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Oczekuje się, że cena Solany wkrótce wzrośnie o 18%. Po odzyskaniu wsparcia wokół wtorkowej miesięcznej linii trendu wzrostowego na poziomie 164,50 dolarów, w środę cena Solany będzie nadal rosła. Przy poziomach wsparcia wahających się od 160,02 USD do 144,48 USD inwestorzy mogą zdecydować się na akumulację SOL. Bycza teza zostałaby unieważniona, gdyby dzienny świecznik zamknął się poniżej 137,58 dolarów. Odsunięci na bok handlowcy mają teraz szansę kupić Solanę (SOL), zanim token zwiększy zyski, ponieważ jego cena rośnie w środę trzeci dzień z rzędu i według wskaźników technicznych wydaje się, że jest gotowy na kolejny wzrost o 18%. Chociaż cena Solany stale rośnie powyżej poziomu 160 dolarów, nadal istnieją potencjalne możliwości zakupu byków z boku na następujących poziomach: Dzienny poziom wsparcia na poziomie 160,02 USD, który jest najwyższym punktem od 23 kwietnia. Około 144,48 dolarów, poziom zniesienia Fibonacciego wynoszący 61,8%. Zakładając odwrócenie kursu na poziomie 160,02 USD, Solana wzrosłaby o 18% do najwyższego poziomu w historii z 21 maja wynoszącego 188,84 USD. Wskaźniki RSI i AO, które pokazują, że dominuje dynamika wzrostowa, znalazły wsparcie odpowiednio na poziomie 50 i 0, potwierdzając wcześniej raportowane odbicie. Zakładając zdecydowanie pozytywne prognozy, SOL może powrócić do dziennego zamknięcia 31 marca i wzrosnąć o dodatkowe 7% do 202,45 USD. Niemniej jednak może nastąpić zmiana struktury rynku na korzyść niedźwiedzi, jeśli dzienna świeca SOL zamknie się poniżej najniższego poziomu 137,58 USD z 13 maja i wyznaczy dolne dno w dziennym przedziale czasowym. Jeśli ta zmiana udowodni, że byczy argument jest błędny, możemy zaobserwować 16% spadek do 115,89 dolarów, poziomu dziennego wsparcia utrzymującego się od 13 kwietnia. #Sol #Solana $SOL #altcoins @Solana_Official {spot}(SOLUSDT)

Oczekuje się, że cena Solany wkrótce wzrośnie o 18%.

Po odzyskaniu wsparcia wokół wtorkowej miesięcznej linii trendu wzrostowego na poziomie 164,50 dolarów, w środę cena Solany będzie nadal rosła.

Przy poziomach wsparcia wahających się od 160,02 USD do 144,48 USD inwestorzy mogą zdecydować się na akumulację SOL.

Bycza teza zostałaby unieważniona, gdyby dzienny świecznik zamknął się poniżej 137,58 dolarów.

Odsunięci na bok handlowcy mają teraz szansę kupić Solanę (SOL), zanim token zwiększy zyski, ponieważ jego cena rośnie w środę trzeci dzień z rzędu i według wskaźników technicznych wydaje się, że jest gotowy na kolejny wzrost o 18%.

Chociaż cena Solany stale rośnie powyżej poziomu 160 dolarów, nadal istnieją potencjalne możliwości zakupu byków z boku na następujących poziomach:

Dzienny poziom wsparcia na poziomie 160,02 USD, który jest najwyższym punktem od 23 kwietnia.

Około 144,48 dolarów, poziom zniesienia Fibonacciego wynoszący 61,8%.

Zakładając odwrócenie kursu na poziomie 160,02 USD, Solana wzrosłaby o 18% do najwyższego poziomu w historii z 21 maja wynoszącego 188,84 USD. Wskaźniki RSI i AO, które pokazują, że dominuje dynamika wzrostowa, znalazły wsparcie odpowiednio na poziomie 50 i 0, potwierdzając wcześniej raportowane odbicie.

Zakładając zdecydowanie pozytywne prognozy, SOL może powrócić do dziennego zamknięcia 31 marca i wzrosnąć o dodatkowe 7% do 202,45 USD.

Niemniej jednak może nastąpić zmiana struktury rynku na korzyść niedźwiedzi, jeśli dzienna świeca SOL zamknie się poniżej najniższego poziomu 137,58 USD z 13 maja i wyznaczy dolne dno w dziennym przedziale czasowym. Jeśli ta zmiana udowodni, że byczy argument jest błędny, możemy zaobserwować 16% spadek do 115,89 dolarów, poziomu dziennego wsparcia utrzymującego się od 13 kwietnia.

#Sol #Solana $SOL #altcoins @Solana Official

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Ripple CEO Reveals XRP ETF Approval Date The timeframe for an XRP ETF has been revealed by Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse. Garlinghouse predicted an XRP ETF at Consensus 2024. Garlinghouse discussed the regulatory landscape of cryptocurrencies in an exclusive Fox Business interview on June 4, emphasizing the SEC's approval of Ethereum Spot ETFs and the potential introduction of an XRP ETF. Garlinghouse agreed that Ethereum Spot ETFs might start trading by July 2024 when asked whether they will start next month. The Ethereum Spot ETF is “a big deal,” he said, since it expands worldwide investor access. He also said that Spot Bitcoin ETFs have generated billions in inflows, demonstrating investor interest in the asset class. Garlinghouse predicts an XRP ETF by 2025, citing Ethereum and XRP's functional and decentralized commonalities. Last week at Consensus 2024, Ripple CEO said an XRP ETF was imminent. He told Fox Business that the SEC's approval of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs opens the door for additional cryptocurrency ETFs. Garlinghouse also recognized that the US SEC may complicate XRP ETF clearance. He believes the regulator will approve an XRP ETF. He stated that investors prefer diversification versus single-product exposure. Growing demand in Spot Ethereum and Bitcoin ETFs might lead to the introduction of new crypto ETFs, including Solana, XRP, and Cardano. Garlinghouse was asked about the likely causes of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP's rapid spike during the previous week. Following Ethereum Spot ETF certification, Bitcoin has topped $70,000 and Ethereum has seen significant inflows, according to the interviewer. XRP has gained 1.17% in 24 hours and is trading at $0.52, according to CoinMarketCap. Garlinghouse stated that US political factors drove the unanticipated market surge. The Ripple CEO said that the US has lagged in cryptocurrency invention and development while being the world's biggest economy. #XRP #Ripple $XRP #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins @Ripple Network
Has Jasmy Coin Sold Out? A 52% Explosion in the Price of Jasmy With a 52 percent increase in value over the last week, the price of JasmyCoin ($JASMY), a cryptocurrency used for decentralized data storage, is now $0.03897. Investors' assumption that the cryptocurrency firm had teamed up with Apple's iPhone sparked the spike. The veracity of the rumors has been confirmed since then. The misunderstanding stemmed from people assuming that JasmyCoin, a decentralized on-chain solution for personal data storage, was involved in Apple's recent statement that it would be integrating Japan's ID card system into its iPhones. Introducing $JASMY, the "Japanese Bitcoin" that empowers individuals with a Personal Data Locker (PDL) to safeguard their personal information. This information is available to them to share with corporations that are prepared to pay for it, if they so want. This model's goals are to make data storage more secure, reduce the likelihood of leaks, and make it easier for consenting parties to share and utilize data. The Current Value of JasmyCoin Despite $JASMY's recent dominance in the dePIN market, its closest competitor, Arweave, had a 20% surge in value last week. In comparison, the king of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin ($BTC), had a relatively modest 2.9% increase overnight and 4.4% week-over-week growth, reaching $70,919 in trading. Ethereum ($ETH), the token driving $JASMY's native blockchain, was authorized for exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on May 23, marking the beginning of a two-part increase in the price of $JASMY. Thanks to this report, the token was able to break above the $0.025 barrier level (seen by the vertical red line), but on May 30, speculations about Apple caused the price to soar beyond $0.04. Here, Jasmy could have discovered a new level of resistance. Things might go either way according to the steady relative strength index (RSI) of 48 and dropping, but since the Apple rumors were cleared up, Jasmycoin's price surge seems to be losing pace. #Jasmy $JASMY @Jasmy-MGT #altcoins #btc70k
For what reasons has the price of Shiba Inus and Dogecoin risen today? Dogecoin and Shiba Inu's recent price increases are mostly attributable to the Bitcoin price recovery, therefore the same forces that are propelling Bitcoin's price are also propelling these meme currencies' price increases. Resilient news coming from the US is helping to propel this comeback. Job markets in the United States are showing signs of stabilization, according to the most recent JOLTS survey. The job-to-worker ratio has apparently hit 1.2, its lowest point in three years. The last low point came in 2021, during the last bitcoin bubble market. While the number of layoffs has decreased, the rate of employee turnover has remained relatively same. At the same time, investor confidence has skyrocketed, leading to a flood of capital into digital assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum. A study from CoinShares states that digital asset investment products received $185 million in only the last week, indicating that both retail and institutional investors are positive on the market. Because of these factors, the price of Bitcoin has soared, and altcoins such as Shiba Inu and Dogeocin have also seen price increases. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have both seen increases over the last 24 hours, but Shiba Inu has fared far better. According to statistics from CoinGecko, Dogecoin's stats showed a rise of 3.7% in the 24-hour period. Its market valuation increased to $23.6 billion as a result, and its price soared past $0.16. Based on the statistics provided by CoinGecko, Shiba Inu has also seen increases in the double digits, reaching a whole of 10.2%. The meme coin's market value has risen past $15.4 billion as a consequence of this comeback, which has allowed it to surpass the $0.000026 barrier. #DOGE #SHIB #altcoins $SHIB $DOGE
$700 Million Pumps Predict Bonk Price #BONK 10%: Buy Now? Bonk has risen 9% in 24 hours to $0.00003445, while the crypto market has gained 2.5%. BONK is down 16% in a week, whereas the Solana-based meme currency is up 7% and 24% in two weeks and a month, respectively. Its 7,700% growth over the last year makes it one of the top-100 currencies. With the market entering a new growth phase, the Bonk price may rise higher. Time to Buy? $600 Million Trading Volume Pumps BONK 9.3% BONK's chart shows a huge momentum gain, but its indications imply it might keep climbing. The 30-day moving average (orange) is advancing toward the 200-day average (blue), but BONK must move substantially above the 200-day to become overbought. Though it dropped this morning, the coin's relative strength index (purple) surged to 70 early this morning, suggesting it may recover shortly after spending much of the week below 50. BONK's 24-hour trading volume is over $600 million, which is significant for recent levels. BONK has witnessed whale buying in recent weeks, indicating rising demand and momentum. Meme tokens are positive right now because GameStop trader Roaring Kitty has returned to work in recent weeks and announced a $180 million GameStop stock stake this week. This has increased meme token demand and enthusiasm, which aided during the 2021 GameStop surge. BONK has been a favorite with whales despite having nothing basic that makes it more likely to rise than other major meme currencies. Since hitting a record high of $0.00004547 on March 4, it's expected to witness erratic rallies and declines in the coming months. Improved inflation may lead to rate decreases later in the year, supporting its performance. This might push Bonk to a record high of $0.000050 by Q4. #altcoins #BONK🔥🔥 $BONK @Bonk!
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