Binance Square
Stardrako The First
Just a small town boy
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
Jauns Binance Launchpool $REZ Ir bijis daudz neskaidrību par vairākām tēmām, piemēram, vēršu skrējienu, un cilvēki palaiž garām vēl vienu fermu no Binance pa tālruni #rezlaunchpool . Nepalaidiet garām, bet esiet piesardzīgs ar saviem ieguldījumiem un BNB cenu svārstībām. Esiet izsalcis, esiet drošs 👊 #Nobullshit #write2earn🌐💹 #HotTrends #BinanceLaunchpool
Jauns Binance Launchpool $REZ

Ir bijis daudz neskaidrību par vairākām tēmām, piemēram, vēršu skrējienu, un cilvēki palaiž garām vēl vienu fermu no Binance pa tālruni #rezlaunchpool .
Nepalaidiet garām, bet esiet piesardzīgs ar saviem ieguldījumiem un BNB cenu svārstībām.

Esiet izsalcis, esiet drošs 👊

#Nobullshit #write2earn🌐💹 #HotTrends #BinanceLaunchpool
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vairumam no jums pagājušajā nedēļā zaudējumi ir bijuši lieli. Bet nebaidieties, šis lācīgs mini cikls ir beidzies, tāpēc es esmu šeit, lai pastāstītu jums, ka tagad ir īstais laiks pirkt un/un nepārdot. Ieguldiet projektos, par kuriem jūtaties kaislīgi, dažreiz mūsu sirds ir lielākais rādītājs patiešām labam projektam, esiet uzmanīgi ar viltus kriptogrāfijas ziņām, kuras finansē pats marķieris/uzņēmums, jūs nevēlaties pirkt čūsku, jūs vēlaties pirkt zilonis 🐘 . Esiet izsalcis, esiet drošs. #HotTrens #write2earn🌐💹 #buildingcommunity #NoBullshit
Vairumam no jums pagājušajā nedēļā zaudējumi ir bijuši lieli.

Bet nebaidieties, šis lācīgs mini cikls ir beidzies, tāpēc es esmu šeit, lai pastāstītu jums, ka tagad ir īstais laiks pirkt un/un nepārdot.

Ieguldiet projektos, par kuriem jūtaties kaislīgi, dažreiz mūsu sirds ir lielākais rādītājs patiešām labam projektam, esiet uzmanīgi ar viltus kriptogrāfijas ziņām, kuras finansē pats marķieris/uzņēmums, jūs nevēlaties pirkt čūsku, jūs vēlaties pirkt zilonis 🐘 .

Esiet izsalcis, esiet drošs.

#HotTrens #write2earn🌐💹 #buildingcommunity #NoBullshit
Skatīt oriģinālu
#MONAD jaunā L1 blokķēde ātrāk nekā Solana (10 000 TPS)🔥🚀 Jūs zināt, ka šis projekts nav joks, kad tādi milži kā Paradigm, Electric Capital, Greenoaks Capital, Dragonfly Capital, Shima Capital, Lemniscap, Placeholder Ventures un citi lieli vārdi spēlē savāca satriecošus 244,00 miljonus USD kopējos līdzekļus, kas savākti šim ienākošajam lielajam blokķēdei. vārds! Drīzumā tiks paziņots par IPO, tāpēc sekojiet līdzi informācijai, ja vēlaties piedalīties jaunajā lielajā spēlē. Tāpat kā Ethereum un Solana, šis projekts ir paredzēts, lai sāktu IPO ar žetoniem aptuveni 0,14 centu apmērā saskaņā ar avotiem, un tas varētu ļoti labi pārsniegt $SOL un $ETH , tāpēc ir jāpelna DAUDZ naudas!!! Sekojiet, lai sekotu līdzi vairāk jaunumiem un ienākošajiem atjauninājumiem, piemēram, IPO datumam par šo gaidāmo Giant in the Game! #HotTrends #Write2Earn #Nobullshit #Getrichordietrying
#MONAD jaunā L1 blokķēde ātrāk nekā Solana (10 000 TPS)🔥🚀

Jūs zināt, ka šis projekts nav joks, kad tādi milži kā Paradigm, Electric Capital, Greenoaks Capital, Dragonfly Capital, Shima Capital, Lemniscap, Placeholder Ventures un citi lieli vārdi spēlē savāca satriecošus 244,00 miljonus USD kopējos līdzekļus, kas savākti šim ienākošajam lielajam blokķēdei. vārds!

Drīzumā tiks paziņots par IPO, tāpēc sekojiet līdzi informācijai, ja vēlaties piedalīties jaunajā lielajā spēlē.

Tāpat kā Ethereum un Solana, šis projekts ir paredzēts, lai sāktu IPO ar žetoniem aptuveni 0,14 centu apmērā saskaņā ar avotiem, un tas varētu ļoti labi pārsniegt $SOL un $ETH , tāpēc ir jāpelna DAUDZ naudas!!!

Sekojiet, lai sekotu līdzi vairāk jaunumiem un ienākošajiem atjauninājumiem, piemēram, IPO datumam par šo gaidāmo Giant in the Game!

#HotTrends #Write2Earn #Nobullshit #Getrichordietrying
Skatīt oriģinālu
OFTLayerZero un Wormhole ir OFT. Bet kas ir OFT? OFT ir marķieri, kas pārvietojas pa blokķēdēm tāpat kā datu paketes pārvietojas pa internetu. Šis raksts ir par OFT, to darbību, galvenajām īpašībām un to, kas izmanto OFT standartu. Iegremdējamies. Kas ir OFT standarts? OFT apzīmē “Omnichain Fungible Token”. Varat domāt par OFT kā universālu marķiera standartu, ko izmanto, lai nosūtītu, saņemtu un veidotu līdzekļus visās blokķēdes. OFT standarts ir līgums par marķieru izveidi un izsekošanu vairākās ķēdēs vienlaikus. Tas ir pieejams ikvienam, kas izmanto LayerZero. OFT standarts paplašina aizstājamos marķierus, piemēram, ERC20, uz visām ķēdēm, ko atbalsta LayerZero.


LayerZero un Wormhole ir OFT.

Bet kas ir OFT?

OFT ir marķieri, kas pārvietojas pa blokķēdēm tāpat kā datu paketes pārvietojas pa internetu.
Šis raksts ir par OFT, to darbību, galvenajām īpašībām un to, kas izmanto OFT standartu.
Kas ir OFT standarts?
OFT apzīmē “Omnichain Fungible Token”.
Varat domāt par OFT kā universālu marķiera standartu, ko izmanto, lai nosūtītu, saņemtu un veidotu līdzekļus visās blokķēdes.
OFT standarts ir līgums par marķieru izveidi un izsekošanu vairākās ķēdēs vienlaikus. Tas ir pieejams ikvienam, kas izmanto LayerZero. OFT standarts paplašina aizstājamos marķierus, piemēram, ERC20, uz visām ķēdēm, ko atbalsta LayerZero.
Skatīt oriģinālu
🤯 Vai tas ir tikai es, vai arī šī jaunā monēta #Wormhole (W) ir MILZĪGA lieta? 🤯 Patīk ziņojumiem starp blokķēdēm 🤔🤔 Blockchain sadarbspēja 🤔 Kāpēc viņi to turēja noslēpumā? 🤐 Kas patiesībā notiek ar šo monētu 🧐 Top 10 ienākošās monētas!! 🚀📈 Gatavojieties x30 🐂 Paņemiet to, ja no krāsns būs karsts 🔥 Atstājiet patīk l, sekojiet vai komentējiet, lai palīdzētu man paplašināt kopienu, ja varat un jums patīk mans shi(r)t. #HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #Bull #NoBullshit
🤯 Vai tas ir tikai es, vai arī šī jaunā monēta #Wormhole (W) ir MILZĪGA lieta? 🤯

Patīk ziņojumiem starp blokķēdēm 🤔🤔
Blockchain sadarbspēja 🤔

Kāpēc viņi to turēja noslēpumā? 🤐
Kas patiesībā notiek ar šo monētu 🧐

Top 10 ienākošās monētas!! 🚀📈
Gatavojieties x30 🐂
Paņemiet to, ja no krāsns būs karsts 🔥

Atstājiet patīk l, sekojiet vai komentējiet, lai palīdzētu man paplašināt kopienu, ja varat un jums patīk mans shi(r)t.
#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #Bull #NoBullshit
Skatīt oriģinālu
🆕Tiem, kas to neredzēja, tagad mums ir nākamais lielais kriptovalūtas rīks ar nosaukumu Wormhole (W) 🆕 Šī ķēde ir starpbloku ķēdes komunikators, kura mērķis ir tādas iespējas kā vairākkārtēja palaišana dažādās blokķēdēs. Iedomājieties monētu, kas vienlaikus tiek izlaista pakalpojumā Binance in Solana. Jūs varat pārbaudīt Binance paziņojumu saitē šīs ziņas beigās. #Wormhole #HotTrends #BinanceAnnouncement #Write2Earn #NoBullshit
🆕Tiem, kas to neredzēja, tagad mums ir nākamais lielais kriptovalūtas rīks ar nosaukumu Wormhole (W) 🆕

Šī ķēde ir starpbloku ķēdes komunikators, kura mērķis ir tādas iespējas kā vairākkārtēja palaišana dažādās blokķēdēs.
Iedomājieties monētu, kas vienlaikus tiek izlaista pakalpojumā Binance in Solana.

Jūs varat pārbaudīt Binance paziņojumu saitē šīs ziņas beigās.

#Wormhole #HotTrends #BinanceAnnouncement #Write2Earn #NoBullshit
Binance Announcement
Binance pievieno tārpa caurumu (W) peļņai, konvertēšanai, peļņai un nākotnes darījumiem
Binansiešu kolēģi,
Binance ar prieku paziņo, ka programmai [Binance Simple Earn](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/earn/simple-earn?asset=W) un [Binance Convert](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/convert/USDT/W) ir pievienota sistēma Wormhole (W). Turklāt Binance pievienos W par [Binance Margin](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/trade/W_USDT?type=cross), [Binance Futures](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/futures/WUSDT) un <a-38>Binance Auto-Invest</a-38 > attiecīgi plkst. 2024-04-03 15:30 (UTC), 2024-04-03 15:30 (UTC) un 2024-04-05 00:00 (UTC).
Lietotāji tagad var abonēt [W Flexible Products](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/earn/simple-earn?asset=W) pakalpojumā Binance Simple Earn.
No 2024.04.2024. plkst. 00:00 (UTC) lietotāji var iegādāties W, izmantojot jebkuru no [Binance Auto-Invest](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/auto-invest) atbalstītajām maksājuma iespējām.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kāds, jūsuprāt, ir labākais laiks, lai gūtu peļņu no $ENA ? 🤔🤔 Šī ir iespēja: 📈Pieņemsim, ka $ENA , seko tam pašam modelim, ir $ETHFI 📈 Tas nozīmē, ka katra maksimālā vērtība tiks sasniegta pēc 9/10 dienām (nemaz nerunājot par ienākošo vēršu skrējienu 🐂) Ko tu domā? 🤔
Kāds, jūsuprāt, ir labākais laiks, lai gūtu peļņu no $ENA ? 🤔🤔

Šī ir iespēja:

📈Pieņemsim, ka $ENA , seko tam pašam modelim, ir $ETHFI 📈

Tas nozīmē, ka katra maksimālā vērtība tiks sasniegta pēc 9/10 dienām (nemaz nerunājot par ienākošo vēršu skrējienu 🐂)

Ko tu domā? 🤔
Skatīt oriģinālu
💰🔥Nosūtām 50 $ENA 5 laimīgajiem, kas sekos un kopīgo šo ziņu nākamo 24 stundu laikā 🔥💰
💰🔥Nosūtām 50 $ENA 5 laimīgajiem, kas sekos un kopīgo šo ziņu nākamo 24 stundu laikā 🔥💰
Skatīt oriģinālu
💰🔥Ethena #Ēna šobrīd ir vismaz par 50% nenovērtēta🔥💰 Patiesā novērtējuma aplēses ir aptuveni 1,5 miljardi USD, un pašreizējā tirgus vērtība ir 980 miljoni USD. Var teikt, ka $ENA ir laba monēta, ko iegādāties un turēt. Varat arī veikt likmes oficiālajā ENA vietnē, lai katru dienu 5 mēnešus laimētu skaidiņas un pēc tam laimētu ENA airdrop, kas atbilst jūsu laimētajām skaidiņām. Taisnīgi jāsaka, ka visur, kur tu metīsi naudu, tas augs 🪴 #HotTrends #NoBullshit #GetRichordieTrying #BinanceLaunchpool
💰🔥Ethena #Ēna šobrīd ir vismaz par 50% nenovērtēta🔥💰

Patiesā novērtējuma aplēses ir aptuveni 1,5 miljardi USD, un pašreizējā tirgus vērtība ir 980 miljoni USD.

Var teikt, ka $ENA ir laba monēta, ko iegādāties un turēt.

Varat arī veikt likmes oficiālajā ENA vietnē, lai katru dienu 5 mēnešus laimētu skaidiņas un pēc tam laimētu ENA airdrop, kas atbilst jūsu laimētajām skaidiņām.

Taisnīgi jāsaka, ka visur, kur tu metīsi naudu, tas augs 🪴

#HotTrends #NoBullshit #GetRichordieTrying #BinanceLaunchpool
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tāpat kā es brīdināju jūs iepriekšējā ierakstā #ENALAUNCHPOOL made $BNB pieaug un tagad krīt. Tāpēc daudzi no jums var zaudēt naudu, ja pārdosit savu numuru $BNB tūlīt vai tad, kad beigsies Launchpool. Tātad, ko jūs varat darīt? Mans ieteikums ir turēt savu BNB, jo šī monēta, iespējams, sasniegs 1000 $ + šajā Bull Run. Bet tad atkal, jūs darāt jūs. DYOR. #BinanceLaunchpool #BNB #ENA #HotTrends
Tāpat kā es brīdināju jūs iepriekšējā ierakstā #ENALAUNCHPOOL made $BNB pieaug un tagad krīt.
Tāpēc daudzi no jums var zaudēt naudu, ja pārdosit savu numuru $BNB tūlīt vai tad, kad beigsies Launchpool.
Tātad, ko jūs varat darīt?
Mans ieteikums ir turēt savu BNB, jo šī monēta, iespējams, sasniegs 1000 $ + šajā Bull Run.

Bet tad atkal, jūs darāt jūs.

#BinanceLaunchpool #BNB #ENA #HotTrends
🔥Burnt (Xion) project in Funding Round already raised a total of 36 Million Dollars with the giant Multicoin Capital ahead of the funding with 25 Million Dollars in.🔥 Today we gonna talk about the future giant Burnt with their token $Xion. Still in Testnet and in funding round, this giant already has a valuation of 10 dollars for Xion token. Users can join and participate in multiple challenges throught the website: (Use link for extra XP rewards on the website) You can mint a welcome NFT by connecting some socials and another NFT with minimum 2 days interaction with the website, by using the Testnet. You can follow the instructions on the website for website xp. This is super early inside to this project. So be patient and collect your much deserved rewards for being an OG in this project if you decide o be a part of it. Remember to leave a like and a follow to help us grow community and spread this much important information for information hungry users such has yourself that is using the Binance Square. Stay strong, stay hungry! #NewTrend #HotTrends #NoBullshit #Xino #GetRichorDietrying
🔥Burnt (Xion) project in Funding Round already raised a total of 36 Million Dollars with the giant Multicoin Capital ahead of the funding with 25 Million Dollars in.🔥

Today we gonna talk about the future giant Burnt with their token $Xion.
Still in Testnet and in funding round, this giant already has a valuation of 10 dollars for Xion token.

Users can join and participate in multiple challenges throught the website:
(Use link for extra XP rewards on the website)

You can mint a welcome NFT by connecting some socials and another NFT with minimum 2 days interaction with the website, by using the Testnet.

You can follow the instructions on the website for website xp.

This is super early inside to this project.
So be patient and collect your much deserved rewards for being an OG in this project if you decide o be a part of it.

Remember to leave a like and a follow to help us grow community and spread this much important information for information hungry users such has yourself that is using the Binance Square.

Stay strong, stay hungry!

#NewTrend #HotTrends #NoBullshit #Xino #GetRichorDietrying
Skatīt oriģinālu
⚠️Ticiet vai nē, bet daudzi cilvēki zaudē naudu pa tālruni #ENA Lauchpool ⛏️⚠️ 🚨Šajā ierakstā mēs apspriedīsim: Kad pamest ENA ieguvi un cik daudz likt $BNB Vs $FDUSD 🚨 Attiecībā uz Binance Lauchpool ir jāņem vērā vairāki faktori, un lielākais, iespējams, ir $BNB tirgus svārstības. Kad Binance uzsāka #ENA Lauchpool BNB bija aptuveni 590 USDT un tagad ir 605. Ko tas nozīmē? Tas nozīmē, ka daudzi cilvēki iegādājās BNB par 605, lai iekļūtu ieguvē. Labi, un vai tas ir slikti? Pieņemsim, ka man ir 605 USDT un es pērku 1 BNB par 605, lai iedalītu Lauchpool akciju. līdz projekta beigām pieņemsim, ka man ir iegūti 5 ENA. Kad projekts beigsies, visi kopā ar savu māti pārdos BNB un tas, iespējams, nokritīsies zem 590. Tātad, ja es pārdošu savu BNB par 580 un iegūšu 5 ENA (katra 2 USD vērtībā) līdz Lauchpool projekta beigām, man būs 590 USDT, un es sāku ar 605. Tas ir 15 USD deficīts! Tā ir realitāte daudziem cilvēkiem, kas piedalās Lauchpool! Tātad, ko mēs varam darīt, lai no tā izvairītos. Lai nezaudētu naudu, varat veikt 2 darbības. 1. Jūs esat iegādājies BNB pirms palaišanas baseina paziņojuma. 2. Jūs pārdodat savu BNB pirms Lauchpool beigām. Jebkurš no šiem soļiem palīdzēs jums izvairīties no naudas zaudēšanas. Tagad es vēlos runāt par kaut ko citu, un tā ir peļņa no FDUSD pret BNB. Par savu personīgo likmju veikšanas pieredzi es pamanīju, ka FDUSD ir tikai 20% atlīdzības un BNB 80% atlīdzības, taču es uzvaru daudz vairāk ar savu iemaksāto FDUSD nekā ar savu BNB. Tas nozīmē, ka daudzi cilvēki spēlē tikai BNB! Tāpēc es iesaku jums likt vairāk FDUSD nekā BNB, un tas ļaus jums iegūt vairāk ENA ar tādu pašu naudu, kā arī izvairīties no BNB svārstībām, kas var likt jums zaudēt naudu. Cerams, ka šī ziņa jums noderēs. Un, kā vienmēr, neaizmirstiet atstāt patīk, komentāru, dalīties vai pat padomu, ja varat. Visa mijiedarbība ļoti palīdzēs veidot kopienu un likt šīm ziņām sasniegt tādus cilvēkus kā jūs, kuriem šī informācija varētu būt noderīga. 🐇 Priecīgas Lieldienas visiem! 🐇 #NoBullshit #HotTrends
⚠️Ticiet vai nē, bet daudzi cilvēki zaudē naudu pa tālruni #ENA Lauchpool ⛏️⚠️

🚨Šajā ierakstā mēs apspriedīsim:
Kad pamest ENA ieguvi un cik daudz likt $BNB Vs $FDUSD 🚨

Attiecībā uz Binance Lauchpool ir jāņem vērā vairāki faktori, un lielākais, iespējams, ir $BNB tirgus svārstības.

Kad Binance uzsāka #ENA Lauchpool BNB bija aptuveni 590 USDT un tagad ir 605.
Ko tas nozīmē?
Tas nozīmē, ka daudzi cilvēki iegādājās BNB par 605, lai iekļūtu ieguvē.

Labi, un vai tas ir slikti?

Pieņemsim, ka man ir 605 USDT un es pērku 1 BNB par 605, lai iedalītu Lauchpool akciju.
līdz projekta beigām pieņemsim, ka man ir iegūti 5 ENA. Kad projekts beigsies, visi kopā ar savu māti pārdos BNB un tas, iespējams, nokritīsies zem 590.
Tātad, ja es pārdošu savu BNB par 580 un iegūšu 5 ENA (katra 2 USD vērtībā) līdz Lauchpool projekta beigām, man būs 590 USDT, un es sāku ar 605.
Tas ir 15 USD deficīts!

Tā ir realitāte daudziem cilvēkiem, kas piedalās Lauchpool!

Tātad, ko mēs varam darīt, lai no tā izvairītos.

Lai nezaudētu naudu, varat veikt 2 darbības.

1. Jūs esat iegādājies BNB pirms palaišanas baseina paziņojuma.

2. Jūs pārdodat savu BNB pirms Lauchpool beigām.

Jebkurš no šiem soļiem palīdzēs jums izvairīties no naudas zaudēšanas.

Tagad es vēlos runāt par kaut ko citu, un tā ir peļņa no FDUSD pret BNB.

Par savu personīgo likmju veikšanas pieredzi es pamanīju, ka FDUSD ir tikai 20% atlīdzības un BNB 80% atlīdzības, taču es uzvaru daudz vairāk ar savu iemaksāto FDUSD nekā ar savu BNB.
Tas nozīmē, ka daudzi cilvēki spēlē tikai BNB!
Tāpēc es iesaku jums likt vairāk FDUSD nekā BNB, un tas ļaus jums iegūt vairāk ENA ar tādu pašu naudu, kā arī izvairīties no BNB svārstībām, kas var likt jums zaudēt naudu.

Cerams, ka šī ziņa jums noderēs.

Un, kā vienmēr, neaizmirstiet atstāt patīk, komentāru, dalīties vai pat padomu, ja varat.
Visa mijiedarbība ļoti palīdzēs veidot kopienu un likt šīm ziņām sasniegt tādus cilvēkus kā jūs, kuriem šī informācija varētu būt noderīga.

🐇 Priecīgas Lieldienas visiem! 🐇

#NoBullshit #HotTrends
💸⚠️🚨New Binance Launchpad Project 🚨⚠️💸 Ethena (ENA) Is the new Binance Launchpad Project that you can stake $BNB and $FDUSD to earn rewards! The lauchpad is set to start in approximately 12 hours as of this post. So get in will you can. Rewards are set to 80%BNB and 20% FDUSDT so I suggest you grab your money and split it 80/20 and stake it before it starts! All Finance launchpad projects have been a big success lately and Ethena is no different. 📜This is what they have to say on their website:📜 "Ethena is a synthetic dollar protocol built on Ethereum that will provide a crypto-native solution for money not reliant on traditional banking system infrastructure, alongside a globally accessible dollar denominated savings instrument - the 'Internet Bond'. Ethena's synthetic dollar, USDe, will provide the first censorship resistant, scalable and stable crypto-native solution for money achieved by delta-hedging staked Ethereum collateral. USDe will be fully backed transparently onchain and free to compose throughout DeFi. USDe peg stability is ensured through the use of delta hedging derivatives positions against protocol-held collateral. The 'Internet Bond' will combine yield derived from staked Ethereum as well as the funding & basis spread from perpetual and futures' markets, to create the first onchain crypto-native 'bond' that can function as a dollar-denominated savings instrument for users in permitted jurisdictions." You can stake money in their website to Earn Shards. This is still in Epoch 2 (pre-launch season). You can join throught the referral For extra 10% rewards With Ethena you will stake money and provide liquidity to earn shards. So DYOR and see if you want to provide liquidity in the Launchpad or on their website, or both. Since it's Beta I suggest you do both! #ENA #HotTrends #TrendingTopic #Launchpad #NoBullshit
💸⚠️🚨New Binance Launchpad Project 🚨⚠️💸

Ethena (ENA) Is the new Binance Launchpad Project that you can stake $BNB and $FDUSD to earn rewards!

The lauchpad is set to start in approximately 12 hours as of this post. So get in will you can.
Rewards are set to 80%BNB and 20% FDUSDT so I suggest you grab your money and split it 80/20 and stake it before it starts!
All Finance launchpad projects have been a big success lately and Ethena is no different.

📜This is what they have to say on their website:📜

"Ethena is a synthetic dollar protocol built on Ethereum that will provide a crypto-native solution for money not reliant on traditional banking system infrastructure, alongside a globally accessible dollar denominated savings instrument - the 'Internet Bond'.

Ethena's synthetic dollar, USDe, will provide the first censorship resistant, scalable and stable crypto-native solution for money achieved by delta-hedging staked Ethereum collateral. USDe will be fully backed transparently onchain and free to compose throughout DeFi.

USDe peg stability is ensured through the use of delta hedging derivatives positions against protocol-held collateral.

The 'Internet Bond' will combine yield derived from staked Ethereum as well as the funding & basis spread from perpetual and futures' markets, to create the first onchain crypto-native 'bond' that can function as a dollar-denominated savings instrument for users in permitted jurisdictions."

You can stake money in their website to Earn Shards. This is still in Epoch 2 (pre-launch season).
You can join throught the referral
For extra 10% rewards

With Ethena you will stake money and provide liquidity to earn shards. So DYOR and see if you want to provide liquidity in the Launchpad or on their website, or both.
Since it's Beta I suggest you do both!

#ENA #HotTrends #TrendingTopic #Launchpad #NoBullshit
🚨Polybox.Finance Scam🚨 So today I woke up and went to check my harvest just to find out that the website is closed, the discord channel is closed and no one is talking about this! Another crypto scam! This lesson cost me a lot of money 💰 We have to look at this in a negative way and also a positive one: Negative way: Of course it was a scam you d*** s*** it had 5 days Return on Investment. Positive way: I beginning to believe less and less in fairy ails and becoming more realistic with every experience. Conclusion: Like my mom used to say: "If it's to good to be true, then it's not true" Stay safe and learn from your mistakes and mine aswell if you can.
🚨Polybox.Finance Scam🚨

So today I woke up and went to check my harvest just to find out that the website is closed, the discord channel is closed and no one is talking about this!

Another crypto scam!

This lesson cost me a lot of money 💰

We have to look at this in a negative way and also a positive one:

Negative way:
Of course it was a scam you d*** s*** it had 5 days Return on Investment.
Positive way:
I beginning to believe less and less in fairy ails and becoming more realistic with every experience.

Like my mom used to say:
"If it's to good to be true, then it's not true"

Stay safe and learn from your mistakes and mine aswell if you can.
🤖Polybox AI 🤖 Polybox AI is already one of the most innovative DeFi platforms on Polygon, but we’re not planning to stop at that. Read about the upcoming feature releases and perks for users, as well as our plans for long-term development. As you probably know by now, Polybox AI makes money thanks to a pioneering trading and investment AI algorithm that is trained to buy and sell over 60 different tokens. The current profitability rate is more than enough to cover the high MATIC reward rates on all premium tiers, together with the rewards in the Free Tier, and referral rewards. The AI algorithm is constantly learning and becoming better at trading, however, so we expect a gradual increase in profits. We plan to use part of these extra funds to introduce additional benefits fro OGs, or early users — those who have been with us since the beginning and never left. So do keep farming MATIC rewards, even if it’s just on the Free Tier — in the future you’ll be happy that you did! Looking beyond 2024 In 2025, we plan to add more Web3 community features to the platform, starting from a DAO. We’re currently looking into NFT-based DAOs, though we don’t exclude a utility token, either. The DAO members will be able to vote on matters like reward rates in various tiers, introduction of new tiers and perks, changes to the referral program, etc. Polybox AI will keep changing and evolving — what won’t change is the high APR rate, the user-friendliness and the easy access for all with the Free Tier. Happy harvesting! Polybox AI will keep changing and evolving — what won’t change is the high APR rate, the user-friendliness and the easy access for all with the Free Tier. Happy harvesting! The best way to farm is to invest some and keep an excellent uptime with the harvest function. Get in the A.I. harvest with the link "https:/ /polybox. finance/r/88046" (remove spaces) for some extra % rewards and start harvesting! $MATIC $BTC $BNB #MATIC✅ #TrendingTopic: #TrendingTopic." #getrichordietrying #NoBullshit
🤖Polybox AI 🤖

Polybox AI is already one of the most innovative DeFi platforms on Polygon, but we’re not planning to stop at that. Read about the upcoming feature releases and perks for users, as well as our plans for long-term development.

As you probably know by now, Polybox AI makes money thanks to a pioneering trading and investment AI algorithm that is trained to buy and sell over 60 different tokens. The current profitability rate is more than enough to cover the high MATIC reward rates on all premium tiers, together with the rewards in the Free Tier, and referral rewards.

The AI algorithm is constantly learning and becoming better at trading, however, so we expect a gradual increase in profits. We plan to use part of these extra funds to introduce additional benefits fro OGs, or early users — those who have been with us since the beginning and never left. So do keep farming MATIC rewards, even if it’s just on the Free Tier — in the future you’ll be happy that you did!

Looking beyond 2024
In 2025, we plan to add more Web3 community features to the platform, starting from a DAO. We’re currently looking into NFT-based DAOs, though we don’t exclude a utility token, either. The DAO members will be able to vote on matters like reward rates in various tiers, introduction of new tiers and perks, changes to the referral program, etc.
Polybox AI will keep changing and evolving — what won’t change is the high APR rate, the user-friendliness and the easy access for all with the Free Tier. Happy harvesting!

Polybox AI will keep changing and evolving — what won’t change is the high APR rate, the user-friendliness and the easy access for all with the Free Tier. Happy harvesting!

The best way to farm is to invest some and keep an excellent uptime with the harvest function.

Get in the A.I. harvest with the link "https:/ /polybox. finance/r/88046" (remove spaces) for some extra % rewards and start harvesting!

#MATIC✅ #TrendingTopic: #TrendingTopic." #getrichordietrying #NoBullshit
💸🖤Lend or borrow money and earn a lot of money!🖤💸 Now there are a lot of companies where you can deposit your money and earn very good APY (annual percentage yield). The company I want to talk to you about is fortube. With this company/decentralised bank, you can lend and borrow money for your crypto investments. It has been around since 2020 but they invest 0 in advertising and no one knows this exists. It is a very cool way to make your money work for you or to get some extra cash for that investment you know will work. Go check it out if you are interested and don't forget to leave a tip, a like or a follow so the posts keep on rolling! #Fortube #DYOR🟢. #TrendingTopic #NoBullshit #leaveatip
💸🖤Lend or borrow money and earn a lot of money!🖤💸

Now there are a lot of companies where you can deposit your money and earn very good APY (annual percentage yield).

The company I want to talk to you about is fortube.
With this company/decentralised bank, you can lend and borrow money for your crypto investments. It has been around since 2020 but they invest 0 in advertising and no one knows this exists. It is a very cool way to make your money work for you or to get some extra cash for that investment you know will work.

Go check it out if you are interested and don't forget to leave a tip, a like or a follow so the posts keep on rolling!

#Fortube #DYOR🟢. #TrendingTopic #NoBullshit #leaveatip
💣🤖💸A.I. Trader from Polygon! Be a part of his adventure💸🤖💣 🔥Earn up to 300% every 15 days (with diligent harvest)🔥 So I talked about in previous posts of the Polygon mining. After some more research this is what I found. 1. This is not actual mining like I mentioned earlier it is in act an A.I. trading bot. 2. They have an App that you can download for your phone. 3. You need to be diligent and do at least 2 Harvest per day for it to be profitable in the beginning. 4. This is a recent feature from Polygon and it appears on their official website. 5. Invest only what you are willing to lose, don't get greedy in the beginning. 6. This has a Tier system that is better the higher you go (I'm tier 2 at the moment) 7. You can join throught the link polybox .finance/r/88046 for extra rewards. 8. If you do an initial investment of 990 Polygon you earn 41.6 Polygon every 6 hours for a duration of 18 days. that is equal to 2249.9 matic in 18 days. This might be a scam but grass mining that talked bout in earlier post is Not a scam 100% So you can join that one if you want to earn up to 50USDT a month + extra rewards by using referral link and also inviting people to join. Conclusion: This is not mining it's A.I. trader investment. You an enter at any level including with 0 (free). You can withdraw money easily to your wallet. This can still be a scam so use a burner wallet that you can compromise and invest only what you can afford to lose. Don't forget to leave a tip, a like a share or follow to help the Writer build up a community. Any interaction is much appreciated, without your help it is impossible for me to build community. #Write2Earn‬ #MaticOpportunity #DYOR🟢. #NoBullshit #getrichordietrying
💣🤖💸A.I. Trader from Polygon! Be a part of his adventure💸🤖💣

🔥Earn up to 300% every 15 days (with diligent harvest)🔥

So I talked about in previous posts of the Polygon mining. After some more research this is what I found.

1. This is not actual mining like I mentioned earlier it is in act an A.I. trading bot.

2. They have an App that you can download for your phone.

3. You need to be diligent and do at least 2 Harvest per day for it to be profitable in the beginning.

4. This is a recent feature from Polygon and it appears on their official website.

5. Invest only what you are willing to lose, don't get greedy in the beginning.

6. This has a Tier system that is better the higher you go (I'm tier 2 at the moment)

7. You can join throught the link polybox .finance/r/88046 for extra rewards.

8. If you do an initial investment of 990 Polygon you earn 41.6 Polygon every 6 hours for a duration of 18 days. that is equal to 2249.9 matic in 18 days.

This might be a scam but grass mining that talked bout in earlier post is Not a scam 100% So you can join that one if you want to earn up to 50USDT a month + extra rewards by using referral link and also inviting people to join.

This is not mining it's A.I. trader investment.
You an enter at any level including with 0 (free).
You can withdraw money easily to your wallet.
This can still be a scam so use a burner wallet that you can compromise and invest only what you can afford to lose.

Don't forget to leave a tip, a like a share or follow to help the Writer build up a community. Any interaction is much appreciated, without your help it is impossible for me to build community.

#Write2Earn‬ #MaticOpportunity #DYOR🟢.
#NoBullshit #getrichordietrying
Stardrako The First
💸⛏️Mining guide 2024 For Everyone!!⛏️💸

🔥You just need to have Internet and a Computer or Laptop🔥

This is the best starters way to do some Mining in 2024!

In this post I shall talk about 2 ways to mine.

The first is throw the website

Use the link for extra rewards. You need to have a crypto wallet. If you don't I recommend using metamask wallet.
Just go o Google, search metamask wallet download and register. iteasy to use and you vlcan transfer your earning later from the wallet to Binance.
With this mini g you shall farm $MATIC .
I advice to reinvest your funds in order to get extra gains.
Also you can start with a 10 matic investment to climb to Level 2 right away (highly advisable)

The second way to mine is to go

In grass you download an extension for Chrome or for your browser and the software will use the internet bandwidth you are not using to give internet to big companies and other parties and they will pay you for that internet.
I advice to use only if you have unlimited internet.
After that is the faster your internet the bigger your rewards so optical fiber users will normally get more rewards than wi fi users.
Use the link for extra rewards!

Happy mining for all, and don't forget to invest in your mining or it will never be very big!

Don't forget to leave a tip, a follow, a like and share if you like my post. It really helps me building up community!

#HotTrends #Write2Earn‬ #mining #PolygonMATIC #TrendingTopic
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