Binance Square
Felton Cayson H4LR
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
Es izveidoju sarakstu ar monētām, kuras šobrīd ir patiešām lielisks pirkums, salīdzinot ar to, kāpēc jums vajadzētu gaidīt kritumu, un monētām, no kurām jums par katru cenu būtu jāizvairās: 🎯 Lielisks un potenciāls ieguldījums 📗: 1: $MANTA 2: $ALT 3: $MATIC 4: $ATOM 5: $ QNT 6: $AAVE 7: $ DYM 8: $JUP 9: $ SFUND 10: $AZERO 11: $ MOVR 12: $GNSGem Vidēja riska ieguldījums 📙: 1: $ADA 2: $ WOO 3: $ OP 4: $ XRP 5: $AVAX 6: $ BTC 7: $APT 8: $TIA 9: $ARB 10: $ROSE 11: $KAS Dārgakmens, kas jāgaida 📕: 1: $ FET 2: $ TAO 3: $ SOL 4: USD BNB 5: $ICP 6: IMX $ 7: $NEAR 8: $INJ 9: $SUI 10: $BEAM 11: $SRK 12: $PYTH 13: $AXL 14: $ OCEAN 15: $PAAL ❌ Monētas, no kurām jāizvairās: 1: $JASMY 2: LUNC 3: $BOME 4: $ HEX 5: $TRB Es ceru, ka jums patika šis saraksts un tas būs noderīgs, un neaizmirstiet sekot @ctzsierr, lai uzzinātu vairāk, sveicināti! #Memecoins#BinanceLaunchpool#Altcoinseason2024#Altcoins👀🚀
Es izveidoju sarakstu ar monētām, kuras šobrīd ir patiešām lielisks pirkums, salīdzinot ar to, kāpēc jums vajadzētu gaidīt kritumu, un monētām, no kurām jums par katru cenu būtu jāizvairās: 🎯

Lielisks un potenciāls ieguldījums 📗:


2: $ALT


4: $ATOM

5: $ QNT

6: $AAVE

7: $ DYM

8: $JUP

9: $ SFUND

10: $AZERO

11: $ MOVR

12: $GNSGem

Vidēja riska ieguldījums 📙:

1: $ADA

2: $ WOO

3: $ OP

4: $ XRP

5: $AVAX

6: $ BTC

7: $APT

8: $TIA

9: $ARB

10: $ROSE

11: $KAS

Dārgakmens, kas jāgaida 📕:

1: $ FET

2: $ TAO

3: $ SOL


5: $ICP

6: IMX $

7: $NEAR

8: $INJ

9: $SUI

10: $BEAM

11: $SRK

12: $PYTH

13: $AXL

14: $ OCEAN

15: $PAAL

❌ Monētas, no kurām jāizvairās:



3: $BOME

4: $ HEX

5: $TRB

Es ceru, ka jums patika šis saraksts un tas būs noderīgs,

un neaizmirstiet sekot @ctzsierr, lai uzzinātu vairāk, sveicināti!
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨🚨🚨STEIDZAMI GRAFIKA. ES BRĪDINĀJUMS. ES JŪTU. Šķiet, ka tuvojas pēdējais hits, MANI DRAUGI🚨🚨🚨 Draugi, es vispār nekad neuzticos kriptovalūtām, kurām nav projekta. Es tikai gribu teikt, ka Cēzaram ir tiesības. Es detalizēti paskaidrošu, kāpēc es pieteicos šādā veidā. 8 stundu PEPE diagramma ekrānā. Kad Bitcoin pārspēja rekordu, PEPE, viena no vadošajām Mem monētām, pārspēja rekordu. Protams, arī DOGE, FLOKİ un SHIBA sasniedza lielu pieaugumu. Domāju, ka šīs kriptovalūtas, tautā sauktas par suņu monētām, ir jaunā preparātā. Es parasti tā jūtos. Mani brāļi, kas man seko, ļoti labi zina. Es neuzticos nevienai no šīm kriptovalūtām. Mani brāļi un māsas no manas ģimenes, kas man seko, ļoti labi zina, kā es domāju par nederīgām kriptovalūtām. Tomēr apjoma un kāpuma faktu neviens nevar mainīt. Mani brāļi, šķiet, ka Bitcoin uzkrāj spēkus. Kad nonākam pie jaunā rekorda, izskatās, ka šīs suņu spēles pārspēs vēl vienu rekordu. Protams, tas, ko es saku, nav pamatots. Visu piedzīvosim un redzēsim. Mans vienīgais lūgums no jums ir nekad neatvērt darījumu ar visu savu naudu. Nekad neiesaistieties riskantos darījumos. Atcerieties, ka tik ilgi, kamēr jūs atstājat naudu, jūs kontrolējat. #BitcoinDunyamiz Mani dārgie brāļi un māsas, es dalos ar jums šajā un daudzās citās svarīgās akcijās. Mans vienīgais lūgums no jums ir: ja kāds no maniem brāļiem joprojām man neseko, es būtu pateicīgs, ja viņi man sekotu. Visbeidzot, neaizmirstiet atstāt savu patīk. Ar cieņu
🚨🚨🚨STEIDZAMI GRAFIKA. ES BRĪDINĀJUMS. ES JŪTU. Šķiet, ka tuvojas pēdējais hits, MANI DRAUGI🚨🚨🚨

Draugi, es vispār nekad neuzticos kriptovalūtām, kurām nav projekta. Es tikai gribu teikt, ka Cēzaram ir tiesības. Es detalizēti paskaidrošu, kāpēc es pieteicos šādā veidā. 8 stundu PEPE diagramma ekrānā.

Kad Bitcoin pārspēja rekordu, PEPE, viena no vadošajām Mem monētām, pārspēja rekordu. Protams, arī DOGE, FLOKİ un SHIBA sasniedza lielu pieaugumu. Domāju, ka šīs kriptovalūtas, tautā sauktas par suņu monētām, ir jaunā preparātā. Es parasti tā jūtos. Mani brāļi, kas man seko, ļoti labi zina.

Es neuzticos nevienai no šīm kriptovalūtām. Mani brāļi un māsas no manas ģimenes, kas man seko, ļoti labi zina, kā es domāju par nederīgām kriptovalūtām. Tomēr apjoma un kāpuma faktu neviens nevar mainīt. Mani brāļi, šķiet, ka Bitcoin uzkrāj spēkus. Kad nonākam pie jaunā rekorda, izskatās, ka šīs suņu spēles pārspēs vēl vienu rekordu.

Protams, tas, ko es saku, nav pamatots. Visu piedzīvosim un redzēsim. Mans vienīgais lūgums no jums ir nekad neatvērt darījumu ar visu savu naudu. Nekad neiesaistieties riskantos darījumos. Atcerieties, ka tik ilgi, kamēr jūs atstājat naudu, jūs kontrolējat.

Mani dārgie brāļi un māsas, es dalos ar jums šajā un daudzās citās svarīgās akcijās. Mans vienīgais lūgums no jums ir: ja kāds no maniem brāļiem joprojām man neseko, es būtu pateicīgs, ja viņi man sekotu. Visbeidzot, neaizmirstiet atstāt savu patīk. Ar cieņu
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔥💥Jaunas prognozes liecina, ka Dogecoin cena sasniegs 2 līdz 3 USD Paredzams, ka daudzu kriptovalūtu, tostarp #Dogecoin, cenas pieaugs dienās, kad Bitcoin samazināsies uz pusi. Tiem, kas nezina šo tēmu, šis pasākums uz pusi samazinās BTC piedāvājumu un padarīs kriptovalūtu tirgos gandrīz neesošu. Lai gan BTC pieprasījums un piedāvājums ir zems, tā cena diagrammās nepārtraukti pieaugs. Bitkoina sadalīšanas uz pusēm pasākums ir paredzēts 2024. gada 21. aprīlī. Dogecoin: jaunas prognozes apgalvo, ka#DOGEvar sasniegt cenu robežās no 2 līdz 3 USD decembrī Dogecoin klons saskata 50% pieaugumu notiekošā mēmu monētu trakuma laikā Jaunā Coinpedia cena lēš, ka līdz desmitgades beigām 2030. gadā Dogecoin varētu tirgoties no 2 līdz 3 USD. Tas nozīmē vēl sešus gadus no šodienas un daudz ilgāku gaidīšanu mēmu monētas investoriem. Ja prognoze izrādīsies pareiza, no šodienas līdz 2030. gadam būs pieaugums par aptuveni 1200%. Tāpēc šodien veikts 10 000 USD ieguldījums var pārvērsties par 130 000 USD, ja prognoze izrādīsies pareiza. Tomēr nav garantijas, ka Dogecoin 2030. gadā spēs pārvarēt 2 vai 3 dolāru limitu. Kriptovalūtu tirgus ir ļoti nestabils un sašaurinās abos virzienos, kaitējot investoriem. Ieteicams veikt rūpīgu izpēti, pirms ieņemt Dogecoin ieejas pozīciju un tirgoties uz savu risku. #Memecoins#binance #elonmusk
🔥💥Jaunas prognozes liecina, ka Dogecoin cena sasniegs 2 līdz 3 USD

Paredzams, ka daudzu kriptovalūtu, tostarp #Dogecoin, cenas pieaugs dienās, kad Bitcoin samazināsies uz pusi. Tiem, kas nezina šo tēmu, šis pasākums uz pusi samazinās BTC piedāvājumu un padarīs kriptovalūtu tirgos gandrīz neesošu. Lai gan BTC pieprasījums un piedāvājums ir zems, tā cena diagrammās nepārtraukti pieaugs. Bitkoina sadalīšanas uz pusēm pasākums ir paredzēts 2024. gada 21. aprīlī.

Dogecoin: jaunas prognozes apgalvo, ka#DOGEvar sasniegt cenu robežās no 2 līdz 3 USD decembrī

Dogecoin klons saskata 50% pieaugumu notiekošā mēmu monētu trakuma laikā

Jaunā Coinpedia cena lēš, ka līdz desmitgades beigām 2030. gadā Dogecoin varētu tirgoties no 2 līdz 3 USD. Tas nozīmē vēl sešus gadus no šodienas un daudz ilgāku gaidīšanu mēmu monētas investoriem. Ja prognoze izrādīsies pareiza, no šodienas līdz 2030. gadam būs pieaugums par aptuveni 1200%.

Tāpēc šodien veikts 10 000 USD ieguldījums var pārvērsties par 130 000 USD, ja prognoze izrādīsies pareiza. Tomēr nav garantijas, ka Dogecoin 2030. gadā spēs pārvarēt 2 vai 3 dolāru limitu.

Kriptovalūtu tirgus ir ļoti nestabils un sašaurinās abos virzienos, kaitējot investoriem. Ieteicams veikt rūpīgu izpēti, pirms ieņemt Dogecoin ieejas pozīciju un tirgoties uz savu risku.
#Memecoins#binance #elonmusk
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨Uzmanību $ENA Investori 🚨 🏅 Rangs: #79 💲 Cena: 0,91290069685 USD 📊 Cenas izmaiņas (1h): -3,21% 📊 Cenas izmaiņas (24h): 58,39% 📊 Cenas izmaiņas (7d): 32,77% 💵 Tirgus ierobežojums: 1 300 883 493,01 USD 💸 Cirkulējošais krājums: 1 425 000 000 ENA 💰 Kopējais piedāvājums: 15 000 000 000 ENA 🥶Ethena (ENA) cenu prognoze 2024.–2030. gadam: vai ENA cena drīz sasniegs 5 $? Lai gan Artura Heisa prognoze bija augstāka, ENA varētu beigties 2024. gadā ar 2,5 USD. 2030. gadā ENA cena varētu būt 37,45 USD atkarībā no tirgus stāvokļa. Ethena ($ENA ) pašlaik tirgojas par USD 0,91290069685 un ieņem 79. vietu CoinMarketCap tirgus kapitalizācijas ziņā. Pašlaik apgrozībā ir 1 425 000 000 ENA monētu, tādējādi kopējais tirgus ierobežojums ir 1 300 883 493,01 USD. Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā Ethena ir palielinājusies par 58,39%. Aplūkojot pēdējo nedēļu, monētas vērtība ir pieaugusi par 32,77%. #Kriptovalūta#BinanceLaunchpool#DigitalAssets #ENALAUNCHPOOL
🚨Uzmanību $ENA Investori 🚨

🏅 Rangs: #79

💲 Cena: 0,91290069685 USD

📊 Cenas izmaiņas (1h): -3,21%

📊 Cenas izmaiņas (24h): 58,39%

📊 Cenas izmaiņas (7d): 32,77%

💵 Tirgus ierobežojums: 1 300 883 493,01 USD

💸 Cirkulējošais krājums: 1 425 000 000 ENA

💰 Kopējais piedāvājums: 15 000 000 000 ENA

🥶Ethena (ENA) cenu prognoze 2024.–2030. gadam: vai ENA cena drīz sasniegs 5 $? Lai gan Artura Heisa prognoze bija augstāka, ENA varētu beigties 2024. gadā ar 2,5 USD. 2030. gadā ENA cena varētu būt 37,45 USD atkarībā no tirgus stāvokļa.

Ethena ($ENA ) pašlaik tirgojas par USD 0,91290069685 un ieņem 79. vietu CoinMarketCap tirgus kapitalizācijas ziņā. Pašlaik apgrozībā ir 1 425 000 000 ENA monētu, tādējādi kopējais tirgus ierobežojums ir 1 300 883 493,01 USD.

Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā Ethena ir palielinājusies par 58,39%. Aplūkojot pēdējo nedēļu, monētas vērtība ir pieaugusi par 32,77%.

#Kriptovalūta#BinanceLaunchpool#DigitalAssets #ENALAUNCHPOOL
Skatīt oriģinālu
Staking trase ir patiešām traka. Jaunā ENA ir pārsniegusi 1. Es ar prieku to pārdevu par 0,6, bet tas beidzās no plauktiem. Apskatīsim oficiālās vietnes 39. janvāra ieņēmumus. Tā tiešām ir izšķērdība. Ja jūs nepelnat naudu, tas nozīmē, ka jūs zaudējat naudu. ENA Cik daudz jūs esat redzējuši?
Staking trase ir patiešām traka. Jaunā ENA ir pārsniegusi 1. Es ar prieku to pārdevu par 0,6, bet tas beidzās no plauktiem. Apskatīsim oficiālās vietnes 39. janvāra ieņēmumus. Tā tiešām ir izšķērdība. Ja jūs nepelnat naudu, tas nozīmē, ka jūs zaudējat naudu. ENA Cik daudz jūs esat redzējuši?
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚀📰 **Brīdinājums par jaunākajām ziņām!** 📰🚀 Turiet cepures, ļaudis, jo Amerikas Savienoto Valstu valdība tikko iemeta bumbu, kas satricinās finanšu pasauli līdz tās kodolam! 💣 Veicot triecienviļņus visā pasaulē, ASV valdība ir paziņojusi par plāniem pieņemt kriptovalūtu#SHIBkā valsts oficiālo valūtu, atvadoties no tradicionālā USD un ievadot jaunu digitālo finanšu ēru! 💸🌎 Sagatavojieties seismiskām pārmaiņām finanšu vidē, jo varenais $SHIB ieņem galveno vietu, aizraujot miljonu sirdis un makus visā pasaulē! 🐕💰 Šis revolucionārais lēmums ir gatavs mainīt veidu, kā mēs veicam darījumus, ieguldām un orientējamies digitālajā ekonomikā. 🌐✨ Kamēr pasaule gatavojas šim bezprecedenta gājienam, sekojiet līdzi saviem ekrāniem, lai saņemtu atjauninājumus un reakcijas no katra pasaules stūra! 📺🌍 Vai#SHIBvaldīs kā jaunais valūtu karalis? To rādīs tikai laiks! ⏳👑#BullorBear#BinanceLaunchpool#Memecoins🚀🐾
🚀📰 **Brīdinājums par jaunākajām ziņām!** 📰🚀
Turiet cepures, ļaudis, jo Amerikas Savienoto Valstu valdība tikko iemeta bumbu, kas satricinās finanšu pasauli līdz tās kodolam! 💣 Veicot triecienviļņus visā pasaulē, ASV valdība ir paziņojusi par plāniem pieņemt kriptovalūtu#SHIBkā valsts oficiālo valūtu, atvadoties no tradicionālā USD un ievadot jaunu digitālo finanšu ēru! 💸🌎
Sagatavojieties seismiskām pārmaiņām finanšu vidē, jo varenais $SHIB ieņem galveno vietu, aizraujot miljonu sirdis un makus visā pasaulē! 🐕💰 Šis revolucionārais lēmums ir gatavs mainīt veidu, kā mēs veicam darījumus, ieguldām un orientējamies digitālajā ekonomikā. 🌐✨
Kamēr pasaule gatavojas šim bezprecedenta gājienam, sekojiet līdzi saviem ekrāniem, lai saņemtu atjauninājumus un reakcijas no katra pasaules stūra! 📺🌍 Vai#SHIBvaldīs kā jaunais valūtu karalis? To rādīs tikai laiks! ⏳👑#BullorBear#BinanceLaunchpool#Memecoins🚀🐾
Skatīt oriģinālu
💲 KAD BTC IR BULLIS? 🚀 Nedēļu pēc Pusēšanas dienas. Es saku nedēļu, jo 2020. gadā nekas nenotika tieši pusēšanas dienā, bet tad BTC nokritās par 40% dienā pēc tam, tāpēc uz pusi samazinātas dienas izmantošana nav droša. Kad būsim sasnieguši 20. aprīli un uz priekšu, vai sadalīšana uz pusēm notiks ap 13. vai 14. aprīli, lietām vajadzētu iet uz augšu, un īstais Buļļu tirgus būs klāt ar Bull Runs, ko visi gaida. Pēc šī datuma BTC galu galā vajadzētu sasniegt 200 000 USD. Daudzas monētas beidzot sasniegs 1 USD, dažas līdz 10 USD, dažas līdz 100 USD, bet lielākās monētas līdz USD 1000+ Šeit ir dažas prognozes 2025. gada vidum. $SOL līdz $1000 $BNB līdz $2000+ $BOME līdz $1 $WIF līdz $25 $REI līdz 100 $ $JTO ​​līdz $70 $CLV līdz $100 USD PEPE līdz USD 0,001 $DOGE līdz ~ $10 $BONK un $SHIB aptuveni 20x ~ Zaļais investors

Nedēļu pēc Pusēšanas dienas.

Es saku nedēļu, jo 2020. gadā nekas nenotika tieši pusēšanas dienā, bet tad BTC nokritās par 40% dienā pēc tam, tāpēc uz pusi samazinātas dienas izmantošana nav droša.

Kad būsim sasnieguši 20. aprīli un uz priekšu, vai sadalīšana uz pusēm notiks ap 13. vai 14. aprīli, lietām vajadzētu iet uz augšu, un īstais Buļļu tirgus būs klāt ar Bull Runs, ko visi gaida.

Pēc šī datuma BTC galu galā vajadzētu sasniegt 200 000 USD. Daudzas monētas beidzot sasniegs 1 USD, dažas līdz 10 USD, dažas līdz 100 USD, bet lielākās monētas līdz USD 1000+

Šeit ir dažas prognozes 2025. gada vidum.

$SOL līdz $1000

$BNB līdz $2000+

$BOME līdz $1

$WIF līdz $25

$REI līdz 100 $

$JTO ​​līdz $70

$CLV līdz $100

USD PEPE līdz USD 0,001

$DOGE līdz ~ $10

$BONK un $SHIB aptuveni 20x

~ Zaļais investors
A short and clear overview of the $ENA coin market! 📉👀 Current Status: ENA coin is currently trading at $0.635. The number of buyers and sellers is small. 🤷‍♂️ Those Seeking Profit: Those who bought ENA for less than $0.3 before launch are now selling it for a profit. If they can sell at $0.8 or $0.6, they're in profit! 💰🚀 Post-Launch Buyers: If you bought ENA right after launch at $0.8 or $0.6, the price is stable. There are no big fluctuations. 📊 Those who bought at a higher price: If you bought ENA at a high price and are thinking of selling it, it would be better to wait a bit. Patience! 🧘‍♀️ Those Considering Buying: If you are planning to buy ENA, wait for the next 2-3 days. The price could drop to around $0.45, a good buying opportunity! 📅🔍 #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #WIF #cryptoonline
A short and clear overview of the $ENA coin market! 📉👀

Current Status: ENA coin is currently trading at $0.635. The number of buyers and sellers is small. 🤷‍♂️

Those Seeking Profit: Those who bought ENA for less than $0.3 before launch are now selling it for a profit. If they can sell at $0.8 or $0.6, they're in profit! 💰🚀

Post-Launch Buyers: If you bought ENA right after launch at $0.8 or $0.6, the price is stable. There are no big fluctuations. 📊

Those who bought at a higher price: If you bought ENA at a high price and are thinking of selling it, it would be better to wait a bit. Patience! 🧘‍♀️

Those Considering Buying: If you are planning to buy ENA, wait for the next 2-3 days. The price could drop to around $0.45, a good buying opportunity! 📅🔍

#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #WIF #cryptoonline
Ways to earn 10 dollars every day💰 Earning 10 USD for free every day can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Here are some ways in which you can try: 1. Airdrops: Crypto airdrops and their uses in the article. Some blockchain projects provide free tokens to users as part of their marketing campaigns. 2. Faucets: Some crypto faucets offer small amounts of crypto, including USDT, in exchange for simple tasks or completing captcha challenges. 3. Staking: If you already own some cryptocurrency, consider staking it in a blockchain network that provides rewards. Some platforms offer daily rewards in USDT for staking specific tokens. 4. Earn Cryptocurrency Online: Find platforms and websites that offer crypto rewards for completing tasks, taking surveys or watching tutorials, some of these platforms pay in USDT. 5. Farming and Yield Aggregation: Participate in yield farming or liquidity provision on decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms like Uniswap or PancakeSwap, be careful, as these methods can be risky. 6. Freelancing: Present your skills or services online and get paid in crypto, which you can later convert into USDT. 7. Referral Programs: Some crypto exchanges and platforms have referral programs that reward you with a percentage of the trading fees generated by your referrals. 8. Crypto Mining: If you have access to low-cost mining equipment and electricity, you can mine crypto and convert your earnings into USDT. 9. Crypto Trading: Although it is risky and requires knowledge, you can try day trading or swing trading to profit from crypto price fluctuations. $BTC $ETH $BNB #HotTrends #BNBChain #ETH #Earn10DollarDaily #Earn10USDT Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
Ways to earn 10 dollars every day💰

Earning 10 USD for free every day can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Here are some ways in which you can try:

1. Airdrops: Crypto airdrops and their uses in the article. Some blockchain projects provide free tokens to users as part of their marketing campaigns.

2. Faucets: Some crypto faucets offer small amounts of crypto, including USDT, in exchange for simple tasks or completing captcha challenges.

3. Staking: If you already own some cryptocurrency, consider staking it in a blockchain network that provides rewards. Some platforms offer daily rewards in USDT for staking specific tokens.

4. Earn Cryptocurrency Online: Find platforms and websites that offer crypto rewards for completing tasks, taking surveys or watching tutorials, some of these platforms pay in USDT.

5. Farming and Yield Aggregation: Participate in yield farming or liquidity provision on decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms like Uniswap or PancakeSwap, be careful, as these methods can be risky.

6. Freelancing: Present your skills or services online and get paid in crypto, which you can later convert into USDT.

7. Referral Programs: Some crypto exchanges and platforms have referral programs that reward you with a percentage of the trading fees generated by your referrals.

8. Crypto Mining: If you have access to low-cost mining equipment and electricity, you can mine crypto and convert your earnings into USDT.

9. Crypto Trading: Although it is risky and requires knowledge, you can try day trading or swing trading to profit from crypto price fluctuations.


#HotTrends #BNBChain #ETH #Earn10DollarDaily #Earn10USDT

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
USDT Giveaway #Airdrop #Memecoins ✅ I Got $100 USDT Gift Card Just Now 🤑 👇 You can get too by 👇 🔗 Go To Link 👉 Copy And pest On your browser 👆 💰 Reward: 100 Million $USDT 🏆 Winner: All Users 📅 End date: End Rewords 🏦 Distribution: Instant 🔘 Do the tasks on the Bot & submit your data 🤩 Give A Tr$p 💲👇
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𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗘𝗠 100 𝗨𝗦𝗗𝗧 𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗘 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗬𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗖𝗔𝗡 𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗘𝗠. ☆ 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗠𝗲 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗡𝗼𝘄. ☆ 𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲 + 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝘁. ☆ 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁. 📯 𝐈 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐦. #Memecoins #SHIB #BOME🔥🔥🔥


☆ 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗠𝗲 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗡𝗼𝘄.

☆ 𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲 + 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝘁.

☆ 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁.

📯 𝐈 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐦.

#Memecoins #SHIB #BOME🔥🔥🔥
🥳 WIN Up to 15 usdt 🔥 CLICK HERE CLAIM REAWRD TIP $10 to first 10 wallets❣️ FOR FREE 🥳🥳❣️❣️💸💸🚀 😘 Follow This STEP 🛑 GIVE ME A TIP ♥️ Follow me 🩸 Like & Share 🔻 WHEN COMPLETE THIS STEP TYPE DONE IN COMMENT. #TrendingTopic #BOME Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs. Share with friends now Give a tip
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Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.

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Earn 17$ Daily Certainly! Earning a daily income online is possible, and there are various ways to achieve it. Let's explore some options: 1. Paid Online Surveys: - Participating in online surveys is a straightforward way to earn money. Several legitimate survey sites offer opportunities to share your opinions on various topics and products. - Some popular survey platforms include: - MyPoints - InboxDollars - Swagbucks - Survey Junkie - Sign up for multiple survey sites to increase your chances of receiving survey invitations. Remember to complete your profile with as many details as possible to enhance your eligibility for surveys. The longer the survey, the higher the payout⁶. 2. Freelance Writing: - If you have writing skills, consider freelancing. You can write articles, blog posts, or other content for clients and get paid daily. - Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer offer freelance writing opportunities. 3. Virtual Assistant (VA): - VAs provide administrative support remotely. Tasks may include managing emails, scheduling appointments, data entry, and more. - Look for VA gigs on freelance websites or specialized VA platforms. 4. Online Tutoring: - If you excel in a particular subject, consider tutoring online. Platforms like VIPKid and Chegg connect tutors with students. - Tutoring can be done via video calls or pre-recorded lessons. 5. Data Entry: - Data entry jobs involve inputting information into databases, spreadsheets, or other systems. - Websites like Clickworker and Amazon Mechanical Turk offer data entry tasks. 6. Affiliate Marketing: - Promote products or services through affiliate links. When someone makes a purchase using your link, you earn a commission. - Explore affiliate programs on platforms like ShareASale or Amazon Associates. 7. Blogging: - Start your own blog and monetize it through ads, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing. - While it may take time to build traffic, consistent effort can lead to daily earnings. #WIF
Earn 17$ Daily

Certainly! Earning a daily income online is possible, and there are various ways to achieve it. Let's explore some options:

1. Paid Online Surveys:

- Participating in online surveys is a straightforward way to earn money. Several legitimate survey sites offer opportunities to share your opinions on various topics and products.

- Some popular survey platforms include:

- MyPoints

- InboxDollars

- Swagbucks

- Survey Junkie

- Sign up for multiple survey sites to increase your chances of receiving survey invitations. Remember to complete your profile with as many details as possible to enhance your eligibility for surveys. The longer the survey, the higher the payout⁶.

2. Freelance Writing:

- If you have writing skills, consider freelancing. You can write articles, blog posts, or other content for clients and get paid daily.

- Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer offer freelance writing opportunities.

3. Virtual Assistant (VA):

- VAs provide administrative support remotely. Tasks may include managing emails, scheduling appointments, data entry, and more.

- Look for VA gigs on freelance websites or specialized VA platforms.

4. Online Tutoring:

- If you excel in a particular subject, consider tutoring online. Platforms like VIPKid and Chegg connect tutors with students.

- Tutoring can be done via video calls or pre-recorded lessons.

5. Data Entry:

- Data entry jobs involve inputting information into databases, spreadsheets, or other systems.

- Websites like Clickworker and Amazon Mechanical Turk offer data entry tasks.

6. Affiliate Marketing:

- Promote products or services through affiliate links. When someone makes a purchase using your link, you earn a commission.

- Explore affiliate programs on platforms like ShareASale or Amazon Associates.

7. Blogging:

- Start your own blog and monetize it through ads, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing.

- While it may take time to build traffic, consistent effort can lead to daily earnings.

🚀So what actually is Binance Launchpool? or ENA FARMING? Let me explain honestly. It is a creation of Binance where they give the chance to stake your money to the token that is going to be released. And then binance gives rewards which is that unreleased token which you can trade after releasing. But, when you are recieving rewards, during that time your money will be locked. Means you cannot use them anywhere else at that time. Right now a token called ENA is on the board of Binance Launchpool. There you can stake your money as BNB or FDUSD. Minimum stake is 0.1 BNB or 10 FDUSD. If you stake your money as BNB, you'll have higher amount of ENA tokens. And FDUSD stake is less. You can claim your ENA tokens by getting rewards. Meanwhile you can redeem your stake and get your money back to your spot account. You can keep your money staked untill the duration ends. And after it ends, you have your money back. And this process is called FARMING. Isn't it a huge chance to earn for free? So what's the risk? - There is a slight risk of loss like, let's say you buy BNB for staking. Later after farming if you've to sell that BNB at lower price (if the BNB price decreases), then there you may see some loss. But also, you did get your rewards, right? So there you are going to profit for sure. So what do you think about this? Are you going to farm on ENA Launchpool? #ENALAUNCHPOOL #BinanceLaunchpool #ENA #Ethena! #Write2Earn‬
🚀So what actually is Binance Launchpool? or ENA FARMING? Let me explain honestly.

It is a creation of Binance where they give the chance to stake your money to the token that is going to be released. And then binance gives rewards which is that unreleased token which you can trade after releasing. But, when you are recieving rewards, during that time your money will be locked. Means you cannot use them anywhere else at that time.

Right now a token called ENA is on the board of Binance Launchpool. There you can stake your money as BNB or FDUSD. Minimum stake is 0.1 BNB or 10 FDUSD. If you stake your money as BNB, you'll have higher amount of ENA tokens. And FDUSD stake is less. You can claim your ENA tokens by getting rewards. Meanwhile you can redeem your stake and get your money back to your spot account. You can keep your money staked untill the duration ends. And after it ends, you have your money back. And this process is called FARMING.

Isn't it a huge chance to earn for free? So what's the risk?

- There is a slight risk of loss like, let's say you buy BNB for staking. Later after farming if you've to sell that BNB at lower price (if the BNB price decreases), then there you may see some loss. But also, you did get your rewards, right? So there you are going to profit for sure.

So what do you think about this? Are you going to farm on ENA Launchpool?

#ENALAUNCHPOOL #BinanceLaunchpool #ENA #Ethena! #Write2Earn‬
Top Best Bet Altcoins For April 2024 The growing sentiments reflect the eagerness in the entire market for the altcoin season coming with the Bitcoin Halving this April. With the altcoins known for bigger and more sharp moves than Bitcoin, due to their low market cap, the investors are on the lookout for the next best performers. Bitcoin Cash With the Bitcoin rally aiming to hit the $100,000 psychological mark with a sprint this April, Bitcoin Cash could piggyback this rally. Further, with the positive boost of the Bitcoin Halving on April 19th, the BCH price could hit the $1,000 mark in April. Shiba Inu No list of top bets in the crypto industry can be complete without the Shiba Inu token. As the second biggest meme coin, known as the Doge-killer, the SHIB price trend is always under the spotlight. If the uptrend sustains, the SHIB price could hit the $0.000054 mark in April. WIF The biggest meme coin in the Solana ecosystem, Dogwifhat, shows a massive market of $4.532 Billion. As the meme coin surges 331% in just 30 days, the WIF price prepares to prolong the uptrend to bigger heights in April. Taking a conservative approach, the trend-based Fibonacci levels predict a jump to the $7 or $10 mark. FLOKI As one of the best performers among the top-tier meme coins, FLOKI is another community-driven bet on our list. Moreover, with hype and FOMO being the key catalysts in the recent bull runs, the FLOKI meme coin is the near-perfect choice. Hence, with the bullish breakout of $0.00030, the meme coin could hit the $0.00060 mark for more than a 100% surge from the current market price of $0.000242. Like an share @CRYPTO_KITE #Memecoins #SHIB🔥🔥 #SHIB #WIF #FLOKI🔥 $shib $floki
Top Best Bet Altcoins For April 2024

The growing sentiments reflect the eagerness in the entire market for the altcoin season coming with the Bitcoin Halving this April. With the altcoins known for bigger and more sharp moves than Bitcoin, due to their low market cap, the investors are on the lookout for the next best performers.

Bitcoin Cash

With the Bitcoin rally aiming to hit the $100,000 psychological mark with a sprint this April, Bitcoin Cash could piggyback this rally. Further, with the positive boost of the Bitcoin Halving on April 19th, the BCH price could hit the $1,000 mark in April.

Shiba Inu

No list of top bets in the crypto industry can be complete without the Shiba Inu token. As the second biggest meme coin, known as the Doge-killer, the SHIB price trend is always under the spotlight. If the uptrend sustains, the SHIB price could hit the $0.000054 mark in April.


The biggest meme coin in the Solana ecosystem, Dogwifhat, shows a massive market of $4.532 Billion. As the meme coin surges 331% in just 30 days, the WIF price prepares to prolong the uptrend to bigger heights in April.

Taking a conservative approach, the trend-based Fibonacci levels predict a jump to the $7 or $10 mark.


As one of the best performers among the top-tier meme coins, FLOKI is another community-driven bet on our list. Moreover, with hype and FOMO being the key catalysts in the recent bull runs, the FLOKI meme coin is the near-perfect choice. Hence, with the bullish breakout of $0.00030, the meme coin could hit the $0.00060 mark for more than a 100% surge from the current market price of $0.000242.

Like an share @CRYPTO_KITE

#Memecoins #SHIB🔥🔥 #SHIB #WIF #FLOKI🔥 $shib $floki
🚨One more day left to farm $ENA on @binance Launch pool. Easiest and Risk free method to get the free stimmy from @ethena_labs is staking your FDUSD or $BNB! If you don’t know how, head over to your Binance account which has approved KYC •Get some $FDUSD or $BNB tokens (You can swap from spot!) •Search for "Launchpad" on the app and choose $ENA •Stake BNB or Fdusd and start accumulating your $ENA.
🚨One more day left to farm $ENA on @binance Launch pool.

Easiest and Risk free method to get the free stimmy from @ethena_labs is staking your FDUSD or $BNB!

If you don’t know how, head over to your Binance account which has approved KYC

•Get some $FDUSD or $BNB tokens (You can swap from spot!)

•Search for "Launchpad" on the app and choose $ENA

•Stake BNB or Fdusd and start accumulating your $ENA .
AI-focused projects will dominate the 2024-2026 bull run. Here are the 14 future unicorns, with 10-100x potential for the long term: ▸ $OCEAN - Share and Earn from Data, Decentralized ▸ $AI - AI-driven virtual companion game with rich story-based interactions ▸ $FET - Economic Internet integrating AI, ML, Multi-Agent Systems, & DLT ▸ $TAO - Decentralized ML Network with Incentivized AI Market ▸ $AGI - Player-Owned AI MMO with Personalized Assets ▸ $ORAI - Secure Web3 Solution with Decentralized AI ▸ $NMR - AI Hedge Fund Trading on Anonymous Models ▸ $DEAI - DeAI Platform with 20+ Tools for Seamless App Development ▸ $CUDOS - Scalable Consensus and Interoperability Solution ▸ $COMAI - Protocol for Developer Collaboration & Tool Interoperability ▸ $CLORE - GPU Marketplace for AI, Video Rendering, and Mining ▸ $SNS - Web3 Data Utility & NFT Marketplace for AI ▸ $ENQAI - Decentralized AI for Bias-Free Inferences ▸ $OFN - Decentralized AI Collaboration Platform
AI-focused projects will dominate the 2024-2026 bull run.

Here are the 14 future unicorns, with 10-100x potential for the long term:

▸ $OCEAN - Share and Earn from Data, Decentralized

$AI - AI-driven virtual companion game with rich story-based interactions

$FET - Economic Internet integrating AI, ML, Multi-Agent Systems, & DLT

▸ $TAO - Decentralized ML Network with Incentivized AI Market

▸ $AGI - Player-Owned AI MMO with Personalized Assets

▸ $ORAI - Secure Web3 Solution with Decentralized AI

▸ $NMR - AI Hedge Fund Trading on Anonymous Models

▸ $DEAI - DeAI Platform with 20+ Tools for Seamless App Development

▸ $CUDOS - Scalable Consensus and Interoperability Solution

▸ $COMAI - Protocol for Developer Collaboration & Tool Interoperability

▸ $CLORE - GPU Marketplace for AI, Video Rendering, and Mining

▸ $SNS - Web3 Data Utility & NFT Marketplace for AI

▸ $ENQAI - Decentralized AI for Bias-Free Inferences

▸ $OFN - Decentralized AI Collaboration Platform
The Project I Expected to Increase by +1300%! #ENALAUNCHPOOL What is Ethena? Ethena is a synthetic dollar protocol built on Ethereum. It aims to offer a crypto-native money solution without relying on traditional banking system infrastructure. In this context, it aims to create 'Internet Bond', a globally accessible dollar-denominated savings instrument. Ethena's synthetic dollar, called USDe, aims to provide the first censorship-resistant, scalable and stable crypto-native currency solution by staking Ethereum collateral with delta hedging. ENA All Details 🔥👈⌛️ Ethena Labs manages the issuance and redemption of USDe, a delta-neutral synthetic dollar that is cryptocurrencies' first fully backed, on-chain, scalable and censorship-resistant form of money. Additionally, these tokens aim to maintain a permanent price peg of $1 by balancing against perpetual short Ether positions on derivative exchanges. Ethena will conduct an airdrop of up to 750 million ENA tokens to users who hold USDe and lock their tokens into the system. The process will end on April 1st, with users able to claim ENA tokens starting from April 2nd. "Price Estimate" Pre Market price of $ENA is currently going for around 0.65 $ per $ENA on WhalesMarket Total Supply of $ENA is 15 bill which gives a total FDV of $9.75 Bill I think the project will be fixed at $1. We will see this on April 2.. With the launch of ENA on Binance Launchpool, users now have the opportunity to farm ENA tokens by staking their BNB (Binance Coin) and FDUSD (a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar). This farming process will take place over a three-day period, starting from March 30, 2024, at 00:00 UTC. #ENA
The Project I Expected to Increase by +1300%!


What is Ethena?

Ethena is a synthetic dollar protocol built on Ethereum. It aims to offer a crypto-native money solution without relying on traditional banking system infrastructure.

In this context, it aims to create 'Internet Bond', a globally accessible dollar-denominated savings instrument. Ethena's synthetic dollar, called USDe, aims to provide the first censorship-resistant, scalable and stable crypto-native currency solution by staking Ethereum collateral with delta hedging.

ENA All Details 🔥👈⌛️

Ethena Labs manages the issuance and redemption of USDe, a delta-neutral synthetic dollar that is cryptocurrencies' first fully backed, on-chain, scalable and censorship-resistant form of money.

Additionally, these tokens aim to maintain a permanent price peg of $1 by balancing against perpetual short Ether positions on derivative exchanges. Ethena will conduct an airdrop of up to 750 million ENA tokens to users who hold USDe and lock their tokens into the system. The process will end on April 1st, with users able to claim ENA tokens starting from April 2nd.

"Price Estimate"

Pre Market price of $ENA is currently going for around 0.65 $ per $ENA on WhalesMarket

Total Supply of $ENA is 15 bill which gives a total FDV of $9.75 Bill

I think the project will be fixed at $1. We will see this on April 2..

With the launch of ENA on Binance Launchpool, users now have the opportunity to farm ENA tokens by staking their BNB (Binance Coin) and FDUSD (a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar). This farming process will take place over a three-day period, starting from March 30, 2024, at 00:00 UTC.

A wallet that had been dormant for 11.7 years transferred all 500 $BTC($34.78M) to multiple new wallets. This wallet received 500 $BTC($3,786 at the time) on Jul 14, 2012, when the price of $BTC was only $7.57. Address: 1LUDXsAT6fQypinRbqVKatMiAbv6o9HjBc
A wallet that had been dormant for 11.7 years transferred all 500 $BTC ($34.78M) to multiple new wallets.

This wallet received 500 $BTC ($3,786 at the time) on Jul 14, 2012, when the price of $BTC was only $7.57.


Want to make $50 every day? It's totally possible! Here are some easy ways to do it: 1. Write for Money: If you like writing, you can work for websites or blogs. Even writing a few hundred words could get you $50 a day. 2. Deliver Stuff: Sign up for delivery services like Instacart or DoorDash. You can earn money by delivering groceries or food. 3. Be a Virtual Assistant: Help people with their tasks like scheduling or managing emails. Lots of businesses need someone to do these jobs remotely. 4. Manage Social Media: If you're good at using social media, you can manage accounts for businesses and get paid for it. 5. Start a YouTube Channel: Make videos about things you like or know about. You can make money from ads or partnerships. 6. Sell Digital Stuff: Create and sell things like ebooks or online courses. Websites like Etsy or Gumroad can help you sell them. 7. Do Tasks on TaskRabbit: This website connects people who need jobs done with people who can do them. You can find lots of different tasks to do and make money. Just keep at it and find what works best for you! 🌟 #WIF #APT
Want to make $50 every day? It's totally possible! Here are some easy ways to do it:

1. Write for Money: If you like writing, you can work for websites or blogs. Even writing a few hundred words could get you $50 a day.

2. Deliver Stuff: Sign up for delivery services like Instacart or DoorDash. You can earn money by delivering groceries or food.

3. Be a Virtual Assistant: Help people with their tasks like scheduling or managing emails. Lots of businesses need someone to do these jobs remotely.

4. Manage Social Media: If you're good at using social media, you can manage accounts for businesses and get paid for it.

5. Start a YouTube Channel: Make videos about things you like or know about. You can make money from ads or partnerships.

6. Sell Digital Stuff: Create and sell things like ebooks or online courses. Websites like Etsy or Gumroad can help you sell them.

7. Do Tasks on TaskRabbit: This website connects people who need jobs done with people who can do them. You can find lots of different tasks to do and make money.

Just keep at it and find what works best for you! 🌟 #WIF #APT
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