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Saskaņā ar datiem, Bitcoin ir atsaistīts no Nasdaq, un 40 dienu korelācija sasniedz nulli, iespējams, tāpēc, ka tirgus koncentrējas uz iespējamo Bitcoin ETF palaišanu ASV. Analītiķi sagaida, ka Bitcoin kalpos kā portfeļa diversifikācija, un sagaidāms, ka korelācijas paliks zemas, ņemot vērā iespējamo ETF apstiprinājumu un gaidāmo samazinājumu uz pusi aprīlī. #etf #BTC $BTC
Saskaņā ar datiem, Bitcoin ir atsaistīts no Nasdaq, un 40 dienu korelācija sasniedz nulli, iespējams, tāpēc, ka tirgus koncentrējas uz iespējamo Bitcoin ETF palaišanu ASV.

Analītiķi sagaida, ka Bitcoin kalpos kā portfeļa diversifikācija, un sagaidāms, ka korelācijas paliks zemas, ņemot vērā iespējamo ETF apstiprinājumu un gaidāmo samazinājumu uz pusi aprīlī.

#etf #BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pārbaudot visaptverošo kriptovalūtu tirgus ierobežojumu diagrammu, kas ietver Altcoins, DeFi, GameFi, meme monētas utt. Salīdzinot ar iepriekšējiem gadiem, kad tirgus ierobežojums pārsniedza 3 triljonus, pastāv optimisms, ka pašreizējais tirgus sasniegs vairāk nekā 6 triljonus, faktiski dubultojot iepriekšējo tirgu. vāciņš. #BTC #etf #ETH #ai $BTC $ETH $BNB
Pārbaudot visaptverošo kriptovalūtu tirgus ierobežojumu diagrammu, kas ietver Altcoins, DeFi, GameFi, meme monētas utt. Salīdzinot ar iepriekšējiem gadiem, kad tirgus ierobežojums pārsniedza 3 triljonus, pastāv optimisms, ka pašreizējais tirgus sasniegs vairāk nekā 6 triljonus, faktiski dubultojot iepriekšējo tirgu. vāciņš.

#BTC #etf #ETH #ai
Skatīt oriģinālu
Gaidāmība pieaug, Pi tīklam tuvojoties Mainnet palaišanai, spekulējot ar biržas sarakstiemPi tīkla lietotāji ar nepacietību gaida projekta galvenā tīkla palaišanu, un pieaug spekulācijas, ka Pi monēta pēc tās debijas varētu nodrošināt iekļaušanu sešās ievērojamās centralizētās biržās. Iespējamās biržas ir Binance, OKX, Coinbase, Kraken, Kucoin un Bybit, kas visas ir slavenas ar savu ietekmi nozarē un ievērojamu lietotāju bāzi.Ar lietotāju kopienu, kas pārsniedz 30 miljonus, Pi tīkls ir kļuvis par vienu no lielākajām kriptovalūtu kopienām pasaulē kopš tā izveides 2019. gadā. Projekta mērķis ir izveidot decentralizētu un pieejamu blokķēdes ekosistēmu, kuras darbību nodrošina tā sākotnējā Pi monēta.

Gaidāmība pieaug, Pi tīklam tuvojoties Mainnet palaišanai, spekulējot ar biržas sarakstiem

Pi tīkla lietotāji ar nepacietību gaida projekta galvenā tīkla palaišanu, un pieaug spekulācijas, ka Pi monēta pēc tās debijas varētu nodrošināt iekļaušanu sešās ievērojamās centralizētās biržās. Iespējamās biržas ir Binance, OKX, Coinbase, Kraken, Kucoin un Bybit, kas visas ir slavenas ar savu ietekmi nozarē un ievērojamu lietotāju bāzi.Ar lietotāju kopienu, kas pārsniedz 30 miljonus, Pi tīkls ir kļuvis par vienu no lielākajām kriptovalūtu kopienām pasaulē kopš tā izveides 2019. gadā. Projekta mērķis ir izveidot decentralizētu un pieejamu blokķēdes ekosistēmu, kuras darbību nodrošina tā sākotnējā Pi monēta.
Skatīt oriģinālu
2023. gads kriptovalūtu industrijā bija amerikāņu kalniņi. No Bitcoin maksimumiem, kas sasniedza jaunus visu laiku augstākos punktus, līdz banku krīzes zemākajiem līmeņiem, bija daudz virsrakstu, kas noturēja investorus savā vietā. Virsraksti, kas noteica 2023. gadu, ietver: ⚫ 2023. gada 1. ceturksnis: banku krīze, regulējuma saasināšanās ⚫ 2023. gada 2. ceturksnis:#SECtiesas prāvas, BlackRock ETF aizpildīšana ⚫ 2023. gada 3. ceturksnis: uzvara pelēktoņu tiesā ⚫ 2023. gada 4. ceturksnis: Binance lūguma darījums, ETF ažiotāža Skatoties uz 2024. gadu, kriptovalūtu ainava ir gatava būtiskiem notikumiem: ⚫ Normatīvā skaidrība un pamaniet Bitcoin ETF lēmumu ⚫ Bitcoin samazināšana uz pusi ⚫ Tehnoloģiskie sasniegumi ⚫ Kripto nozares konsolidācija $BTC $BNB $ETH #BTC #etf #BinanceSquare
2023. gads kriptovalūtu industrijā bija amerikāņu kalniņi. No Bitcoin maksimumiem, kas sasniedza jaunus visu laiku augstākos punktus, līdz banku krīzes zemākajiem līmeņiem, bija daudz virsrakstu, kas noturēja investorus savā vietā.

Virsraksti, kas noteica 2023. gadu, ietver:

⚫ 2023. gada 1. ceturksnis: banku krīze, regulējuma saasināšanās
⚫ 2023. gada 2. ceturksnis:#SECtiesas prāvas, BlackRock ETF aizpildīšana
⚫ 2023. gada 3. ceturksnis: uzvara pelēktoņu tiesā
⚫ 2023. gada 4. ceturksnis: Binance lūguma darījums, ETF ažiotāža

Skatoties uz 2024. gadu, kriptovalūtu ainava ir gatava būtiskiem notikumiem:

⚫ Normatīvā skaidrība un pamaniet Bitcoin ETF lēmumu
⚫ Bitcoin samazināšana uz pusi
⚫ Tehnoloģiskie sasniegumi
⚫ Kripto nozares konsolidācija

#BTC #etf #BinanceSquare
Skatīt oriģinālu
Analizējot $BONK, tiek atklāts kāpuma modelis, īpaši krītošs ķīlis gan 30 minūšu, gan 1 stundas laika periodos. Tirgotāji var apsvērt iespēju gaidīt atkārtotu pārbaudi vai izvēlēties sekot jaunajai tendencei, ņemot vērā tās agrīnos posmus. Reaģējot uz iespējamām cenu izmaiņām, ir ieteicams uzraudzīt galvenos līmeņus un apsvērt riska pārvaldības stratēģijas. #BTC #etf #Bonk.Coin
Analizējot $BONK , tiek atklāts kāpuma modelis, īpaši krītošs ķīlis gan 30 minūšu, gan 1 stundas laika periodos. Tirgotāji var apsvērt iespēju gaidīt atkārtotu pārbaudi vai izvēlēties sekot jaunajai tendencei, ņemot vērā tās agrīnos posmus. Reaģējot uz iespējamām cenu izmaiņām, ir ieteicams uzraudzīt galvenos līmeņus un apsvērt riska pārvaldības stratēģijas.

#BTC #etf #Bonk.Coin
Analyzing $SHIB using a symmetrical triangle pattern suggests a potential upcoming price action in the market. Symmetrical triangles often indicate a period of consolidation before a significant breakout. In this case, the formation of the symmetrical triangle suggests an imminent move, and historical analysis of the market trend indicates a higher likelihood of a bullish movement. Traders and investors may observe key levels within the triangle pattern for potential entry or exit points. A bullish breakout could lead to an upward price movement, while a bearish breakout might result in a downward trend. It's crucial to consider other technical indicators, market sentiment, and external factors that could influence the cryptocurrency market. Remember that cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, and any analysis should be supplemented with risk management strategies. Always stay updated on the latest market developments and news that could impact $SHIB. #etf #BTC #ETH #SHIB💥
Analyzing $SHIB using a symmetrical triangle pattern suggests a potential upcoming price action in the market. Symmetrical triangles often indicate a period of consolidation before a significant breakout. In this case, the formation of the symmetrical triangle suggests an imminent move, and historical analysis of the market trend indicates a higher likelihood of a bullish movement.

Traders and investors may observe key levels within the triangle pattern for potential entry or exit points. A bullish breakout could lead to an upward price movement, while a bearish breakout might result in a downward trend. It's crucial to consider other technical indicators, market sentiment, and external factors that could influence the cryptocurrency market.

Remember that cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, and any analysis should be supplemented with risk management strategies. Always stay updated on the latest market developments and news that could impact $SHIB .

#etf #BTC #ETH #SHIB💥
As the January 10 deadline approaches for the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to decide on Ark Investments and 21Shares’ proposed spot Bitcoin ETF, a recent Reuters report suggests that the SEC is poised to notify asset managers about the approval of their applications as early as next week. This move could allow firms that met the year-end deadline, including Valkyrie, Bitwise, WisdomTree, Franklin Templeton, BlackRock, VanEck, and Invesco, to launch in sync with the decision deadline. Among the 14 asset managers vying for approval, several have already submitted detailed forms to the SEC, including sponsor fees. Fidelity stands out with the lowest proposed sponsor rate of 0.39%. However, many firms are yet to disclose their rates. This development is seen as a significant step towards attracting more institutional investment into the crypto industry. Analysts anticipate that the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs could have a substantial impact on the sector. Reuters Report #BTC #etf $BTC
As the January 10 deadline approaches for the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to decide on Ark Investments and 21Shares’ proposed spot Bitcoin ETF, a recent Reuters report suggests that the SEC is poised to notify asset managers about the approval of their applications as early as next week. This move could allow firms that met the year-end deadline, including Valkyrie, Bitwise, WisdomTree, Franklin Templeton, BlackRock, VanEck, and Invesco, to launch in sync with the decision deadline.

Among the 14 asset managers vying for approval, several have already submitted detailed forms to the SEC, including sponsor fees. Fidelity stands out with the lowest proposed sponsor rate of 0.39%. However, many firms are yet to disclose their rates. This development is seen as a significant step towards attracting more institutional investment into the crypto industry. Analysts anticipate that the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs could have a substantial impact on the sector.

Reuters Report

#BTC #etf
✔️ THIS WEEK'S CRYPTO MARKET HIGHLIGHTS: ⚫ Paxos got approval to launch stablecoin ⚫ FTX debtors settled with SBF ⚫ Mt. Gox creditors receiving repayments ⚫ Grayscale's board of directors changed ⚫ Ledger Live tracks and collects user data ⚫ Celsius got approved to switch to Bitcoin mining ⚫ Argentina's bill might legalize XRP and ETH ⚫ OKX will delist privacy tokens ⚫ CZ’s request to leave the US got declined $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC #etf #ETH #Launchpool #ai

⚫ Paxos got approval to launch stablecoin
⚫ FTX debtors settled with SBF
⚫ Mt. Gox creditors receiving repayments
⚫ Grayscale's board of directors changed
⚫ Ledger Live tracks and collects user data
⚫ Celsius got approved to switch to Bitcoin mining
⚫ Argentina's bill might legalize XRP and ETH
⚫ OKX will delist privacy tokens
⚫ CZ’s request to leave the US got declined

#BTC #etf #ETH #Launchpool #ai
Texhnical analysis on #BNB against #USDT on 30m Timeframe. $BNB
Texhnical analysis on #BNB against #USDT on 30m Timeframe.

JUST IN : 💰 Max Keiser is trying to pump #bitcoin 😂😂 Stating these two saudis are going to buy 1 Million #Bitcoins and expecting a $100,000 God Candle. #BTC $BTC
JUST IN : 💰 Max Keiser is trying to pump #bitcoin 😂😂

Stating these two saudis are going to buy 1 Million #Bitcoins and expecting a $100,000 God Candle.
Technical Analysis: BNBUSDT Trend Reversal The trend has rebounded strongly at the Fibonacci 0.786 psychological zone, forming a compelling bullish chart pattern. Two confirmations signal an impending shift from a downtrend to a promising uptrend. Fundamental Analysis: Positive News Catalysts Amidst SEC developments, Bitcoin ETF discussions, and the upcoming Bitcoin halving, all news indicators point to a favorable outlook for BNB. Despite considerations related to CZ, the overall sentiment suggests an imminent rally for Binance Coin. #bnbsignal #BNB! #BTC #SECvsCrypto #bitcoinetf $BTC $BNB
Technical Analysis:

BNBUSDT Trend Reversal

The trend has rebounded strongly at the Fibonacci 0.786 psychological zone, forming a compelling bullish chart pattern. Two confirmations signal an impending shift from a downtrend to a promising uptrend.

Fundamental Analysis:

Positive News Catalysts

Amidst SEC developments, Bitcoin ETF discussions, and the upcoming Bitcoin halving, all news indicators point to a favorable outlook for BNB. Despite considerations related to CZ, the overall sentiment suggests an imminent rally for Binance Coin.

#bnbsignal #BNB! #BTC #SECvsCrypto #bitcoinetf

Outlook on BNBTechnical Analysis: BNBUSDT Trend ReversalThe trend has rebounded strongly at the Fibonacci 0.786 psychological zone, forming a compelling bullish chart pattern. Two confirmations signal an impending shift from a downtrend to a promising uptrend.Fundamental Analysis: Positive News CatalystsAmidst SEC developments, Bitcoin ETF discussions, and the upcoming Bitcoin halving, all news indicators point to a favorable outlook for BNB. Despite considerations related to CZ, the overall sentiment suggests an imminent rally for Binance Coin.#bnbsignal #BNB! #BTC $BTC $BNB

Outlook on BNB

Technical Analysis: BNBUSDT Trend ReversalThe trend has rebounded strongly at the Fibonacci 0.786 psychological zone, forming a compelling bullish chart pattern. Two confirmations signal an impending shift from a downtrend to a promising uptrend.Fundamental Analysis: Positive News CatalystsAmidst SEC developments, Bitcoin ETF discussions, and the upcoming Bitcoin halving, all news indicators point to a favorable outlook for BNB. Despite considerations related to CZ, the overall sentiment suggests an imminent rally for Binance Coin.#bnbsignal #BNB! #BTC $BTC $BNB
SHIBA INU NEWSRecently, Shibairum processed over 180 million transactions, indicating strong community engagement. #SHIB💥 prices rose from $0.00001002 on Dec. 18 to $0.00001081 on Dec. 25, translating to a market cap of $6.3 billion.More than 28 technical indicators are bullish on Shiba Inu. The token is now trading above its 50 and 100-day EMAs, which is bullish for the meme coin.As it is, analysts say the coin could break above $0.00001156 before the end of December 2023. $SHIB


Recently, Shibairum processed over 180 million transactions, indicating strong community engagement. #SHIB💥 prices rose from $0.00001002 on Dec. 18 to $0.00001081 on Dec. 25, translating to a market cap of $6.3 billion.More than 28 technical indicators are bullish on Shiba Inu. The token is now trading above its 50 and 100-day EMAs, which is bullish for the meme coin.As it is, analysts say the coin could break above $0.00001156 before the end of December 2023. $SHIB
Recently, Shibairum processed over 180 million transactions, indicating strong community engagement.  #SHIB prices rose from $0.00001002 on Dec. 18 to $0.00001081 on Dec. 25, translating to a market cap of $6.3 billion. More than 28 technical indicators are bullish on Shiba Inu. The token is now trading above its 50 and 100-day EMAs, which is bullish for the meme coin. As it is, analysts say the coin could break above $0.00001156 before the end of December 2023.$SHIB
Recently, Shibairum processed over 180 million transactions, indicating strong community engagement. 

#SHIB prices rose from $0.00001002 on Dec. 18 to $0.00001081 on Dec. 25, translating to a market cap of $6.3 billion.

More than 28 technical indicators are bullish on Shiba Inu. The token is now trading above its 50 and 100-day EMAs, which is bullish for the meme coin.
As it is, analysts say the coin could break above $0.00001156 before the end of December 2023.$SHIB
Adani Group, led by Gautam Adani, is venturing into #AI , $IOTA , and blockchain through a strategic collaboration with UAE’s International Holding Co. (IHC). The partnership has birthed Sirius Digitech International Ltd., focusing on cutting-edge technologies in Abu Dhabi. Adani Global holds a 49% stake, partnering with Sirius International Holding at 51%. Positioned to explore India's $175 billion digitization landscape, the venture aims at sectors like Fintech and Healthtech. The collaboration emphasizes collaborative decision-making, uniting Adani's innovation and IHC's strategic vision. Beyond #AI , they aim to leverage IoT and blockchain for industry advancements. Despite a January setback, Adani Group's collaboration signals a return to robust expansion, supported by IHC's increased stake and a valuation of $239 billion. This move places Adani Group at the forefront of tech innovation, contributing to India’s digital evolution with resilience and strategic vision.
Adani Group, led by Gautam Adani, is venturing into #AI , $IOTA , and blockchain through a strategic collaboration with UAE’s International Holding Co. (IHC). The partnership has birthed Sirius Digitech International Ltd., focusing on cutting-edge technologies in Abu Dhabi. Adani Global holds a 49% stake, partnering with Sirius International Holding at 51%. Positioned to explore India's $175 billion digitization landscape, the venture aims at sectors like Fintech and Healthtech. The collaboration emphasizes collaborative decision-making, uniting Adani's innovation and IHC's strategic vision. Beyond #AI , they aim to leverage IoT and blockchain for industry advancements. Despite a January setback, Adani Group's collaboration signals a return to robust expansion, supported by IHC's increased stake and a valuation of $239 billion. This move places Adani Group at the forefront of tech innovation, contributing to India’s digital evolution with resilience and strategic vision.
According to Arkham, Donald Trump is selling his ETH holdings. After accumulating Trump NFT royalties, his team began transferring ETH to Coinbase three weeks ago, reaching a maximum balance of $4m. As of now, they have sold 1,075 ETH for $2.4m. #ETH #BTC $ETH
According to Arkham, Donald Trump is selling his ETH holdings.

After accumulating Trump NFT royalties, his team began transferring ETH to Coinbase three weeks ago, reaching a maximum balance of $4m. As of now, they have sold 1,075 ETH for $2.4m.
💰 Vitalik Buterin proposes to make #Ethereum PoS ‘lighter and simpler’ The Ethereum co-founder suggested reducing validator signatures to lighten the load and make predicting future loads more accurate. $ETH #ETH
💰 Vitalik Buterin proposes to make #Ethereum PoS ‘lighter and simpler’

The Ethereum co-founder suggested reducing validator signatures to lighten the load and make predicting future loads more accurate.
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