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30 000 USD no $ZRO Airdrop 🔥🔥🔥  Ieskats $ZRO Token Insights no 2024. gada jūnija ziņas: LayerZero airdrop pieprasa lietotājiem maksāt 10 centus ētera (ETH) vai stabilu monētu par katru ZRO žetonu, kuru viņi vēlas pieprasīt. OKX arī uzsāka kampaņu "LayerZero Trade and Earn" ar balvu fondu 80 000 USDT. Paredzēšana un augsta aktivitāte: LayerZero Labs pabeidza ZRO marķiera airdrop momentuzņēmumu, radot lielas cerības uz tā palaišanu. Platforma ZERONE veica ievērojamu žetonu sadedzināšanu, kā rezultātā palielinājās tirdzniecības aktivitāte un tika piesaistīti jauni investori. $ZRO Token skaidrojums: ir LayerZero vietējais utilīta marķieris, protokols, kas nodrošina rīkus starpķēžu saziņai un dažādu blokķēžu savietojamībai. LayerZero unikālā pieeja ietver Ultra Light mezglu (ULN) izmantošanu kā viedos līgumus katrā blokķēdē, lai atvieglotu saziņu. Tokenu izmanto darījumiem LayerZero tīklā un kā stimulu tīkla dalībniekiem. Cenu izmaiņu analīze: Tirgus saraksti: Nesenie saraksti vietnēs Bitget un OKX, iespējams, palielinātu marķiera redzamību un pieejamību, kas varētu izraisīt cenu pieaugumu, jo vairāk lietotāju iesaistās ZRO. Gaisa nolaišanas mehānisms: Prasība lietotājiem ziedot 10 centus par vienu ZRO marķieri lidojuma laikā var radīt pieprasījumu pēc marķiera, it īpaši, ja uztvertā vērtība pārsniedz ziedojuma summu. Token Burn: Ievērojamais marķiera apdegums platformā ZERONE var samazināt marķiera piedāvājumu, palielinot marķiera vērtību trūkuma dēļ. Perpetual Futures tirgus: Iekļaušana OKX pastāvīgo fjūčeru tirgū ar sviras iespējām var ieviest spekulatīvu tirdzniecību, ietekmējot marķiera cenas nepastāvību. Kopumā palielinātas pieejamības, gaisa pilienu pieprasījuma, samazināta piedāvājuma no žetonu izdegšanas un tirdzniecības aktivitātes fjūčeru tirgos kombinācija varētu veicināt 2024. gada jūnijā novērotās marķiera cenu izmaiņas. #DYOR!! #Airdropweb3
30 000 USD no $ZRO Airdrop 🔥🔥🔥


$ZRO Token Insights no 2024. gada jūnija ziņas:

LayerZero airdrop pieprasa lietotājiem maksāt 10 centus ētera (ETH) vai stabilu monētu par katru ZRO žetonu, kuru viņi vēlas pieprasīt.

OKX arī uzsāka kampaņu "LayerZero Trade and Earn" ar balvu fondu 80 000 USDT.

Paredzēšana un augsta aktivitāte:

LayerZero Labs pabeidza ZRO marķiera airdrop momentuzņēmumu, radot lielas cerības uz tā palaišanu.

Platforma ZERONE veica ievērojamu žetonu sadedzināšanu, kā rezultātā palielinājās tirdzniecības aktivitāte un tika piesaistīti jauni investori.

$ZRO Token skaidrojums:

ir LayerZero vietējais utilīta marķieris, protokols, kas nodrošina rīkus starpķēžu saziņai un dažādu blokķēžu savietojamībai. LayerZero unikālā pieeja ietver Ultra Light mezglu (ULN) izmantošanu kā viedos līgumus katrā blokķēdē, lai atvieglotu saziņu. Tokenu izmanto darījumiem LayerZero tīklā un kā stimulu tīkla dalībniekiem.

Cenu izmaiņu analīze:

Tirgus saraksti:

Nesenie saraksti vietnēs Bitget un OKX, iespējams, palielinātu marķiera redzamību un pieejamību, kas varētu izraisīt cenu pieaugumu, jo vairāk lietotāju iesaistās ZRO.

Gaisa nolaišanas mehānisms:

Prasība lietotājiem ziedot 10 centus par vienu ZRO marķieri lidojuma laikā var radīt pieprasījumu pēc marķiera, it īpaši, ja uztvertā vērtība pārsniedz ziedojuma summu.

Token Burn:

Ievērojamais marķiera apdegums platformā ZERONE var samazināt marķiera piedāvājumu, palielinot marķiera vērtību trūkuma dēļ.

Perpetual Futures tirgus:

Iekļaušana OKX pastāvīgo fjūčeru tirgū ar sviras iespējām var ieviest spekulatīvu tirdzniecību, ietekmējot marķiera cenas nepastāvību.

Kopumā palielinātas pieejamības, gaisa pilienu pieprasījuma, samazināta piedāvājuma no žetonu izdegšanas un tirdzniecības aktivitātes fjūčeru tirgos kombinācija varētu veicināt 2024. gada jūnijā novērotās marķiera cenu izmaiņas.
#DYOR!! #Airdropweb3


Caranya Mudah:

✅️: Daily Task
✅️: in game interraction
✅️: Done! LFG

tg: @Airdrophunthr
#Airdrops_free #Airdropairdrop #Airdrophunthr
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Jauna Airdrop iespēja Binance Web3 lietotāja 100 miljoniem REVOX punktu Aktivitātes periods ⏰ : 20. jūnijs - 4. jūlijs Ienirsti tūlīt: 👉 ielūguma kods: PPY76L ✅Atveriet saiti pakalpojumā Binance Web3 Wallet ✅ Pievienojiet maku un pievienojiet uzaicinājuma kodu ✅Pabeigt sociālo uzdevumu ✅Ikdienas reģistrācija Pievienojiet savam makam op-BNB, lai samaksātu par gāzi ⛽ 🚫Nepalaidiet garām.. Tāds pats kā Lista❤️‍🔥🔥 Nepieciešama maksa par gāzi? es dodu 100 Opbnb no mana rondom Refferal pievienojies manam Tg: @Airdrophunthr
Jauna Airdrop iespēja Binance Web3 lietotāja 100 miljoniem REVOX punktu
Aktivitātes periods ⏰ : 20. jūnijs - 4. jūlijs
Ienirsti tūlīt: 👉
ielūguma kods: PPY76L
✅Atveriet saiti pakalpojumā Binance Web3 Wallet
✅ Pievienojiet maku un pievienojiet uzaicinājuma kodu
✅Pabeigt sociālo uzdevumu
✅Ikdienas reģistrācija
Pievienojiet savam makam op-BNB, lai samaksātu par gāzi ⛽
🚫Nepalaidiet garām.. Tāds pats kā Lista❤️‍🔥🔥

Nepieciešama maksa par gāzi?
es dodu 100 Opbnb no mana rondom Refferal
pievienojies manam Tg: @Airdrophunthr
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pieprasiet savu nulles slāni $ZRO tūlīt. Layer Zero Foundation Airdrop: jūsu vārti uz decentralizētām iespējām Layer Zero Foundation ir sajūsmā paziņot par mūsu ekskluzīvo Airdrop pasākumu, piedāvājot dalībniekiem unikālu iespēju ienirt decentralizēto tehnoloģiju pasaulē un nopelnīt atlīdzību. Šis Airdrop ir paredzēts, lai atalgotu agrīnos izmantotājus un atbalstītājus, kuri aizraujas ar inovāciju virzīšanu blokķēdes telpā. Piedalīšanās Layer Zero Foundation Airdrop ir vienkāršs process. Vienkārši apmeklējiet mūsu Airdrop lapu mūsu vietnē un izpildiet norādījumus, lai reģistrētos un izveidotu savu kontu. Kad esat reģistrējies, jūs saņemsiet noteiktu daudzumu žetonu kā pateicības zīmi par pievienošanos mūsu kopienai un ieguldījumu mūsu misijā veicināt decentralizētas tehnoloģijas. Kā Airdrop dalībniekam jums būs iespēja iesaistīties aizraujošos uzdevumos un izaicinājumos Layer Zero ekosistēmā. Šie uzdevumi var ietvert informētības izplatīšanu par fondu, dalību diskusijās vai pat tādu projektu izstrādi, kas veicina decentralizēto tehnoloģiju izaugsmi. Jūsu aktīvā līdzdalība ne tikai nopelna vairāk žetonu, bet arī stiprina Layer Zero kopienas ietekmi kopumā. Airdrop atlīdzību pieprasīšana ir nemanāms process. Pabeidzot uzdevumus un uzkrājot žetonus, varat viegli pieprasīt atlīdzību, izmantojot sava konta informācijas paneli Layer Zero Foundation platformā. Jūsu žetonus var izmantot ekosistēmā vai tirgot atbalstītās biržās, nodrošinot jums elastību un iespējas maksimāli izmantot savu ieguldījumu. tāpēc pieprasiet savu Airdrop atlīdzību jau šodien Layer Zero pietrūkst $ZRO sekojiet mums:
Pieprasiet savu nulles slāni $ZRO tūlīt.

Layer Zero Foundation Airdrop: jūsu vārti uz decentralizētām iespējām

Layer Zero Foundation ir sajūsmā paziņot par mūsu ekskluzīvo Airdrop pasākumu, piedāvājot dalībniekiem unikālu iespēju ienirt decentralizēto tehnoloģiju pasaulē un nopelnīt atlīdzību. Šis Airdrop ir paredzēts, lai atalgotu agrīnos izmantotājus un atbalstītājus, kuri aizraujas ar inovāciju virzīšanu blokķēdes telpā.

Piedalīšanās Layer Zero Foundation Airdrop ir vienkāršs process. Vienkārši apmeklējiet mūsu Airdrop lapu mūsu vietnē un izpildiet norādījumus, lai reģistrētos un izveidotu savu kontu. Kad esat reģistrējies, jūs saņemsiet noteiktu daudzumu žetonu kā pateicības zīmi par pievienošanos mūsu kopienai un ieguldījumu mūsu misijā veicināt decentralizētas tehnoloģijas.

Kā Airdrop dalībniekam jums būs iespēja iesaistīties aizraujošos uzdevumos un izaicinājumos Layer Zero ekosistēmā. Šie uzdevumi var ietvert informētības izplatīšanu par fondu, dalību diskusijās vai pat tādu projektu izstrādi, kas veicina decentralizēto tehnoloģiju izaugsmi. Jūsu aktīvā līdzdalība ne tikai nopelna vairāk žetonu, bet arī stiprina Layer Zero kopienas ietekmi kopumā.

Airdrop atlīdzību pieprasīšana ir nemanāms process. Pabeidzot uzdevumus un uzkrājot žetonus, varat viegli pieprasīt atlīdzību, izmantojot sava konta informācijas paneli Layer Zero Foundation platformā. Jūsu žetonus var izmantot ekosistēmā vai tirgot atbalstītās biržās, nodrošinot jums elastību un iespējas maksimāli izmantot savu ieguldījumu.

tāpēc pieprasiet savu Airdrop atlīdzību jau šodien Layer Zero
pietrūkst $ZRO
sekojiet mums:
$BTC $ETH $BNB Missing NOT, Hamster Kombat, Tapswap dont worry here i share an early project with potential Airdrop 🦊 EARLY <> GATTO | СOINDROP PURSUIT Gatto is a Tamagotchi game with a 1 million players. Grow pets and earn valuable items or TON. 📌 $GTON TOKEN UTILITY Token will allow you to purchase the most exclusive pets, improve your district, build in-game structures and more. It will also be required for daily tasks, such as increasing generation and NFT pet minting. 💸 REWARD POOL 5% of total supply 1M $GTON for early birds who complete all the tasks → 500K $GTON will be split among the first 10K birds → More 500K GTON will be shared among the next 50K participants → Bonus for a late birds: A memorable NFT and an entry into a future Gatto drop ⏳DATES TGE early July, 20% monthly unlock CAMPAIGN DEADLINE July 11, 12:00 UTC Complete Early <> Gatto campaign and get $GTON more info: 👇👇👇
Missing NOT, Hamster Kombat, Tapswap

dont worry here i share an early project with potential Airdrop


Gatto is a Tamagotchi game with a 1 million players. Grow pets and earn valuable items or TON.


Token will allow you to purchase the most exclusive pets, improve your district, build in-game structures and more. It will also be required for daily tasks, such as increasing generation and NFT pet minting.


5% of total supply
1M $GTON for early birds who complete all the tasks

→ 500K $GTON will be split among the first 10K birds
→ More 500K GTON will be shared among the next 50K participants
→ Bonus for a late birds: A memorable NFT and an entry into a future Gatto drop


early July, 20% monthly unlock

July 11, 12:00 UTC

Complete Early <> Gatto campaign and get $GTON

more info:
UpRock's Somthigs Big Comming!🔥🔥🔥 #UpRock Fair Distribution Roadmap: What to Expect Post-TGE Greetings, UpRockers! Today, we're diving deep into what lies ahead as we navigate through UpRock's Fair Distribution Roadmap post-TGE. Buckle up as we unveil the roadmap and provide insights into how it will impact your UpRock journey. ➤ Fair Distribution Roadmap Overview First things first, let's address the elephant in the room: the Fair Distribution Roadmap. This comprehensive plan outlines the steps we're taking to ensure a fair and secure ecosystem for all UpRockers. ➤ Impact on Earnings As we move forward with the implementation of the Fair Distribution Roadmap, you may notice changes in your earnings. We understand that this can be concerning, but rest assured, these adjustments are necessary to pave the way for a more sustainable UpRock ecosystem. ➤ Shift Towards Passive Income One key aspect of the Fair Distribution Roadmap is the shift towards a more passive income model. Think of mining as the foundation of your earnings, providing a steady stream of income over time. ➤ Introduction of New Opportunities But that's not all – we're also introducing new tasks and revenue streams that will allow you to earn even more. These additional opportunities will be seamlessly integrated into the UpRock experience, offering you a chance to boost your earnings like never before. Make sure to check in on the UpRock Android App today to confirm you are one of the early adopters! Global Partnerships Power UpRock has forged partnerships with Koii Network, DATS Project, and Synesis One, amplifying our collective strength. These partnerships mean auto-earning multiple tokens (UPT, KOII, DATS, SNS) on mobile, taking your earnings to new heights. ➤ Opportunities for Growth It's important to view these changes not as setbacks, but as opportunities for growth. By aligning ourselves with the Fair Distribution Roadmap, we're setting the stage for a brighter future for UpRock and its community. #UpRock #DYOR!!
Somthigs Big Comming!🔥🔥🔥

#UpRock Fair Distribution Roadmap:
What to Expect Post-TGE

Greetings, UpRockers!
Today, we're diving deep into what lies ahead as we navigate through UpRock's Fair Distribution Roadmap post-TGE. Buckle up as we unveil the roadmap and provide insights into how it will impact your UpRock journey.

➤ Fair Distribution Roadmap Overview
First things first, let's address the elephant in the room: the Fair Distribution Roadmap. This comprehensive plan outlines the steps we're taking to ensure a fair and secure ecosystem for all UpRockers.

➤ Impact on Earnings
As we move forward with the implementation of the Fair Distribution Roadmap, you may notice changes in your earnings. We understand that this can be concerning, but rest assured, these adjustments are necessary to pave the way for a more sustainable UpRock ecosystem.

➤ Shift Towards Passive Income
One key aspect of the Fair Distribution Roadmap is the shift towards a more passive income model. Think of mining as the foundation of your earnings, providing a steady stream of income over time.

➤ Introduction of New Opportunities
But that's not all – we're also introducing new tasks and revenue streams that will allow you to earn even more. These additional opportunities will be seamlessly integrated into the UpRock experience, offering you a chance to boost your earnings like never before.

Make sure to check in on the UpRock Android App today to confirm you are one of the early adopters!
Global Partnerships Power
UpRock has forged partnerships with Koii Network, DATS Project, and Synesis One, amplifying our collective strength. These partnerships mean auto-earning multiple tokens (UPT, KOII, DATS, SNS) on mobile, taking your earnings to new heights.

➤ Opportunities for Growth
It's important to view these changes not as setbacks, but as opportunities for growth. By aligning ourselves with the Fair Distribution Roadmap, we're setting the stage for a brighter future for UpRock and its community.
#UpRock #DYOR!!
apakah kalian kemarin tertinggal untuk menambang #NOT jangan menyesali waktu yang telah lewat, mari ambil kesempatan lainnya. kesempatan memang tidak datang 2 kali, tapi kesempatan akan selalu datang pada mereka yang tidak berhenti untuk mencoba! saya akan menjelaskan dengan singkat saja. setelah kesuksesan Notcoin mulai banyak pesaing yang bermunculan: 1. #tapswap dengan hampir 10 juta anggota dan pengguna dalam komunitasnya, tapswap adalah projek menjanjikan berikutnya setelah #NOT Where modern DeFi meets Solana's advanced architecture. Experience low transaction fees and high throughput. Be among the first to join it! 2 #Wcoin DeFi Game App Tap to earn as many coins as possible, then Stake them to increase your earnings! Listing? Of course, but there's one important thing.. The community must choose: $TON, $SOLANA, or $ETH Maybe all of them?! The choice is yours #Wcoin now 2,500,000 people from all over the world, reaching nearly every country, and this number grows every day #DYOR!! $NOT
apakah kalian kemarin tertinggal untuk menambang #NOT

jangan menyesali waktu yang telah lewat, mari ambil kesempatan lainnya. kesempatan memang tidak datang 2 kali, tapi kesempatan akan selalu datang pada mereka yang tidak berhenti untuk mencoba!

saya akan menjelaskan dengan singkat saja.

setelah kesuksesan Notcoin
mulai banyak pesaing yang bermunculan:

1. #tapswap
dengan hampir 10 juta anggota dan pengguna dalam komunitasnya, tapswap adalah projek menjanjikan berikutnya setelah #NOT Where modern DeFi meets Solana's advanced architecture. Experience low transaction fees and high throughput.
Be among the first to join it!
2 #Wcoin
DeFi Game App
Tap to earn as many coins as possible, then Stake them to increase your earnings!

Listing? Of course, but there's one important thing..

The community must choose:

Maybe all of them?!

The choice is yours
#Wcoin now 2,500,000 people from all over the world, reaching nearly every country, and this number grows every day
newest Mining App on Telegram #VERTUS 👋🏻 the next generation decentralized application on Telegram. Create account and start mine free $VERT. 📲What is VERT? Vertus is a revolutionary web3 dApp built on the TON blockchain, accessible directly through Telegram. This integration ensures a user-friendly experience, allowing for a smooth entry into the world of cryptocurrency. With Vertus, every Telegram user gets to enjoy a fully on-chain experience seamlessly. 🪐What is VERT? At the core of this innovative platform is $VERT, a new cryptocurrency designed for easy mining and wide accessibility. It's created to simplify your entry into the cryptocurrency market, offering a straightforward path to engaging with digital currency through Telegram. #DYOR!!
newest Mining App on Telegram


👋🏻 the next generation decentralized application on Telegram. Create account and start mine free $VERT.

📲What is VERT?

Vertus is a revolutionary web3 dApp built on the TON blockchain, accessible directly through Telegram. This integration ensures a user-friendly experience, allowing for a smooth entry into the world of cryptocurrency. With Vertus, every Telegram user gets to enjoy a fully on-chain experience seamlessly.

🪐What is VERT?

At the core of this innovative platform is $VERT, a new cryptocurrency designed for easy mining and wide accessibility. It's created to simplify your entry into the cryptocurrency market, offering a straightforward path to engaging with digital currency through Telegram.

$Notcoin Burn 🔥 Catizen, a game that integrated Notcoin payments and earned 50M Notcoin in 3 days, just burned 10% (5,000,000) Notcoin today 🔥 Cats made the first move. Who's next. 💎 Notcoin, a miniapp on Telegram, reached 35M active users in just a few months. 🐸 In this app, users could earn a game currency “notcoins” by clicking on the screen. Yesterday, the cryptocurrency Notcoin was minted on the TON blockchain and listed on all major cryptoexchanges. All of a sudden, Notcoin users who just played this game for fun could convert their in-game currency into real money 🤑 🚀 Notcoin instantly became a top-10 cryptocurrency in the world by trading volume, and reached almost $700 million in market capitalization. Imagine — hundreds of millions of dollars in value were created for Telegram users in this miniapp out of nowhere in a matter of months 😲 💪 This amazing success story shows how powerful the Telegram / TON ecosystems are for app developers. Telegram offers app developers more freedom than any other platform, providing unmatched opportunities to leverage social interactions for viral distribution. TON, in turn, provides scale and flexibility for any blockchain project on top of it 💎 We are now seeing a large wave of new miniapps being built on Telegram and TON. Notcoin, the leader of the pack, used its mighty paws to pave the way for many apps to come 🐺 💎 $NOT
$Notcoin Burn 🔥

Catizen, a game that integrated Notcoin payments and earned 50M Notcoin in 3 days, just burned 10% (5,000,000) Notcoin today 🔥

Cats made the first move.
Who's next.

💎 Notcoin, a miniapp on Telegram, reached 35M active users in just a few months.

🐸 In this app, users could earn a game currency “notcoins” by clicking on the screen. Yesterday, the cryptocurrency Notcoin was minted on the TON blockchain and listed on all major cryptoexchanges. All of a sudden, Notcoin users who just played this game for fun could convert their in-game currency into real money 🤑

🚀 Notcoin instantly became a top-10 cryptocurrency in the world by trading volume, and reached almost $700 million in market capitalization. Imagine — hundreds of millions of dollars in value were created for Telegram users in this miniapp out of nowhere in a matter of months 😲

💪 This amazing success story shows how powerful the Telegram / TON ecosystems are for app developers. Telegram offers app developers more freedom than any other platform, providing unmatched opportunities to leverage social interactions for viral distribution. TON, in turn, provides scale and flexibility for any blockchain project on top of it 💎

We are now seeing a large wave of new miniapps being built on Telegram and TON. Notcoin, the leader of the pack, used its mighty paws to pave the way for many apps to come 🐺
Three days after Catizen supported $NOT payments, we received 50M $NOT. Catizen and Notcoin team decided to burn 10% of it, which is 5M (5,000,000) $NOT!🔥 🔥$NOT Burning hash: Catizen will continue to support Notcoin and looking forward to more events in the future!🚀 Strong power📈 🎮Cat & 🤑Not! $NOT
Three days after Catizen supported $NOT payments, we received 50M $NOT . Catizen and Notcoin team decided to burn 10% of it, which is 5M (5,000,000) $NOT !🔥

🔥$NOT Burning hash:
Catizen will continue to support Notcoin and looking forward to more events in the future!🚀

Strong power📈 🎮Cat & 🤑Not!
semoga bisa mengubah hidup anda silahkan tulis alamat not kalian di kolom komentar. Follow me, Like & Share This post = DONE!!!
semoga bisa mengubah hidup anda
silahkan tulis alamat not kalian di kolom komentar.
Follow me, Like & Share This post = DONE!!!
coba hitung ada berapa uang dalam $NOT ini
coba hitung ada berapa uang dalam $NOT ini
$SOL berapa target profit kalian dalam bermain future trading kawan? apakah 12%, dibawahnya atau lebih dari itu
$SOL berapa target profit kalian dalam bermain future trading kawan?
apakah 12%, dibawahnya atau lebih dari itu
oh tidak!!! jika kalian ada di posisi ini apa yang akan kalian lakukan? para ahli tolong keluar #Binance $DOGE $RVN $BTC
oh tidak!!!
jika kalian ada di posisi ini apa yang akan kalian lakukan? para ahli tolong keluar

#Binance $DOGE $RVN $BTC
#proyek ke 51 binance #SAGA akan dimulai dalam beberapa jam ke depan. jika saya boleh sedikit memberikan masukan, sepertinya akan lebih bijak jika anda ingin mengikuti proyek ini gunakanlah $FDUSD karena pasar APRIL kali ini banyak analis yang memperkirakan akan menjadi market MERAH. jadi simpan uang anda sampai pasar benar-benar stabil. Namun jika anda adalah orang yang berani mengambil resiko, maka lakukan apa yang anda percayai! tapi perlu di ingat setalah proyek ke 50 kemarin harga $BNB turun drastis, saya yakin banyak dari mereka yang melakukan staking menggunakan $BNB setidaknya mengalami kerugian! DO NOT FOMO! Do your OWN REASERCH carefully. karena saya rasa pasar akan BEARISH dalam beberapa hari kedepan sebelum BITCOIN halving. biarkan saya tahu bagaimana pendapat kalian? if You like the content, just send me tip have a good day!
#proyek ke 51 binance #SAGA akan dimulai dalam beberapa jam ke depan.
jika saya boleh sedikit memberikan masukan, sepertinya akan lebih bijak jika anda ingin mengikuti proyek ini gunakanlah $FDUSD
karena pasar APRIL kali ini banyak analis yang memperkirakan akan menjadi market MERAH. jadi simpan uang anda sampai pasar benar-benar stabil.
Namun jika anda adalah orang yang berani mengambil resiko, maka lakukan apa yang anda percayai! tapi perlu di ingat setalah proyek ke 50 kemarin harga $BNB turun drastis, saya yakin banyak dari mereka yang melakukan staking menggunakan $BNB setidaknya mengalami kerugian! DO NOT FOMO! Do your OWN REASERCH carefully. karena saya rasa pasar akan BEARISH dalam beberapa hari kedepan sebelum BITCOIN halving.

biarkan saya tahu bagaimana pendapat kalian?

if You like the content, just send me tip
have a good day!
im out! $ENA i lost my trading profit for a week with this sh*tcoin dont buy. with 1.4B supply its a big scame, just wait ull see the real price. 0.001 its financial advice DO NOT BUY!!!
im out!
i lost my trading profit for a week with this sh*tcoin dont buy. with 1.4B supply its a big scame, just wait ull see the real price. 0.001
its financial advice DO NOT BUY!!!
starknet would be sell from 2.73 acvording to the website 🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍 how much strk Airdrop did you get guys? Disclaimer this is not financial advice, do your own research. if you like my content, dont forget to give me the tip😊 #Write2Earn $STRK
starknet would be sell from 2.73 acvording to the website 🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍
how much strk Airdrop did you get guys?

Disclaimer this is not financial advice, do your own research.
if you like my content, dont forget to give me the tip😊 #Write2Earn $STRK
apakah projek ini menjanjikan?
apakah projek ini menjanjikan?
Alpha Batcher
$DOP airdrop confirmed for Q1 2024! Potential: $15k. Cost: FREE
→ @dop_org

DOP is an Ethereum protocol enabling user-controlled selective disclosure of on-chain data.

The DOP is utilizing zero-knowledge proofs to allow flexible transparency on top of Ethereum L1.

→ Airdrop

DOP confirmed the airdrop of tokens for the testnet, allocating 1% of the supply for it. The reward with tokens is confirmed for the Q1 of 2024.

1/ Registration

• Go to
• Click on "Metamask".
• Register your account.

2/ Twitter

• Go to
• Connect your Twitter.
• Follow @dop_org.

3/ Testnet

• Go to
• Claim Testnet Sepolia $ETH.
• Claim Testnet $DOP.

4/ Encrypt Assets 1/2

• Go to
• Click on "Get Started".
• Select a token and enter the amount.
• Claim Testnet Assets.

5/ Encrypt Assets 2/2

• Click on "Get Started".
• Send encrypted $USDT to your EVM wallet.
• Decrypt the $USDT you received.

6/ Referral

• Go to
• Copy your referral link.
• Share your referral link with your friends.

7/ Galxe

• Go to
• Click on "Sign in".
• Complete all available tasks.

I hope my article was helpful. If so, please do not hesitate to :

1. Follow me for more alpha content
2. Like & Repost to motivate me to continue

#TrendingTopic #Write2Earn
Hallo semuanya! saya baru di dunia crypto, saya harap ada yang bisa mengajari saya lebih lanjut. ini sedikit perkenala dari saya silahkan di klaim "BPDZO76XUP" $BNB $BTC $SOL #Write2Earn
Hallo semuanya! saya baru di dunia crypto, saya harap ada yang bisa mengajari saya lebih lanjut.
ini sedikit perkenala dari saya
silahkan di klaim


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