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$BTC Na obecnym rynku złe pieniądze wypierają dobre pieniądze, wszyscy chińscy dranie myślą, że są dużo warci, a chcą po prostu zarabiać jak szaleni i nie mieć żadnych usług. Rynki japoński i koreański będą znacznie lepsze, więc niech domowe dranie odejdą. #Megadrop #ETH #Friend.tech前景预测 #BTC #美联储何时降息? $BTC

$BTC Na obecnym rynku złe pieniądze wypierają dobre pieniądze, wszyscy chińscy dranie myślą, że są dużo warci, a chcą po prostu zarabiać jak szaleni i nie mieć żadnych usług. Rynki japoński i koreański będą znacznie lepsze, więc niech domowe dranie odejdą.

#Megadrop #ETH #Friend.tech前景预测 #BTC #美联储何时降息? $BTC

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Here is how Runes will play out: 1. The Runes protocol drops and the hardcore tech savvy degens use it but the masses fade complaining that the UX sucks and also the midfluencers will do what they do best and pass on Runes 2. The UX starts to get better and there are some large CEX listings but rather than admitting they were wrong the midfluencers will rationalize that Runes will somehow still fail all while resentment continues to build up in their heads as they watch Rune after Rune achiever billion dollar MCAPs in their timeline 3. The Runes market gets a bit ahead of itself and we have a correction causing the market consolidates for a period during which time the midfluencers who were coping silently come out of the woodworks to declare how they always knew Runes was going to be a fad 4. The builders just keep building and eventually the infrastructure and UX get good enough that we onboard a new wave of less tech savvy more mainstream degens who make all of the early Runes adopters millionaires and in the midst of all of this the midfluencers who had declared Runes were a fad have been secretly fomoing into Runes and as soon as they hit their first 2X they will nonstop bull post about it on the timeline as if they are the highest IQ trader to ever grace this earth and then will proceed to post threads giving their expert opinions on Runes The reason I know that this is how it will play out is because you can just replace the word Runes with Ordinals and it becomes a history lesson Ordinals are just NFTs on Bitcoin and Runes are just memecoins on Bitcoin If you are somehow able to find a way to rationalize fading shitcoins on Bitcoin in your head then crypto probably just isn't for you #runes #runesxbitcoins #DECENTRALIZEDX #AUTHORIZATION $BTC

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