Binance Square
Hi. Am Ventasman. Im not selling or shilling anything. Just hanging out here. Enjoy.
Viss saturs
GravityChain: a new era in crosschain interaction and Web3 for allFrom the dream of a few, Galxe came to life and impressed us all. We saw it grow from nothing to be the most important and recognized onramp to the Web3 knowledge that is so necessary to bring the masses to crypto, becoming a staple on the space and a blessing to every single project, chain and holder already in the space. It grew enough to launch its own blockchain, and so we had GravityChain in the space, with it very own new currency, the $G token. But what are the benefits and rights of those who dare to be part of WEB3, the trait that will define the transition from this cycle to the next? First of all, holding $G is on itself a benefit. The token, native to the GravityChain, serves to pay for the gas in the network. I is also important for the campaign creators on Galxe, since it is the currency used to pay for the whole diversity of services provided by Galxe to brands and individuals. The investment in G is one of the better funded with a thriving community and a big deal of transactions every single day since its inception. Al G holders acquire the right to have a voice and vote in the GravityChain DAO, which decides te evolution of the whole GALXE - GRAVITY ecosystem, by staking their tokens, which is also important to keep the network safe. Users also have access to eventual benefits trough airdrops, giveaways and others from the #Galxe partners participating in the Gravity Staking program. Definitely, opportunities for G Investors are not scarce. And where is it going? What will Gravity Chain do in the future? Curiously, GravityChain mods and devs will call it The Magnet Chain. Why? Because its original intention to be a crosschain network that facilitates transactions not only from one chain to other but from one project in one chain to another project in a very different and frequently incompatible chain as well. In layman terms, Galxe campaigns in the GravityChain will allow the participation of users from different chains directly, one click ready and without the need for third party bridges o transfers that otherwise would have generated expensive gas costs. Why a Magnet Chain? Because this type of interaction will magnetize every single other chain and bring it to this point of contact. Mark my words: "The whole crypto space will be pulled in by Gravity". So, Will Galxe be something of the past or will it change now that it is on Gravity? One of the first events after the launch of the new #GravityChain has been having all of your interaction with the campaigns recorded onchain. It makes all your achievements, credentials and more SAFER. As a user I believe that the whole traditional confidence in doing business with Gravity is now much more solid, and that the inclusion of GravityChain in the Galxe Ecosystem will ease substantially the way all of the new crypto space dwellers lands in the space. New crypto and Web3 users will feel the confidence of a wholesome ecosystem that creates the warmest welcome possible for them. Definitely, the future of Galxe in GravityChain is bright for all. In conclusion, GravityChain is part of a virtuous cluster of indispensable services for brands and users, and will play a central role for the worlds onboarding into crypto. In my humble opinion, humanity grew stronger with GravityChain. Remember to Always DYOR and keep and eye on the facts. Know more about GravityChain on their web Gravity dot XYZ. #GravityAlphaMainnet

GravityChain: a new era in crosschain interaction and Web3 for all

From the dream of a few, Galxe came to life and impressed us all. We saw it grow from nothing to be the most important and recognized onramp to the Web3 knowledge that is so necessary to bring the masses to crypto, becoming a staple on the space and a blessing to every single project, chain and holder already in the space. It grew enough to launch its own blockchain, and so we had GravityChain in the space, with it very own new currency, the $G token.
But what are the benefits and rights of those who dare to be part of WEB3, the trait that will define the transition from this cycle to the next?

First of all, holding $G is on itself a benefit. The token, native to the GravityChain, serves to pay for the gas in the network. I is also important for the campaign creators on Galxe, since it is the currency used to pay for the whole diversity of services provided by Galxe to brands and individuals. The investment in G is one of the better funded with a thriving community and a big deal of transactions every single day since its inception. Al G holders acquire the right to have a voice and vote in the GravityChain DAO, which decides te evolution of the whole GALXE - GRAVITY ecosystem, by staking their tokens, which is also important to keep the network safe. Users also have access to eventual benefits trough airdrops, giveaways and others from the #Galxe partners participating in the Gravity Staking program. Definitely, opportunities for G Investors are not scarce.
And where is it going? What will Gravity Chain do in the future?
Curiously, GravityChain mods and devs will call it The Magnet Chain. Why? Because its original intention to be a crosschain network that facilitates transactions not only from one chain to other but from one project in one chain to another project in a very different and frequently incompatible chain as well. In layman terms, Galxe campaigns in the GravityChain will allow the participation of users from different chains directly, one click ready and without the need for third party bridges o transfers that otherwise would have generated expensive gas costs. Why a Magnet Chain? Because this type of interaction will magnetize every single other chain and bring it to this point of contact. Mark my words: "The whole crypto space will be pulled in by Gravity".
So, Will Galxe be something of the past or will it change now that it is on Gravity?

One of the first events after the launch of the new #GravityChain has been having all of your interaction with the campaigns recorded onchain. It makes all your achievements, credentials and more SAFER. As a user I believe that the whole traditional confidence in doing business with Gravity is now much more solid, and that the inclusion of GravityChain in the Galxe Ecosystem will ease substantially the way all of the new crypto space dwellers lands in the space. New crypto and Web3 users will feel the confidence of a wholesome ecosystem that creates the warmest welcome possible for them. Definitely, the future of Galxe in GravityChain is bright for all.

In conclusion, GravityChain is part of a virtuous cluster of indispensable services for brands and users, and will play a central role for the worlds onboarding into crypto. In my humble opinion, humanity grew stronger with GravityChain.
Remember to Always DYOR and keep and eye on the facts. Know more about GravityChain on their web Gravity dot XYZ.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Izbaudiet #Gravity drošāko iespējamo veidu ar $G tokenu, kas ir vissvarīgākais WEB3 sfēras marķieris un lielais nākamajā ciklā. Netici man? Šis projekts nāk no #Galxe , un tas ir mantojis tā lietotāju bāzi un infrastruktūru. Šodien #G cena ir zem 4 centiem, taču šis mazulis var viegli pārsniegt 1 USDT. Nevis finanšu padoms, DYOR, vienmēr DYOR, tas ir jūsu pienākums. #GravityAlphaMainnet
Izbaudiet #Gravity drošāko iespējamo veidu ar $G tokenu, kas ir vissvarīgākais WEB3 sfēras marķieris un lielais nākamajā ciklā. Netici man? Šis projekts nāk no #Galxe , un tas ir mantojis tā lietotāju bāzi un infrastruktūru. Šodien #G cena ir zem 4 centiem, taču šis mazulis var viegli pārsniegt 1 USDT. Nevis finanšu padoms, DYOR, vienmēr DYOR, tas ir jūsu pienākums.

Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC mazliet par to domā šajā ārkārtīgi garlaicīgajā svētdienā. Kamēr es prognozēju kritumu līdz mazāk nekā 46 k, @Square-Creator-1b3734850 norāda, ka tas var atgriezties pie 52 400,00 līdz 66 000, aprakstot pēc grāmatas "beigta kaķa atlēcienu". Lai kā arī būtu, šķiet, ka sabiedrība sagaida zemākas cenas, kas atkal liek pie galda, ka darīs tieši to, kas pārsteidz visvairāk. Tātad, tā kā daudzi no mums sagaida lielāku kritumu, vai ir iespējams, ka #Bitcoin varētu pieaugt? Jebkurā gadījumā... jūsu pienākums ir DYOR, vienmēr DYOR. Patīk, abonējiet un apstipriniet, lūdzu, smuki, lūdzu, un izklaidējieties, jo 150 gadu laikā nekas no šīs nedienas vairs nav svarīgs. #LOVE !
$BTC mazliet par to domā šajā ārkārtīgi garlaicīgajā svētdienā. Kamēr es prognozēju kritumu līdz mazāk nekā 46 k, @Oksa norāda, ka tas var atgriezties pie 52 400,00 līdz 66 000, aprakstot pēc grāmatas "beigta kaķa atlēcienu". Lai kā arī būtu, šķiet, ka sabiedrība sagaida zemākas cenas, kas atkal liek pie galda, ka darīs tieši to, kas pārsteidz visvairāk. Tātad, tā kā daudzi no mums sagaida lielāku kritumu, vai ir iespējams, ka #Bitcoin varētu pieaugt? Jebkurā gadījumā... jūsu pienākums ir DYOR, vienmēr DYOR.

Patīk, abonējiet un apstipriniet, lūdzu, smuki, lūdzu, un izklaidējieties, jo 150 gadu laikā nekas no šīs nedienas vairs nav svarīgs. #LOVE !
$BTC what will come first, 🐻 Yellow Line or 🤟 Light Blue Line? #Bitcoin Asking for a friend!
$BTC what will come first, 🐻 Yellow Line or 🤟 Light Blue Line? #Bitcoin Asking for a friend!
Well, it seems to me that Mr. White Line wasn´t a hold for $AUCTION and Mr. 11.58 has a big smile on his face! I remember May the 5th 2022 when people truly started to grasp the reality of the Bear Market kicking in, and how it took other 2 months and 9 consecutive monthly $BTC candles to see the "experts" saying "oh, this is a bear market". I´m not saying we are in a bear market but, this dip should allow you to understand that rules has changed and that this is again a time to be patient, to DCA bear market style and to remember that crypto is not going anywhere. DYOR my friends, always DYOR. Follow, like and vote. I´m feeling the pain with you guys!
Well, it seems to me that Mr. White Line wasn´t a hold for $AUCTION and Mr. 11.58 has a big smile on his face! I remember May the 5th 2022 when people truly started to grasp the reality of the Bear Market kicking in, and how it took other 2 months and 9 consecutive monthly $BTC candles to see the "experts" saying "oh, this is a bear market". I´m not saying we are in a bear market but, this dip should allow you to understand that rules has changed and that this is again a time to be patient, to DCA bear market style and to remember that crypto is not going anywhere. DYOR my friends, always DYOR. Follow, like and vote. I´m feeling the pain with you guys!
Is it holding or what? $AUCTION , if we keep ourselves technically inside what the chart is telling, is still on its way to 11.58. But it has been stuck on this area for some time already. In one hand, I would like to se a strong bounce from here, so price recovers and we move you know. But on the other hand, going down to under 12 would allow a lot of bros who are down there lurking in the shadows! 😀, waiting to feast on cheap #bounce tokens. Anyways. The white line is legendary and if broken prepare for a quick slide down to there. NFA, DYOR, Always DYOR.
Is it holding or what? $AUCTION , if we keep ourselves technically inside what the chart is telling, is still on its way to 11.58. But it has been stuck on this area for some time already. In one hand, I would like to se a strong bounce from here, so price recovers and we move you know. But on the other hand, going down to under 12 would allow a lot of bros who are down there lurking in the shadows! 😀, waiting to feast on cheap #bounce tokens. Anyways. The white line is legendary and if broken prepare for a quick slide down to there. NFA, DYOR, Always DYOR.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Aplūkojot $BTC nedēļas diagrammu, es atklāju dažas satraucošas līdzības starp cenu darbību un RSI. Ņemot vērā, ka nav daudz makro iemeslu pēkšņam sūknim, iespējams, kaut kā atkārtojas pagātnes uzvedība, tāpēc pārbaudiet šo. Stoch ir nemainīgs pārpārdotajā reģionā, bet RSI joprojām krītas no pārpirkta, apmēram 6 mēnešus veca top. SJO var būt līdzīga divu nedēļu avārija. Tas ir 48% kritums #BTC , kas tajā pašā nedēļā, 2021. gada 10. aprīļa, prasīja 2 nedēļu 58% avāriju TOTAL2 (alts), kas prasīja aptuveni 9 nedēļas, lai atgūtu un sāktu sūknēšanu. Iestādes līdzdalība var novērst šādu kritumu, taču diagramma joprojām stāsta par to. Es ceru, ka mēs izsūksim no šejienes, bet es noteikti to nodrošināšu. NFA un DYOR mani draugi, vienmēr DYOR. Patīk, seko un balso. Paldies, ka esat šeit, esiet drošs un palieciet stiprs.
Aplūkojot $BTC nedēļas diagrammu, es atklāju dažas satraucošas līdzības starp cenu darbību un RSI. Ņemot vērā, ka nav daudz makro iemeslu pēkšņam sūknim, iespējams, kaut kā atkārtojas pagātnes uzvedība, tāpēc pārbaudiet šo. Stoch ir nemainīgs pārpārdotajā reģionā, bet RSI joprojām krītas no pārpirkta, apmēram 6 mēnešus veca top. SJO var būt līdzīga divu nedēļu avārija. Tas ir 48% kritums #BTC , kas tajā pašā nedēļā, 2021. gada 10. aprīļa, prasīja 2 nedēļu 58% avāriju TOTAL2 (alts), kas prasīja aptuveni 9 nedēļas, lai atgūtu un sāktu sūknēšanu. Iestādes līdzdalība var novērst šādu kritumu, taču diagramma joprojām stāsta par to. Es ceru, ka mēs izsūksim no šejienes, bet es noteikti to nodrošināšu. NFA un DYOR mani draugi, vienmēr DYOR.

Patīk, seko un balso. Paldies, ka esat šeit, esiet drošs un palieciet stiprs.
$AUCTION : Will the white line hold or not? I´m reading you guys, come on... send your wildest guess!
$AUCTION : Will the white line hold or not? I´m reading you guys, come on... send your wildest guess!
It looks like $AUCTION found another temporary support in the 0.382 fib and is bouncing up again. $11.58 is still looking up and waiting, but well, you need a strong bearish bias to believe we will walk all that way down with this token again. I mean, one thing is the macro economy and another very different is the way projects are being developed and grown right now. The Crypto ecosystem is thriving and investors are pushing up new technologies left and right. So, are you bearish or bullish on #Bounce ? Let me know in the comments, like, subscribe and vote! And DYOR. Always DYOR.
It looks like $AUCTION found another temporary support in the 0.382 fib and is bouncing up again. $11.58 is still looking up and waiting, but well, you need a strong bearish bias to believe we will walk all that way down with this token again. I mean, one thing is the macro economy and another very different is the way projects are being developed and grown right now. The Crypto ecosystem is thriving and investors are pushing up new technologies left and right. So, are you bearish or bullish on #Bounce ? Let me know in the comments, like, subscribe and vote! And DYOR. Always DYOR.
Would you like to experience #Gravity ? I got you. These are great and very safe ways to experience the $G token. Not financial advice, always DYOR. 1. Holding: Obviously you can buy and hodl #G , trade it, etc. 2. Staking: #GravityChain offers a staking platform in collaboration with the Galxe Ecosystem. Big players are involved and oftenly they offer rewards to stakers. 3. Use it to vote: Your staked G token gives you a voice and a vote to participate in the decision taking of the Gravity DAO. Are you ready to feel the Gravity? In my opinion, this shiny new token will impress a lot of both holders and watchers. But is your decision if you try it or not. Thank you for reading, please vote for me, like this content, share it and follow for more. And remember to always DYOR. #Ventasman
Would you like to experience #Gravity ? I got you. These are great and very safe ways to experience the $G token. Not financial advice, always DYOR.

1. Holding: Obviously you can buy and hodl #G , trade it, etc.

2. Staking: #GravityChain offers a staking platform in collaboration with the Galxe Ecosystem. Big players are involved and oftenly they offer rewards to stakers.

3. Use it to vote: Your staked G token gives you a voice and a vote to participate in the decision taking of the Gravity DAO.

Are you ready to feel the Gravity? In my opinion, this shiny new token will impress a lot of both holders and watchers. But is your decision if you try it or not.

Thank you for reading, please vote for me, like this content, share it and follow for more. And remember to always DYOR.

Hello $AUCTION fam! Everything seems to confirm the inevitable descend of #Bounce to the sub 12 dollar level! In fact I had the chance to listen at the conversation in the image in my mind of course. And incase you don´t get it, it is a joke ok, just for laughs :). I hope you all are paying attention and acting accordingly. And don´t forget the recovery of this dip will be expedite. Quick. This is not Financial Advice and is for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy and DYOR!
Hello $AUCTION fam! Everything seems to confirm the inevitable descend of #Bounce to the sub 12 dollar level! In fact I had the chance to listen at the conversation in the image in my mind of course. And incase you don´t get it, it is a joke ok, just for laughs :). I hope you all are paying attention and acting accordingly. And don´t forget the recovery of this dip will be expedite. Quick. This is not Financial Advice and is for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy and DYOR!
$AUCTION getting closer to target. Will you buy back nearing 11.58? Could that be it? Or is #Bounce going bellow, which means a return to pre pum prices? IMO going lower than 11.50 will mean a new overall situation for the token and crypto in general. Combined with Bitcoin returning to the 40ks or lower, I will close my Bull Market bias and will turn bearish until new signals show a true reversal. BUT, until that happens, I´m bullish on the market and will allow it to move. Lets see!
$AUCTION getting closer to target. Will you buy back nearing 11.58? Could that be it? Or is #Bounce going bellow, which means a return to pre pum prices? IMO going lower than 11.50 will mean a new overall situation for the token and crypto in general. Combined with Bitcoin returning to the 40ks or lower, I will close my Bull Market bias and will turn bearish until new signals show a true reversal. BUT, until that happens, I´m bullish on the market and will allow it to move. Lets see!
To be completely objective and honest with $BTC and todays heartbreaking dip, when we go to the weekly timeframe, the CRSI and the STOCH RSI are both on oversold territory, while RSI is neutral, descending. I personally believe that the macro economic conditions are preventing all this energy to launch #Bitcoin to 88k and beyond. Retail is simply too scared and OUT OF MONEY. The world is suffering, which means the money printers floodgates of the world are just about to be opened, and when that happens, we will finally see the god candles parade. For now, accept the hits and DCA as long as you can. NFA, DYOR.
To be completely objective and honest with $BTC and todays heartbreaking dip, when we go to the weekly timeframe, the CRSI and the STOCH RSI are both on oversold territory, while RSI is neutral, descending. I personally believe that the macro economic conditions are preventing all this energy to launch #Bitcoin to 88k and beyond. Retail is simply too scared and OUT OF MONEY. The world is suffering, which means the money printers floodgates of the world are just about to be opened, and when that happens, we will finally see the god candles parade. For now, accept the hits and DCA as long as you can. NFA, DYOR.
As the shape of the macro triangle of $AUCTION describes, main destination is still in the 11.+ area and yes, that is pretty scary but wherever in the fall you bought, or if you get to buy the very dip, please remember that the #bounce back will be quick and strong. IF you are in this token, hodl and DCA. If you are holding to enter, be conservative and consider a higher risk maneuver to go in bellow 12. Good luck and remember this is NFA and always DYOR!
As the shape of the macro triangle of $AUCTION describes, main destination is still in the 11.+ area and yes, that is pretty scary but wherever in the fall you bought, or if you get to buy the very dip, please remember that the #bounce back will be quick and strong. IF you are in this token, hodl and DCA. If you are holding to enter, be conservative and consider a higher risk maneuver to go in bellow 12. Good luck and remember this is NFA and always DYOR!
Good morning $AUCTION fam! The red line was breached and now the price is going to the average levels of the local. That means that we can´t rule out yet the 11.58 bottom target, and speaks on the overall status of the whole market. The good news is that the recent pump and dump will be normalized by this price action and we can expect very explosive movements from this token, including visits to the 45 and 55 dollar levels, and beyond. Are you bullish or bearish on #BOUNCE ? Comment and vote. And DYOR. Always DYOR.
Good morning $AUCTION fam! The red line was breached and now the price is going to the average levels of the local. That means that we can´t rule out yet the 11.58 bottom target, and speaks on the overall status of the whole market. The good news is that the recent pump and dump will be normalized by this price action and we can expect very explosive movements from this token, including visits to the 45 and 55 dollar levels, and beyond. Are you bullish or bearish on #BOUNCE ? Comment and vote. And DYOR. Always DYOR.
Drama time in $AUCTION world! Will the purple box combined with the red trendline be enough to prevent price to go straight to the depts of hell? Will we see a #BOUNCE here? Will there be a new Smurfs movie? I´m running out of popcorn but this is good!
Drama time in $AUCTION world! Will the purple box combined with the red trendline be enough to prevent price to go straight to the depts of hell? Will we see a #BOUNCE here? Will there be a new Smurfs movie? I´m running out of popcorn but this is good!
$AUCTION will the purple box resist and #BOUNCE or we are just having a breather before the dip? I need more popcorn. IMO this is a trader´s defining moment. And do not forget the very most important rule of crypto: Buy Low, Sell High. Tell me what you think? And Vote!
$AUCTION will the purple box resist and #BOUNCE or we are just having a breather before the dip? I need more popcorn. IMO this is a trader´s defining moment. And do not forget the very most important rule of crypto: Buy Low, Sell High. Tell me what you think? And Vote!
$AUCTION in the 4 hours timeframe has abandoned the support box and continues its journey towards the 11:58 potential bottom of the macro triangle. But check the RSI and StochRSI, both in the oversold region, warrantying an explosive #Bounce up at any point during the fall. For me this is a DCA scenario, to keep dry powder until the very last drop. NFA, DYOR.
$AUCTION in the 4 hours timeframe has abandoned the support box and continues its journey towards the 11:58 potential bottom of the macro triangle. But check the RSI and StochRSI, both in the oversold region, warrantying an explosive #Bounce up at any point during the fall. For me this is a DCA scenario, to keep dry powder until the very last drop. NFA, DYOR.
$AUCTION has found a temporary support on its 0.618 fib. It can go further down, but depending on Bitcoin we can se a #bounce right from here. What do you think? Will it reach te 11.x zone? Lower? Whatever it is, considering the latest developments on this project, the rebound will go beyond its previous lower high. Keep an eye on it!
$AUCTION has found a temporary support on its 0.618 fib. It can go further down, but depending on Bitcoin we can se a #bounce right from here. What do you think? Will it reach te 11.x zone? Lower? Whatever it is, considering the latest developments on this project, the rebound will go beyond its previous lower high. Keep an eye on it!
$AUCTION expected to reach the purple box and #Bounce back up from there to finally break up this triangle. Even when this dip represents damage in the retails view, the fact is that this token has only a 7,640,684 total supply, with a potential 15 to 45 x for this bull run. Smart investors will come back. Taking my entry in $13.78, and longing to the moon. Not financial advice, DYOR. Always DYOR. #Auction
$AUCTION expected to reach the purple box and
#Bounce back up from there to finally break up this triangle. Even when this dip represents damage in the retails view, the fact is that this token has only a 7,640,684 total supply, with a potential 15 to 45 x for this bull run. Smart investors will come back. Taking my entry in $13.78, and longing to the moon. Not financial advice, DYOR. Always DYOR. #Auction
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