Binance Square
125x Leverage always!
Viss saturs
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oho jauki
oho jauki
Binance Square Official
Paredziet BTC cenu 20. aprīlī 00:00 (UTC+0), lai laimētu līdz pat $10000 SATS žetonu!
Lai atzīmētu šo Bitcoin Halving pavērsienu, visi pārbaudītie lietotāji var veikt konkrētus uzdevumus Binance laukumā aktivitātes perioda laikā un pretendēt uz SATS marķiera kupona atlīdzību līdz USD 10 000. Darbības periods: 2024-03-04 09:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-04-14 09:00 (UTC)Visi KYC verificētie Binance lietotāji, kuri piesakās savos Binance kontos un izpilda tālāk norādītos uzdevumus darbības perioda laikā, varēs saņemt $10 000 SATS atlīdzība. Uzdevumi: Komentējiet šajā ziņā savu prognozi par BTC cenu 20. aprīlī plkst. 00:00 (UTC+0). Kopīgojiet šo ziņu savos sociālajos medijos un#HalvingHorizonsLietotājs ar vistuvāko prognozi laimēs $5000. Ja vairāk nekā vienam lietotājam ir viena un tā pati prognoze, jūs dalīsit cenu kopumu. Un, ja jūs pareizi uzminējāt cenu un aktivitātes periodā reģistrējāties Binance kontam, izmantojot šīs ziņas kopīgoto saiti vai numuru Binance Square referral link, varat atbloķēt daļu no papildu $ 2000 cenu kopasUnJa pareizi uzminējāt cenu un pabeidzāt vismaz 10 darījumus aktivitātes periodā, jūs atbloķēsit daļu no papildu $3000 cenu kopasKatrs lietotājs var iesniegt tikai 1 ierakstu. Noteikumi un nosacījumi Šī darbība var nebūt pieejama jūsu reģionā. Atbilstīgajiem lietotājiem ir jāpiesakās savos verificētajos Binance kontos, veicot uzdevumus darbības periodā, lai kvalificētos. SATS marķiera kuponu atlīdzības fonds $ 10 000 apmērā tiks sadalīts vienādi starp visiem kvalificētajiem lietotājiem. Uzvarētāji tiks informēti, izmantojot informatīvo paziņojumu sadaļā Creator. Centrs > Square Assistant. Kuponu balvas tiks sadalītas 21 darba dienas laikā pēc aktivitātes beigām. Lietotāji var pārbaudīt savus kuponu atlīdzības, izmantojot Profils > Rewards Hub. Kupona derīguma termiņš ir septiņas dienas no izplatīšanas dienas. Uzziniet, kā izpirkt kuponu. Nelikumīgi lielapjoma reģistrēti konti vai apakškonti nevar piedalīties vai saņemt atlīdzības. Binance patur tiesības atcelt lietotāja tiesības veikt šo darbību, ja konts ir iesaistīts jebkādā darbībā, kas pārkāpj Binance Square kopienas pārvaldības vadlīnijas vai Binance Square kopienas platformas noteikumus un nosacījumus.Binance patur tiesības jebkurā laikā pēc saviem ieskatiem bez iepriekšēja brīdinājuma noteikt un/vai grozīt vai mainīt šos noteikumus un nosacījumus, tostarp, bet ne tikai, šīs aktivitātes atcelšanu, pagarināšanu, izbeigšanu vai apturēšanu, atbilstības nosacījumus un kritērijus, uzvarētāju atlase un skaits, kā arī jebkuras veicamās darbības laiks, un šie grozījumi ir saistoši visiem dalībniekiem.Binance patur tiesības uz šīs aktivitātes galīgo interpretāciju.Papildu veicināšanas noteikumiem un nosacījumiem var piekļūt šeit.Var būt var būt neatbilstības šī oriģinālā raksta tulkotajā versijā angļu valodā. Lūdzu, skatiet šo sākotnējo versiju, lai iegūtu jaunāko vai precīzāko informāciju, ja var rasties neatbilstības.
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$BTC MetaVerse
$BTC MetaVerse
Binance Academy
Īsa metaversa vēsture un kriptogrāfijas loma tajā
Termins “metaverss” apzīmē kolektīvās virtuālās telpas, kurās krustojas mūsu fiziskā un digitālā pasaule. Šis jēdziens ir bijis zinātniskās fantastikas entuziastu prāts jau gadiem ilgi. Tomēr tas tikai nesen sāka parādīties, ka tas kļūst par realitāti, pateicoties tehnoloģiju attīstībai un interneta izplatībai. Arī blokķēdes tehnoloģijas loma metaversā ir kļuvusi arvien nozīmīgāka, jo tā nodrošina infrastruktūru, lai izveidotu decentralizētu un drošu platformu, uz kuras to var veidot.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#WLD $WLD OpenAI izpilddirektora Sema Altmena nesenā aiziešana no amata ir radījusi nenoteiktības vilni gan tehnoloģiju, gan kriptovalūtu kopienās. Kopš tā laika ir parādījušies pretrunīgi ziņojumi un viedokļi par to, ko Altmans darīja vai nedarīja, un viņa atstādināšana no amata tika skaidrota ar komunikācijas problēmām, kas valdē lika šaubīties par viņa vadību. Ziņām ir bijusi tieša ietekme uz WorldCoin, kriptovalūtu projektu Altman, kuru vadīja. WorldCoin vērtība ir kritusies par vairāk nekā 12%, un analītiķi kā galveno faktoru min Altmana situācijas nenoteiktību. Šie zaudējumi tikai palielina jau tā nemierīgo kriptovalūtas vidi, kuras kopējais tirgus apjoms 2019. gada deviņos mēnešos ir samazinājies no augstākās vērtības, kas pārsniedz 220 miljardus USD, līdz zemākajai vērtībai — 110 miljardus USD. Lai gan daļu no šīs nepastāvības var saistīt ar spekulācijām un ticības trūkumu noteiktiem kriptovalūtiem, Altmana aiziešanas ietekme un ar to saistītais vērtības kritums ir atgādinājums par kriptovalūtu trauslumu un riskiem, kas saistīti ar ieguldījumiem tajās. Joprojām ir jāredz, cik lielu ietekmi ilgtermiņā atstās Altmana aiziešana no OpenAI un vērtības zudums. Daudzi nozares pārstāvji baidās, ka līderības un uzticības trūkums Altmana virzienā radīs būtiskus traucējumus projektos, kuros viņš bija iesaistīts. Tajā pašā laikā kriptovalūtas entuziasti ir piesardzīgi optimistiski, ka tirgi galu galā nokārtosies un atgūsies, īpaši ņemot vērā nesenos notikumus. drošības un regulējuma ziņā. Galu galā tikai laiks rādīs, kā OpenAI un Worldcoin atgūsies pēc Altmana aiziešanas. Tomēr šobrīd tirgi nepārprotami uzņemas lielāko seku smagumu.

OpenAI izpilddirektora Sema Altmena nesenā aiziešana no amata ir radījusi nenoteiktības vilni gan tehnoloģiju, gan kriptovalūtu kopienās. Kopš tā laika ir parādījušies pretrunīgi ziņojumi un viedokļi par to, ko Altmans darīja vai nedarīja, un viņa atstādināšana no amata tika skaidrota ar komunikācijas problēmām, kas valdē lika šaubīties par viņa vadību.

Ziņām ir bijusi tieša ietekme uz WorldCoin, kriptovalūtu projektu Altman, kuru vadīja. WorldCoin vērtība ir kritusies par vairāk nekā 12%, un analītiķi kā galveno faktoru min Altmana situācijas nenoteiktību. Šie zaudējumi tikai palielina jau tā nemierīgo kriptovalūtas vidi, kuras kopējais tirgus apjoms 2019. gada deviņos mēnešos ir samazinājies no augstākās vērtības, kas pārsniedz 220 miljardus USD, līdz zemākajai vērtībai — 110 miljardus USD.

Lai gan daļu no šīs nepastāvības var saistīt ar spekulācijām un ticības trūkumu noteiktiem kriptovalūtiem, Altmana aiziešanas ietekme un ar to saistītais vērtības kritums ir atgādinājums par kriptovalūtu trauslumu un riskiem, kas saistīti ar ieguldījumiem tajās.

Joprojām ir jāredz, cik lielu ietekmi ilgtermiņā atstās Altmana aiziešana no OpenAI un vērtības zudums. Daudzi nozares pārstāvji baidās, ka līderības un uzticības trūkums Altmana virzienā radīs būtiskus traucējumus projektos, kuros viņš bija iesaistīts. Tajā pašā laikā kriptovalūtas entuziasti ir piesardzīgi optimistiski, ka tirgi galu galā nokārtosies un atgūsies, īpaši ņemot vērā nesenos notikumus. drošības un regulējuma ziņā.

Galu galā tikai laiks rādīs, kā OpenAI un Worldcoin atgūsies pēc Altmana aiziešanas. Tomēr šobrīd tirgi nepārprotami uzņemas lielāko seku smagumu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#AVAX $AVAX Avalanche (AVAX) ir 1. slāņa platforma, kuras sākotnējā marķiera cena šomēnes ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu 160% pieaugumu. Tā ir atvērtā pirmkoda platforma decentralizētu finanšu (DeFi) lietojumprogrammu un pielāgojamu blokķēžu palaišanai. Avalanche ekosistēmā ir savs blokķēdes protokols, konsensa protokols un virtuālā mašīna, kā arī rīku komplekts izstrādātājiem, lai izveidotu un izvietotu blokķēdes lietojumprogrammas. Avalanche protokols ir izstrādāts, lai atbalstītu lielu caurlaidspēju un augstu mērogojamību, ļaujot tā platformā izvietot daudzas lietojumprogrammas. Tas atbalsta dažādus vienprātības algoritmus, ļaujot izveidot virkni decentralizētu lietojumprogrammu, tostarp stabilas monētas, neatvietojamus marķierus (NFT), digitālo aktīvu apmaiņu, apdrošināšanas produktus, izplatītas spēles un citas. Avalanche ir arī unikāls tokenomikas modelis, kas ir paredzēts, lai stimulētu tās kopienu un ekosistēmas dalībniekus. Tīklam ir trīs veidu marķieri: AVAX, P-CIP un X-CIP, katram ir dažādas lomas un lietošanas gadījumi. AVAX ir vietējais Avalanche tīkla marķieris, un to izmanto, lai nodrošinātu piekļuvi tīklam, aizsargātu tīklu un mijiedarbotos ar viedajiem līgumiem. P-CIP un X-CIP tiek izmantoti, lai lietotājiem nodrošinātu pārvaldību un atlīdzību. Avalanche ir viena no daudzsološākajām Layer 1 platformām ar lielu izaugsmes potenciālu. Tam ir spēcīga izstrādātāju komanda, kas ir strādājusi pie tādu risinājumu piegādes kā Avalanche konsensa protokols, kas ir izstrādāts tā, lai tas būtu drošāks un efektīvāks nekā citi protokoli. Turklāt tā unikālais tokenomikas modelis ir izstrādāts, lai mudinātu lietotājus piedalīties tīklā un palīdzētu attīstīt ekosistēmu. Kopumā Avalanche ir daudzsološa Layer 1 platforma, kas ir labi novietota, lai iegūtu daļu no DeFi un blokķēdes nozares. Ar savu spēcīgo komandu un tehnoloģijām, kā arī novatorisko tokenomikas modeli tā noteikti būs pievilcīga platforma izstrādātājiem un lietotājiem.

Avalanche (AVAX) ir 1. slāņa platforma, kuras sākotnējā marķiera cena šomēnes ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu 160% pieaugumu. Tā ir atvērtā pirmkoda platforma decentralizētu finanšu (DeFi) lietojumprogrammu un pielāgojamu blokķēžu palaišanai. Avalanche ekosistēmā ir savs blokķēdes protokols, konsensa protokols un virtuālā mašīna, kā arī rīku komplekts izstrādātājiem, lai izveidotu un izvietotu blokķēdes lietojumprogrammas.

Avalanche protokols ir izstrādāts, lai atbalstītu lielu caurlaidspēju un augstu mērogojamību, ļaujot tā platformā izvietot daudzas lietojumprogrammas. Tas atbalsta dažādus vienprātības algoritmus, ļaujot izveidot virkni decentralizētu lietojumprogrammu, tostarp stabilas monētas, neatvietojamus marķierus (NFT), digitālo aktīvu apmaiņu, apdrošināšanas produktus, izplatītas spēles un citas.

Avalanche ir arī unikāls tokenomikas modelis, kas ir paredzēts, lai stimulētu tās kopienu un ekosistēmas dalībniekus. Tīklam ir trīs veidu marķieri: AVAX, P-CIP un X-CIP, katram ir dažādas lomas un lietošanas gadījumi. AVAX ir vietējais Avalanche tīkla marķieris, un to izmanto, lai nodrošinātu piekļuvi tīklam, aizsargātu tīklu un mijiedarbotos ar viedajiem līgumiem. P-CIP un X-CIP tiek izmantoti, lai lietotājiem nodrošinātu pārvaldību un atlīdzību.

Avalanche ir viena no daudzsološākajām Layer 1 platformām ar lielu izaugsmes potenciālu. Tam ir spēcīga izstrādātāju komanda, kas ir strādājusi pie tādu risinājumu piegādes kā Avalanche konsensa protokols, kas ir izstrādāts tā, lai tas būtu drošāks un efektīvāks nekā citi protokoli. Turklāt tā unikālais tokenomikas modelis ir izstrādāts, lai mudinātu lietotājus piedalīties tīklā un palīdzētu attīstīt ekosistēmu.

Kopumā Avalanche ir daudzsološa Layer 1 platforma, kas ir labi novietota, lai iegūtu daļu no DeFi un blokķēdes nozares. Ar savu spēcīgo komandu un tehnoloģijām, kā arī novatorisko tokenomikas modeli tā noteikti būs pievilcīga platforma izstrādātājiem un lietotājiem.
#JUP $SOL The JUP Community Airdrop is a rewarding initiative from the Jupiter Project, a blockchain designed to bring access to entertainment and rewards people with crypto assets and content tokens. The JUP Community Airdrop involves approximately 955K eligible wallets that interacted before November 2nd and will distribute 10 billion JUP tokens, with 40% (4 billion tokens) allocated over four rounds. During the four rounds of the JUP Community Airdrop, eligible wallets will receive 100 JUP coins in each airdrop round. The first round was released on the 15th of November, followed by the second round on the 30th of November. The third round will be released on the 15th of December, with the final round being released on the 30th of December. The remaining 6 billion JUP tokens will be used to build the Jupiter Network’s ecosystem, primarily focusing on payment services, gaming and defi services and products. Jupiter Network is also inclusive of a marketplace platform to allow users to buy and sell their digital content and products, as well as higher yield savings products. After the mainnet launch of the JUP token, holders will be able to trade JUP tokens directly on decentralized exchanges such as UniSwap. JUP tokens can then be used to purchase content, products and services from within the Jupiter Network’s ecosystem. The JUP Community Airdrop is a great way for users to get involved in the Jupiter Project and benefit from both the utility and growth of the token. Participants in each of the 4 rounds will also earn rewards for engaging with content on the Jupiter Network by staking and playing interactive games. In conclusion, the JUP Community Airdrop is a great opportunity to get involved in the Jupiter Network and start building your cryptocurrency portfolio. Participants will be rewarded with 10 billion JUP tokens, with 4 billion tokens being distributed in the four rounds of the airdrop. After the mainnet launch of the JUP token, users can then benefit from the utility of the token, as well as its appreciation as the project expands.

The JUP Community Airdrop is a rewarding initiative from the Jupiter Project, a blockchain designed to bring access to entertainment and rewards people with crypto assets and content tokens. The JUP Community Airdrop involves approximately 955K eligible wallets that interacted before November 2nd and will distribute 10 billion JUP tokens, with 40% (4 billion tokens) allocated over four rounds.

During the four rounds of the JUP Community Airdrop, eligible wallets will receive 100 JUP coins in each airdrop round. The first round was released on the 15th of November, followed by the second round on the 30th of November. The third round will be released on the 15th of December, with the final round being released on the 30th of December.

The remaining 6 billion JUP tokens will be used to build the Jupiter Network’s ecosystem, primarily focusing on payment services, gaming and defi services and products. Jupiter Network is also inclusive of a marketplace platform to allow users to buy and sell their digital content and products, as well as higher yield savings products.

After the mainnet launch of the JUP token, holders will be able to trade JUP tokens directly on decentralized exchanges such as UniSwap. JUP tokens can then be used to purchase content, products and services from within the Jupiter Network’s ecosystem.

The JUP Community Airdrop is a great way for users to get involved in the Jupiter Project and benefit from both the utility and growth of the token. Participants in each of the 4 rounds will also earn rewards for engaging with content on the Jupiter Network by staking and playing interactive games.

In conclusion, the JUP Community Airdrop is a great opportunity to get involved in the Jupiter Network and start building your cryptocurrency portfolio. Participants will be rewarded with 10 billion JUP tokens, with 4 billion tokens being distributed in the four rounds of the airdrop. After the mainnet launch of the JUP token, users can then benefit from the utility of the token, as well as its appreciation as the project expands.
$BTC #dYdX The decentralized digital assets lending and borrowing project dYdX and Noble, an Open Financial Framework for cross-chain transfers are proud to announce their new initiatives. Circle, a leader in the stablecoin and transfer space, has created a CCTP (Circle Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol) integration with Noble and dYdX Chains. This technology will allow instant transfer of USDC from other networks to dYdX Chain, creating faster and more efficient cross-chain payments and transfers. This new initiative is part of a larger initiative to make the world of transfer and payments faster and more efficient. On Nov. 3, Circle’s CCTP tech was available on Noble’s testnet and will launch on the network’s mainnet on Nov. 28. With this new innovation, customers will now be able to move USDC transfers from other networks to dYdX Chain’s layer one in a secure, trustless, and efficient manner. Moreover, the protocol introduces asset sovereignty for the user, meaning that all assets are always under the user’s control. The dYdX team believes this new initiative will help to further financial inclusion and bridge the gap between traditional banking and the still young but rapidly growing world of digital assets. Moreover, this new initiative will help to unlock increased liquidity for dYdX’s products and services. Moving forward, Circle, Noble, and dYdX invite others in the blockchain space to be a part of this initiative, and create a more smooth, secure, and trustless environment for users. The partnership between these three leaders in the blockchain space further affirms the potential of their technologies. With the launch of Circle’s CCTP in just a few weeks, it is only a matter of time before we begin to see the benefits of faster and more efficient transfers in the digital asset world.
$BTC #dYdX

The decentralized digital assets lending and borrowing project dYdX and Noble, an Open Financial Framework for cross-chain transfers are proud to announce their new initiatives. Circle, a leader in the stablecoin and transfer space, has created a CCTP (Circle Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol) integration with Noble and dYdX Chains. This technology will allow instant transfer of USDC from other networks to dYdX Chain, creating faster and more efficient cross-chain payments and transfers.

This new initiative is part of a larger initiative to make the world of transfer and payments faster and more efficient. On Nov. 3, Circle’s CCTP tech was available on Noble’s testnet and will launch on the network’s mainnet on Nov. 28. With this new innovation, customers will now be able to move USDC transfers from other networks to dYdX Chain’s layer one in a secure, trustless, and efficient manner. Moreover, the protocol introduces asset sovereignty for the user, meaning that all assets are always under the user’s control.

The dYdX team believes this new initiative will help to further financial inclusion and bridge the gap between traditional banking and the still young but rapidly growing world of digital assets. Moreover, this new initiative will help to unlock increased liquidity for dYdX’s products and services. Moving forward, Circle, Noble, and dYdX invite others in the blockchain space to be a part of this initiative, and create a more smooth, secure, and trustless environment for users.

The partnership between these three leaders in the blockchain space further affirms the potential of their technologies. With the launch of Circle’s CCTP in just a few weeks, it is only a matter of time before we begin to see the benefits of faster and more efficient transfers in the digital asset world.
$GROK #GROK Elon Musk, the innovative entrepreneur and founder of Tesla, SpaceX, and many other revolutionary projects, recently launched a token called the GROK token. This new token has been designed to help foster innovation and facilitate global collaboration. The GROK token is a token built on the Ethereum blockchain. This means it is a digital asset with an associated blockchain-powered network that allows it to be traded securely, quickly, and easily. By utilizing the blockchain, the GROK token ensures that all transactions are immutable and secure, allowing for the development of trustless applications. The main purpose of the GROK token is to encourage open collaboration between businesses, entrepreneurs, and software developers. The token allows these various entities to come together and create innovative projects. The importance of such projects is highlighted by Musk’s own mission, which is to use innovation to develop alternative energy sources and transportation solutions that reduce the world’s reliance on fossil fuels. In addition to encouraging innovation, the GROK token also allows users to participate in a governance system. This means that the token will provide users with a say in the development of the platform. It is a way for users to weigh in on the governance decisions of the platform and help shape its future. The GROK token is a revolutionary new token designed to help foster a better collaborative environment for businesses, entrepreneurs, and developers. Utilizing the Blockchain, it helps to promote transparency and trust as well as providing an avenue for stakeholders to be involved in a decentralized governance system. If successful, it should help foster further innovation and collaboration between these groups, resulting in more efficient and impactful projects.

Elon Musk, the innovative entrepreneur and founder of Tesla, SpaceX, and many other revolutionary projects, recently launched a token called the GROK token. This new token has been designed to help foster innovation and facilitate global collaboration.

The GROK token is a token built on the Ethereum blockchain. This means it is a digital asset with an associated blockchain-powered network that allows it to be traded securely, quickly, and easily. By utilizing the blockchain, the GROK token ensures that all transactions are immutable and secure, allowing for the development of trustless applications.

The main purpose of the GROK token is to encourage open collaboration between businesses, entrepreneurs, and software developers. The token allows these various entities to come together and create innovative projects. The importance of such projects is highlighted by Musk’s own mission, which is to use innovation to develop alternative energy sources and transportation solutions that reduce the world’s reliance on fossil fuels.

In addition to encouraging innovation, the GROK token also allows users to participate in a governance system. This means that the token will provide users with a say in the development of the platform. It is a way for users to weigh in on the governance decisions of the platform and help shape its future.

The GROK token is a revolutionary new token designed to help foster a better collaborative environment for businesses, entrepreneurs, and developers. Utilizing the Blockchain, it helps to promote transparency and trust as well as providing an avenue for stakeholders to be involved in a decentralized governance system. If successful, it should help foster further innovation and collaboration between these groups, resulting in more efficient and impactful projects.
$BTC #BTCHALVING Bitcoin halving refers to the process of reducing the mining rewards offered to miners. This event occurs approximately every four years and is an integral part of the Bitcoin network. The halving date is determined by the Bitcoin protocol and is based on the total amount of blocks calculated since the Bitcoin's creation in 2009. When a halving takes place, the mining rewards for miners are cut in half. The goal of halving is twofold: First, it reduces the rate at which new Bitcoins are created, thereby controlling the rate of inflation. This ensures Bitcoin's long-term monetary value. Second, it encourages miners to continue to work on the Bitcoin network, as the mining rewards become even more valuable. In 2020, a third halving event has taken place - the mining rewards were reduced from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. This resulted in a rise in the price of Bitcoin, as an increasing number of people become interested in buying it due to the reduced supply of new coins. At the same time, the Bitcoin network has seen an increase in the difficulty of mining. This is due to the higher-than-usual number of miners competing for the same block rewards. As a result, mining has become more competitive and requires more resources in order to be profitable. The overall effects of bitcoin halving are two-fold. It has increased the value of Bitcoin, as the reduced supply of new coins has made it more attractive to investors. At the same time, it has made mining more difficult and expensive, as miners must compete for the same limited rewards. Overall, the halving event helps ensure the long-term value of the Bitcoin network.

Bitcoin halving refers to the process of reducing the mining rewards offered to miners. This event occurs approximately every four years and is an integral part of the Bitcoin network. The halving date is determined by the Bitcoin protocol and is based on the total amount of blocks calculated since the Bitcoin's creation in 2009. When a halving takes place, the mining rewards for miners are cut in half.

The goal of halving is twofold:

First, it reduces the rate at which new Bitcoins are created, thereby controlling the rate of inflation. This ensures Bitcoin's long-term monetary value.

Second, it encourages miners to continue to work on the Bitcoin network, as the mining rewards become even more valuable.

In 2020, a third halving event has taken place - the mining rewards were reduced from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. This resulted in a rise in the price of Bitcoin, as an increasing number of people become interested in buying it due to the reduced supply of new coins.

At the same time, the Bitcoin network has seen an increase in the difficulty of mining. This is due to the higher-than-usual number of miners competing for the same block rewards. As a result, mining has become more competitive and requires more resources in order to be profitable.

The overall effects of bitcoin halving are two-fold. It has increased the value of Bitcoin, as the reduced supply of new coins has made it more attractive to investors. At the same time, it has made mining more difficult and expensive, as miners must compete for the same limited rewards. Overall, the halving event helps ensure the long-term value of the Bitcoin network.
Wow nice.
Wow nice.
Binance Academy
What Is the Ethereum Cancun Upgrade?
Key Takeaways

The Ethereum Cancun upgrade aims to enhance scalability, security, and efficiency within the Ethereum network, introducing the concept of proto-danksharding.

Danksharding represents the final phase of the Ethereum 2.0 (Serenity) upgrade that enhances data management and transaction processing.

The Ethereum Cancun upgrade is designed to bring faster transaction processing times, reduced transaction costs, and optimized data management. Potential risks include impacts on existing smart contracts and the integration of new data storage techniques.

The Ethereum Cancun upgrade was initially planned to go live in October 2023 but was later delayed to the first half of 2024. It went live on the Ethereum mainnet on March 13, 2024.


Ethereum's transition to Proof of Stake (PoS) and the introduction of sharding are vital components of its Ethereum 2.0 upgrade. PoS reduces energy consumption by replacing miners with validators, who are selected to create new blocks based on the amount of ETH they stake.

Meanwhile, sharding increases transaction speed by partitioning the Ethereum network into smaller pieces (shards), with each capable of independently processing transactions and smart contracts. The shift from PoW to PoS enables secure and efficient sharding by randomly assigning validators to specific shards, preventing manipulation and enhancing performance.

The Ethereum Cancun upgrade represents an important advancement in the Ethereum blockchain, aimed at fortifying the network's scalability, security, and overall efficiency. This upgrade introduces the concept of proto-danksharding, an important step toward optimizing data management and enhancing transaction affordability within the Ethereum ecosystem.

By leveraging innovative data storage techniques, the Ethereum Cancun upgrade is poised to revolutionize the way the network processes transactions, paving the way for a more accessible and seamless user experience.

Understanding the Ethereum Cancun Upgrade

The Ethereum Cancun upgrade (also known as the “Cancun-Deneb” upgrade) is a concerted effort by Ethereum to bolster its infrastructure and address unresolved issues after the Shanghai upgrade.

The Cancun upgrade is based on four Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs): EIP-4844, EIP-1153, EIP-4788, and EIP-6780. Together, the implementation of these EIPs can provide many benefits, including improved scalability, enhanced data storage and availability, and reduced transaction costs.

With a primary focus on optimizing the execution layer (Layer 1), the Cancun upgrade prepares the network for the future implementation of full data sharding, a vital component in Ethereum's long-term development strategy.

Sharding refers to splitting a blockchain database into smaller portions, called shards, for higher efficiency, and the Cancun upgrade introduces a specific type of sharding known as proto-danksharding (discussed below).

The goal of the Cancun upgrade is to increase the network’s transactions per second (TPS), aligning with Ethereum's roadmap's "Surge" phase, aiming to scale performance to 100,000+ TPS.

The Cancun upgrade – along with the subsequent Deneb upgrade – represents a significant milestone in Ethereum's journey towards establishing itself as a leading decentralized finance platform.

Danksharding and Proto-Danksharding

Danksharding and proto-danksharding are different iterations of the sharding technology developed for Ethereum. Named after Ethereum researcher Dankrad Feist, danksharding is a type of sharding that serves as the final phase of the Ethereum 2.0 (Serenity) upgrade. It concentrates on optimizing data availability for rollups within the Ethereum network.

Technically speaking, danksharding is a design that introduces the concept of a merged market fee. While traditional sharding has different blocks and block proposers for each shard, there is only one block proposer in danksharding. In simple terms, danksharding can enhance transaction processing and streamline data storage by simplifying the sharding architecture and prioritizing data management.

In the context of the upgrade, proto-danksharding (introduced by EIP-4844) serves as a prototype of danksharding. It’s a temporary solution that can significantly reduce gas fees associated with rollups before the complete implementation of the danksharding framework.

Blob-carrying transactions

Blob-carrying transactions were introduced along with proto-danksharding (EIP-4844) to help reduce gas fees. Blob-carrying transactions allow the temporary storage and retrieval of off-chain data, meaning extra data can be added to Ethereum transactions in a more cost-effective way.

Benefits of the Ethereum Cancun Upgrade

As we’ve discussed, the Ethereum Cancun upgrade can provide a range of benefits, including faster transaction processing, reduced transaction costs, optimized data management, and improved cross-chain communication. By introducing the concept of blob-carrying transactions, the upgrade aims to streamline data processing and enhance overall network efficiency.

1. Better scalability: Proto-danksharding introduces temporary data storage capacity, allowing Layer 2 rollups (and the network as a whole) to process more transactions per second.

2. Reduced transaction costs: Blob-carrying transactions allow extra data to be added to Ethereum transactions in a more cost-effective way.

3. Optimized data management: EIP-1153 can optimize block space and reduce on-chain data storage costs.

4. Better cross-chain communication: EIP-4788 aims to improve interoperability between different blockchain networks by exposing the Beacon chain to execution layers.

5. Improved security: EIP-6780 can reduce the risk of smart contract termination by disempowering the SELFDESTRUCT code, enhancing the security of user data and funds.

Potential Risks of the Ethereum Cancun Upgrade

There might be risks related to the potential impact of the upgrade on existing smart contracts and the intricacies of integrating new data storage techniques. These require extensive testing and careful consideration during the implementation phase to ensure a smooth transition for all stakeholders involved.

Ethereum Cancun Launch Date

The Ethereum Cancun-Deneb upgrade was initially planned to go live in October 2023 but was later delayed to the first half of 2024. It went live on the Ethereum mainnet on March 13, 2024 (at epoch 269,568). Node operators and stakers must upgrade their software to releases listed in the official announcement.

Closing Thoughts

The Ethereum Cancun-Deneb (Dencun) upgrade marks a significant leap forward in Ethereum's quest for improved scalability, efficiency, and user experience. By introducing proto-danksharding and laying the groundwork for future advancements, the Ethereum Cancun Upgrade will likely enhance the realm of decentralized finance and blockchain technology.

Further Reading

What Is Ethereum 2.0 and Why Does It Matter?

Blockchain Layer 1 vs. Layer 2 Scaling Solutions

Blockchain Scalability - Sidechains and Payment Channels

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Day #7 $BTC
Day #7 $BTC
Binance Filipino
🚀 Daily #BTC Price Prediction Challenge - Day 7!

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Everyday, the Top 3 most precise predictions win $10 in BTC and a Binance Hoodie. Top 4 and Top 5 wins $5 in BTC.   Predictions will only be accepted until 5:00 PM everyday. (UTC+8) - 
Predict now!
Predict now!
Binance Filipino
🚀 Daily #BTC Price Prediction Challenge - Day 6!

Predict the closing price of BTC at 5:00:00 PM UTC+8 tomorrow. Will your prediction be the most accurate?

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Everyday, the Top 3 most precise predictions win $10 in BTC and a Binance Hoodie. Top 4 and Top 5 wins $5 in BTC.   Predictions will only be accepted until 5:00 PM everyday. (UTC+8) - 
Binance News
Bitcoin Falls Below 35,000 USDT
According to market data from Binance, Bitcoin fell below $35,000 USDT and is currently trading at 34,864.49 USDT, with a 24-hour decline narrowed to 0.49%.
Binance News
Stablecoins Surge in Popularity Amid Market Turbulence, Outpacing DeFi
According to CryptoPotato, stablecoins have experienced a significant increase in popularity among investors, with a 45% growth in active addresses and a 41% increase in transactions between the first and third quarters of this year. In contrast, decentralized finance (DeFi) saw a decline in daily active addresses and transactions. Stablecoins surpassed DeFi protocols in terms of transactions on various blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Polygon, and Optimism.

USDT continues to lead the stablecoin market in terms of market capitalization, active addresses, and transaction activity. It concluded Q3 with an average of 337,000 daily active addresses and 680,000 daily transactions. Although USDC maintained a lead over USDT in terms of volume for the third quarter, the gap has notably shrunk since Q1, primarily due to Silicon Valley Bank's (SVB) collapse and USDC's slight de-pegging of about $0.03. USDC experienced a significant volume decline, with a 62% decrease from Q1 to Q3.

In the DeFi sector, Uniswap is the only decentralized exchange (DEX) that has maintained stability since Q1 2023, despite the significant event of SVB's collapse. Uniswap experienced a 15% growth in active addresses and a 33% increase in transaction count during Q3, diverging from the broader DeFi trend. Staking is also gaining momentum within the DeFi subcategory, with the total staked Ether increasing from 23.7 million to 27.2 million in Q3. Liquid Staking, a concept that resembles distributing IOU tokens in exchange for staked assets, accounted for 37% of this increase. By the end of Q3, Lido DAO's protocol held 32% of the staked ETH, with its value growing from $7.6 billion to $8.8 billion, marking a 16% increase.
Binance Filipino
🚀 Daily #BTC Price Prediction Challenge - Day 2!

Predict the closing price of BTC at 5:00:00 PM UTC+8 tomorrow. Will your prediction be the most accurate?

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Everyday, the Top 3 most precise predictions win $10 in BTC and a Binance Hoodie. Top 4 and Top 5 wins $5 in BTC.   Predictions will only be accepted until 5:00 PM everyday. (UTC+8) -
$750 Million is a lot.
$750 Million is a lot.
Binance News
Marathon Digital Plans to Raise Up to $750 Million Through Mixed Equity Issuance
According to Foresight News, Bitcoin mining company Marathon Digital has submitted a FORM S-3 to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), planning to raise up to $750 million through a mixed equity issuance. Marathon Digital stated, 'We may, from time to time, offer and sell common stock, preferred stock, warrants, units, or any combination of these securities in one or more offerings, at prices and on terms to be determined at the time of each offering, for an aggregate initial offering amount of up to $750 million.'
ALEO blockchain
ALEO blockchain
Binance News
Aleo Blockchain Introduces zPass, a Zero Knowledge Identity Verification Protocol
According to Blockworks, Aleo, a zero knowledge privacy (ZKP) network, has introduced a protocol called zPass, which uses zero knowledge cryptography to verify identities. Users can upload identity documents offline to privacy servers and share anonymous proofs with organizations, eliminating the need for companies to store this data themselves. Users can control who they share their information with and how much personal data they reveal. Alex Pruden, Aleo's CEO, explained that zPass is based on a research paper on zk-creds, which aimed to create a digital record from a US passport for age verification purposes.

On zPass, a two-step process ensures that individual identities are safely verified. First, the issuance of the record on-chain is based on the existence of a physical record, and then individuals control their own privacy keys, which generate the proof of identity. John Reynolds, a product manager for Aleo, noted that existing zk identity systems either rely on centralized proving schemes or are decentralized but not private. Aleo's system allows users to act as provers, generating proofs that are validated by decentralized validators without pushing overhead verification to third-party systems.

Reynolds highlighted that decentralized identity solutions are not private, as information is publicly available on a database, allowing users to be tracked. With zPass, Aleo aims to focus primarily on providing zk age verification and creating child-safe spaces online. The main goal is to lean into age verification to support children and protect them from potential predators or predatory content.
Binance News
ARK Invest and 21Shares Obtain CUSIP Code for Bitcoin Spot ETF
According to Foresight News, ARK Invest and 21Shares have obtained a CUSIP code for their Bitcoin spot ETF 'ARKA', which is now listed on the DTCC (Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation) website. The CUSIP, or Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures, is a system owned by the American Bankers Association and operated by Standard & Poor's. It was established to provide a unique code for each security in North America.
Binance News
Bitcoin Miners Outperform BTC in 2023 with Over 100% Growth
According to CryptoPotato, Bitcoin mining companies have experienced significant growth in 2023, with nearly all publicly-traded firms soaring over 100% since January 1. This growth has been driven by both the rising value of Bitcoin and positive business developments within the industry. Shares for Marathon Digital (MARA), one of the largest public miners by hashrate, are currently up 158% year to date, while rivals Iris Energy (IREN) and Riot Platforms (RIOT) have surged 168% and 186% respectively.

Bitcoin's value has increased by 90% in 2023, largely due to a series of U.S. bank failures in March that shook confidence in the traditional financial system. Additionally, excitement surrounding the potential approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF before the end of the year has contributed to the cryptocurrency's rally. Bitcoin mining companies earn money by running powerful and expensive computer equipment to mine Bitcoin's next block, which contains a fixed portion of new BTC. As the value of Bitcoin rises, so does the dollar-denominated value of their rewards and profits.

The mining industry has made unique strides this year to boost its value proposition to investors. Firms like CleanSpark (CLSK) have announced multiple major investments in the latest Bitcoin mining hardware, bolstering their capacity to win new BTC. These investments have helped drive Bitcoin's total hashrate to many new highs this year and lowered the cost of old mining hardware that has become less efficient over time. Furthermore, miners are diversifying their operations, with companies like Iris, HIVE, and Applied Digital moving beyond Bitcoin mining and into cloud computing and HPC services using their existing infrastructure. These firms claim that such services are much more profitable per unit of energy than Bitcoin mining.
Binance News
Argentina Presidential Election: Finance Minister Massa Faces Bitcoin Supporter Milei
According to CoinDesk, Argentina's presidential election next month will be contested between current Finance Minister Sergio Massa and self-described anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei. In the first round of voting on Sunday, Massa secured 37% of the votes, while Milei came in second with 30%. Milei had been considered the favorite after winning the August primary presidential vote.

Milei has previously expressed support for bitcoin, stating that it 'represents the return of money to its original creator, the private sector.' He has also called for the abolishment of Argentina's central bank, labeling it a 'scam.' Unlike El Salvador's president Nayib Bukele, who led efforts to make bitcoin legal tender in his country, Milei has advocated for a 'dollarization' of Argentina's economy, where the inflation rate recently reached 124.4%. However, Barclays analysts suggest that consensus for a dollarization proposal is not particularly strong.

On the other hand, Massa opposes dollarizing the economy and has previously expressed interest in launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC) to help address Argentina's inflation crisis. The run-off election is scheduled for November 19, with both candidates aiming to gain support from third-place finisher Patricia Bullrich, who received approximately 24% of the vote.
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