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Sveiki puiši, Es turpināju lasīt ziņas par #BullRunAhead bez pienācīgas analīzes un tikai pamatojoties uz instinktu vai BTC sadalīšanu uz pusēm. Es tikai vēlos informēt savus kolēģus tirgotājus praktiski es neredzu nevienu BULLRUN AHEAD uzreiz, var būt pēc kaut kad vai vēlāk šogad, es nezinu un nevaru precīzi paredzēt. Tikai BTC Halving nevar izraisīt BULLRUN, ir iesaistīti daudzi citi ekonomiski un ģeopolitiski faktori. Katru otro dienu es redzu ziņas, kurās cilvēki zaudēja daudz savas naudas, ir ļoti optimistiski. Daži cilvēki gūst jaunus investorus, publicējot šādas lietas, jo viņu bizness sākas, kad kāds zaudē naudu, un viņi piedāvā atgūšanu un iekasē no viņiem USD $ par pakalpojumiem. Neviens bizness nevar padarīt jūs bagātu vienas nakts laikā. Es vienmēr iesaku ikvienam pirms naudas ieguldīšanas veikt daudz pētījumu, jo galu galā jūs esat atbildīgs tikai par saviem zaudējumiem. Lūdzu, esiet uzmanīgi ar savu naudu. Tas ir mans viedoklis. Nav finansiāls padoms. Droša tirdzniecība Laimīgu tirdzniecību #BullRunAhead #BULLRUN24 #bullrun2024📈📈
Sveiki puiši,

Es turpināju lasīt ziņas par #BullRunAhead bez pienācīgas analīzes un tikai pamatojoties uz instinktu vai BTC sadalīšanu uz pusēm.

Es tikai vēlos informēt savus kolēģus tirgotājus
praktiski es neredzu nevienu BULLRUN AHEAD uzreiz, var būt pēc kaut kad vai vēlāk šogad, es nezinu un nevaru precīzi paredzēt.

Tikai BTC Halving nevar izraisīt BULLRUN, ir iesaistīti daudzi citi ekonomiski un ģeopolitiski faktori.

Katru otro dienu es redzu ziņas, kurās cilvēki zaudēja daudz savas naudas, ir ļoti optimistiski.

Daži cilvēki gūst jaunus investorus, publicējot šādas lietas, jo viņu bizness sākas, kad kāds zaudē naudu, un viņi piedāvā atgūšanu un iekasē no viņiem USD $ par pakalpojumiem.

Neviens bizness nevar padarīt jūs bagātu vienas nakts laikā.

Es vienmēr iesaku ikvienam pirms naudas ieguldīšanas veikt daudz pētījumu, jo galu galā jūs esat atbildīgs tikai par saviem zaudējumiem.

Lūdzu, esiet uzmanīgi ar savu naudu.

Tas ir mans viedoklis. Nav finansiāls padoms.

Droša tirdzniecība
Laimīgu tirdzniecību

#BullRunAhead #BULLRUN24 #bullrun2024📈📈
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#BNX Tas burtiski lido. daudzi cilvēki ir atguvuši savus zaudējumus vai vismaz daļu no zaudējumiem. Cerams, ka tas šķērsos nākamo pretestību un sasniegs 1.2.

Tas burtiski lido. daudzi cilvēki ir atguvuši savus zaudējumus vai vismaz daļu no zaudējumiem.

Cerams, ka tas šķērsos nākamo pretestību un sasniegs 1.2.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#ZROUSDT Īssavienojums ZROUSDT. Lūdzu DYOR. Nav finansiāls padoms.

Īssavienojums ZROUSDT.

Lūdzu DYOR.
Nav finansiāls padoms.
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$BNX Es eju ilgi uz #BNX Ieraksts: 0,7500-0,7600 TP1: 0,7700 TP2: 0,7800 TP3: 0,7900 TP4: 0,8000 lūdzu dyor nav finanšu padoms

Es eju ilgi uz #BNX

Ieraksts: 0,7500-0,7600
TP1: 0,7700
TP2: 0,7800
TP3: 0,7900
TP4: 0,8000

lūdzu dyor

nav finanšu padoms
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$BNX Vaļu pārdošanas spiediens ir samazinājies.
$BNX Vaļu pārdošanas spiediens ir samazinājies.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#Marketsentimentstoday Kopējais noskaņojums tirgū ir neviennozīmīgs, ar pozitīvu un negatīvu viedokļu līdzsvaru. Tirgus piedzīvo tipisku nepastāvību, ko ietekmē gan optimistiskas perspektīvas, gan pamatā esošie riski. Galvenie punkti ietver: Tirgus noskaņojums: Pozitīvie faktori: Bitcoin ETF regulējošo apstiprinājumu paredzēšana un sasniegumi blokķēdes tehnoloģijā vairo investoru uzticību. Negatīvie faktori: pastāvīgā regulējuma nenoteiktība un tirgus nepastāvība ir nozīmīga

Kopējais noskaņojums tirgū ir neviennozīmīgs, ar pozitīvu un negatīvu viedokļu līdzsvaru. Tirgus piedzīvo tipisku nepastāvību, ko ietekmē gan optimistiskas perspektīvas, gan pamatā esošie riski. Galvenie punkti ietver:

Tirgus noskaņojums:

Pozitīvie faktori: Bitcoin ETF regulējošo apstiprinājumu paredzēšana un sasniegumi blokķēdes tehnoloģijā vairo investoru uzticību.

Negatīvie faktori: pastāvīgā regulējuma nenoteiktība un tirgus nepastāvība ir nozīmīga
Skatīt oriģinālu
#MarketSentimentToday Tirgus nonāk baiļu teritorijā cenu krituma un regulējošo bažu dēļ. Tirgus piedzīvo baiļu periodu, cenām krītoties un pieaugot bažām par regulējumu. Bitcoin ir noslīdējis zem 64 000 USD, un citas lielas monētas ir piedzīvojušas līdzīgu kritumu. Šo negatīvo noskaņojumu, iespējams, izraisa vairāku faktoru kombinācija. Neskatoties uz lāču tendenci, daži analītiķi uzskata, ka šī varētu būt pirkšanas iespēja investoriem ar ilgtermiņa perspektīvu. Viņi apgalvo, ka pašreizējā atkāpšanās ir korekcija pēc straujas izaugsmes perioda un ka blokķēdes tehnoloģijas pamatā esošie pamati joprojām ir spēcīgi. Tas nav finansiāls padoms. Lūdzu DYOR.

Tirgus nonāk baiļu teritorijā cenu krituma un regulējošo bažu dēļ.

Tirgus piedzīvo baiļu periodu, cenām krītoties un pieaugot bažām par regulējumu. Bitcoin ir noslīdējis zem 64 000 USD, un citas lielas monētas ir piedzīvojušas līdzīgu kritumu. Šo negatīvo noskaņojumu, iespējams, izraisa vairāku faktoru kombinācija.

Neskatoties uz lāču tendenci, daži analītiķi uzskata, ka šī varētu būt pirkšanas iespēja investoriem ar ilgtermiņa perspektīvu. Viņi apgalvo, ka pašreizējā atkāpšanās ir korekcija pēc straujas izaugsmes perioda un ka blokķēdes tehnoloģijas pamatā esošie pamati joprojām ir spēcīgi.

Tas nav finansiāls padoms. Lūdzu DYOR.
Analysis of #BAKEUSDT#BAKEUSDT Technical Analysis of BAKE/USDT Support and Resistance Immediate Support: Approximately $0.29, which is near the recent low. Next Support: Around $0.24, aligning with previous lows. Immediate Resistance: Roughly $0.35, which corresponds to the EMA(7), followed by $0.38, aligning with the EMA(25). Major Resistance: Around $0.53, representing a recent high before the decline. RSI Analysis: Daily RSI: The Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the daily chart is at 33.6, indicating the asset is approaching oversold conditions. 1-Hour RSI: The RSI on the 1-hour timeframe is extremely low at 8, indicating very oversold conditions. 4-Hour RSI: The RSI on the 4-hour timeframe is also very low at 10, confirming significant oversold conditions. Despite the recent price decline, there's a positive sentiment for Bitcoin's recovery in the coming time. Some analysts predict significant gains, with estimates exceeding 30%. Furthermore, advancements in technology and strategic investments are believed to fuel growth across the cryptocurrency sector. It's not a financial advice. Please DYOR.

Analysis of #BAKEUSDT

Technical Analysis of BAKE/USDT
Support and Resistance
Immediate Support: Approximately $0.29, which is near the recent low.
Next Support: Around $0.24, aligning with previous lows.
Immediate Resistance: Roughly $0.35, which corresponds to the EMA(7), followed by $0.38, aligning with the EMA(25).
Major Resistance: Around $0.53, representing a recent high before the decline.
RSI Analysis:
Daily RSI: The Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the daily chart is at 33.6, indicating the asset is approaching oversold conditions.
1-Hour RSI: The RSI on the 1-hour timeframe is extremely low at 8, indicating very oversold conditions.
4-Hour RSI: The RSI on the 4-hour timeframe is also very low at 10, confirming significant oversold conditions.
Despite the recent price decline, there's a positive sentiment for Bitcoin's recovery in the coming time. Some analysts predict significant gains, with estimates exceeding 30%. Furthermore, advancements in technology and strategic investments are believed to fuel growth across the cryptocurrency sector.

It's not a financial advice. Please DYOR.
#MarketSentimentToday The cryptocurrency market sentiment today leans towards fear, due to Bitcoin's recent price slump and rising regulatory concerns. While the overall mood is cautious, some analysts view this as a potential buying opportunity. Remember, staying informed about market news and conducting your own research is crucial before making any cryptocurrency investments.

The cryptocurrency market sentiment today leans towards fear, due to Bitcoin's recent price slump and rising regulatory concerns. While the overall mood is cautious, some analysts view this as a potential buying opportunity. Remember, staying informed about market news and conducting your own research is crucial before making any cryptocurrency investments.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Market Sentiment The sentiment in the cryptocurrency market today is generally cautious and slightly bearish. Traders are closely watching important price levels and upcoming events, such as the potential impact of the newly approved Ethereum ETF, to see if these developments will lead to significant price changes.
Market Sentiment

The sentiment in the cryptocurrency market today is generally cautious and slightly bearish. Traders are closely watching important price levels and upcoming events, such as the potential impact of the newly approved Ethereum ETF, to see if these developments will lead to significant price changes.
Are we going to see all red candles in somtime again? Trade safe and be careful!
Are we going to see all red candles in somtime again?

Trade safe and be careful!
Market started dumping? BTC's Candle is red again. Please be safe!
Market started dumping? BTC's Candle is red again.

Please be safe!
Current market sentiment is mixed. While there are some signs of bullishness, there are also concerns about potential regulation, and Bitcoin's price has experienced some recent fluctuations. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind for safe crypto trading, especially for beginners: * Conduct Thorough Research: Before investing in any cryptocurrency, research the project, the team behind it, and understand the potential risks and rewards involved. * Invest Cautiously: The cryptocurrency market is volatile, so only invest what you're comfortable potentially losing. * Diversify Your Portfolio: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies to reduce risk. * Beware of Scams: There are a lot of scams in the cryptocurrency space. Be wary of any investment that seems too good to be true. * Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Add an extra layer of security to your accounts by enabling 2FA to prevent unauthorized access to your cryptocurrency holdings.
Current market sentiment is mixed. While there are some signs of bullishness, there are also concerns about potential regulation, and Bitcoin's price has experienced some recent fluctuations.

Here are some essential tips to keep in mind for safe crypto trading, especially for beginners:

* Conduct Thorough Research: Before investing in any cryptocurrency, research the project, the team behind it, and understand the potential risks and rewards involved.

* Invest Cautiously: The cryptocurrency market is volatile, so only invest what you're comfortable potentially losing.

* Diversify Your Portfolio: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies to reduce risk.

* Beware of Scams: There are a lot of scams in the cryptocurrency space. Be wary of any investment that seems too good to be true.

* Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Add an extra layer of security to your accounts by enabling 2FA to prevent unauthorized access to your cryptocurrency holdings.
Good one!
Good one!
Rules for crypto trading
1.Do Your Own Research (DYOR):
Always research thoroughly before investing in any cryptocurrency.
2.Diversify Your Investments:
Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies to reduce risk
3.Set Clear Goals and Limits:
Define your investment goals and set stop-loss orders to manage risk.
4.Stay Informed:
Keep up with crypto news and market trends to make informed decisions.
5.Control Your Emotions:
Avoid making impulsive decisions based on fear or greed.
#KNC/USDT Good long setup. I am buying this dip. Coin is holding on to the support level. The market has been bearish, but I think there will be a correction soon. Little more dip is expected on KNC until 0.5780, the next support. Stoploss: 0.5725 DYOR.

Good long setup.
I am buying this dip.

Coin is holding on to the support level. The market has been bearish, but I think there will be a correction soon.

Little more dip is expected on KNC until 0.5780, the next support.

Stoploss: 0.5725

#LDO/USDT📈 Short Setup. Entry Price: 2158 - 2160 TP1: 2.130 TP2: 2.115 TP3: 2.100 TP4: 2.085

Short Setup.

Entry Price: 2158 - 2160

TP1: 2.130
TP2: 2.115
TP3: 2.100
TP4: 2.085
$BLZ Best time for a long position.
Best time for a long position.
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