Binance Square
4 years trading experience in smc, ict, price action, chart pattern, candle patterns, vsa and professional full stack developer for last 14 years.
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Skatīt oriģinālu
🌐 5 labākās kriptovalūtu biržas 🚀 1. Binance Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjoms: 30 miljardi USD Lietotāji: 90 miljoni Sarakstā iekļautās monētas: 350+ Galvenās iezīmes: lielākā birža pēc tirdzniecības apjoma, plašs pakalpojumu klāsts 2. Monētu bāze Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjoms: 2,5 miljardi USD Lietotāji: 100 miljoni Sarakstā iekļautās monētas: 200+ Galvenās iezīmes: lietotājam draudzīgs interfeiss, stingra atbilstība normatīvajiem aktiem 3. Krakens Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjoms: USD 1 miljards Lietotāji: 9 miljoni Sarakstā iekļautās monētas: 185+ Galvenās iezīmes: augsti drošības standarti, plašs fiat atbalsts 4. KuCoin Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjoms: 1,7 miljardi USD Lietotāji: 25 miljoni Sarakstā iekļautās monētas: 700+ Galvenās iezīmes: plašs altkoinu klāsts, konkurētspējīgas tirdzniecības maksas 5. Bitfinex Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjoms: 900 miljoni USD Lietotāji: 1,5 miljoni Sarakstā iekļautās monētas: 180+ Galvenās iezīmes: uzlabotas tirdzniecības funkcijas, liela likviditāte 📊 Tirgojieties gudri, tirgojieties droši! 🌟 🌐 #Crypto #Blockchain #Bitcoin #CryptoExchange $BTC $BNB
🌐 5 labākās kriptovalūtu biržas 🚀
1. Binance
Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjoms: 30 miljardi USD
Lietotāji: 90 miljoni
Sarakstā iekļautās monētas: 350+
Galvenās iezīmes: lielākā birža pēc tirdzniecības apjoma, plašs pakalpojumu klāsts
2. Monētu bāze
Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjoms: 2,5 miljardi USD
Lietotāji: 100 miljoni
Sarakstā iekļautās monētas: 200+
Galvenās iezīmes: lietotājam draudzīgs interfeiss, stingra atbilstība normatīvajiem aktiem
3. Krakens
Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjoms: USD 1 miljards
Lietotāji: 9 miljoni
Sarakstā iekļautās monētas: 185+
Galvenās iezīmes: augsti drošības standarti, plašs fiat atbalsts
4. KuCoin
Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjoms: 1,7 miljardi USD
Lietotāji: 25 miljoni
Sarakstā iekļautās monētas: 700+
Galvenās iezīmes: plašs altkoinu klāsts, konkurētspējīgas tirdzniecības maksas
5. Bitfinex
Ikdienas tirdzniecības apjoms: 900 miljoni USD
Lietotāji: 1,5 miljoni
Sarakstā iekļautās monētas: 180+
Galvenās iezīmes: uzlabotas tirdzniecības funkcijas, liela likviditāte
📊 Tirgojieties gudri, tirgojieties droši! 🌟
🌐 #Crypto #Blockchain #Bitcoin #CryptoExchange
Skatīt oriģinālu
🌐 Dzimumu attiecība kriptovalūtu tirdzniecībā 🚀 Pašreizējā ainava Tirgotāji vīrieši: 85% sieviešu tirgotāji: 15% Ievērojamas tendences Pieaugošā sieviešu līdzdalība: sieviešu kriptovalūtu tirgotāju skaits pagājušajā gadā palielinājies par 43%. Vecuma demogrāfija: sievietes: vairākums no 25 līdz 34 gadiemVīrieši: vairākums no 30 līdz 39 gadiem $BTC $ETH $BNB #Write2Earn!
🌐 Dzimumu attiecība kriptovalūtu tirdzniecībā 🚀
Pašreizējā ainava
Tirgotāji vīrieši: 85% sieviešu tirgotāji: 15%
Ievērojamas tendences
Pieaugošā sieviešu līdzdalība: sieviešu kriptovalūtu tirgotāju skaits pagājušajā gadā palielinājies par 43%. Vecuma demogrāfija: sievietes: vairākums no 25 līdz 34 gadiemVīrieši: vairākums no 30 līdz 39 gadiem

Skatīt oriģinālu
🌍 10 populārākās valstis kriptovalūtā 🚀 1. Amerikas Savienotās Valstis 🇺🇸 Adopcijas līmenis: 6,2% Noteikumi: jaukts, attīstās Svarīgākie punkti: vadošais institucionālo ieguldījumu jomā 2. Ķīna 🇨🇳 Pieņemšanas līmenis: 7,1% Noteikumi: Stingrs, tirdzniecība ir aizliegta Svarīgākie: dominē Bitcoin ieguvē 3. Japāna 🇯🇵 Adopcijas līmenis: 4,5% Noteikumi: atbalstošs Galvenās iezīmes: Bitcoin likumīgais maksāšanas līdzeklis 4. Dienvidkoreja 🇰🇷 Adopcijas līmenis: 6,3% Noteikumi: stingri, bet skaidri Galvenās iezīmes: liels tirdzniecības apjoms 5. Singapūra 🇸🇬 Adopcijas līmenis: 4,9% Noteikums: labvēlīgs Galvenās iezīmes: Kripto biznesa centrs 6. Šveice 🇨🇭 Adopcijas līmenis: 3,8% Noteikums: Kriptoloģiski draudzīgs Galvenās iezīmes: "Kripto ieleja" Cūgā 7. Apvienotā Karaliste 🇬🇧 Pieņemšanas līmenis: 5,2% Noteikumi: attīstās Galvenās iezīmes: spēcīga finanšu sektora integrācija 8. Kanāda 🇨🇦 Adopcijas līmenis: 3,6% Noteikumi: atbalstošs Svarīgākie: nozīmīga kalnrūpniecības darbība 9. Vācija 🇩🇪 Adopcijas līmenis: 4,0% Regulējums: Progresīvs Galvenās iezīmes: kriptovalūtu atzīst par privātu naudu 10. Austrālija 🇦🇺 Pieņemšanas līmenis: 3,3% Noteikumi: Skaidrs un atbalstošs Svarīgākie aspekti: aktīva blokķēdes izstrāde $BTC $ETH $BNB
🌍 10 populārākās valstis kriptovalūtā 🚀
1. Amerikas Savienotās Valstis 🇺🇸
Adopcijas līmenis: 6,2% Noteikumi: jaukts, attīstās
Svarīgākie punkti: vadošais institucionālo ieguldījumu jomā
2. Ķīna 🇨🇳
Pieņemšanas līmenis: 7,1% Noteikumi: Stingrs, tirdzniecība ir aizliegta Svarīgākie: dominē Bitcoin ieguvē
3. Japāna 🇯🇵
Adopcijas līmenis: 4,5% Noteikumi: atbalstošs
Galvenās iezīmes: Bitcoin likumīgais maksāšanas līdzeklis
4. Dienvidkoreja 🇰🇷
Adopcijas līmenis: 6,3% Noteikumi: stingri, bet skaidri
Galvenās iezīmes: liels tirdzniecības apjoms
5. Singapūra 🇸🇬
Adopcijas līmenis: 4,9% Noteikums: labvēlīgs
Galvenās iezīmes: Kripto biznesa centrs
6. Šveice 🇨🇭
Adopcijas līmenis: 3,8% Noteikums: Kriptoloģiski draudzīgs
Galvenās iezīmes: "Kripto ieleja" Cūgā
7. Apvienotā Karaliste 🇬🇧
Pieņemšanas līmenis: 5,2% Noteikumi: attīstās
Galvenās iezīmes: spēcīga finanšu sektora integrācija
8. Kanāda 🇨🇦
Adopcijas līmenis: 3,6% Noteikumi: atbalstošs
Svarīgākie: nozīmīga kalnrūpniecības darbība
9. Vācija 🇩🇪
Adopcijas līmenis: 4,0% Regulējums: Progresīvs
Galvenās iezīmes: kriptovalūtu atzīst par privātu naudu
10. Austrālija 🇦🇺
Pieņemšanas līmenis: 3,3% Noteikumi: Skaidrs un atbalstošs Svarīgākie aspekti: aktīva blokķēdes izstrāde

Skatīt oriģinālu
Ceļvedis: Fed procentu likme un tās ietekme uz kriptovalūtu tirgu Lai izprastu Federālo rezervju sistēmas (Fed) procentu likmi un tās ietekmi uz kriptovalūtu tirgu, ir jāanalizē, kā monetārās politikas izmaiņas var ietekmēt dažādus finanšu ainavas aspektus, tostarp investoru uzvedību, likviditāti un vispārējo tirgus noskaņojumu. Šeit ir detalizēts pārskats: Kāda ir Fed procentu likme? Federālo rezervju sistēma nosaka federālo fondu likmi, kas ir procentu likme, par kādu bankas viena otrai aizdod vienas nakts laikā. Šī likme ietekmē citas procentu likmes ekonomikā, piemēram, aizdevumiem, hipotēkām un uzkrājumiem. Fed pielāgo šo likmi, lai stimulētu ekonomiku (pazeminot likmes) vai kontrolētu inflāciju (paaugstinot likmes).

Ceļvedis: Fed procentu likme un tās ietekme uz kriptovalūtu tirgu

Lai izprastu Federālo rezervju sistēmas (Fed) procentu likmi un tās ietekmi uz kriptovalūtu tirgu, ir jāanalizē, kā monetārās politikas izmaiņas var ietekmēt dažādus finanšu ainavas aspektus, tostarp investoru uzvedību, likviditāti un vispārējo tirgus noskaņojumu. Šeit ir detalizēts pārskats:
Kāda ir Fed procentu likme?
Federālo rezervju sistēma nosaka federālo fondu likmi, kas ir procentu likme, par kādu bankas viena otrai aizdod vienas nakts laikā. Šī likme ietekmē citas procentu likmes ekonomikā, piemēram, aizdevumiem, hipotēkām un uzkrājumiem. Fed pielāgo šo likmi, lai stimulētu ekonomiku (pazeminot likmes) vai kontrolētu inflāciju (paaugstinot likmes).
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vajag izlasīt! Laiks izvairīties no tirdzniecībasKriptovalūtu tirdzniecībai ir unikālas īpašības salīdzinājumā ar tradicionālajiem tirgiem, jo ​​tā darbojas 24/7. Tomēr joprojām ir noteikti laiki un nosacījumi, kad parasti ir ieteicams izvairīties no kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības: Tirgus atvēršana un aizvēršana (fjūčeriem un ETF): Ja tirgojat kriptovalūtas fjūčerus vai ETF regulētās biržās, izvairieties no atvēršanas un slēgšanas stundām, jo ​​tās var būt ļoti nepastāvīgas. Galvenie ekonomikas paziņojumi:Kriptovalūtas var reaģēt uz būtiskiem ekonomiskiem paziņojumiem (piemēram, procentu likmju izmaiņām, inflācijas ziņojumiem), īpaši tiem, kas ietekmē ASV dolāru.

Vajag izlasīt! Laiks izvairīties no tirdzniecības

Kriptovalūtu tirdzniecībai ir unikālas īpašības salīdzinājumā ar tradicionālajiem tirgiem, jo ​​tā darbojas 24/7. Tomēr joprojām ir noteikti laiki un nosacījumi, kad parasti ir ieteicams izvairīties no kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības:
Tirgus atvēršana un aizvēršana (fjūčeriem un ETF):
Ja tirgojat kriptovalūtas fjūčerus vai ETF regulētās biržās, izvairieties no atvēršanas un slēgšanas stundām, jo ​​tās var būt ļoti nepastāvīgas.
Galvenie ekonomikas paziņojumi:Kriptovalūtas var reaģēt uz būtiskiem ekonomiskiem paziņojumiem (piemēram, procentu likmju izmaiņām, inflācijas ziņojumiem), īpaši tiem, kas ietekmē ASV dolāru.
📈 Surge in Solana Activity Amidst $SOL Price Decline Activity on the Solana blockchain has surged recently, driven by decentralized apps like Jupiter, Raydium, and Magic Eden. Despite this uptick, SOL’s price has declined, with forecasts suggesting it may drop below $160. Key Highlights: Increase in Unique Active Wallets (UAWs): Jupiter Exchange: 307,100 UAWs (+251%)Raydium: 285,200 UAWs (focus on NFTs)Magic Eden: 178% rise in UAWs Memecoin Activity: Influenced by GameStop (GME) and trader Keith Gill ("Roaring Kitty").Derivative tokens linked to Gill saw a significant uptick on June 7th.Despite increased demand, SOL’s price fell by 5.44% to $162.44. Market Dynamics and Volatility: Traders often engage in speculative trading, quickly converting gains to stablecoins or fiat, contributing to price volatility.Selling pressure during high volatility may cause price declines, while buying pressure could trigger breakouts.Declining correlation with Bitcoin (BTC) since June 6th suggests SOL’s price may not move in tandem with BTC. Price Forecast: Short-term: Potential dip below $160.Long-term: SOL could eventually reach $1,000 if the overall market improves. #Write2Earn!
📈 Surge in Solana Activity Amidst $SOL Price Decline
Activity on the Solana blockchain has surged recently, driven by decentralized apps like Jupiter, Raydium, and Magic Eden. Despite this uptick, SOL’s price has declined, with forecasts suggesting it may drop below $160.
Key Highlights:
Increase in Unique Active Wallets (UAWs):
Jupiter Exchange: 307,100 UAWs (+251%)Raydium: 285,200 UAWs (focus on NFTs)Magic Eden: 178% rise in UAWs
Memecoin Activity:
Influenced by GameStop (GME) and trader Keith Gill ("Roaring Kitty").Derivative tokens linked to Gill saw a significant uptick on June 7th.Despite increased demand, SOL’s price fell by 5.44% to $162.44.
Market Dynamics and Volatility:
Traders often engage in speculative trading, quickly converting gains to stablecoins or fiat, contributing to price volatility.Selling pressure during high volatility may cause price declines, while buying pressure could trigger breakouts.Declining correlation with Bitcoin (BTC) since June 6th suggests SOL’s price may not move in tandem with BTC.
Price Forecast:
Short-term: Potential dip below $160.Long-term: SOL could eventually reach $1,000 if the overall market improves.

Skatīt oriģinālu
100 labākā monētu/žetonu veiktspēja pēdējo 24 stundu laikā vienā īsumā, tirgojieties ar savu iecienītāko ar izmērītu risku 🚀Labākais: $GNO 🤮Sliktākais: $NOT Komentāros pieminēja savu iecienīto monētu
100 labākā monētu/žetonu veiktspēja pēdējo 24 stundu laikā vienā īsumā, tirgojieties ar savu iecienītāko ar izmērītu risku
Komentāros pieminēja savu iecienīto monētu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Artūrs Heiss, BitMEX līdzdibinātājs un bijušais izpilddirektors, kurš tagad pārvalda savu ģimenes biroju Maelstrom, ir paziņojis, ka kriptovalūtu vēršu tirgus ir "atmodas". Tas seko Kanādas Bankas un Eiropas Centrālās bankas nesenajiem procentu likmju samazinājumiem, kas liecina par izmaiņām globālajā ekonomikas politikā. Galvenie punkti: Procentu likmju samazinājumi: Kanādas Banka: pirmā lielākā centrālā banka, kas šogad samazināja likmes, samazinoties par ceturtdaļpunktu līdz 4,75%.Eiropas Centrālā banka: sekoja šim piemēram, pazeminot likmes par tādu pašu summu līdz 4,25%. Tirgus reakcija: Hejs šos samazinājumus raksturoja kā "uguņošanu", prognozējot, ka tie "izraidīs kriptovalūtu no ziemeļu puslodes vasaras lejupslīdes". Gaidāmie notikumi: Anglijas Banka: tiek uzskatīts, ka tas varētu sekot šai tendencei. Džeksona holas simpozijs (augusts): paredzēts kā katalizators turpmākām būtiskām izmaiņām. Ekonomiskais kalendārs: Fed Federālā atvērtā tirgus komiteja (FOMC): sanāksme 11.–12. jūnijā. G7 līderu samits: 13.–14. jūnijā Apūlijā, Itālijā. Fed nostāja: Hejs uzskata, ka Fed savā nākamajā sanāksmē saglabās nemainīgas likmes, jo pastāv bažas par inflāciju. Investīciju padoms: Hejs iesaka kriptovalūtu kopienai ilgstoši izmantot Bitcoin un citus altkoīnus, atsaucoties uz tiem kā "sh*tcoins". Artūrs Hejs saskata skaidru tendenci, ka centrālās bankas sāk atvieglot monetāro politiku, kas liecina par pozitīvu kriptovalūtu tirgus perspektīvu. #Write2Earn!
Artūrs Heiss, BitMEX līdzdibinātājs un bijušais izpilddirektors, kurš tagad pārvalda savu ģimenes biroju Maelstrom, ir paziņojis, ka kriptovalūtu vēršu tirgus ir "atmodas". Tas seko Kanādas Bankas un Eiropas Centrālās bankas nesenajiem procentu likmju samazinājumiem, kas liecina par izmaiņām globālajā ekonomikas politikā.
Galvenie punkti:
Procentu likmju samazinājumi:
Kanādas Banka: pirmā lielākā centrālā banka, kas šogad samazināja likmes, samazinoties par ceturtdaļpunktu līdz 4,75%.Eiropas Centrālā banka: sekoja šim piemēram, pazeminot likmes par tādu pašu summu līdz 4,25%.
Tirgus reakcija:
Hejs šos samazinājumus raksturoja kā "uguņošanu", prognozējot, ka tie "izraidīs kriptovalūtu no ziemeļu puslodes vasaras lejupslīdes".
Gaidāmie notikumi:
Anglijas Banka: tiek uzskatīts, ka tas varētu sekot šai tendencei. Džeksona holas simpozijs (augusts): paredzēts kā katalizators turpmākām būtiskām izmaiņām.
Ekonomiskais kalendārs:
Fed Federālā atvērtā tirgus komiteja (FOMC): sanāksme 11.–12. jūnijā. G7 līderu samits: 13.–14. jūnijā Apūlijā, Itālijā.
Fed nostāja:
Hejs uzskata, ka Fed savā nākamajā sanāksmē saglabās nemainīgas likmes, jo pastāv bažas par inflāciju.
Investīciju padoms:
Hejs iesaka kriptovalūtu kopienai ilgstoši izmantot Bitcoin un citus altkoīnus, atsaucoties uz tiem kā "sh*tcoins".
Artūrs Hejs saskata skaidru tendenci, ka centrālās bankas sāk atvieglot monetāro politiku, kas liecina par pozitīvu kriptovalūtu tirgus perspektīvu.

🔍 Fascinating Facts About Bitcoin ($BTC) 🔍 1. First Cryptocurrency 🔹 Bitcoin, created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, is the world’s first cryptocurrency. 2. Limited Supply 🔹 Only 21 million Bitcoins will ever be created, making it a deflationary asset. 3. First Purchase 🔹 The first real-world Bitcoin transaction was for two pizzas in 2010, costing 10,000 BTC! 4. Decentralized Network 🔹 Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network of computers without a central authority. 5. Digital Gold 🔹 Often referred to as "digital gold" due to its store of value properties. 6. Mining Rewards Halving 🔹 Bitcoin’s mining rewards halve approximately every four years, reducing new supply. 7. Pseudonymous Creator 🔹 Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s creator, remains anonymous to this day. 8. First Blockchain 🔹 Bitcoin introduced blockchain technology, revolutionizing digital trust. 9. Lightning Network 🔹 The Lightning Network enables faster and cheaper Bitcoin transactions. 10. Global Acceptance 🔹 Bitcoin is accepted as payment by thousands of merchants worldwide. 🚀 Dive into the world of Bitcoin and explore the future of finance! [🚀Click and Earn Free USDT💵💵💵]( #Write2Earn! #BTC #FACTS
🔍 Fascinating Facts About Bitcoin ($BTC ) 🔍
1. First Cryptocurrency
🔹 Bitcoin, created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, is the world’s first cryptocurrency.
2. Limited Supply
🔹 Only 21 million Bitcoins will ever be created, making it a deflationary asset.
3. First Purchase
🔹 The first real-world Bitcoin transaction was for two pizzas in 2010, costing 10,000 BTC!
4. Decentralized Network
🔹 Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network of computers without a central authority.
5. Digital Gold
🔹 Often referred to as "digital gold" due to its store of value properties.
6. Mining Rewards Halving
🔹 Bitcoin’s mining rewards halve approximately every four years, reducing new supply.
7. Pseudonymous Creator
🔹 Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s creator, remains anonymous to this day.
8. First Blockchain
🔹 Bitcoin introduced blockchain technology, revolutionizing digital trust.
9. Lightning Network
🔹 The Lightning Network enables faster and cheaper Bitcoin transactions.
10. Global Acceptance
🔹 Bitcoin is accepted as payment by thousands of merchants worldwide.
🚀 Dive into the world of Bitcoin and explore the future of finance!
🚀Click and Earn Free USDT💵💵💵
#Write2Earn! #BTC #FACTS
🏆 Top 10 Bitcoin ($BTC) Holders 🏆 Satoshi Nakamoto Estimated 1,000,000 BTC Bitfinex ~194,000 BTC Binance ~145,000 BTC OKEx ~143,000 BTC Huobi ~141,000 BTC Kraken ~132,000 BTC Coinbase ~100,000 BTC MicroStrategy ~91,579 BTC Tesla ~48,000 BTC Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) ~643,572 BTC 💡 These entities collectively hold a significant portion of all Bitcoin in circulation, demonstrating strong institutional and exchange presence in the market. [🚀Click and Earn Free USDT💵💵💵]( #Write2Earn! #investment #InstitutionalCapital
🏆 Top 10 Bitcoin ($BTC ) Holders 🏆
Satoshi Nakamoto
Estimated 1,000,000 BTC
~194,000 BTC
~145,000 BTC
~143,000 BTC
~141,000 BTC
~132,000 BTC
~100,000 BTC
~91,579 BTC
~48,000 BTC
Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC)
~643,572 BTC
💡 These entities collectively hold a significant portion of all Bitcoin in circulation, demonstrating strong institutional and exchange presence in the market.
🚀Click and Earn Free USDT💵💵💵
#Write2Earn! #investment #InstitutionalCapital
🌟 Why Invest in $NOT Coin? 🌟 🚀[Click and Earn Free USDT](💵💵💵 1. Innovative Blockchain Technology 🔹 Fast, secure, and low-fee transactions on a cutting-edge platform. 2. Decentralization 🔹 True decentralization ensures transparency and freedom from centralized control. 3. Eco-Friendly Mining 🔹 Utilizes Proof of Stake (PoS) for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly mining. 4. Smart Contracts & DApps 🔹 Supports smart contracts for diverse applications, from DeFi to supply chain management. 5. Growing Market Potential 🔹 Positioned for growth with increasing market adoption and innovative use cases. 6. Diversification Opportunity 🔹 Adds a unique asset to diversify your investment portfolio. 7. Community-Driven 🔹 Strong, engaged community fostering continuous innovation and support. Invest in the future. Invest in NOT Coin. 🚀 #InvestSmartly #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #FreeEarnWithUs
🌟 Why Invest in $NOT Coin? 🌟
🚀Click and Earn Free USDT💵💵💵

1. Innovative Blockchain Technology
🔹 Fast, secure, and low-fee transactions on a cutting-edge platform.
2. Decentralization
🔹 True decentralization ensures transparency and freedom from centralized control.
3. Eco-Friendly Mining
🔹 Utilizes Proof of Stake (PoS) for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly mining.
4. Smart Contracts & DApps
🔹 Supports smart contracts for diverse applications, from DeFi to supply chain management.
5. Growing Market Potential
🔹 Positioned for growth with increasing market adoption and innovative use cases.
6. Diversification Opportunity
🔹 Adds a unique asset to diversify your investment portfolio.
7. Community-Driven
🔹 Strong, engaged community fostering continuous innovation and support.
Invest in the future. Invest in NOT Coin. 🚀
#InvestSmartly #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #FreeEarnWithUs
South Korea to Classify Mass-Issued NFTs as Virtual Assets With the 'Virtual Asset User Protection Act' taking effect on July 19, South Korea's Financial Services Commission (FSC) has issued guidelines on when non-fungible tokens (NFTs) should be considered virtual assets. General NFTs traded for collection will remain outside this scope, but those resembling virtual assets will face regulation. Key criteria for classification include mass issuance, divisibility, and usage as a payment method. NFTs issued in large quantities, divisible NFTs, or those used for payments will be regulated as virtual assets. Businesses issuing such NFTs must report to authorities under the ‘Specific Financial Information Act,’ or face criminal penalties. The FSC provides consultation services for businesses unsure about their NFTs' classification. #Write2Earn! #NFT​
South Korea to Classify Mass-Issued NFTs as Virtual Assets

With the 'Virtual Asset User Protection Act' taking effect on July 19, South Korea's Financial Services Commission (FSC) has issued guidelines on when non-fungible tokens (NFTs) should be considered virtual assets. General NFTs traded for collection will remain outside this scope, but those resembling virtual assets will face regulation. Key criteria for classification include mass issuance, divisibility, and usage as a payment method. NFTs issued in large quantities, divisible NFTs, or those used for payments will be regulated as virtual assets. Businesses issuing such NFTs must report to authorities under the ‘Specific Financial Information Act,’ or face criminal penalties. The FSC provides consultation services for businesses unsure about their NFTs' classification.

#Write2Earn! #NFT​
UK-based crypto infrastructure firm Ramp Network is establishing its European base in Ireland, joining a growing number of cryptocurrency firms favoring the country for their headquarters. Steven Eisenhauer, Ramp’s chief risk and compliance officer, emphasized Ireland's appeal due to its progressive regulatory environment, crucial for building consumer trust in the crypto sector. Ireland, despite its small size, hosts about 12 registered virtual asset service providers and is a top choice alongside France, Germany, and Belgium for firms preparing for the EU’s Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA). Ramp, a fintech startup that facilitates the conversion between fiat and crypto currencies globally, praised the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) for its balanced approach to regulation, combining business friendliness with integrity. The CBI's hiring of crypto-savvy personnel has improved its understanding of the industry. Despite this positive sentiment, some firms like stablecoin issuer Circle have relocated from Ireland to the US. Nonetheless, Ireland's favorable business climate and low corporate tax rate continue to attract major crypto firms like Coinbase, which chose Ireland for its EU operations under MiCA regulations. #Write2Earn! #news
UK-based crypto infrastructure firm Ramp Network is establishing its European base in Ireland, joining a growing number of cryptocurrency firms favoring the country for their headquarters. Steven Eisenhauer, Ramp’s chief risk and compliance officer, emphasized Ireland's appeal due to its progressive regulatory environment, crucial for building consumer trust in the crypto sector. Ireland, despite its small size, hosts about 12 registered virtual asset service providers and is a top choice alongside France, Germany, and Belgium for firms preparing for the EU’s Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA).
Ramp, a fintech startup that facilitates the conversion between fiat and crypto currencies globally, praised the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) for its balanced approach to regulation, combining business friendliness with integrity. The CBI's hiring of crypto-savvy personnel has improved its understanding of the industry. Despite this positive sentiment, some firms like stablecoin issuer Circle have relocated from Ireland to the US. Nonetheless, Ireland's favorable business climate and low corporate tax rate continue to attract major crypto firms like Coinbase, which chose Ireland for its EU operations under MiCA regulations.

#Write2Earn! #news
Cardano ($ADA) founder Charles Hoskinson expressed his frustration on X with some crypto media, emphasizing a "profound disconnect between reality and opinion with the cryptocurrency influencer and media perception of Cardano versus its actual fundamentals." Hoskinson noted the rapid evolution of the Cardano blockchain, with significant developments underway, including an upcoming hard fork marking a pivotal upgrade for the blockchain. This upgrade, split into Chang Upgrade Number One and Chang Upgrade Number Two, promises substantial enhancements. He highlighted the remarkable growth in Cardano's dApp community and its leading role in R&D scaling. Technologies like Hydra, partner chains, Midnight, and Prism, alongside community initiatives like Catalyst and the constitutional convention in Argentina, exemplify the blockchain's progress. Hoskinson also spotlighted major upcoming events for Cardano, such as the Rare Evo blockchain convention, the global Cardano Summit, and Token 2049. He criticized the crypto media for focusing on negative headlines like “Will Cardano die?” while ignoring these positive developments. Hoskinson urged the media to instead highlight: Major blockchain upgrade: A significant hard fork to enhance Cardano’s features and capabilities.Booming dApp ecosystem: Rapid growth of decentralized applications on Cardano.Scaling Innovation: Leading research and development in blockchain scalability.High-profile events: Participation in Rare Evo, Cardano Summit, and Token 2049.Hydra scaling solution: Advanced technology to significantly boost transaction speed.Community-driven initiatives: Events and projects focusing on real-world impact. Hoskinson concluded by asserting that Cardano is here to stay and will drive the industry forward, addressing real-world economic, political, and social issues. #Write2Earn! #CardanoNews #Dapps #InvestmentAccessibility
Cardano ($ADA ) founder Charles Hoskinson expressed his frustration on X with some crypto media, emphasizing a "profound disconnect between reality and opinion with the cryptocurrency influencer and media perception of Cardano versus its actual fundamentals."
Hoskinson noted the rapid evolution of the Cardano blockchain, with significant developments underway, including an upcoming hard fork marking a pivotal upgrade for the blockchain. This upgrade, split into Chang Upgrade Number One and Chang Upgrade Number Two, promises substantial enhancements.
He highlighted the remarkable growth in Cardano's dApp community and its leading role in R&D scaling. Technologies like Hydra, partner chains, Midnight, and Prism, alongside community initiatives like Catalyst and the constitutional convention in Argentina, exemplify the blockchain's progress.
Hoskinson also spotlighted major upcoming events for Cardano, such as the Rare Evo blockchain convention, the global Cardano Summit, and Token 2049. He criticized the crypto media for focusing on negative headlines like “Will Cardano die?” while ignoring these positive developments.
Hoskinson urged the media to instead highlight:
Major blockchain upgrade: A significant hard fork to enhance Cardano’s features and capabilities.Booming dApp ecosystem: Rapid growth of decentralized applications on Cardano.Scaling Innovation: Leading research and development in blockchain scalability.High-profile events: Participation in Rare Evo, Cardano Summit, and Token 2049.Hydra scaling solution: Advanced technology to significantly boost transaction speed.Community-driven initiatives: Events and projects focusing on real-world impact.
Hoskinson concluded by asserting that Cardano is here to stay and will drive the industry forward, addressing real-world economic, political, and social issues.

#Write2Earn! #CardanoNews #Dapps #InvestmentAccessibility
According to PANews, Token Unlocks data indicates a significant release of tokens next week, totaling over $240 million in value. Moonbeam ($GLMR): Unlocking approximately 3.04 million tokens on June 11 at 8 PM Beijing time, representing 0.35% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $950,000. Aptos ($APT): Unlocking approximately 11.31 million tokens on June 12 at noon Beijing time, representing 2.58% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $97 million. dYdX ($DYDX): Unlocking approximately 1.55 million tokens on June 12 at midnight Beijing time, representing 0.55% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $3 million. Immutable ($IMX): Unlocking approximately 25.53 million tokens on June 14 at 8 PM Beijing time, representing 1.72% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $54 million. Starknet ($STRK): Unlocking approximately 64 million tokens on June 15 at 8 PM Beijing time, representing 4.92% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $77 million. CYBER ($CYBER): Unlocking approximately 886,000 tokens on June 15 at midnight Beijing time, representing 3.96% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $7.4 million. Render ($RNDR): Unlocking approximately 760,000 tokens on June 16 at 8 PM Beijing time, representing 0.2% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $7.3 million. #Write2Earn! #tokenutility #FreeCryptoEarnings
According to PANews, Token Unlocks data indicates a significant release of tokens next week, totaling over $240 million in value.
Moonbeam ($GLMR): Unlocking approximately 3.04 million tokens on June 11 at 8 PM Beijing time, representing 0.35% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $950,000.
Aptos ($APT ): Unlocking approximately 11.31 million tokens on June 12 at noon Beijing time, representing 2.58% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $97 million.
dYdX ($DYDX): Unlocking approximately 1.55 million tokens on June 12 at midnight Beijing time, representing 0.55% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $3 million.
Immutable ($IMX ): Unlocking approximately 25.53 million tokens on June 14 at 8 PM Beijing time, representing 1.72% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $54 million.
Starknet ($STRK): Unlocking approximately 64 million tokens on June 15 at 8 PM Beijing time, representing 4.92% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $77 million.
CYBER ($CYBER): Unlocking approximately 886,000 tokens on June 15 at midnight Beijing time, representing 3.96% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $7.4 million.
Render ($RNDR ): Unlocking approximately 760,000 tokens on June 16 at 8 PM Beijing time, representing 0.2% of the current circulating volume, valued at around $7.3 million.

#Write2Earn! #tokenutility #FreeCryptoEarnings
$RVN {spot}(RVNUSDT) has broken through the trend line and is now pulling back to retest it. The price might surge from the green zone. 📈

has broken through the trend line and is now pulling back to retest it. The price might surge from the green zone. 📈
📉 Ethereum ($ETH) Price Update Ethereum is currently facing challenges in breaking through key resistance levels, leading to consolidation within a narrow range. The trading volume is not yet supportive of a strong upward movement. 🔮 Will $ETH Drop Below Key Support Levels? ETH is struggling to maintain its position above $1,900. While it occasionally rebounds from around $1,850, the possibility of a bearish pullback is growing due to market sentiment. 📊 Short-Term Outlook: Current Support: Testing the $1,850 level.Potential Drop: If bearish pressure increases, $ETH could drop to $1,800 or even $1,750.Key Levels:Resistance: $1,950Support: $1,850 initially, potentially $1,800 later. Traders are closely watching these levels for signs of either a bearish continuation or a bullish reversal. Stay updated for more market insights! #Write2Earn! #Marketupdates
📉 Ethereum ($ETH ) Price Update
Ethereum is currently facing challenges in breaking through key resistance levels, leading to consolidation within a narrow range. The trading volume is not yet supportive of a strong upward movement.
🔮 Will $ETH Drop Below Key Support Levels?
ETH is struggling to maintain its position above $1,900. While it occasionally rebounds from around $1,850, the possibility of a bearish pullback is growing due to market sentiment.
📊 Short-Term Outlook:
Current Support: Testing the $1,850 level.Potential Drop: If bearish pressure increases, $ETH could drop to $1,800 or even $1,750.Key Levels:Resistance: $1,950Support: $1,850 initially, potentially $1,800 later.
Traders are closely watching these levels for signs of either a bearish continuation or a bullish reversal.
Stay updated for more market insights!

#Write2Earn! #Marketupdates
📉 Is $Solana (SOL) Looking for a Rejection? After a recent rise, Solana's price is struggling to break through a key resistance level. It's consolidating just below this threshold, and trading volume hasn't picked up enough to prevent a possible bearish divergence. 🔮 Could SOL Plunge Below $130? SOL is currently in a narrow range, with bears pushing back each time it nears $175. Though it has rebounded from near $160, hopes of reaching $180 are dimming due to looming bearish sentiment. 📊 Short-Term Outlook: Current Support: Testing a key trend reversal zone.Potential Drop: If bulls weaken, price may fall to $164. A 5% pullback could ensue if RSI hits lower thresholds.Key Levels:Resistance: $175Support: $160 initially, potentially $140 later. Traders are eyeing these levels to either reinforce the bearish trend or inject liquidity to push SOL above $170.
📉 Is $Solana (SOL) Looking for a Rejection?
After a recent rise, Solana's price is struggling to break through a key resistance level. It's consolidating just below this threshold, and trading volume hasn't picked up enough to prevent a possible bearish divergence.
🔮 Could SOL Plunge Below $130?
SOL is currently in a narrow range, with bears pushing back each time it nears $175. Though it has rebounded from near $160, hopes of reaching $180 are dimming due to looming bearish sentiment.
📊 Short-Term Outlook:
Current Support: Testing a key trend reversal zone.Potential Drop: If bulls weaken, price may fall to $164. A 5% pullback could ensue if RSI hits lower thresholds.Key Levels:Resistance: $175Support: $160 initially, potentially $140 later.
Traders are eyeing these levels to either reinforce the bearish trend or inject liquidity to push SOL above $170.
The crypto market is ending the week on a low note, with significant drops in Bitcoin and major altcoins. $Bitcoin fell from around $71,000 to below $69,000, while Ethereum declined from approximately $3,850 to below $3,700. Top altcoins also saw drops of around 10%. Watcher Guru reported that about $300 million was liquidated from the cryptocurrency market in just the past hour, indicating a rapid sell-off by investors. The reasons for this selloff could include profit-taking after a recent bull run and concerns over potential regulatory crackdowns, despite no immediate threats. Crypto analyst Michaël van de Poppe remains unfazed by the downturn, viewing it as a "liquidity hunt" by larger players. He advises against selling and suggests that those with available cash consider these dips as buying opportunities. Despite the volatility, the overall bull market sentiment persists, with Ethereum ETFs set to begin trading in two weeks, potentially boosting prices further. Investors are encouraged to view the current dips as opportunities rather than reasons to panic.
The crypto market is ending the week on a low note, with significant drops in Bitcoin and major altcoins. $Bitcoin fell from around $71,000 to below $69,000, while Ethereum declined from approximately $3,850 to below $3,700. Top altcoins also saw drops of around 10%.

Watcher Guru reported that about $300 million was liquidated from the cryptocurrency market in just the past hour, indicating a rapid sell-off by investors.

The reasons for this selloff could include profit-taking after a recent bull run and concerns over potential regulatory crackdowns, despite no immediate threats.
Crypto analyst Michaël van de Poppe remains unfazed by the downturn, viewing it as a "liquidity hunt" by larger players. He advises against selling and suggests that those with available cash consider these dips as buying opportunities.
Despite the volatility, the overall bull market sentiment persists, with Ethereum ETFs set to begin trading in two weeks, potentially boosting prices further. Investors are encouraged to view the current dips as opportunities rather than reasons to panic.
Earn money with 0$ Risk!Trading arbitrage involves taking advantage of price differences of the same asset in different markets to make a profit. This strategy exploits inefficiencies in the market. Here's an example to illustrate how trading arbitrage works: Example of Arbitrage in Cryptocurrency Markets Let's use Bitcoin ($BTC) as an example. Assume BTC is traded on two different exchanges: Exchange A and Exchange B. Step-by-Step Arbitrage Process: Identify Price Discrepancy:On Exchange A, the price of 1 BTC is $30,000.On Exchange B, the price of 1 BTC is $30,200.Simultaneous Transactions:Buy 1 BTC on Exchange A for $30,000.Sell 1 BTC on Exchange B for $30,200.Profit Calculation:The difference in price between the two exchanges is $200.Your profit is $200 per BTC, minus any transaction fees. Factors to Consider: Transaction Fees:Each exchange charges fees for buying and selling. These must be considered to ensure the arbitrage opportunity is profitable.Transfer Times:The time it takes to transfer BTC between exchanges can impact the arbitrage opportunity. Cryptocurrency prices can be volatile, and the price discrepancy might close before the transfer is complete.Regulatory and Security Risks:Different exchanges may have different regulations and security measures. It’s crucial to ensure the exchanges are reliable and compliant with regulations.Volume and Liquidity:Ensure there is enough volume on both exchanges to execute the trades without significantly affecting the price. Simplified Example with Numbers: Buying $BTC on Exchange A:Price per BTC: $30,000Amount bought: 1 BTCTotal cost: $30,000Selling BTC on Exchange B:Price per BTC: $30,200Amount sold: 1 BTCTotal revenue: $30,200Transaction Fees:Assume both exchanges charge a 0.1% fee.Fee for buying on Exchange A: $30 ($30,000 * 0.1%)Fee for selling on Exchange B: $30.20 ($30,200 * 0.1%)Net Profit:Revenue: $30,200Costs: $30,000 + $30 (buying fee) + $30.20 (selling fee) = $30,060.20Net Profit: $30,200 - $30,060.20 = $139.80 This example illustrates a basic arbitrage opportunity where a trader can profit from price discrepancies between different markets. The key is to act quickly and consider all costs involved to ensure the trade remains profitable. #EarningCrypto #Write2Earn! #ArbitrageMasters #RiskFreeProfits

Earn money with 0$ Risk!

Trading arbitrage involves taking advantage of price differences of the same asset in different markets to make a profit. This strategy exploits inefficiencies in the market. Here's an example to illustrate how trading arbitrage works:
Example of Arbitrage in Cryptocurrency Markets
Let's use Bitcoin ($BTC ) as an example. Assume BTC is traded on two different exchanges: Exchange A and Exchange B.
Step-by-Step Arbitrage Process:
Identify Price Discrepancy:On Exchange A, the price of 1 BTC is $30,000.On Exchange B, the price of 1 BTC is $30,200.Simultaneous Transactions:Buy 1 BTC on Exchange A for $30,000.Sell 1 BTC on Exchange B for $30,200.Profit Calculation:The difference in price between the two exchanges is $200.Your profit is $200 per BTC, minus any transaction fees.
Factors to Consider:
Transaction Fees:Each exchange charges fees for buying and selling. These must be considered to ensure the arbitrage opportunity is profitable.Transfer Times:The time it takes to transfer BTC between exchanges can impact the arbitrage opportunity. Cryptocurrency prices can be volatile, and the price discrepancy might close before the transfer is complete.Regulatory and Security Risks:Different exchanges may have different regulations and security measures. It’s crucial to ensure the exchanges are reliable and compliant with regulations.Volume and Liquidity:Ensure there is enough volume on both exchanges to execute the trades without significantly affecting the price.
Simplified Example with Numbers:
Buying $BTC on Exchange A:Price per BTC: $30,000Amount bought: 1 BTCTotal cost: $30,000Selling BTC on Exchange B:Price per BTC: $30,200Amount sold: 1 BTCTotal revenue: $30,200Transaction Fees:Assume both exchanges charge a 0.1% fee.Fee for buying on Exchange A: $30 ($30,000 * 0.1%)Fee for selling on Exchange B: $30.20 ($30,200 * 0.1%)Net Profit:Revenue: $30,200Costs: $30,000 + $30 (buying fee) + $30.20 (selling fee) = $30,060.20Net Profit: $30,200 - $30,060.20 = $139.80
This example illustrates a basic arbitrage opportunity where a trader can profit from price discrepancies between different markets. The key is to act quickly and consider all costs involved to ensure the trade remains profitable.

#EarningCrypto #Write2Earn! #ArbitrageMasters #RiskFreeProfits
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