Binance Square
Ali Shakeel Mir
I know nothing i am student of so many things
Viss saturs
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Viņi uzvarēja.....atkal
Viņi uzvarēja.....atkal
Skatīt oriģinālu
BPMJGTJVRR priekš REEF monētas Pieprasiet un sniedziet komentāru

priekš REEF monētas
Pieprasiet un sniedziet komentāru
Skatīt oriģinālu
C86RDALX B14WHXJX Pieprasiet bezmaksas BTTC

Pieprasiet bezmaksas BTTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BNB Viss, ko es zinu....Binance tagad ir muļķu darīšanas šķita, ka BNB ir jāturas uz kādu ētisku pamatojumu, un nauda būs pēdējais domāšanas punkts BNB balansēšanai. Binance vajadzētu būt nedaudz stimulam, lai tas noturētos uz stabila klints, taču kritums no 720 USD uz 574 USD liecina par daudz. Veiksmi
$BNB Viss, ko es zinu....Binance tagad ir muļķu darīšanas šķita, ka BNB ir jāturas uz kādu ētisku pamatojumu, un nauda būs pēdējais domāšanas punkts BNB balansēšanai. Binance vajadzētu būt nedaudz stimulam, lai tas noturētos uz stabila klints, taču kritums no 720 USD uz 574 USD liecina par daudz.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ZK bija labi, pirms nonāca binance… piemēram, 0,27 $ tad kas notika? kāpēc 0.19$? Viņi nogalina mūsu naudu.
$ZK bija labi, pirms nonāca binance… piemēram, 0,27 $
tad kas notika?
kāpēc 0.19$?
Viņi nogalina mūsu naudu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ZK Kā Binance var pieteikties naudas atmaksai?
$ZK Kā Binance var pieteikties naudas atmaksai?
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ZK i m pārejot uz pa bitiem
$ZK i m pārejot uz pa bitiem
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ZK Tātad Binance tagad ir labklājības birža, kas palīdz citām monētām nopelnīt naudu no mūsu kabatas. Ieņēmumu modelis ir citā līmenī
$ZK Tātad Binance tagad ir labklājības birža, kas palīdz citām monētām nopelnīt naudu no mūsu kabatas.
Ieņēmumu modelis ir citā līmenī
Skatīt oriģinālu
Nepārdodiet nevienu no saviem īpašumiem, viņi nāks atkal, lai ņemtu savu griezumu
Nepārdodiet nevienu no saviem īpašumiem, viņi nāks atkal, lai ņemtu savu griezumu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kāpēc monētu cenas pazeminās? un mēs saskaramies ar mūsu īpašumu vērtības samazināšanos? Kriptovalūtu cenu kritumam ir vairāki iemesli: Tirgus nepastāvība: kriptovalūtu tirgus pēc būtības ir nepastāvīgs, kas nozīmē, ka cenas īsā laika periodā var ievērojami svārstīties. To var izraisīt dažādi faktori, piemēram, investoru noskaņojums, ziņu notikumi vai pat tikai pozitīvu ziņu trūkums. Ekonomiskie apstākļi: kriptovalūtu cenas var ietekmēt arī plašāki ekonomiskie faktori. Piemēram, ja ASV Federālo rezervju sistēma paaugstina procentu likmes, investori var novirzīt savu naudu no riskantiem aktīviem, piemēram, kriptovalūtas, un uz stabilākām iespējām. Liela izpārdošana: ja liels skaits investoru pēkšņi nolemj pārdot savus kriptovalūtu krājumus, tas var pazemināt cenu pieaugošā piedāvājuma dēļ tirgū. To var izraisīt tādi notikumi kā bailes no uzlaušanas, negatīvi noteikumi vai nenoteiktība par konkrētu projektu. Konkrēti notikumi: ziņu notikumi, kas saistīti ar noteiktu kriptovalūtu, var izraisīt arī cenu kritumu. Piemēram, ja liela birža tiek uzlauzta un zaudē ievērojamu kriptovalūtu daudzumu, investori var zaudēt uzticību šai konkrētajai monētai un pārdot savus krājumus. Šeit ir daži neseni piemēri: 2024. gada jūnijā Bitcoin cena kritās pēc tam, kad no snaudoša maka tika pārskaitīts liels BTC daudzums, radot bažas par iespējamu izpārdošanu. Jūnija sākumā kriptovalūtu tirgus kritās pēc spēcīgākiem, nekā gaidīts, ASV darbavietu datiem, liekot investoriem pāriet uz mazāk riskantiem aktīviem. Šī ir mana analīze, DYOR Laimīgu ieguldījumu.
Kāpēc monētu cenas pazeminās? un mēs saskaramies ar mūsu īpašumu vērtības samazināšanos?
Kriptovalūtu cenu kritumam ir vairāki iemesli:

Tirgus nepastāvība: kriptovalūtu tirgus pēc būtības ir nepastāvīgs, kas nozīmē, ka cenas īsā laika periodā var ievērojami svārstīties. To var izraisīt dažādi faktori, piemēram, investoru noskaņojums, ziņu notikumi vai pat tikai pozitīvu ziņu trūkums.

Ekonomiskie apstākļi: kriptovalūtu cenas var ietekmēt arī plašāki ekonomiskie faktori. Piemēram, ja ASV Federālo rezervju sistēma paaugstina procentu likmes, investori var novirzīt savu naudu no riskantiem aktīviem, piemēram, kriptovalūtas, un uz stabilākām iespējām.

Liela izpārdošana: ja liels skaits investoru pēkšņi nolemj pārdot savus kriptovalūtu krājumus, tas var pazemināt cenu pieaugošā piedāvājuma dēļ tirgū. To var izraisīt tādi notikumi kā bailes no uzlaušanas, negatīvi noteikumi vai nenoteiktība par konkrētu projektu.

Konkrēti notikumi: ziņu notikumi, kas saistīti ar noteiktu kriptovalūtu, var izraisīt arī cenu kritumu. Piemēram, ja liela birža tiek uzlauzta un zaudē ievērojamu kriptovalūtu daudzumu, investori var zaudēt uzticību šai konkrētajai monētai un pārdot savus krājumus.

Šeit ir daži neseni piemēri:

2024. gada jūnijā Bitcoin cena kritās pēc tam, kad no snaudoša maka tika pārskaitīts liels BTC daudzums, radot bažas par iespējamu izpārdošanu.

Jūnija sākumā kriptovalūtu tirgus kritās pēc spēcīgākiem, nekā gaidīts, ASV darbavietu datiem, liekot investoriem pāriet uz mazāk riskantiem aktīviem.

Šī ir mana analīze, DYOR

Laimīgu ieguldījumu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vaļi un haizivis ir atgriezušies. Neizņemiet savus līdzekļus, tas atkal ir pacietības laiks. Kripto pasaule darbojas uz mūsu naudas, esiet ļoti uzmanīgi, ieguldot. Apspriediet to ar savu loku, kā arī koncentrējieties uz tendencēm, signāliem. DYOR pareizi. Veiksmi
Vaļi un haizivis ir atgriezušies. Neizņemiet savus līdzekļus, tas atkal ir pacietības laiks. Kripto pasaule darbojas uz mūsu naudas, esiet ļoti uzmanīgi, ieguldot. Apspriediet to ar savu loku, kā arī koncentrējieties uz tendencēm, signāliem. DYOR pareizi. Veiksmi
Skatīt oriģinālu
Monētas profils #7 XRP, ko izveidojusi Ripple Labs Inc., ir digitāla valūta, kuras mērķis ir revolucionizēt pārrobežu maksājumus un nodrošināt likviditātes risinājumus finanšu iestādēm. XRP tika uzsākta 2012. gadā, un tā darbojas, izmantojot decentralizētu blokķēdes tehnoloģiju, kas nodrošina ātrus un rentablus darījumus. Uzņēmums Ripple, kas ir XRP pamatā, ir pierādījis sevi kā galveno spēlētāju fintech nozarē, veidojot partnerattiecības ar bankām un finanšu iestādēm visā pasaulē. Viena no galvenajām XRP iezīmēm ir tā spēja atvieglot ātrus un lētus starptautiskos naudas pārskaitījumus. Tradicionālajos pārrobežu maksājumos bieži tiek iesaistīti vairāki starpnieki, kā rezultātā rodas kavējumi un augstas maksas. XRP cenšas racionalizēt šo procesu, savā tīklā iespējot tiešus peer-to-peer darījumus. Tas ne tikai samazina darījumu veikšanas laiku, bet arī samazina izmaksas, padarot to par pievilcīgu iespēju iestādēm, kas vēlas optimizēt savas maksājumu sistēmas. Ripple koncentrēšanās uz likviditātes risinājumu nodrošināšanu finanšu iestādēm atšķir XRP no citām kriptovalūtām. Izmantojot XRP kā tilta valūtu, iestādes var piekļūt pēc pieprasījuma likviditātei pārrobežu maksājumiem bez nepieciešamības izveidot priekšfinansējuma kontus dažādās valūtās. Raugoties nākotnē, XRP nākotne būs atkarīga no tā, kā Ripple risinās regulējuma problēmas un paplašinās savu partneru tīklu. Tā kā pieprasījums pēc ātriem un efektīviem pārrobežu maksājumiem turpina pieaugt, XRP var būt nozīmīga loma globālās finanšu nākotnes veidošanā. Risinot regulējuma problēmas, uzlabojot savu tehnoloģiju un veicinot jaunas partnerattiecības, XRP varētu nostiprināt savu pozīciju kā vadošais digitālais aktīvs maksājumu nozarē. Šī ir mana analīze, DYOR Pašreizējā XRP cena ir $XRP Laimīgu ieguldījumu
Monētas profils #7
XRP, ko izveidojusi Ripple Labs Inc., ir digitāla valūta, kuras mērķis ir revolucionizēt pārrobežu maksājumus un nodrošināt likviditātes risinājumus finanšu iestādēm. XRP tika uzsākta 2012. gadā, un tā darbojas, izmantojot decentralizētu blokķēdes tehnoloģiju, kas nodrošina ātrus un rentablus darījumus. Uzņēmums Ripple, kas ir XRP pamatā, ir pierādījis sevi kā galveno spēlētāju fintech nozarē, veidojot partnerattiecības ar bankām un finanšu iestādēm visā pasaulē.

Viena no galvenajām XRP iezīmēm ir tā spēja atvieglot ātrus un lētus starptautiskos naudas pārskaitījumus. Tradicionālajos pārrobežu maksājumos bieži tiek iesaistīti vairāki starpnieki, kā rezultātā rodas kavējumi un augstas maksas. XRP cenšas racionalizēt šo procesu, savā tīklā iespējot tiešus peer-to-peer darījumus. Tas ne tikai samazina darījumu veikšanas laiku, bet arī samazina izmaksas, padarot to par pievilcīgu iespēju iestādēm, kas vēlas optimizēt savas maksājumu sistēmas.

Ripple koncentrēšanās uz likviditātes risinājumu nodrošināšanu finanšu iestādēm atšķir XRP no citām kriptovalūtām. Izmantojot XRP kā tilta valūtu, iestādes var piekļūt pēc pieprasījuma likviditātei pārrobežu maksājumiem bez nepieciešamības izveidot priekšfinansējuma kontus dažādās valūtās.

Raugoties nākotnē, XRP nākotne būs atkarīga no tā, kā Ripple risinās regulējuma problēmas un paplašinās savu partneru tīklu. Tā kā pieprasījums pēc ātriem un efektīviem pārrobežu maksājumiem turpina pieaugt, XRP var būt nozīmīga loma globālās finanšu nākotnes veidošanā. Risinot regulējuma problēmas, uzlabojot savu tehnoloģiju un veicinot jaunas partnerattiecības, XRP varētu nostiprināt savu pozīciju kā vadošais digitālais aktīvs maksājumu nozarē.

Šī ir mana analīze, DYOR

Pašreizējā XRP cena ir $XRP

Laimīgu ieguldījumu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Dalieties savās Shib Holdings Manējais ir 620 471.022222 Kā ar tavējo? , Atbildiet komentārā
Dalieties savās Shib Holdings

Manējais ir 620 471.022222

Kā ar tavējo? , Atbildiet komentārā
Coin Profile #6 Shiba Inu (SHIB), a meme coin named after the popular Japanese dog breed, has captured the cryptocurrency world's attention with its meteoric rise and passionate community. But unlike its inspiration, Dogecoin (DOGE), SHIB boasts a unique ecosystem and ambitions that extend beyond internet jokes. Let's delve into the world of SHIB, exploring its origins, potential, and the uncertainties it faces. Born from the Dogefather's Shadow: SHIB launched in August 2020, riding the wave of Dogecoin's success. Created by an anonymous entity known as Ryoshi, SHIB was positioned as the "Dogecoin Killer," aiming to capitalize on the meme coin craze. However, SHIB's creators envisioned a more elaborate ecosystem. Beyond the Meme: While SHIB's origins are meme-based, its creators aim for a future beyond internet jokes. The focus on the SHIB ecosystem with its DEX, governance tokens, and potential NFT integration suggests ambitions to carve a niche in the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape. However, the success of these endeavors hinges on attracting developers and users to build and participate within the SHIB ecosystem. The Future of SHIB: SHIB's success hinges on several factors, including the continued growth and engagement of its community, the adoption and development of its ecosystem, and the broader acceptance of meme coins and DeFi projects. However, SHIB's unique blend of community power, meme-fueled marketing, and an evolving ecosystem makes it a fascinating case study in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency. Whether SHIB becomes a dominant DeFi player or fades into obscurity, it serves as a reminder of the transformative power of passionate communities in the digital age. Current Shib price is as of 8th June 2024 : $SHIB This is my Analysis, DYOR Happy Investing
Coin Profile #6
Shiba Inu (SHIB), a meme coin named after the popular Japanese dog breed, has captured the cryptocurrency world's attention with its meteoric rise and passionate community. But unlike its inspiration, Dogecoin (DOGE), SHIB boasts a unique ecosystem and ambitions that extend beyond internet jokes. Let's delve into the world of SHIB, exploring its origins, potential, and the uncertainties it faces.

Born from the Dogefather's Shadow: SHIB launched in August 2020, riding the wave of Dogecoin's success. Created by an anonymous entity known as Ryoshi, SHIB was positioned as the "Dogecoin Killer," aiming to capitalize on the meme coin craze. However, SHIB's creators envisioned a more elaborate ecosystem.

Beyond the Meme: While SHIB's origins are meme-based, its creators aim for a future beyond internet jokes. The focus on the SHIB ecosystem with its DEX, governance tokens, and potential NFT integration suggests ambitions to carve a niche in the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape. However, the success of these endeavors hinges on attracting developers and users to build and participate within the SHIB ecosystem.

The Future of SHIB:
SHIB's success hinges on several factors, including the continued growth and engagement of its community, the adoption and development of its ecosystem, and the broader acceptance of meme coins and DeFi projects. However, SHIB's unique blend of community power, meme-fueled marketing, and an evolving ecosystem makes it a fascinating case study in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency. Whether SHIB becomes a dominant DeFi player or fades into obscurity, it serves as a reminder of the transformative power of passionate communities in the digital age.

Current Shib price is as of 8th June 2024 :

This is my Analysis, DYOR

Happy Investing
The Future of Cryptocurrency The future of cryptocurrency is a captivating landscape, painted with both vibrant possibilities and strokes of uncertainty. Here, we delve into the key trends that will sculpt its path: Mainstream Acceptance: Public awareness of cryptocurrency is surging. Surveys indicate a substantial portion of the population is familiar with the concept, and analysts predict a potential market explosion, reaching over $3 trillion by 2030. This hints at a potential paradigm shift, where cryptocurrencies become more commonplace financial tools woven into everyday transactions. Regulatory Evolution: Governments are cautiously wading into the crypto arena, crafting regulations to stabilize the market and foster trust. Clearer guidelines could make crypto more appealing to traditional investors, who currently shy away from the perceived lack of control. However, overly restrictive regulations could stifle innovation. Finding the right balance will be crucial. Rise of the Stablecoins: These cryptocurrencies are tethered to established fiat currencies like the US dollar, acting as a buffer against price volatility. This stability could propel them into the realm of everyday transactions. Imagine buying groceries with a stablecoin, free from the anxieties associated with the crypto market's fluctuations. Bitcoin's Legacy: As the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin remains the most recognized name. Its future is likely intertwined with the overall health of the crypto market. While its price can be quite volatile, some experts believe it will retain value as a long-term investment, similar to gold.
The Future of Cryptocurrency

The future of cryptocurrency is a captivating landscape, painted with both vibrant possibilities and strokes of uncertainty. Here, we delve into the key trends that will sculpt its path:

Mainstream Acceptance: Public awareness of cryptocurrency is surging. Surveys indicate a substantial portion of the population is familiar with the concept, and analysts predict a potential market explosion, reaching over $3 trillion by 2030. This hints at a potential paradigm shift, where cryptocurrencies become more commonplace financial tools woven into everyday transactions.

Regulatory Evolution: Governments are cautiously wading into the crypto arena, crafting regulations to stabilize the market and foster trust. Clearer guidelines could make crypto more appealing to traditional investors, who currently shy away from the perceived lack of control. However, overly restrictive regulations could stifle innovation. Finding the right balance will be crucial.

Rise of the Stablecoins: These cryptocurrencies are tethered to established fiat currencies like the US dollar, acting as a buffer against price volatility. This stability could propel them into the realm of everyday transactions. Imagine buying groceries with a stablecoin, free from the anxieties associated with the crypto market's fluctuations.

Bitcoin's Legacy: As the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin remains the most recognized name. Its future is likely intertwined with the overall health of the crypto market. While its price can be quite volatile, some experts believe it will retain value as a long-term investment, similar to gold.
Coin Profile #5 Turbo (TURBO) Coin: Froggy Meme Coin Driven by Artificial Intelligence Turbo (TURBO) is a meme coin that stands out because it was completely generated by artificial intelligence (AI). Below is a summary of the information you should be aware of: Story of how something began: Introduced as a test, Turbo is the initial memecoin created using artificial intelligence. Originally funded with only $69, it has evolved into a project driven by the community. Main characteristics: AI-Powered Creation: Its distinct origin tale makes it stand out from other meme coins. A strong emphasis on community: Core values of transparency, fairness, and inclusivity draw in a wide range of users. Frog Theme: Everyone enjoys frogs that are perfect for memes, right? Community involvement is important in determining the project's future through decentralized governance. NFT Project "TurboToads" consists of AI-generated NFTs that are contributing to the growth of the Turbo ecosystem. The latest status as of June 8, 2024 is as follows: Cost: around $0.0054 Market Capitalization: Around $373 million. Decrease in trading volume over the past 24 hours and the previous week. Investing in meme coins comes with inherent risks. Their worth can vary greatly, and they might lack solid underlying principles. Make sure to conduct thorough research before putting your money into Turbo or any other meme coin. Allocate only a small portion of your portfolio to these high-risk assets. This is my analysis, DYOR Happy Investing
Coin Profile #5
Turbo (TURBO) Coin: Froggy Meme Coin Driven by Artificial Intelligence

Turbo (TURBO) is a meme coin that stands out because it was completely generated by artificial intelligence (AI).

Below is a summary of the information you should be aware of:
Story of how something began:

Introduced as a test, Turbo is the initial memecoin created using artificial intelligence.

Originally funded with only $69, it has evolved into a project driven by the community.

Main characteristics:
AI-Powered Creation: Its distinct origin tale makes it stand out from other meme coins.

A strong emphasis on community: Core values of transparency, fairness, and inclusivity draw in a wide range of users.

Frog Theme: Everyone enjoys frogs that are perfect for memes, right?

Community involvement is important in determining the project's future through decentralized governance.
NFT Project "TurboToads" consists of AI-generated NFTs that are contributing to the growth of the Turbo ecosystem.

The latest status as of June 8, 2024 is as follows:

Cost: around $0.0054

Market Capitalization: Around $373 million.

Decrease in trading volume over the past 24 hours and the
previous week.

Investing in meme coins comes with inherent risks. Their worth can vary greatly, and they might lack solid underlying principles.
Make sure to conduct thorough research before putting your money into Turbo or any other meme coin. Allocate only a small portion of your portfolio to these high-risk assets.

This is my analysis, DYOR

Happy Investing
Red Packet BPPWC7L3VC Claim Immediately
Red Packet


Claim Immediately
Coin Profile #4 IO.NET Coin Io.internet is a decentralized AI computing & cloud platform. By aggregating GPU deliver from underutilized sources, io.internet creates a community that lets in system learning (ML) startups to get entry to almost limitless computing strength at a fragment of the fee of the conventional cloud. IO is the local software token of io.internet, and used withinside the following functions: Payment Currency: Payments & transactions prices in the io.internet environment, along with purchasing / imparting underutilized GPU computing strength, deploying GPU clusters. Staking: Users can take part in community security & earn percentage of idle GPU rewards, through either: Delegate staking $IO tokens with a node in their choice. Directly staking more $IO tokens to function on their personal node. Governance: The IO token allows holders to take part withinside the governance of the IO Grants DAO through proposing, vote casting on, and imposing provide proposals that manual the allocation of budget and strategic route of the Internet of GPUs Foundation. As at June sixth 2024, the constant most deliver is 800,000,000 tokens & genesis deliver at TGE is 500,000,000 tokens. The circulating deliver upon list might be 95,000,0000 (19.00% of the genesis token deliver). Currently staking on Binance, It is going to be bigger hit as per my estimation as it is involving ML and many Computer Hardware related projects. This is my analysis, DYOR Happy Investing
Coin Profile #4

Io.internet is a decentralized AI computing & cloud platform. By aggregating GPU deliver from underutilized sources, io.internet creates a community that lets in system learning (ML) startups to get entry to almost limitless computing strength at a fragment of the fee of the conventional cloud.
IO is the local software token of io.internet, and used withinside the following functions:

Payment Currency: Payments & transactions prices in the io.internet environment, along with purchasing / imparting underutilized GPU computing strength, deploying GPU clusters.
Staking: Users can take part in community security & earn percentage of idle GPU rewards, through either:
Delegate staking $IO tokens with a node in their choice.
Directly staking more $IO tokens to function on their personal node.

Governance: The IO token allows holders to take part withinside the governance of the IO Grants DAO through proposing, vote casting on, and imposing provide proposals that manual the allocation of budget and strategic route of the Internet of GPUs Foundation.

As at June sixth 2024, the constant most deliver is 800,000,000 tokens & genesis deliver at TGE is 500,000,000 tokens. The circulating deliver upon list might be 95,000,0000 (19.00% of the genesis token deliver).

Currently staking on Binance, It is going to be bigger hit as per my estimation as it is involving ML and many Computer Hardware related projects.

This is my analysis, DYOR

Happy Investing
Coin Profile #3 Polkadot (DOT) is an altcoin that has been mentioned as a potential contender for growth in 2024. Here's a breakdown of Polkadot: What it is: Polkadot is a blockchain platform designed to connect and secure various specialized blockchains. This allows them to communicate and transfer data with each other, creating a network of blockchains, also known as Web3. Potential benefits: Polkadot aims to address the issue of interoperability, a major hurdle in blockchain technology. If successful, it could play a significant role in the future of decentralized applications (dApps). DOT token: DOT is the native cryptocurrency of Polkadot. It has three main functions: Governance: DOT holders vote on network upgrades and future development. Staking: Users stake DOT to contribute to network security and earn rewards.Bonding: New blockchains (parachains) need DOT tokens to connect to the Polkadot network. Current price: As of today, June 5, 2024, DOT is priced around $7.20. All-time high: DOT's all-time high was $54.98, reached in November 2021. This is my analysis, DYOR Happy Investing
Coin Profile #3

Polkadot (DOT) is an altcoin that has been mentioned as a potential contender for growth in 2024. Here's a breakdown of

What it is: Polkadot is a blockchain platform designed to connect and secure various specialized blockchains. This allows them to communicate and transfer data with each other, creating a network of blockchains, also known as Web3.
Potential benefits: Polkadot aims to address the issue of interoperability, a major hurdle in blockchain technology. If successful, it could play a significant role in the future of decentralized applications (dApps).

DOT token: DOT is the native cryptocurrency of Polkadot. It has three main functions:
Governance: DOT holders vote on network upgrades and future development.

Staking: Users stake DOT to contribute to network security and earn rewards.Bonding: New blockchains (parachains) need DOT tokens to connect to the Polkadot network.

Current price: As of today, June 5, 2024, DOT is priced around $7.20.

All-time high: DOT's all-time high was $54.98, reached in November 2021.

This is my analysis, DYOR

Happy Investing
$NOT SHARKS n whales are backkkk haha
$NOT SHARKS n whales are backkkk haha
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