternative opportunities that may offer them exponential potential growth. With its successful presale, Husky Inu appears primed for great potential ROIs. At a modest price, $HINU makes a great addition to a diversified portfolio.
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Whale Loses $3.5M on PEPE: What Went Wrong?A recent report from Spot On Chain, a blockchain analytics firm, has revealed that a major cryptocurrency investor, known as a “whale,” has suffered a big loss with Pepe Coin (PEPE). The investor had deposited 519 billion PEPE tokens worth about $5.11 million on Binance. The reasons behind the sale are not entirely clear, but the data shows that the investor faced a loss of around $207,000, which is a 3.9% drop from their initial investment. The PEPE tokens were bought before the cryptocurrency reached its highest price in late May. If the investor had sold their tokens at that peak, they could have made a potential profit of $3.47 million. Major Investor Faces Additional Losses Amid PEPE Decline Further analysis by Spot On Chain reveals that the investor may be struggling with even more financial trouble. The report points out unrealized losses amounting to $6.68 million on other cryptocurrency assets, such as AAVE and YFI. In the meantime, the popular “frog” meme token, PEPE, is currently priced at $0.0000092. This digital asset has dropped over 23% this week and saw a peak decline of 36%, reaching levels not seen since early May. The future of the PEPE token remains uncertain, and it appears that one major investor is particularly affected by the recent downturn. #BinanceTournament #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #CPIAlert #LayerZero Thank you for reading the article. Do not forget to follow me to receive all new posts and articles ☺️ ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT

Whale Loses $3.5M on PEPE: What Went Wrong?

A recent report from Spot On Chain, a blockchain analytics firm, has revealed that a major cryptocurrency investor, known as a “whale,” has suffered a big loss with Pepe Coin (PEPE). The investor had deposited 519 billion PEPE tokens worth about $5.11 million on Binance.
The reasons behind the sale are not entirely clear, but the data shows that the investor faced a loss of around $207,000, which is a 3.9% drop from their initial investment. The PEPE tokens were bought before the cryptocurrency reached its highest price in late May. If the investor had sold their tokens at that peak, they could have made a potential profit of $3.47 million.
Major Investor Faces Additional Losses Amid PEPE Decline
Further analysis by Spot On Chain reveals that the investor may be struggling with even more financial trouble. The report points out unrealized losses amounting to $6.68 million on other cryptocurrency assets, such as AAVE and YFI.
In the meantime, the popular “frog” meme token, PEPE, is currently priced at $0.0000092. This digital asset has dropped over 23% this week and saw a peak decline of 36%, reaching levels not seen since early May.
The future of the PEPE token remains uncertain, and it appears that one major investor is particularly affected by the recent downturn.
#BinanceTournament #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #CPIAlert #LayerZero
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