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Svarīgs atjauninājums Notcoin īpašniekiem! $NOT turētāji, ņemiet vērā! Tuvojas termiņš $NOT izņemšanai no Notcoin robota savā makā. Noteikti izņemiet savas monētas līdz 2024. gada 16. jūnijam, lai tās netiktu sadedzinātas!🔥🔥🔥 Uzliktās monētas ir drošas, taču visas #NOT, kas palikušas robotā pēc termiņa, tiks neatgriezeniski noņemtas. Pastāstiet citiem Notcoin īpašniekiem! #Notcoinnews #Notcoinnews24 #cryptotipshop #Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #trendingnow
Svarīgs atjauninājums Notcoin īpašniekiem!

$NOT turētāji, ņemiet vērā!

Tuvojas termiņš $NOT izņemšanai no Notcoin robota savā makā. Noteikti izņemiet savas monētas līdz 2024. gada 16. jūnijam, lai tās netiktu sadedzinātas!🔥🔥🔥

Uzliktās monētas ir drošas, taču visas #NOT, kas palikušas robotā pēc termiņa, tiks neatgriezeniski noņemtas.
Pastāstiet citiem Notcoin īpašniekiem!

#Notcoinnews #Notcoinnews24 #cryptotipshop #Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #trendingnow
Skatīt oriģinālu
Rīt ir lielākais mēneša notikums pēc PCI Kas nāks? - ASV IKP - Bezdarbnieka prasības Un reakcija būs visdīvainākā Ļauj man paskaidrot. Līdz šim šajā tirgū *Slikti dati ir labas ziņas* Bet rīt IKP iznākumu tirgotājiem vajadzētu spriest pēc, LABI DATI IR LABAS ZIŅAS UN bezdarbnieku pieprasījumu dati kā SLIKTIE DATI KĀ LABAS ZIŅAS. Nesapratu? Jā, BAD Data ir labas ziņas, bet kāpēc IKP ir pretējs? Jo tuvojas likmju samazināšana! Tādējādi, ja IKP dati ir slikti dati, *Mums būs likmju samazināšana + zemāks IKP = likviditātes slazds, un tāpēc mēs sāksim noteikt cenu deflācijā* Deflācija ir nopietnāka par inflāciju un bīstamāka. Līdz ar to IKP vajadzētu būt augstam un rīt vajadzētu būt vairāk bezdarbnieku, tas ir bullish turpinājuma apstiprinājums. Abi ir pulksten 17:30 Līdz ar to šodienas kustība ir nepastāvīga attiecībā uz šo rītdienas notikumu, un tāpēc tā nav SKAIDRA TENDENCIJA. Tāpēc izvairieties no nākotnes darījumiem no šī brīža, līdz notikumu putekļi nomierināsies. Līdz ar to mēs kļūstam neitrāli, un risks ir ļoti pārvaldīts. Ja atrodaties šajā tirgū, jums vajadzētu saprast makro un globālo tirgu. Mēs zinām, ka jums tas nav jādara, tāpēc mēs jums visu izskaidrojam kā 5 gadus vecam bērnam, lai sniegtu jums visu iespējamo. Tāpēc neuztraucieties, jūs esat abonējis visu laiku labāko vietu. Sekojiet līdzi. #Megadrop #2morrow #ETHETFsApproved #MicroStrategy $BTC $NOT
Rīt ir lielākais mēneša notikums pēc PCI
Kas nāks?
- Bezdarbnieka prasības
Un reakcija būs visdīvainākā
Ļauj man paskaidrot.
Līdz šim šajā tirgū
*Slikti dati ir labas ziņas*
Bet rīt IKP iznākumu tirgotājiem vajadzētu spriest pēc, LABI DATI IR LABAS ZIŅAS
UN bezdarbnieku pieprasījumu dati kā SLIKTIE DATI KĀ LABAS ZIŅAS.
Jā, BAD Data ir labas ziņas, bet kāpēc IKP ir pretējs?
Jo tuvojas likmju samazināšana!
Tādējādi, ja IKP dati ir slikti dati,
*Mums būs likmju samazināšana + zemāks IKP = likviditātes slazds, un tāpēc mēs sāksim noteikt cenu deflācijā*
Deflācija ir nopietnāka par inflāciju un bīstamāka.
Līdz ar to IKP vajadzētu būt augstam un rīt vajadzētu būt vairāk bezdarbnieku, tas ir bullish turpinājuma apstiprinājums.
Abi ir pulksten 17:30
Līdz ar to šodienas kustība ir nepastāvīga attiecībā uz šo rītdienas notikumu, un tāpēc tā nav SKAIDRA TENDENCIJA.
Tāpēc izvairieties no nākotnes darījumiem no šī brīža, līdz notikumu putekļi nomierināsies.
Līdz ar to mēs kļūstam neitrāli, un risks ir ļoti pārvaldīts.
Ja atrodaties šajā tirgū, jums vajadzētu saprast makro un globālo tirgu.
Mēs zinām, ka jums tas nav jādara, tāpēc mēs jums visu izskaidrojam kā 5 gadus vecam bērnam, lai sniegtu jums visu iespējamo.
Tāpēc neuztraucieties, jūs esat abonējis visu laiku labāko vietu.
Sekojiet līdzi.
#Megadrop #2morrow #ETHETFsApproved #MicroStrategy $BTC $NOT
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance kopā ar Krištianu Ronaldu izlaiž NFT kolekciju “Forever Worldwide: The Road to Saūd Arabia”. Šis ir vispārējs paziņojums. Šeit minētie produkti un pakalpojumi var nebūt pieejami jūsu reģionā. Cienījamie kolēģi Binancians! Binance ar prieku paziņo par Forever Worldwide: Ceļš uz Saūda Arābiju — ceturtās kolekcijas NFT sadarbībā ar futbola ikonu Krištianu Ronaldu izlaišanu. Šī ekskluzīvā NFT kolekcija būs pieejama tikai Binance NFT Marketplace. Kampaņas periods: 2024-05-29 08:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-07-15 23:59 (UTC)  Pārdošanas periods: 2024-05-29 08:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-06-18 23:59:59 (UTC)  Par Forever Worldwide: Ceļš uz Saūda Arābiju Kolekcijā ir parādīti septiņi unikāli NFT, un katrs no tiem ir nozīmīga vieta Krištianu Ronaldu karjerā — Madeira, Lisabona, Mančestra, Madride, Turīna, Saūda Arābija un Portugāle. Kolekcionāri var vākt un nopelnīt komunālos pakalpojumus un atlīdzības, pamatojoties uz viņiem piederošo unikālo NFT skaitu no kolekcijas.  Kolekcijas “Forever Worldwide: Ceļš uz Saūda Arābiju” pārdošanas periods ir šāds: Pārdošanas datums Forever Worldwide: Ceļš uz Saūda Arābiju NFT kolekcija 2024-05-29 08:00 (UTC) - 2024-06-18 23:59:59 (UTC) Madeira (2800 parasto NFT), Lisabona (2300 parasto NFT) un Mančestra (1700 parasto NFT) 2024-06-06 14:00 (UTC) - 2024-06-18 23:59:59 (UTC) Madride (1200 parastās NFT), Turīna (800 parastās NFT) un Saūda Arābija (700 parastās NFT) 2024-06-14 14:00 (UTC) - 2024-06-18 23:59:59 (UTC) Portugāle (7 īpaši reti NFT) Ņemiet vērā: lai gan parasto NFT skaits katrā atrašanās vietā ir atšķirīgs, cena būs tāda pati: 35 USD (35 USD).  Kā darbojas mehānismi “Savākt, lai nopelnītu” un “Visātrāk savākt”: Kopumā ir pieejami četri dažādi retuma līmeņi — Super Super Rare (SSR), Super Rare (SR), Reti (R) un Normal (N), un katram retuma līmenim būs sava lietderība un priekšrocības NFT turētājiem, kā norādīts zemāk esošajā tabulā.  NFT pieder Lietderības retums veids Ieguvumi 1 Normāls
Binance kopā ar Krištianu Ronaldu izlaiž NFT kolekciju “Forever Worldwide: The Road to Saūd Arabia”.

Šis ir vispārējs paziņojums. Šeit minētie produkti un pakalpojumi var nebūt pieejami jūsu reģionā.

Cienījamie kolēģi Binancians!
Binance ar prieku paziņo par Forever Worldwide: Ceļš uz Saūda Arābiju — ceturtās kolekcijas NFT sadarbībā ar futbola ikonu Krištianu Ronaldu izlaišanu. Šī ekskluzīvā NFT kolekcija būs pieejama tikai Binance NFT Marketplace.
Kampaņas periods: 2024-05-29 08:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-07-15 23:59 (UTC) 
Pārdošanas periods: 2024-05-29 08:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-06-18 23:59:59 (UTC) 
Par Forever Worldwide: Ceļš uz Saūda Arābiju
Kolekcijā ir parādīti septiņi unikāli NFT, un katrs no tiem ir nozīmīga vieta Krištianu Ronaldu karjerā — Madeira, Lisabona, Mančestra, Madride, Turīna, Saūda Arābija un Portugāle. Kolekcionāri var vākt un nopelnīt komunālos pakalpojumus un atlīdzības, pamatojoties uz viņiem piederošo unikālo NFT skaitu no kolekcijas. 
Kolekcijas “Forever Worldwide: Ceļš uz Saūda Arābiju” pārdošanas periods ir šāds:
Pārdošanas datums
Forever Worldwide: Ceļš uz Saūda Arābiju NFT kolekcija
2024-05-29 08:00 (UTC) - 2024-06-18 23:59:59 (UTC)
Madeira (2800 parasto NFT), Lisabona (2300 parasto NFT) un Mančestra (1700 parasto NFT)
2024-06-06 14:00 (UTC) - 2024-06-18 23:59:59 (UTC)
Madride (1200 parastās NFT), Turīna (800 parastās NFT) un Saūda Arābija (700 parastās NFT)
2024-06-14 14:00 (UTC) - 2024-06-18 23:59:59 (UTC)
Portugāle (7 īpaši reti NFT)
Ņemiet vērā: lai gan parasto NFT skaits katrā atrašanās vietā ir atšķirīgs, cena būs tāda pati: 35 USD (35 USD). 
Kā darbojas mehānismi “Savākt, lai nopelnītu” un “Visātrāk savākt”:
Kopumā ir pieejami četri dažādi retuma līmeņi — Super Super Rare (SSR), Super Rare (SR), Reti (R) un Normal (N), un katram retuma līmenim būs sava lietderība un priekšrocības NFT turētājiem, kā norādīts zemāk esošajā tabulā. 
NFT pieder
Lietderības retums veids
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai Notcoin cena patiešām var pieaugt līdz USD 1 par monētu? #YES , jo atbilde nav tālu meklējama. Satriecošā notikumu pavērsienā Du Rove, Telegram īpašnieks, ir nokļuvis ziņu virsrakstos, saņemot milzīgu 6,8 miljonu dolāru vērtu Notcoin kā dāsnu ziedojumu. Šis ziedojums, ko sniedz pusmiljons Notcoin lietotāju, iezīmē nozīmīgu brīdi kriptovalūtu pasaulē. Du Rove izteica pateicību, sakot: "Paldies ☺️" sabiedrībai par viņu milzīgo atbalstu. Tomēr vēl intriģējošāks ir Du Rova lēmums paturēt šīs monētas, līdz to vērtība sasniegs 680 miljonus USD. Šis drosmīgais solis rada jautājumu: vai Notcoin cena patiešām var pieaugt līdz USD 1 par monētu? Ņemot vērā pašreizējo kriptovalūtu tirgus dinamiku un pieaugošo interesi par Notcoin, iespēja sasniegt šādu pavērsiena punktu nešķiet tālu. Du Rove paziņojums ir izraisījis optimismu#Notcoininvestoru un entuziastu vidū, veicinot diskusijas par tā iespējamo trajektoriju. Ja Notcoin izdosies sasniegt šo varoņdarbu, tas varētu liecināt par būtiskām izmaiņām tā tirgus pozīcijā un piesaistīt vēl lielāku investoru uzmanību visā pasaulē. Turklāt Du Rove plāns izmantot līdzekļus, lai uzlabotu Telegram infrastruktūru, vēl vairāk palielina intrigu, kas saistīta ar Notcoin nākotni. Tā kā kriptovalūtu kopiena ar nepacietību gaida turpmākos notikumus, visas acis ir vērstas uz Notcoin cenu diagrammu, domājot, vai tā patiešām veiks vēsturisku lēcienu līdz USD 1 par monētu. Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par šo aizraujošo ceļojumu! $NOT $BTC Atruna: ietver trešo pušu viedokļus. Nav finanšu padomu. Var ietvert sponsorētu saturu. Skatiet noteikumus un nosacījumus. Koncentrējieties uz ilgtermiņa, nevis īstermiņa. Ja $ShibaInu $doge $Bonks varētu sasniegt miljardus $$ tirgus kapitalizāciju, kāpēc gan ne $NE
Vai Notcoin cena patiešām var pieaugt līdz USD 1 par monētu? #YES , jo atbilde nav tālu meklējama.

Satriecošā notikumu pavērsienā Du Rove, Telegram īpašnieks, ir nokļuvis ziņu virsrakstos, saņemot milzīgu 6,8 miljonu dolāru vērtu Notcoin kā dāsnu ziedojumu. Šis ziedojums, ko sniedz pusmiljons Notcoin lietotāju, iezīmē nozīmīgu brīdi kriptovalūtu pasaulē.
Du Rove izteica pateicību, sakot: "Paldies ☺️" sabiedrībai par viņu milzīgo atbalstu.
Tomēr vēl intriģējošāks ir Du Rova lēmums paturēt šīs monētas, līdz to vērtība sasniegs 680 miljonus USD. Šis drosmīgais solis rada jautājumu: vai Notcoin cena patiešām var pieaugt līdz USD 1 par monētu?

Ņemot vērā pašreizējo kriptovalūtu tirgus dinamiku un pieaugošo interesi par Notcoin, iespēja sasniegt šādu pavērsiena punktu nešķiet tālu. Du Rove paziņojums ir izraisījis optimismu#Notcoininvestoru un entuziastu vidū, veicinot diskusijas par tā iespējamo trajektoriju.

Ja Notcoin izdosies sasniegt šo varoņdarbu, tas varētu liecināt par būtiskām izmaiņām tā tirgus pozīcijā un piesaistīt vēl lielāku investoru uzmanību visā pasaulē. Turklāt Du Rove plāns izmantot līdzekļus, lai uzlabotu Telegram infrastruktūru, vēl vairāk palielina intrigu, kas saistīta ar Notcoin nākotni.
Tā kā kriptovalūtu kopiena ar nepacietību gaida turpmākos notikumus, visas acis ir vērstas uz Notcoin cenu diagrammu, domājot, vai tā patiešām veiks vēsturisku lēcienu līdz USD 1 par monētu. Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem par šo aizraujošo ceļojumu! $NOT $BTC
Atruna: ietver trešo pušu viedokļus. Nav finanšu padomu. Var ietvert sponsorētu saturu. Skatiet noteikumus un nosacījumus.

Koncentrējieties uz ilgtermiņa, nevis īstermiņa. Ja $ShibaInu $doge $Bonks varētu sasniegt miljardus $$ tirgus kapitalizāciju, kāpēc gan ne $NE
#Megadrop #UPDATE! #UPDATE!! #UPDATE!!! 📣 Important Update: Binance to Delist Trading Pairs listen carefully guys Binance will delist the following trading pairs on May 31 at 06:00 AM UTC: CAKE/TUSD DYDX/BNB LAZIO/BTC Please ensure you manage your trades accordingly before the deadline to avoid any inconvenience. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements from Binance. #binance #LAZIO $CAKE $DYDX $LAZIO #Write2Earn! #NOT🔥🔥🔥
📣 Important Update: Binance to Delist Trading Pairs

listen carefully guys

Binance will delist the following trading pairs on May 31 at 06:00 AM UTC:
Please ensure you manage your trades accordingly before the deadline to avoid any inconvenience. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements from Binance.

#Write2Earn! #NOT🔥🔥🔥
$NOT 🚨 URJENT UPDATES 🚨 Notcoin up or down? Notcoin now will go down, Notcoin is cross largely piont, little down then go up More and more Now will be little break up then starts again up. Carefully if you want holds or sell is your wish!! Follow me for more update 💓 #MbeyaconsciousComunity #altcoins #BlackRock #Memecoins #Not #pepe #cryptosurge
Notcoin up or down?
Notcoin now will go down, Notcoin is cross largely piont, little down then go up
More and more
Now will be little break up then starts again up. Carefully if you want holds or sell is your wish!!
Follow me for more update 💓
#MbeyaconsciousComunity #altcoins #BlackRock #Memecoins #Not #pepe #cryptosurge
Which Coins Will Pump in Upcoming Hours?🤫 Read Full Post Till End to Find Out👇 First of all We Have $AEVO which is Trading at Around 0.8750$ Right Now. It is My Favourite Coin in Futures and I Already Made 1k$ Profit From it Yesterday By Scalping. You can Buy AEVO Right Now and Take Profit around 0.9350$, It is a Quick Scalp Trade Which Will Hit in Upcoming Hours. Secondly, We Have $WIF which is a Memecoin, Right Now Trading Around 3.07$. Futures Liquidation Data Shows Around 10 Million$ Liquidation at 3.25$ Level. Technical Analysis Shows Breakout From Falling Wedge Pattern and Retest Above it. Buy WIF in Futures and Hold Till 3.25$. Lastly We Have $SOL which Just Broke Out From Falling Wedge Pattern in 4h Time Frame and is Currently Trading at 165$ . Resistance is at 183$ . You can Buy this in Spot as Well and Long in Futures. Liquidation Heatmap Also Shows Clusters of Short Liquidity Lies Upside. Future Trading is Subjected to High Risk, Only Trade With Help of an Expert. : @Crypto_Classics311 $PEPE $NOT #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #MicroStrategy #BlackRock #BlackRock
Which Coins Will Pump in Upcoming Hours?🤫
Read Full Post Till End to Find Out👇
First of all We Have $AEVO which is Trading at Around 0.8750$ Right Now. It is My Favourite Coin in Futures and I Already Made 1k$ Profit From it Yesterday By Scalping. You can Buy AEVO Right Now and Take Profit around 0.9350$, It is a Quick Scalp Trade Which Will Hit in Upcoming Hours.
Secondly, We Have $WIF which is a Memecoin, Right Now Trading Around 3.07$. Futures Liquidation Data Shows Around 10 Million$ Liquidation at 3.25$ Level. Technical Analysis Shows Breakout From Falling Wedge Pattern and Retest Above it. Buy WIF in Futures and Hold Till 3.25$.
Lastly We Have $SOL which Just Broke Out From Falling Wedge Pattern in 4h Time Frame and is Currently Trading at 165$ . Resistance is at 183$ . You can Buy this in Spot as Well and Long in Futures. Liquidation Heatmap Also Shows Clusters of Short Liquidity Lies Upside.
Future Trading is Subjected to High Risk, Only Trade With Help of an Expert.
: @Mr Exceptionist
$PEPE $NOT #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #MicroStrategy #BlackRock #BlackRock
NOTCOIN IS IMPORTANT! I see many people claiming that Notcoin is a scam. Some bought it at launch and are now facing losses, but that's how the market works, and there are many reasons for this. I personally farmed Notcoin from day one and interacted with the community doing the same. Believe me, 80% of these people knew nothing about crypto, but they earned from it, sold it, and continue to sell it. That's a good thing. The price isn't rising because major players are waiting for everyone to sell their tokens. Once that happens, big investors will enter the market and launch Notcoin "to the moon." This coin is not a scam or a hoax. Doesn't it tell you something that it was added to all top exchanges for free? Or that the founder of Telegram praised this coin? Now, you can buy various items in other games using Notcoin. Doesn't that indicate something? Notcoin will be integrated into all projects within the TON ecosystem. Just think: if you were an investor, would you buy the coin on the first day of trading, knowing that all the coins are in the hands of kids who got them for free and will sell immediately? I think not. You would wait until everyone sells. You say that Notcoin represents nothing. But do Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, or Pepe represent anything? Of course not. The difference is that Notcoin has many applications and will continue to interact within the TON ecosystem. $NOT $BTC @Tom-Airdrop-2-0 #Write&Earn $FARM

I see many people claiming that Notcoin is a scam. Some bought it at launch and are now facing losses, but that's how the market works, and there are many reasons for this. I personally farmed Notcoin from day one and interacted with the community doing the same. Believe me, 80% of these people knew nothing about crypto, but they earned from it, sold it, and continue to sell it. That's a good thing.

The price isn't rising because major players are waiting for everyone to sell their tokens. Once that happens, big investors will enter the market and launch Notcoin "to the moon." This coin is not a scam or a hoax.

Doesn't it tell you something that it was added to all top exchanges for free? Or that the founder of Telegram praised this coin? Now, you can buy various items in other games using Notcoin. Doesn't that indicate something?

Notcoin will be integrated into all projects within the TON ecosystem. Just think: if you were an investor, would you buy the coin on the first day of trading, knowing that all the coins are in the hands of kids who got them for free and will sell immediately? I think not. You would wait until everyone sells.

You say that Notcoin represents nothing. But do Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, or Pepe represent anything? Of course not. The difference is that Notcoin has many applications and will continue to interact within the TON ecosystem.
$NOT $BTC @Tom-Airdrop-2-0 #Write&Earn $FARM
$REZ $OMNI #saga $BB if still continua to go down i will sell and never buy the coins supported by binance. a lot of coins lately and almost all of them collapsing. Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs. Share with friends now
$REZ $OMNI #saga $BB if still continua to go down i will sell and never buy the coins supported by binance. a lot of coins lately and almost all of them collapsing.
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
Share with friends now
🔔 Binance to list Renzo (REZ) today at 12:00 UTC / 5:30 PM IST ◾️In the Past 6 days, Users locked over $14.73 Billion on Binance to participate in the REZ token public sale. 💰A Total of 18,649,314 BNB and $3.60 Billion FDUSD Staked. 🤔What will be the listing price for Renzo (REZ)? Share your price predictions below.👇 #REZ #Renzo #Rez $BTC $SOL $USDC
🔔 Binance to list Renzo (REZ) today at 12:00 UTC / 5:30 PM IST

◾️In the Past 6 days, Users locked over $14.73 Billion on Binance to participate in the REZ token public sale.

💰A Total of 18,649,314 BNB and $3.60 Billion FDUSD Staked.

🤔What will be the listing price for Renzo (REZ)? Share your price predictions below.👇
#REZ #Renzo #Rez $BTC $SOL $USDC
Market is showing negative behaviour. Whales started to create panic. #BTC is still holding $60K support. Advice : Don't be panic . Just Hodl. $100K is near than $32K. Think wisely. Just focus on discounted Alts in cheap sale or pre sale. $BTC $SOL $USDC
Market is showing negative behaviour.

Whales started to create panic.
#BTC is still holding $60K support.

Advice :
Don't be panic .
Just Hodl.
$100K is near than $32K.
Think wisely.

Just focus on discounted Alts in cheap sale or pre sale.

THIS BULL TRAP SEASON‼️‼️‼️💯 NOW LISTEN 👂 IF YOU PAY ATTENTION TO BITCOIN PAST EVENTS, there is something unique you will discover. Bitcoin only pumps hard when he dips so hard leaving lots of investors in disbelief. Whenever they expect upward rising, thats when it fell so dip. Each serious event that happens in bitcoin. Price does not surge. Even when we anticipate it to. Look at almighty, BITCOIN ETF. We plummet Past halving we also plummet before going parabolic the next year. Mega pumps only come with mega dips. Thats where the upward momentum relies. And most importantly, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SEVEN MONTHS WE ARE HITTING MONTHLY RED CANDLES. Ohh please , you can be bullish all you want, we are still in bull market, BUT PLEASE PREPARE FOR THE WORST THIS UPCOMING MONTHS. I see $52k 👀 #Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #write2earn🌐💹 #write2earnonbinancesquare $BTC $ETH $SOL $USDC

IF YOU PAY ATTENTION TO BITCOIN PAST EVENTS, there is something unique you will discover.

Bitcoin only pumps hard when he dips so hard leaving lots of investors in disbelief.
Whenever they expect upward rising, thats when it fell so dip.

Each serious event that happens in bitcoin. Price does not surge. Even when we anticipate it to.

Look at almighty, BITCOIN ETF. We plummet
Past halving we also plummet before going parabolic the next year.

Mega pumps only come with mega dips.
Thats where the upward momentum relies.

Ohh please , you can be bullish all you want, we are still in bull market,

I see $52k 👀

#Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #write2earn🌐💹 #write2earnonbinancesquare

Normally It took 50-60 days for consolidation to prepare a big move. Now BTC has been consolidating in this zone for 45 days already. It should take about 10 days to start a new big move. Let’s watch it$BNB $BTC $ETH6
Normally It took 50-60 days for consolidation to prepare a big move.
Now BTC has been consolidating in this zone for 45 days already. It should take about 10 days to start a new big move.
Let’s watch it$BNB $BTC $ETH6
please‼️Pay Attention to Crypto Lates News. ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯 Musk said Tesla will invest approximately US$10 billion in artificial intelligence this year. The amount of Bitcoin pledged in Solv Protocol exceeded 10.000. and the total locked value exceeded US$710 million. Ethereum price rises 6%, but faces major resistance and legal challenges. Cardano may be seriously undervalued, with a supply margin of only 51.9% 🌍 Binance has deposited more than 18.61 million BNB and 3.57 billion FDUSD in this new currency mining period. #bitcoinhalving #Bitcoin_Bangla #Bitcoinbangladesh $BTC $PEPE $SOL $USDC
please‼️Pay Attention to Crypto Lates News. ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯

Musk said Tesla will invest
approximately US$10 billion in
artificial intelligence this year.

The amount of Bitcoin pledged
in Solv Protocol exceeded 10.000.
and the total locked value
exceeded US$710 million.

Ethereum price rises 6%, but
faces major resistance and legal

Cardano may be seriously
undervalued, with a supply margin
of only 51.9%
Binance has deposited more
than 18.61 million BNB and 3.57
billion FDUSD in this new currency
mining period.
HISTORY 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 The first commercial 10,000 bitcoin transaction was for a pizza 🍕 On May 22, 2010, a man in Florida paid 10,000 bitcoins (BTC) for two pizzas. This is generally recognized as the first bitcoin transaction for a commercial purpose. At the time, 10,000 bitcoins were worth about $40, making one bitcoin worth a little less than half a cent. If you had that number of bitcoins in September 2022, you'd be a bitcoin millionaire. 10,000 bitcoins have a market value of more than $190 million. ✨✨ follow me for more interesting facts and updates about Bitcoin. peace💯🙏🇺🇲 #bitcoinhakving #Megadrop #Bitcoin_Bangla #BullorBear #bitcoinbangladesh #bullish $BTC $PEPE $ETHFI $MEME
HISTORY 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

The first commercial 10,000 bitcoin transaction was for a pizza 🍕

On May 22, 2010, a man in Florida paid 10,000 bitcoins (BTC) for two pizzas. This is generally recognized as the first bitcoin transaction for a commercial purpose.

At the time, 10,000 bitcoins were worth about $40, making one bitcoin worth a little less than half a cent. If you had that number of bitcoins in September 2022, you'd be a bitcoin millionaire. 10,000 bitcoins have a market value of more than $190 million.

follow me for more interesting facts and updates about Bitcoin.

#bitcoinhakving #Megadrop
#Bitcoin_Bangla #BullorBear
#bitcoinbangladesh #bullish
ALERT‼️ ALERT‼️‼️ ALERT‼️‼️‼️ IF YOU HAVE MONEY IN CRYPTO, PAY ATTENTION TO THE NEXT 10 MONTHS! Everything in this bull will happen and be OVER in a few months. During that time, there will be many increases in *ALTCOINS* of 10-20-50…100x THOSE WHO CAN'T SELL AND GET OUT during those rises will STAY INSIDE FOR YEARS, THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE. #write2earn🌐💹 #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #bitcoin #Memecoins #defi


Everything in this bull will happen and be OVER in a few months.

During that time, there will be many increases in *ALTCOINS* of 10-20-50…100x


#write2earn🌐💹 #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #bitcoin #Memecoins #defi
#write2earn🌐💹 ATTENTION! ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!!! $BTC 📢Important News About Binance Philippines:😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 🔥Philippines orders removal of Binance from Google and Apple app stores: 🔥KEY POINTS The Philippines’ Securities and Exchange Commission sent letters to Google and Apple requesting the removal of Binance apps from their respective app stores. The agency accused Binance of offering unregistered securities to Filipinos and operating as an unregistered broker. The regulator said that blocking Binance from app stores would help “prevent the further proliferation of its illegal activities in the country.” #BTC #Memecoins #bullbear #Token2049 #BTC #bitcoin $BTC $PEPE #write2earnonbinancesquare #write2earn

📢Important News About Binance Philippines:😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
🔥Philippines orders removal of Binance from Google and Apple app stores:

The Philippines’ Securities and Exchange Commission sent letters to Google and Apple requesting the removal of Binance apps from their respective app stores.
The agency accused Binance of offering unregistered securities to Filipinos and operating as an unregistered broker.

The regulator said that blocking Binance from app stores would help “prevent the further proliferation of its illegal activities in the country.”

#BTC #Memecoins #bullbear #Token2049 #BTC #bitcoin $BTC $PEPE #write2earnonbinancesquare #write2earn
Bitcoin soon to dump in price, get ready to fill your bags and prepare for the bullrun. No I'm not telling you to accumulate $BTC , it most probably won't give you even a x3 return. I'm talking about altcoins and memecoins that will give you a x10 x100 x1000 some of them are $SOLXR which is on presale now you can buy at a woofing pride. $PEPE $FLOKI SHIB AERO WIF INJ ARB CKB Check this Gempad and thank me later. Just divide your investment into 30 and invest in 30 different coins. I have a list of coins with great potential, make sure to follow and drop a like as I'll be giving you in my posts Also, let me know what are your favorite coins in the comments and we'll all discuss how much potential they have Remember this is not financial advise, I'm not your financial advisor. These are my thoughts and you should also DYOR #BTC🌪️ #Token2049 #altcoin #wrte2earn #Megadrop #Token2049 #BullorBear #Memecoins🤑🤑 #Memeoins
Bitcoin soon to dump in price, get ready to fill your bags and prepare for the bullrun.

No I'm not telling you to accumulate $BTC , it most probably won't give you even a x3 return.

I'm talking about altcoins and memecoins that will give you a x10 x100 x1000

some of them are $SOLXR which is on presale now you can buy at a woofing pride. $PEPE $FLOKI SHIB AERO WIF INJ ARB CKB

Check this Gempad and thank me later.

Just divide your investment into 30 and invest in 30 different coins.
I have a list of coins with great potential, make sure to follow and drop a like as I'll be giving you in my posts
Also, let me know what are your favorite coins in the comments and we'll all discuss how much potential they have
Remember this is not financial advise, I'm not your financial advisor.

These are my thoughts and you should also DYOR

#BTC🌪️ #Token2049 #altcoin #wrte2earn #Megadrop #Token2049 #BullorBear #Memecoins🤑🤑 #Memeoins
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