Binance Square
Kathey Goodwill VE97
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Binance Announcement
Binance paplašinās uzraudzības tagu, iekļaujot tajā BAL, CTXC, CVP, CVX, DOCK, HARD, IRIS, MBL, POLS, SNT un SUN, un noņems MLN un ZEN uzraudzības tagu 2024. 07.01.
Šis ir vispārējs paziņojums. Šeit minētie produkti un pakalpojumi var nebūt pieejami jūsu reģionā.
Binansiešu kolēģi,
Pamatojoties uz jaunākajiem pārskatiem, Binance paplašinās uzraudzības tagu, iekļaujot vairāk marķieru 2024-07-01.
Uzraudzības tagu sarakstam pievienojamie marķieri ir: 
Balansētājs (BAL)
Garoza (CTXC)
PowerPool (CVP)
Izliektas finanses (CVX)
Doks (DOCK)
Kava Lend (HARD)
MovieBloc (MBL)
Polkas starteris (POLS)
Statuss (SNT)
Saule (SUN)
Marķieri, kas jāizņem no uzraudzības tagu saraksta, ir:
Enzīms (MLN)
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#Write2Nopelniet $BNB prasību, nopelniet, tirgojiet, laimējiet#bnb$ETH #TrendingTopic
#Write2Nopelniet $BNB prasību, nopelniet, tirgojiet, laimējiet#bnb$ETH #TrendingTopic
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#Write2Nopelniet $BNB prasību, nopelniet, tirgojiet, laimējiet#bnb$ETH $XRP
#Write2Nopelniet $BNB prasību, nopelniet, tirgojiet, laimējiet#bnb$ETH $XRP
#Write2Earn $BTC #BNB #BTC🔥🔥 trade trade and trade. I want doller.#TradeNTell
#Write2Earn $BTC #BNB #BTC🔥🔥 trade trade and trade. I want doller.#TradeNTell
#Write2Earn: i think bnb will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high. so i think everyone should buy #BNB and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick so #buyBNB #Spot #longbnb
#Write2Earn: i think bnb will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high. so i think everyone should buy #BNB and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick so #buyBNB #Spot #longbnb
#Write2Earn: i think bnb will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high. so i think everyone should buy #BNB and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick so #buyBNB #Spot #MANTA
#Write2Earn: i think bnb will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high. so i think everyone should buy #BNB and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick so #buyBNB #Spot #MANTA
#Write2Earn: : i think bnb will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high. so i think everyone should buy #BNB and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick so #buyBNB #Spot #UMA
#Write2Earn: : i think bnb will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high. so i think everyone should buy #BNB and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick so #buyBNB #Spot #UMA
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