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Bitcoin Farmer 2018
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Kluczowe spostrzeżenia dla inwestorów🔈💥 Axie Infinity może potencjalnie utworzyć byczą odwrotną formację głowy z ramionami. Jeśli AXS przełamie linię szyi na poziomie 13 dolarów, może wzrosnąć do 22 dolarów, co wskazuje na znaczny wzrost cen. Ethereum może spotkać się z krótkoterminową korektą, jak wskazuje wskaźnik sekwencyjny TD. Inwestorzy powinni zachować czujność w przypadku sygnałów odwrócenia trendu na rynku kryptowalut. #AXS #Ethereum @Bitcoin_Farmer_2018

Kluczowe spostrzeżenia dla inwestorów🔈💥

Axie Infinity może potencjalnie utworzyć byczą odwrotną formację głowy z ramionami.

Jeśli AXS przełamie linię szyi na poziomie 13 dolarów, może wzrosnąć do 22 dolarów, co wskazuje na znaczny wzrost cen.

Ethereum może spotkać się z krótkoterminową korektą, jak wskazuje wskaźnik sekwencyjny TD.

Inwestorzy powinni zachować czujność w przypadku sygnałów odwrócenia trendu na rynku kryptowalut.

#AXS #Ethereum @Bitcoin Farmer 2018

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Some facts related to FLOKI. 🚨 The Community Spirit🧐💸 What truly sets Floki Coin apart is its strong community ethos. Like a tightly knit Viking clan, Floki Coin enthusiasts come together to support and uplift one another, creating a sense of camaraderie that is rare to find in the world of cryptocurrencies. The Intriguing Technology Behind Floki Coin Powered by the Binance Smart Chain, Floki Coin leverages cutting-edge blockchain technology to ensure secure and efficient transactions. The use of smart contracts adds an extra layer of transparency and reliability to the platform, making it a favored choice among tech-savvy investors.🧐💸 Understanding the Tokenomics💥📶 With a limited supply and a deflationary mechanism in place, Floki Coin is designed to increase in value over time. This unique tokenomics model sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies, making it an attractive investment option for those looking to diversify their portfolio. Navigating the Ecosystem🚨🚨 Floki Coin isn't just a digital currency; it's a vibrant ecosystem teeming with possibilities. From decentralized applications to decentralized finance solutions, Floki Coin offers a wide array of opportunities for users to explore and capitalize on. Embracing the Future🌈 As Floki Coin continues to grow and evolve, it remains steadfast in its commitment to innovation and progress. With a roadmap that promises exciting developments on the horizon, the future looks bright for this enigmatic cryptocurrency. Delving Into the Origins 🔥🔥 Floki Coin, named after the legendary Viking explorer Floki Vilgeroarson, has taken the cryptocurrency world by storm. Just like the daring explorer it's named after, Floki Coin sets out on a journey to conquer new horizons in the digital realm. In conclusion, Floki Coin is not just a digital currency; it's a symbol of exploration, innovation, and community. As we unravel the secrets of Floki Coin, we embark on a journey that promises excitement, growth, and endless possibilities in the ever-evolving landscape of crypto. #floki
Ancient Bitcoin (BTC) Whales Reawakening: Details The Bitcoin network is witnessing a remarkable phenomenon: the reawakening of ancient BTC whales. These entities, which have not moved their holdings for over a decade, are now resurfacing, contributing to a significant spike in on-chain activity.  This surge in activity among long-dormant Bitcoin addresses marks a significant trend in this current market cycle, reflecting an increase in the movement of old BTC holdings. According to Julio Moreno, the head of research at CryptoQuant, This current cycle has awakened more Bitcoin OG's than ever. The 10+ year-old Bitcoin spending indicator reached a record high of 3.7% in March, when Bitcoin traded near $70,000, Moreno added.  Interestingly, this indicator is currently at 2.5%, which represents the 30-day cumulative spending annualized of Bitcoin with more than 10 years old. This uptick is not far from the record high of 3.7% observed in March, signaling the resurgence of Bitcoin ancient whales.  The term "ancient whales" refers to the earliest adopters of Bitcoin, who mined or purchased the cryptocurrency when it was in its infancy and far less valuable than it is today. As reported in the week, an early Bitcoin miner from the Satoshi era has moved 2,000 BTC coins mined way back in 2010.  The reactivation of these ancient Bitcoin wallets is not merely a curiosity but a significant event that could have profound implications for the market. The spending of such old coins is a rarity, and when it happens, it is monitored closely for potential impacts on market dynamics.  Old Bitcoin miners and whales often act as a source of liquidity and distribution, hence the attention such moves get.  The cryptocurrency community and market analysts are closely monitoring this trend. Some view the reactivation of old addresses as a natural progression as Bitcoin matures as an asset class. Others are more cautious, considering it a sign of potential market cooling or preparation for a major price move.  #bitcoin
SEC Eth ETF Discussions Underway, S-1 Approval Expected in Hours The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began discussions with potential issuers of Eth (ETFs) on May 22, leading some to anticipate an imminent approval. Journalist Eleanor Terrett noted that discussions between SEC staff and Ether ETF issuers about the S-1 forms concluded with the understanding that there was still “work to do.” Source: Eleanor Terrett S-1 forms are registration statements that companies have to file with the SEC, including detailed information about the company and the securities they intend to offer/issue. Whereas 19b-4 forms are regulatory filings issued to the SEC for approval, used by self-regulatory organizations (SROs) like stock exch or trading platforms to propose new rules or change existing ones. In a subsequent post, Terrett deferred to “the ETF experts” in a separate post. Assuming that the SEC approves the 19b-4 forms on May 23, Terrett speculated that the SEC might work with Eth ETF issuers “on S-1’s over the next few weeks/months.”  Eric Balchunas, a Senior ETF Analyst at Bloomberg, expects the SEC to issue an announcement on May 23, around the same time they did for the spot Bitcoin ETF. “My best guess is we hear from the SEC around 4pm tomorrow. For spot btc they dropped it at 3:45pm, some others in past were slightly after 4pm. Anything poss tho.” Related: Ethereum ETF decision due in hours as BTC price gets $80K May target This development follows the approval of the FIT21 crypto bill in the U.S. House of Representatives, which passed on May 22 with 208 Republicans and 71 Democrats in favor to 136 against. Consensys CEO Joseph Lubin recently weighed in on the discussion in anticipation of the potential looming Eth ETF approvals. Speaking exclusively to Cointelegraph at DappCon in Berlin, Lubin stated that Eth ETFs in the U.S. were “as good as done.” According to Lubin, the 19b-4 applications filed by high-profile firms like BlackRock would be approved, but the process behind the S-1s “could drag on for a while.”
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