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🚀Witajcie, entuzjaści BTC! Zboczmy z drogi i porozmawiajmy dzisiaj o Cardano (ADA). 🐳Według najnowszych ustaleń ITB wieloryby (posiadające od 100 milionów do 1 miliarda ADA) były zajęte, zwiększając swoje salda w zeszłym miesiącu aż o 11%. Grupa ta posiada obecnie 6,71% całej podaży ADA, co pokazuje jej znaczący wpływ na ekosystem Cardano. 💪 Pomimo słabego miesiąca na rynku kryptowalut, ADA odnotowała umiarkowane ożywienie, rosnąc o prawie 6% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin do 0,456 USD. Niektórzy eksperci przewidują nawet potencjalny wzrost do 7,80 dolarów, co odzwierciedla wzrost w 2021 roku. 🚀 Krążą także pogłoski o potencjalnym umieszczeniu ADA na amerykańskiej giełdzie kryptowalut Gemini. Jeśli to prawda, może to spowodować znaczny wzrost cen tokena. 🎉 Jednak to nie tylko słońce i tęcze. 🌦️ Aktywność użytkowników w sieci Cardano spada od marca, przy czym dzienne transakcje i aktywne adresy odnotowują znaczny spadek. Rodzi to obawy dotyczące obecnego wykorzystania sieci i wskaźników jej adopcji. Ale hej, trzymajmy kciuki i trzymajmy kciuki za nagrodę! 🤞👀 Pamiętaj, że skupiamy się tutaj na BTC, ale zawsze dobrze jest mieć oko na szerszy rynek kryptowalut. Bądź na bieżąco, aby uzyskać więcej aktualizacji! 📈🚀

🚀Witajcie, entuzjaści BTC! Zboczmy z drogi i porozmawiajmy dzisiaj o Cardano (ADA). 🐳Według najnowszych ustaleń ITB wieloryby (posiadające od 100 milionów do 1 miliarda ADA) były zajęte, zwiększając swoje salda w zeszłym miesiącu aż o 11%. Grupa ta posiada obecnie 6,71% całej podaży ADA, co pokazuje jej znaczący wpływ na ekosystem Cardano. 💪

Pomimo słabego miesiąca na rynku kryptowalut, ADA odnotowała umiarkowane ożywienie, rosnąc o prawie 6% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin do 0,456 USD. Niektórzy eksperci przewidują nawet potencjalny wzrost do 7,80 dolarów, co odzwierciedla wzrost w 2021 roku. 🚀

Krążą także pogłoski o potencjalnym umieszczeniu ADA na amerykańskiej giełdzie kryptowalut Gemini. Jeśli to prawda, może to spowodować znaczny wzrost cen tokena. 🎉

Jednak to nie tylko słońce i tęcze. 🌦️ Aktywność użytkowników w sieci Cardano spada od marca, przy czym dzienne transakcje i aktywne adresy odnotowują znaczny spadek. Rodzi to obawy dotyczące obecnego wykorzystania sieci i wskaźników jej adopcji. Ale hej, trzymajmy kciuki i trzymajmy kciuki za nagrodę! 🤞👀

Pamiętaj, że skupiamy się tutaj na BTC, ale zawsze dobrze jest mieć oko na szerszy rynek kryptowalut. Bądź na bieżąco, aby uzyskać więcej aktualizacji! 📈🚀

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🎉 Buckle up, BTC enthusiasts! The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is making waves in the web3 space with its new roadmap for decentralized artificial intelligence (DeAI) and chain fusion! 🚀 ICP, celebrating its third mainnet anniversary, has unveiled its Year 4 Internet Computer Roadmap. The roadmap encapsulates three years of progress and outlines key development areas to position ICP as the home of DeAI and the orchestration layer for the blockchain industry. 🌐 The DeAI roadmap envisions AI models trained to run on-chain, moving beyond the opaque black boxes that currently offer users no visibility on how their data is used. ICP's AI smart contracts aim to optimize inference engines, enhancing AI consistency, reliability, and responses. 🧠💡 ICP also aims to introduce first-of-its-kind use cases through these new AI models. Imagine ready-trained AI models traded as non-fungible tokens, AI smart contracts verifying Ethereum smart contracts' code, and web3 communities controlling AI models through decentralized autonomous organizations! 🤖 The chain fusion roadmap aims to facilitate direct interoperability with major blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and Ethereum Virtual Machines without intermediaries. This could solve liquidity fragmentation and tackle tribalism in the blockchain space. ICP's smart contracts could enable developers to create contracts spanning multiple chains. 🌉 Since its mainnet launch in May 2021, ICP has had no downtimes, processed more than three billion blocks, and accumulated over $3 billion in total locked value. 📈 So, keep your eyes on ICP as it continues to innovate and push boundaries in the blockchain space! 🎯
🚀📈 BTC enthusiasts, buckle up! After a quiet spell post-halving, Bitcoin may be ready to make some noise again! 🎉 CryptoQuant has spotted a serious spike in the volume of stablecoins entering the market. These inflows often correspond with movements in Bitcoin’s price, hinting at potential volatility ahead. 📊💰 BTC has had a rocky ride since dropping below its 2021 all-time high of $69,044 in April. The initial excitement over US spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has cooled, slowing Bitcoin's climb. But don't lose heart! 💔🚫 Increased liquidity in the market, marked by a notable increase in stablecoin inflows, could be a game-changer. This influx can impact the supply and demand dynamics of Bitcoin, potentially leading to increased price volatility. 🌊💸 In fact, Bitcoin had its largest single-day increase in nearly two months this week, surging by almost 8% to $66,400! This was spurred by contradicting US economic data, increasing the likelihood of the Federal Reserve easing monetary policy through rate cuts. 📉💵 Crypto trading firm QCP Capital suggests that this bullish momentum could push BTC towards retesting its previous highs of around $74,000. 🚀🌕 Moreover, there's been a significant increase in buyers of 100-120k BTC Calls for December 2024, indicating growing confidence in Bitcoin's value. Institutional demand remains strong, with major asset managers like Millenium and Schonfeld allocating approximately 3% and 2% of their AUM into the spot Bitcoin ETF. 🏦💼 All these factors paint a bullish picture of BTC’s potential breakout. So, is Bitcoin ready to soar again? Only time will tell! ⏰🔮
🚀🌕 Bitcoin (BTC) enthusiasts, get ready for some exciting news! Despite Ethereum's (ETH) historic Merge upgrade 19 months ago, it seems that the network's native asset is not keeping up with our beloved BTC! 📉 The ETH/BTC price ratio hit a three-year low on Thursday at 0.044, marking the least market dominance Ether has had against Bitcoin since May of 2021. 📊 Why is this happening, you ask? 🤔 Well, many Ethereum bulls assumed that ETH would become a more enticing investment than Bitcoin after the September 2022 Merge. This upgrade introduced a proof of stake consensus mechanism and slashed ETH’s inflation rate by a whopping 90%. 💰 Despite these seemingly bullish properties, the ETH/BTC ratio has plummeted 45% since the Merge. This is particularly noteworthy considering the general bull market we've been enjoying for the past 18 months. 🐂 Crypto fund founder Joe McCann even tweeted that the dream of ETH's market cap surpassing that of BTC – known as "the flippening" – has turned into a nightmare. 😱 Recent technical advancements have allowed developers to bring applications to Bitcoin that were once unique to Ethereum and other more programmable chains. These include NFTs, trading runes, and a new framework for bringing smart contracts and layer 2 networks to the Bitcoin ecosystem. 🚀 Moreover, Ethereum faces significant regulatory challenges. While Bitcoin spot ETF products were approved in January, experts believe an Ether spot ETF approval is unlikely. Most altcoins, including Ether, seem to be on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's radar, potentially causing legal issues for exchanges and companies interacting with these assets. 🏛️ In conclusion, Bitcoin continues to dominate, with its total crypto market dominance now at 54.5%, compared to ETH's 15.1%. So, BTC lovers, keep your eyes on the prize and stay tuned for more updates! 🎉🎉
🔥Hot off the press! Solana's native token, SOL, is on a roll, folks! 🚀 It's seen a whopping double-digit surge in just 24 hours. At the time of writing, SOL is sitting pretty at $161, after touching $165 earlier. Its 24-hour trading volume? A cool $3.7 billion, marking a 56.6% increase. Talk about a hot streak! 😎 According to CoinGecko data, SOL is now the fifth largest cryptocurrency, boasting a market cap of $73.1 billion. 💪 So, what's behind this meteoric rise? Well, a few recent developments in the crypto space have played a part. Robinhood Crypto, the digital asset trading platform, announced it will launch a Solana-staking feature in Europe. 🎉 This means customers can now stake their Solana (SOL) holdings, earning rewards while maintaining the flexibility to unstake as they wish. In addition, Robinhood is offering a bonus program for new customers, where they can receive a 10% bonus on their net purchases during their first 30 days on the platform, with bonuses paid out in USDC stablecoins. 💰 Meanwhile, Infinex, a decentralized perpetual contract trading platform, has also thrown its support behind Solana. The integration of Solana into the Infinex platform opens up new opportunities for users, with the Total Value Locked (TVL) on the platform reaching over 71 million USDC since its launch. Last but not least, Marginfi, a decentralized portfolio margining protocol for trading on Solana, revealed the L1 blockchain’s first Liquidity Layer. This new layer offers a range of integrated, native yields, further boosting Solana's appeal. 🌟 As we wrap up, let's not forget the broader crypto market, which has risen by 4.7% in the last day to reach a total market cap of $2.5 trillion. Bitcoin (BTC) is currently trading at $66,000, marking a 5.7% increase in the last 24 hours, while Ethereum (ETH) has seen a 3.3% increase and is now trading at around $3,000. Stay tuned for more updates! 🚀

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