Binance Square
Money is Honey 😍😘
Viss saturs
Here are Some Important Advices For You Regarding Your Trading👇 Setting Stop-Loss Orders 1. Stop-loss orders are essential in crypto day trading. 2. They automatically sell your position if the price drops to a certain level. 3. Set your stop-loss at a point where you can accept the loss without severe impact. 4. Regularly review and adjust these levels based on market conditions. 5. This disciplined approach helps in preserving capital. 6. It's better to lose small and live to trade another day. 7. Use stop-losses to prevent significant losses and manage risk
Here are Some Important Advices For You Regarding Your Trading👇
Setting Stop-Loss Orders
1. Stop-loss orders are essential in crypto day trading.
2. They automatically sell your position if the price drops to a certain level.
3. Set your stop-loss at a point where you can accept the loss without severe impact.
4. Regularly review and adjust these levels based on market conditions.
5. This disciplined approach helps in preserving capital.
6. It's better to lose small and live to trade another day.
7. Use stop-losses to prevent significant losses and manage risk
Skatīt oriģinālu
Iesācēji 👇
Iesācēji 👇
Candy Crypto
Šeit ir daži padomi iesācējiem👇

1. Izprotiet fjūčeru tirdzniecības pamatus pirms tās uzsākšanas.

2. Veiciet savu izpēti un izprotiet tirgus tendences un jaunumus.

3. Sāciet ar nelielu summu, līdz esat apmierināts ar platformu, un pēc tam palieliniet maka izmēru.

4. Izmantojiet Binance Mock Trading, lai praktizētu tirdzniecību bez īstas naudas.

5. Pirms sākat noteikt skaidrus mērķus un tirdzniecības plānu, un pēc tam tirgojiet savu plānu.

6. Izvēlieties savu tirdzniecības stratēģiju, pamatojoties uz savu riska toleranci un mērķiem.

7. Diversificējiet savu portfeli, lai samazinātu kopējo risku.
#BinanceTournament #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BTC #bitcoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ja esat iesaistīts fjūčeru tirdzniecībā, šī ir jums svarīga lasāmviela.

Esmu bieži ieteicis neizmantot fjūčerus un kredītplecu, īpaši jaunpienācējiem kriptovalūtu tirdzniecībā. Pat ar 3-4 gadu pieredzi vislabāk no tiem izvairīties. Tomēr šī diskusija ir vērsta uz izpratni par to, kā piesaistītie līdzekļi ietekmē kriptovalūtu tirgus kustības.

🔴 KAS IR Sviras līdzekļi?
Sviras efekts ļauj palielināt savu tirdzniecības pozīciju. Piemēram, ja atverat darījumu ar USD 500, izmantojot 10 X kredītplecu, tas darbosies tā, it kā jūsu kontā būtu USD 5000. Lūk, kā tas darbojas: birža (piemēram, Binance) aizdod jums 4500 USD. Ja cena pazeminās par 10% (jūsu 5000 $ kļūst par 4500 $), jūsu pozīcija tiek automātiski slēgta, lai neļautu jums palikt parādā par apmaiņu. Šo procesu sauc par likvidāciju.

Ja jūs tiekat likvidēts garajā pozīcijā, tas rada tirgus izpārdošanu likvidācijas brīdī. Jūsu atlikušie 4500 $ tiek pārdoti, lai atgūtu biržas naudu.

Tagad apsveriet šo fenomenu plašākā mērogā. Iedomājieties, ka 100 000 tirgotāju strādā ilgi ar 10 X sviras efektu ETH dažādos līmeņos: 2,8 000 USD, 3 000 USD un 3,2 000 USD. Ja cena samazināsies līdz USD 2,7 000, kas ir 10 % samazinājums no USD 3 000, šie tirgotāji tiks likvidēti. Tas izraisa milzīgus pārdošanas pasūtījumus, ievērojami pazeminot ETH cenu. Tas varētu vēl vairāk samazināties līdz USD 2,5 000 kaskādes likvidācijas dēļ, ietekmējot tos, kuri ienāca par USD 2,8 000 un turpinās ciklu.

Pārmērīgas aizņemtās pozīcijas rada strauju, intensīvu likvidāciju risku, izraisot "zibens avārijas", kur ETH dažu minūšu laikā var samazināties par 15-20%. Šī parādība neaprobežojas tikai ar kriptovalūtu; tas notiek arī tradicionālajās finansēs, ietekmējot bankas, riska ieguldījumu fondus un citas struktūras.

#LearnTogether #AirdropGuide #BinanceTournament
I did it correct but binance not give me any points reason???
I did it correct but binance not give me any points reason???
Citētais saturs tika izņemts
Skatīt oriģinālu
Es pazaudēju visu savu naudu 😭😭😭
Es pazaudēju visu savu naudu 😭😭😭
Citētais saturs tika izņemts
Future Single One Day
🟢 Long


☀️Entry : 0.4469 - 0.4430

Targets :


🛑 Stop : 0.4193

🔰Leverage :20x

🏙Crypto Rose Future
Spot Buy

Entry : 5 or below

Stoploss : 4.6


Tp1 : 5.6 (11%)

Tp2 : 6.1 (22%)

Tp3 : 6.7 (31%)
Myro usdt Long Cross Leverage 20x
Myro usdt
Leverage 20x
I Made 3k$ on Binance on Binance Futures This Week 🤑
Here are Some Tips For You To Become Profitable 👇

1)All Trades Which Can Get Success Have a System in Place To Help Them Select Trades and Keep Loses ratio as Minimum as Possible.

2) Trading is a Long-term Game;avoid Expecting Quick Profits.

3) Future Trading Involves a Certain Degree of Risk in it,So it is Important Yourself Such as Using Sell or Buy Stops to Limit.

4)Now the Important Point is to Keep an Eye on Trades and Adjust Your Statergy For it.

5)To Be Successful in Future Trading Requires Your Full Attention to Read and Evaluate Market Effectively.

6)If You are a Beginner or Lost ALot of Money in Future;So don't Trade by Yourself,Take Help With an Expert.

#ETHETFsApproved #btc70k #altcoins #Megadrop #BlackRock
Liquid with these coin please help me to recover
Liquid with these coin please help me to recover
Is this signal in delisted list Close or hold 😭
Is this signal in delisted list
Close or hold 😭
#StartInvestingInCrypto Beginner's Guide to Cryptocurrency What is Crypto ? Crypto is a digital or virtual currency secured by cryptography. Cryptocurrencies, often working on blockchain technology, are known for their decentralized nature. BTC is the most well-known and the first cryptocurrency, but there are many others like Ethereum, XRP 2. Blockchain Technology Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that records all transactions. This technology ensures transactions are secure, transparent, and immutable. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, transaction data, and a timestamp. 3. Crypto Exchanges Buying and selling cryptocurrencies is done through cryptocurrency exchanges. Popular exchanges include #Binance Coinbase, Kraken. You can start trading cryptocurrencies by opening an account on these exchanges. 5. Investment Strategies - HODL: A long-term investment strategy. It involves holding onto cryptocurrency for an extended period. - Trading: Aims to profit from short-term price movements. Includes day trading and swing trading. - Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA): A strategy of investing a fixed amount at regular intervals. This method reduces the impact of market volatility. #altcoins 6. Risks and Security Cryptocurrency investments carry high risks. Risks include value loss, market manipulation, and security breaches. To stay secure, you can: - Use two-factor authentication (2FA). - Keep your wallets in a safe place. - Trade on reputable exchanges. 7. First Steps 1. Research:Gain knowledge about cryptocurrencies. 2. Get a Wallet: Choose and set up a reliable wallet. 3. Choose an Exchange:Open an account on a reputable exchange. 4.Invest:Start with small amounts and manage your investments. 5. Stay Updated:Follow developments in the cryptocurrency world. Conclusion It is important to be cautious and informed when investing in cryptocurrencies. Continuously gaining information about the market and understanding the risks will help you make safer and more successful investments. $NOT
#StartInvestingInCrypto Beginner's Guide to Cryptocurrency
What is Crypto ?
Crypto is a digital or virtual currency secured by cryptography. Cryptocurrencies, often working on blockchain technology, are known for their decentralized nature.
BTC is the most well-known and the first cryptocurrency, but there are many others like Ethereum, XRP
2. Blockchain Technology
Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that records all transactions. This technology ensures transactions are secure, transparent, and immutable. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, transaction data, and a timestamp.
3. Crypto Exchanges
Buying and selling cryptocurrencies is done through cryptocurrency exchanges. Popular exchanges include #Binance Coinbase, Kraken. You can start trading cryptocurrencies by opening an account on these exchanges.
5. Investment Strategies
- HODL: A long-term investment strategy. It involves holding onto cryptocurrency for an extended period.
- Trading: Aims to profit from short-term price movements. Includes day trading and swing trading.
- Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA): A strategy of investing a fixed amount at regular intervals. This method reduces the impact of market volatility. #altcoins
6. Risks and Security
Cryptocurrency investments carry high risks. Risks include value loss, market manipulation, and security breaches. To stay secure, you can:
- Use two-factor authentication (2FA).
- Keep your wallets in a safe place.
- Trade on reputable exchanges.
7. First Steps
1. Research:Gain knowledge about cryptocurrencies.
2. Get a Wallet: Choose and set up a reliable wallet.
3. Choose an Exchange:Open an account on a reputable exchange.
4.Invest:Start with small amounts and manage your investments.
5. Stay Updated:Follow developments in the cryptocurrency world.
It is important to be cautious and informed when investing in cryptocurrencies. Continuously gaining information about the market and understanding the risks will help you make safer and more successful investments. $NOT
Thats all USDT That I have it. Close or Hold. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thats all USDT That I have it.
Close or Hold.
Pendle to the moon. 🚀✈
Pendle to the moon.
hurry up Wan for spot
hurry up
Wan for spot
Smart people focus on the long-term investment while stupid people focus on the short term investment! Lesson: You can’t be rich if you focus on the short-term investment, be smart always😅 Do you have to learn in the image below? Please Buy SHIB right now and thank me later 👋 $SHIB SHIB
Smart people focus on the long-term investment while stupid people focus on the short term investment!
Lesson: You can’t be rich if you focus on the short-term investment, be smart always😅
Do you have to learn in the image below?
Please Buy SHIB right now and thank me later 👋 $SHIB
Stay informed, Binancers! Here's an important tip to help you reach your goals and avoid losing money: All cryptocurrencies have high and low points, also known as entry and exit points, which are essentially when to buy and sell. My advice for new traders is to avoid this as much as possible. Try to find the best entry point for a project and wait until it reaches its highest target to sell. Remember, every project launched on Binance follows a similar pattern: it starts with a good pump, then goes down until it stabilizes, and then rises to reach its real targets. I believe success is possible even with just one or two coins. Focus on Binance Launchpad, and you'll see there's strong support for all these coins. Wishing you the best of success!
Stay informed, Binancers!
Here's an important tip to help you reach your goals and avoid losing money:
All cryptocurrencies have high and low points, also known as entry and exit points, which are essentially when to buy and sell. My advice for new traders is to avoid this as much as possible. Try to find the best entry point for a project and wait until it reaches its highest target to sell.
Remember, every project launched on Binance follows a similar pattern: it starts with a good pump, then goes down until it stabilizes, and then rises to reach its real targets.
I believe success is possible even with just one or two coins. Focus on Binance Launchpad, and you'll see there's strong support for all these coins.
Wishing you the best of success!

Binance Megadrop is a promotional campaign by the cryptocurrency exchange Binance, where users can participate in various activities to earn rewards such as tokens, discounts, or other benefits. To use it, you typically need to follow the instructions provided by Binance, which may involve completing certain tasks, trading specific cryptocurrencies, or holding certain amounts of tokens in your Binance account. Keep an eye on Binance's announcements and promotions section for details on how to participate.
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