Binance Square
Cinthia Strohm AB9k
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sveiki visi 🙏 par ko jūs domājat $HIGH high future is good ??? $BTC $ETH ??? @cryptoguys @high Tas nav viltus projekts ??? lūdzu, pastāstiet man par šo? @bainance_community kas ir šis projekts?? pirms tik daudziem gadiem sākās Šis projekts joprojām nav pabeigts, kāpēc cilvēku dēšana? ko tu domā par digitālo pasauli Tas ir iespējams?? kāpēc nepabeigt šo projektu?? kāpēc @memecoin_official #Megadrop #mememcoinseason2024 {spot}(HIGHUSDT)
sveiki visi 🙏 par ko jūs domājat $HIGH high future is good ??? $BTC $ETH ??? @High @High cryptor Tas nav viltus projekts ??? lūdzu, pastāstiet man par šo? @Bainance Community kas ir šis projekts?? pirms tik daudziem gadiem sākās Šis projekts joprojām nav pabeigts, kāpēc cilvēku dēšana? ko tu domā par digitālo pasauli Tas ir iespējams?? kāpēc nepabeigt šo projektu?? kāpēc @Memecoin #Megadrop #mememcoinseason2024
Skatīt oriģinālu
$1000SATS cena var pazemināties ... saskaņā ar atzīmēto nosacījumu, ja monētas cena pieaugs ļoti strauji, cena drīz samazināsies ... mans viedoklis $1000SATS monētas cena vairāk laika samazināsies mazāk nekā 0,00015, ņemiet vērā šo. saskaņā ar iezīmēto gaistošu stāvokli. Šis ir tikai mans viedoklis. esi uzmanīgs .. #BinanceTournament #Megadrop #1000SATS🔥🔥🔥🔥
$1000SATS cena var pazemināties ... saskaņā ar atzīmēto nosacījumu, ja monētas cena pieaugs ļoti strauji, cena drīz samazināsies ... mans viedoklis $1000SATS monētas cena vairāk laika samazināsies mazāk nekā 0,00015, ņemiet vērā šo. saskaņā ar iezīmēto gaistošu stāvokli. Šis ir tikai mans viedoklis. esi uzmanīgs .. #BinanceTournament #Megadrop #1000SATS🔥🔥🔥🔥
Skatīt oriģinālu
@Coinchannel ja visi tirgotāji mēģinās pārvaldīt pirkšanas pasūtījumu augstāku, tad pārdošanas pasūtījuma monētas cena palielināsies. Tā ir laba ideja, lai palielinātu cenu Šīs idejas ir darbs, es saku patiesību .... visiem tirgotājiem ir jāpiemēro šī ideja .... @bainance_community $HIGH un $PEPE $1000SATS sats cena ir palielināt idejas ir darbs ... viss, kas tirgotājam jāpiesakās ir idejas ... mums jāpārvalda pirkšanas spiediens un cena pieaugs ... es cenšos palielināt cenu, bet negūstu peļņu, bet idejas ir darbs ... 😀 😀 Tagad {spot}(HIGHUSDT)
@1000SATS ja visi tirgotāji mēģinās pārvaldīt pirkšanas pasūtījumu augstāku, tad pārdošanas pasūtījuma monētas cena palielināsies. Tā ir laba ideja, lai palielinātu cenu Šīs idejas ir darbs, es saku patiesību .... visiem tirgotājiem ir jāpiemēro šī ideja .... @Bainance Community $HIGH un $PEPE $1000SATS sats cena ir palielināt idejas ir darbs ... viss, kas tirgotājam jāpiesakās ir idejas ... mums jāpārvalda pirkšanas spiediens un cena pieaugs ... es cenšos palielināt cenu, bet negūstu peļņu, bet idejas ir darbs ... 😀 😀
Skatīt oriģinālu

Es nezināju, ka man ir VECĀ diagramma uz HIGH un jau sasniedzu maksimālo mērķi

tagad High velk atpakaļ tur, kur tas sāka iegūt savu uzmanību

jautājums ir, vai tas spēs sniegt tādu pašu reakciju pagājušajā gadā?

Lūk, ieskats
Augsts joprojām var samazināties līdz 0,95 - 0,94
no otras puses, tas ir pārkāpis manu vidējo atbalstu 1.50
1.50 jau ir labs ieraksts, bet kopš cenas pazemināšanās zem 1.50 iespēja sasniegt 0.95 ir palielinājusies.

lai gan riskēt tagad ir arī pircēju intereses zonā par īsu HIGH tagad atrodas lēmumu pieņemšanas zonā, kur mēs tagad atkāpjamies vai pagarinām savu likviditātes sagrābšanu līdz 0,95-0,94

mans augstākais mērķis ir:
manā nākotnes darījumu diagrammā skatiet fotoattēlu, lai iegūtu sīkāku informāciju

atkal es nesaku, ka tas tagad ir bullish
Es vēl neesmu redzējis apvērsuma struktūru, mans vienīgais pamatojums ir 1,50 mans atbalsts ir pārkāpts, un es meklēju noraidījumu kaut kur zem tā

Skatīt oriģinālu
Io dolāri ir risks, jo vēl citas 705 miljonu monētas netiek ievestas, ja visas monētas tiek piegādātas ar atzīmi IO cena samazināsies 🤔🤔🤔 padomājiet par šo 🤔 $0,45 $IO @IONET1 @bainance_community ?
Io dolāri ir risks, jo vēl citas 705 miljonu monētas netiek ievestas, ja visas monētas tiek piegādātas ar atzīmi IO cena samazināsies 🤔🤔🤔 padomājiet par šo 🤔 $0,45 $IO @Bainance Community ?
Skatīt oriģinālu
visas kriptovalūtas cenas būs stulbas, visas samazināsies cena $BTC $ETH , jo visu mazāko monētu cena samazināsies $BTC , kas pārsniegs šī gada rekordzemāko cenu .. jo saskaņā ar atzīmētā stāvokļa avārijas analīzi ... varbūt btc un eth zaudējums ... vērtība ... skatoties ārpus pludmales ...
visas kriptovalūtas cenas būs stulbas, visas samazināsies cena $BTC $ETH , jo visu mazāko monētu cena samazināsies $BTC , kas pārsniegs šī gada rekordzemāko cenu .. jo saskaņā ar atzīmētā stāvokļa avārijas analīzi ... varbūt btc un eth zaudējums ... vērtība ... skatoties ārpus pludmales ...
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC $ETH $PEPE ja visu monētu cena samazināsies un visi cilvēki, kas pārdod kriptovalūtas, tas ir reizes, visi kriptovalūtas būs pieejami par zemāko cenu .. kā mēs zinām par jaunumiem, par cik cena samazināsies ??? kā apzīmēta nauda, ​​kas tika ievilkta kriptovalūtā ??šī ir liela problēma kriptovalūtu pasaulē...
$BTC $ETH $PEPE ja visu monētu cena samazināsies un visi cilvēki, kas pārdod kriptovalūtas, tas ir reizes, visi kriptovalūtas būs pieejami par zemāko cenu .. kā mēs zinām par jaunumiem, par cik cena samazināsies ??? kā apzīmēta nauda, ​​kas tika ievilkta kriptovalūtā ??šī ir liela problēma kriptovalūtu pasaulē...
truth This is right if every body holder makes good knowledge about This This is good chance to grow up ... we believe it's will be rich 0.001 if every body holding and believe it.
truth This is right if every body holder makes good knowledge about This This is good chance to grow up ... we believe it's will be rich 0.001 if every body holding and believe it.
Queen Amu
Cena: 0,00000963
Izmaiņas: -9,66%

Sagatavojieties, jo PEPE tuvojas kritiskajam līmenim, kas parasti iezīmē beigas, kad sākas lāču tirgus. Es iepriekš par to ziņoju pirms divām nedēļām, un šķiet, ka scenārijs attīstās, kā paredzēts. Kad tas pieskaras šim līmenim, sagaidiet, ka buļļu tirgus ātri sāksies. Kāpēc šis līmenis ir izšķirošs? Diviem faktoriem ir nozīmīga loma: lieliem bloku pasūtījumiem un atvilkumiem. Šie elementi var būtiski mainīt tirgus dinamiku.
truth This is right if every body holder makes good knowledge about This This is good chance to grow up ... we believe it's will be rich 0.001 if every body holding and believe it.$PEPE @pepecoineth
truth This is right if every body holder makes good knowledge about This This is good chance to grow up ... we believe it's will be rich 0.001 if every body holding and believe it.$PEPE @Pepecoin
Robayat Al Raji

Investori $PEPE , ņemiet vērā! 🚦

Izvairieties pieļaut tādas pašas kļūdas kā $DOGE un $SHIB , kur vairāki cilvēki zaudēja milzīgu peļņu. Sākotnēji šaubītāji noraidīja turpmāko pieaugumu pēc tam, kad DOGE un SHIB uzlēca 20 reizes, novirzot uzmanību un izlaižot vēl vienu 20 reizi.

Ar $PEPE mēs varētu būt liecinieki salīdzināmam apstāklim. Piedzīvojumam turpinoties, pieturoties pie savām agrīnajām ilgajām likmēm, var gūt lielu peļņu.

➠️ Esiet modrs un izmantojiet gaidāmās iespējas!
Crypto Web3 Today
260 Billion Shiba Inu (SHIB) in 24 Hours From Coinbase: What's Happening?

Shiba Inu's on-chain volume surged, apart from the burn volume. For now, the transactional volume of Shiba Inu has hit 2.6 trillion SHIB, with almost 10% of it belonging to Coinbase's transactions.

According to the most recent information, Coinbase's hot wallet carried out two sizable transactions in the last day that accounted for about 260 billion SHIB. The total value of these transactions is about $402 million.

A major exchange like Coinbase has increased activity, which could indicate a resurgence of interest or a redistribution of funds among whales. It is clear from an analysis of the on-chain data that the Shiba Inu market is undergoing significant changes. At the week's low there were 47 transactions, but there has been a noticeable increase in the number of large transactions, which has reached 65.

The increase in big transactions raises the possibility that institutional investors or major holders are moving, perhaps ahead of expected changes on the market. In addition, there has been a discernible rise in the volume of large transactions in U.S. dollars.

With a volume of $45 million over the past 24 hours, it is evident that the Shiba Inu market is seeing significant capital flow. This increase in volume is indicative of greater liquidity and possibly increased investor interest, which is a good sign.

The asset is having difficulty holding onto its value in the face of larger market pressures, as evidenced by the technical chart of SHIB/USDT, which displays a protracted downtrend. On the other hand, the recent spike in transaction volume might indicate a turning point, or at the very least, a stabilization phase.
yes of course ..
yes of course ..
🚀 Shiba Inu's Potential 40X Return? 🚀

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is trading at $0.00001766. But there's buzz about a potential 40X return! 📈

🌟 The Big Picture 🌟
If SHIB reaches Ethereum's market cap of $420B, each SHIB could be worth $0.0007127. That's a massive 3,936% increase!

💰 Long-term Gains 💰
Experts suggest it might take 5-6 years for SHIB to hit these heights, with an annual gain of about 100%.

Investing $1,000 now? You'd get about 56.6 million SHIBs. If SHIB reaches the target, that $1,000 could turn into $40,356!

Remember, big returns come with big risks. Stay informed and invest wisely! 📊

#Crypto #ShibaInu #Ethereum #Investment #CryptoNews
myself prediction $btc price going around $48000 $BTC and $ETH price will be around $2600 This is myself gush truth according to the marked analysis ....
myself prediction $btc price going around $48000 $BTC and $ETH price will be around $2600 This is myself gush truth according to the marked analysis ....
$SHIB i wanted to request all Shiba inu coin holder please cancel all selling order let's see what happen siba inu price will be going up if all allow to go highest price it will be happening ... let's see holding power how much price going up ..... no body loss anything ... one's time cancel selling order after then marked price will be normal . i hope so This is myself opinion only .. marked price dumb because every body putting selling order and coin prince dump ... i think shiba inu coin good for all This is a lowest price every body have a good chance to invest ...
$SHIB i wanted to request all Shiba inu coin holder please cancel all selling order let's see what happen siba inu price will be going up if all allow to go highest price it will be happening ... let's see holding power how much price going up ..... no body loss anything ... one's time cancel selling order after then marked price will be normal . i hope so This is myself opinion only .. marked price dumb because every body putting selling order and coin prince dump ... i think shiba inu coin good for all This is a lowest price every body have a good chance to invest ...
$1000SATS and $SHIB coin if you want to buy down price put selling order higher price and buy lowest price and cancel selling order and give to go higher price get profit use your self power .. now price going down wait to buy lowest price use selling power to buy lowest price ...
$1000SATS and $SHIB coin if you want to buy down price put selling order higher price and buy lowest price and cancel selling order and give to go higher price get profit use your self power .. now price going down wait to buy lowest price use selling power to buy lowest price ...
$1000SATS and $SHIB coin price going down ... sell on profit and buy lowest price ... This is my opinion only . according to the marked condition .... analysis ....
$1000SATS and $SHIB coin price going down ... sell on profit and buy lowest price ...
This is my opinion only . according to the marked condition .... analysis ....
every body don't worry marked price going up no body loss money just try to make yourself lowest selling waves .... just cancel selling order and wait some movement try to buying lowest price and marked price will going up .... use your power one time ....
every body don't worry marked price going up no body loss money just try to make yourself lowest selling waves .... just cancel selling order and wait some movement try to buying lowest price and marked price will going up .... use your power one time ....
Anasta Maverick
$SHIB : The Meme Coin That's Serious Business!

Crypto world, brace yourselves! SHIB is in the spotlight, trading at a delicate $0.00001748. Despite a minor dip of -0.17%, the market is alive with a trading volume of 34.16M USDT.

24h High: $0.00001772
24h Low: $0.00001686

Market Indicators Whispering 'Hold':
- MA(7): 0.00001756
- MA(25): 0.00001729
- MA(99): 0.00001722

The MAs are huddled close, hinting at a potential breakout.

Why All Eyes on SHIB?
- It's the meme coin with a cult following, known for its epic rallies and heart-stopping drops.

What's the Buzz?
- Traders are on the lookout for a breakout from SHIB's consolidation, ready for the next viral surge.

Investor's Gaze:
- Keep a watchful eye on those MAs and volume spikes. They might just spell the next big move for SHIB.

#SHIBArmy #MemeCoinMagic #CryptoWatch #Megadrop #Write2Earn!
i want to request all $shiba inu holder if you want to increase value just cancel selling order and marked price will be normal .. $SHIB & $1000SATS if you fell my good ideas you will remember me . if you already buying highest price i think you have to cancel selling order your self selling pressure effect on marked . so after buying lowest price if we all putting on selling order after buying because we want profit but marked react negative so we have to understand it. immediately selling effect marked price going down . so don't put your coin immediately to sell . hold and put our coin on selling order....if we hold some time marked price will be going up and if you want to sell on profit you can sell it if you want to more highest price you will hold it if you want to profit never put selling order immediately use holding power and get profit ..... everything depend on mass popularity demand and supply ... every seller and buyer have smallest value they can be effect on marked price .. you can feel it in marked price depend on every body hand ... so try to use your power positively ... This is my opinion only . according to the market condition demand and supply popularit. 1.3k Views 3 Likes 0 Quotes 0 Shares 2 Replies Most Relevant Most Recent Cinthia Strohm AB9k Author every body want highest price so marked price down and down because we put in selling order for highest price so . after all selling pressure create marked price let's go to down .
i want to request all $shiba inu holder if you want to increase value just cancel selling order and marked price will be normal .. $SHIB & $1000SATS if you fell my good ideas you will remember me . if you already buying highest price i think you have to cancel selling order your self selling pressure effect on marked . so after buying lowest price if we all putting on selling order after buying because we want profit but marked react negative so we have to understand it. immediately selling effect marked price going down . so don't put your coin immediately to sell . hold and put our coin on selling order....if we hold some time marked price will be going up and if you want to sell on profit you can sell it if you want to more highest price you will hold it if you want to profit never put selling order immediately use holding power and get profit ..... everything depend on mass popularity demand and supply ... every seller and buyer have smallest value they can be effect on marked price .. you can feel it in marked price depend on every body hand ... so try to use your power positively ... This is my opinion only . according to the market condition demand and supply popularit.
2 Replies
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Cinthia Strohm AB9k
every body want highest price so marked price down and down because we put in selling order for highest price so . after all selling pressure create marked price let's go to down .
Shiba Inu Price to Rise? SHIB Targets $0.000085 Buy Zone

Shiba Inu has declined 1% in 24 hours to $0.00001725 while the crypto market rises 0.5% today.

The meme token has dropped 8% in a week and 33% in a month, although it has gained 125% in the last year.

Its losses placed it in a deeply oversold position, thus technical analysis suggests a comeback shortly.

With the market showing signs of revival, the Shiba Inu price might conclude the year strong.

Shiba Inu Price to Rise? SHIB Targets $0.000085 Buy Zone
SHIB's chart shows indicators rising from oversold levels, suggesting a comeback.

Its purple relative strength indicator is climbing to 50 today after reaching 30 this morning.

SHIB's 30-day average (orange) has been below the 200-day (blue) for weeks, indicating substantial overselling.

SHIB's data shows low activity, $200 million today compared to $2 billion roughly a month ago.

While this shows no reduction, SHIB's lesser volume makes it more vulnerable to huge price increases, particularly from whales.

Due to under-appreciation and poor volume, SHIB may rebound shortly, especially if Ethereum ETFs bolster the market.

These ETFs might start as soon as July 4, boosting Ethereum's and alts' prices with increased demand and volume.

Since it uses Ethereum, Shiba Inu may be particularly vulnerable to favorable demand.

Ethereum ETFs may contribute to September rate reduction by US, UK, and other central banks.

This will encourage trader bullishness and demand for meme currencies like Shiba Inu.

SHIB will gain support from its fundamentals while it awaits the introduction of its layer-three network and metaverse platform.

This might boost the Shiba Inu price to $0.00004 by year's end.

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