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Datu pārskats Binance pret CoinMarketCap bailes un alkatības indeksu.

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SEC apturēja Ethereum 2.0 izmeklēšanu: vai šī Catalyst ETH cena varētu sasniegt 4000 ASV dolāru?Stāsta svarīgākie momenti: Ethereum nav drošība: "SEC Izpildes nodaļa mums ir paziņojusi, ka tā beidz izmeklēšanu saistībā ar Ethereum 2.0," teikts uzņēmuma tvītā, piebilstot: "Tas nozīmē, ka SEC neizvirzīs apsūdzības, apgalvojot, ka ETH ir vērtspapīru darījumi. Ethereum izdevās atgūt un noturēt virs izšķirošās pretestības 3500 USD apmērā, jo pozitīvas kārtas visā tīklā radīja uzticību tirgus dalībnieku vidū ETH cena strauji virzās uz vienu no svarīgajiem mērķiem, kas var atbrīvot ceļu uz starpposma atskaites punktu 4000 USD apmērā.

SEC apturēja Ethereum 2.0 izmeklēšanu: vai šī Catalyst ETH cena varētu sasniegt 4000 ASV dolāru?

Stāsta svarīgākie momenti:
Ethereum nav drošība: "SEC Izpildes nodaļa mums ir paziņojusi, ka tā beidz izmeklēšanu saistībā ar Ethereum 2.0," teikts uzņēmuma tvītā, piebilstot: "Tas nozīmē, ka SEC neizvirzīs apsūdzības, apgalvojot, ka ETH ir vērtspapīru darījumi.
Ethereum izdevās atgūt un noturēt virs izšķirošās pretestības 3500 USD apmērā, jo pozitīvas kārtas visā tīklā radīja uzticību tirgus dalībnieku vidū

ETH cena strauji virzās uz vienu no svarīgajiem mērķiem, kas var atbrīvot ceļu uz starpposma atskaites punktu 4000 USD apmērā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance TH atbalsta LUNC un USTC tirdzniecībuKriptovalūtu birža Binance TH, kas izveidota, sadarbojoties Binance un Gulf Energy, šonedēļ ir spērusi nozīmīgus soļus, atjaunojot atbalstu $LUNC un $USTC tirdzniecībai. Šis solis ir radījis ievērojamu sajūsmu Terra Classic kopienā. Binance TH lēmums pieņemts kā daļa no plašākas iniciatīvas, kuras mērķis ir atdzīvināt Terra Classic ekosistēmu, kas ietver žetonus $LUNC un $USTC. Kā Binance TH iesaistīs $LUNC entuziastus? 15. jūnijā Binance TH paziņoja par pasākumu “From Collapse to Resurrection $LUNC?” izmantojot X sociālo mediju platformu. Izmantojot šo iniciatīvu, Binance TH sadarbībā ar Gulf Binance cenšas sasniegt Terra-Luna krīzes skartos cilvēkus un joprojām ticēt $LUNC potenciālajai atdzimšanai. Šī iniciatīva ir aicinājums kopienai dalīties savā pieredzē un iesaistīties diskusijās Binance TH tiešraidē, un atlasītajiem dalībniekiem ir iespēja laimēt ekskluzīvas Binance TH preces un citas balvas.

Binance TH atbalsta LUNC un USTC tirdzniecību

Kriptovalūtu birža Binance TH, kas izveidota, sadarbojoties Binance un Gulf Energy, šonedēļ ir spērusi nozīmīgus soļus, atjaunojot atbalstu $LUNC un $USTC tirdzniecībai. Šis solis ir radījis ievērojamu sajūsmu Terra Classic kopienā. Binance TH lēmums pieņemts kā daļa no plašākas iniciatīvas, kuras mērķis ir atdzīvināt Terra Classic ekosistēmu, kas ietver žetonus $LUNC un $USTC .
Kā Binance TH iesaistīs $LUNC entuziastus?
15. jūnijā Binance TH paziņoja par pasākumu “From Collapse to Resurrection $LUNC ?” izmantojot X sociālo mediju platformu. Izmantojot šo iniciatīvu, Binance TH sadarbībā ar Gulf Binance cenšas sasniegt Terra-Luna krīzes skartos cilvēkus un joprojām ticēt $LUNC potenciālajai atdzimšanai. Šī iniciatīva ir aicinājums kopienai dalīties savā pieredzē un iesaistīties diskusijās Binance TH tiešraidē, un atlasītajiem dalībniekiem ir iespēja laimēt ekskluzīvas Binance TH preces un citas balvas.
Daily Cryptocurrency Digest: Solana Cracks Down on Validator Sandwich AttacksA group of Solana (SOL) verifiers are facing financial penalties for allegedly facilitating financial attacks against cryptocurrency traders. More than 30 validators were removed from the Solana Foundation’s delegation programme over the weekend, sources said. While they remain verifiers on the network, they are no longer eligible for rewards for verifying Solana blockchain transactions. Sandwich attacks involve placing one order before a transaction and then another order immediately after the transaction. Attackers will place the first pending transaction between simultaneous front-end and back-end transactions to manipulate the price of the asset and profit from the difference. Tim Garcia, head of verifier relations at Solana, announced on Discord that he would be removing verifiers, stating that ‘participation in a private pool of memory to sandwich attack transactions or otherwise compromise the integrity of Solana users will not be delegated.” A Jito Foundation governance post published on Sunday revealed that 10% of the JitoSOL pool is delegated to validators running private memory pools, and the Jito Foundation is proposing to impose further financial penalties on these validators by restricting more pledged SOLs. Market Trends: BTC oscillates at high levels as Altcoins generally fall BTC: After breaking above $70,000 early this morning there was a pullback and it is now consolidating around $69,400. In the short term, it will probably oscillate in the $68,000-$70,000 range, waiting for the release of this week’s CPI data to choose a new market movement. ETH: Currently oscillating around $3,660 with a relatively stable trend. It is likely to fluctuate in the $3,600-3,700 range in the short term. Altcoins: generally down, market sentiment is relatively cold. Investors need to choose carefully and pay attention to market hotspots and individual strong coins. Macroeconomics U.S. Stocks Higher: Investors are waiting for the release of CPI data on Wednesday, which is expected to have a big impact on the market. CPI data: CPI data is an important economic indicator, which may affect the market’s expectations of inflation and monetary policy, thus affecting the trend of the crypto market. Risk Warning: The crypto market is volatile, investors need to be cautious and avoid chasing highs. Pay close attention to macroeconomic data, such as CPI data, which may have a greater impact on the market. Pay attention to changes in market sentiment and adjust investment strategies in a timely manner. Macro: S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit new closing highs; Fed meeting and CPI coming soon On Monday, 10 June, Reuters reported: the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq still hit new closing highs on Monday, despite investor caution ahead of this week’s upcoming Consumer Price Index (CPI) report and the Federal Reserve’s policy statement. In terms of specific indexes, the Dow Jones rose 0.2 per cent, the S&P 500 index rose 0.3 per cent and the Nasdaq rose 0.4 per cent. Nvidia, which drove the Nasdaq and S&P 500 up, closed up 0.7 per cent after a ten-share stock split. Some investors believe the chipmaker is likely to be included in the Dow Jones blue chips. May’s Consumer Price Index report will be released on Wednesday, when the Federal Reserve’s two-day policy meeting concludes. The Fed will release its latest economic and policy projections and is expected to leave interest rates unchanged. Investors will be watching for clues as to when the Fed will start cutting rates. On Tuesday 11 June, Asian markets look set to continue to be restrained by rising bond yields, political turmoil in Europe, a stronger US dollar, and caution ahead of the Federal Reserve’s policy decision later in the week. Nonetheless, Japan’s economy started the week on a strong note, coming off the back of higher-than-expected revisions to first-quarter GDP and an across-the-board decline in the yen for Japanese government bond yields. Tuesday’s economic data mainly consists of South Korean current account data, Philippine trade data and Australian business confidence data. Japan’s revised GDP data on Monday will boost market confidence in the Japanese economy and increase expectations that the Bank of Japan will push ahead with policy normalization at its policy meeting later in the week. Japan’s 10-year government bond yield rose 4.5 basis points on Monday, the biggest gain in two months and enough to reverse half of last week’s decline. Record closing highs on Wall Street and strong U.S. Treasury yields should continue to support the U.S. dollar, a combination that could put more pressure on emerging market assets. On Friday, both the CSI 300 blue-chip index and the Shanghai Composite Index fell to their lowest points in six weeks. With Chinese stocks closed on Monday, Tuesday’s opening could see sharp volatility as investors catch up on gains over two global trading days. In commodities, oil prices rose on Tuesday, extending the previous day’s gains on expectations of increased seasonal fuel demand and the possibility of U.S. crude purchases to replenish its oil reserves, but gains were limited by a stronger dollar. Brent crude futures were up 28 cents to $81.91 a barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude futures were up 31 cents to $78.05 a barrel. Oil prices rose about 3 percent to a one-week high on Monday, driven by expectations of higher demand for fuel this summer, despite a stronger dollar on expectations that the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates higher. Gold was just above one-month lows at $2,306 an ounce. Extracted from Gateio Research article…

Daily Cryptocurrency Digest: Solana Cracks Down on Validator Sandwich Attacks

A group of Solana (SOL) verifiers are facing financial penalties for allegedly facilitating financial attacks against cryptocurrency traders. More than 30 validators were removed from the Solana Foundation’s delegation programme over the weekend, sources said. While they remain verifiers on the network, they are no longer eligible for rewards for verifying Solana blockchain transactions.
Sandwich attacks involve placing one order before a transaction and then another order immediately after the transaction. Attackers will place the first pending transaction between simultaneous front-end and back-end transactions to manipulate the price of the asset and profit from the difference. Tim Garcia, head of verifier relations at Solana, announced on Discord that he would be removing verifiers, stating that ‘participation in a private pool of memory to sandwich attack transactions or otherwise compromise the integrity of Solana users will not be delegated.”
A Jito Foundation governance post published on Sunday revealed that 10% of the JitoSOL pool is delegated to validators running private memory pools, and the Jito Foundation is proposing to impose further financial penalties on these validators by restricting more pledged SOLs.
Market Trends: BTC oscillates at high levels as Altcoins generally fall
BTC: After breaking above $70,000 early this morning there was a pullback and it is now consolidating around $69,400. In the short term, it will probably oscillate in the $68,000-$70,000 range, waiting for the release of this week’s CPI data to choose a new market movement.
ETH: Currently oscillating around $3,660 with a relatively stable trend. It is likely to fluctuate in the $3,600-3,700 range in the short term.
Altcoins: generally down, market sentiment is relatively cold. Investors need to choose carefully and pay attention to market hotspots and individual strong coins.
U.S. Stocks Higher: Investors are waiting for the release of CPI data on Wednesday, which is expected to have a big impact on the market.
CPI data: CPI data is an important economic indicator, which may affect the market’s expectations of inflation and monetary policy, thus affecting the trend of the crypto market.
Risk Warning:
The crypto market is volatile, investors need to be cautious and avoid chasing highs.
Pay close attention to macroeconomic data, such as CPI data, which may have a greater impact on the market.
Pay attention to changes in market sentiment and adjust investment strategies in a timely manner.
Macro: S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit new closing highs; Fed meeting and CPI coming soon
On Monday, 10 June, Reuters reported: the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq still hit new closing highs on Monday, despite investor caution ahead of this week’s upcoming Consumer Price Index (CPI) report and the Federal Reserve’s policy statement.
In terms of specific indexes, the Dow Jones rose 0.2 per cent, the S&P 500 index rose 0.3 per cent and the Nasdaq rose 0.4 per cent.
Nvidia, which drove the Nasdaq and S&P 500 up, closed up 0.7 per cent after a ten-share stock split. Some investors believe the chipmaker is likely to be included in the Dow Jones blue chips.
May’s Consumer Price Index report will be released on Wednesday, when the Federal Reserve’s two-day policy meeting concludes. The Fed will release its latest economic and policy projections and is expected to leave interest rates unchanged. Investors will be watching for clues as to when the Fed will start cutting rates.
On Tuesday 11 June, Asian markets look set to continue to be restrained by rising bond yields, political turmoil in Europe, a stronger US dollar, and caution ahead of the Federal Reserve’s policy decision later in the week.
Nonetheless, Japan’s economy started the week on a strong note, coming off the back of higher-than-expected revisions to first-quarter GDP and an across-the-board decline in the yen for Japanese government bond yields.
Tuesday’s economic data mainly consists of South Korean current account data, Philippine trade data and Australian business confidence data.
Japan’s revised GDP data on Monday will boost market confidence in the Japanese economy and increase expectations that the Bank of Japan will push ahead with policy normalization at its policy meeting later in the week. Japan’s 10-year government bond yield rose 4.5 basis points on Monday, the biggest gain in two months and enough to reverse half of last week’s decline.
Record closing highs on Wall Street and strong U.S. Treasury yields should continue to support the U.S. dollar, a combination that could put more pressure on emerging market assets.
On Friday, both the CSI 300 blue-chip index and the Shanghai Composite Index fell to their lowest points in six weeks. With Chinese stocks closed on Monday, Tuesday’s opening could see sharp volatility as investors catch up on gains over two global trading days.
In commodities, oil prices rose on Tuesday, extending the previous day’s gains on expectations of increased seasonal fuel demand and the possibility of U.S. crude purchases to replenish its oil reserves, but gains were limited by a stronger dollar. Brent crude futures were up 28 cents to $81.91 a barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude futures were up 31 cents to $78.05 a barrel.
Oil prices rose about 3 percent to a one-week high on Monday, driven by expectations of higher demand for fuel this summer, despite a stronger dollar on expectations that the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates higher.
Gold was just above one-month lows at $2,306 an ounce.
Extracted from Gateio Research article…
Don’t Rush to Sell! Take A Minimal Risk!!!! The post $PEPE And $FLOKI FLOKI Records Bearish Action! Will Memecoins Bounce Back This Week? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News {spot}(PEPEUSDT) {spot}(FLOKIUSDT) The cryptocurrency market has experienced a significant correction in its valuation over the past weekend, with top tokens recording a notable correction in their respective portfolios. Following the trend, the memecoin category displayed a similar trend and broke down their important support levels. Despite top memecoins starting the week on a bearish note, memecoins like Pepe and Floki experienced an upward price action, highlighting a mixed sentiment in the crypto space. Dive in as, in this article, we have covered the market sentiment, and price analysis of Pepe (PEPE) and Floki (FLOKI) and their short-term price targets. Pepe (PEPE) Price Analysis: Despite recording a jump of approximately 4% within the past, the memecoin has lost 17.66% over the past week, indicating a rising bearish sentiment for the memecoin in the crypto space. The SMA constantly acts as a resistance to the PEPE price chart, suggesting a strong bearish sentiment for the altcoin in the cryptocurrency market. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) continues to hover close to its mid-point, indicating a weak price action for the memecoin in the market. Moreover, the average shows a bearish curve, suggesting a negative outlook for the PEPE coin price this week. If the market holds the price above the support level of $0.00001150, the bulls will regain momentum and the Pepe price will prepare to test its upper resistance level of $0.00001675. Conversely, bearish price action could pull the memecoin toward its lower support level of $0.00000880. Floki Price Records A Bearish Reversal In The Chart: After trading within a closed range between $0.000252 and $0.00030 for over a week, the bulls regained momentum and broke out of the resistance level. However, the Floki price failed to hold its value above the level, resulting in the memecoin experiencing a pullback within the range.
Don’t Rush to Sell! Take A Minimal Risk!!!!

The post $PEPE And $FLOKI FLOKI Records Bearish Action! Will Memecoins Bounce Back This Week? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News
The cryptocurrency market has experienced a significant correction in its valuation over the past weekend, with top tokens recording a notable correction in their respective portfolios.

Following the trend, the memecoin category displayed a similar trend and broke down their important support levels. Despite top memecoins starting the week on a bearish note, memecoins like Pepe and Floki experienced an upward price action, highlighting a mixed sentiment in the crypto space.

Dive in as, in this article, we have covered the market sentiment, and price analysis of Pepe (PEPE) and Floki (FLOKI) and their short-term price targets.

Pepe (PEPE) Price Analysis:

Despite recording a jump of approximately 4% within the past, the memecoin has lost 17.66% over the past week, indicating a rising bearish sentiment for the memecoin in the crypto space. The SMA constantly acts as a resistance to the PEPE price chart, suggesting a strong bearish sentiment for the altcoin in the cryptocurrency market. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) continues to hover close to its mid-point, indicating a weak price action for the memecoin in the market. Moreover, the average shows a bearish curve, suggesting a negative outlook for the PEPE coin price this week. If the market holds the price above the support level of $0.00001150, the bulls will regain momentum and the Pepe price will prepare to test its upper resistance level of $0.00001675. Conversely, bearish price action could pull the memecoin toward its lower support level of $0.00000880.

Floki Price Records A Bearish Reversal In The Chart:

After trading within a closed range between $0.000252 and $0.00030 for over a week, the bulls regained momentum and broke out of the resistance level. However, the Floki price failed to hold its value above the level, resulting in the memecoin experiencing a pullback within the range.
Skatīt oriģinālu
VeChain sadarbojas ar Revolut, lai integrētu PIA un VTHO $VET Izpilddirektors Sunny Lu ar entuziasmu paziņoja par sadarbību ar Revolut, vadošo fintech platformu. Šī sadarbība iezīmē nozīmīgu pavērsienu, jo VeChain vietējie žetoni $VET un $VTHO tagad ir integrēti Revolut ekosistēmā. Šis solis uzlabo VeChain klātbūtni un pieejamību kriptovalūtu nozarē. Vācīgā partnerība starp VeChain un Revolut kopā ar VeChain nepārtraukto RWA lietojumprogrammu izstrādi nodrošina abu projektu ievērojamu izaugsmi un lielāku blokķēdes ieviešanu. Revolut plašā sasniedzamība, apkalpojot vairāk nekā 40 miljonus lietotāju 50 valstīs un veicinot vairāk nekā 330 miljonus darījumu mēnesī, pastiprina šīs integrācijas iespējamo ietekmi. Paredzams, ka šī stratēģiskā partnerība sniegs ievērojamu labumu PIA un VTHO turētājiem. Sadarbības panākumi potenciāli varētu paaugstināt šo altkoinu cenas, piedāvājot daudzsološus ieguvumus gan investoriem, gan entuziastiem. Ietekme uz PIA un VTHO Liels pavērsiens PIA un VTHO: VeChain vietējie marķieri, VET un VTHO, pieejamības nodrošināšana Revolut ir nozīmīgs pavērsiens. Šī integrācija paver plašas iespējas, pakļaujot šos līdzekļus miljoniem jaunu lietotāju, kuri vēlas izpētīt blokķēdes tehnoloģijas potenciālu. Paredzamā cenu ietekme: tā kā gan VET, gan VTHO ir iekļautas Revolut mazumtirdzniecības lietotnē, ir lielas cerības uz cenu kāpumu. Investori paredz, ka šie žetoni uzkāps uz saviem iepriekšējiem visu laiku augstākajiem rādītājiem (ATH), ko veicinās bullish noskaņojums ap VeChain un gaidāmais zelta vērša cikls. Revolut ietekme un pieejamība: Revolut, kas ir slavens ar savu lietotājam draudzīgo saskarni un pievilcīgiem stimuliem, lepojas ar vairāk nekā 40 miljoniem lietotāju visā pasaulē. Šī partnerība nodrošina netraucētu piekļuvi un pārliecību lietotājiem, kuri vēlas iesaistīties. 5106253618#VET#Vechain#VTHO#Bitcoin #Binance200M #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved
VeChain sadarbojas ar Revolut, lai integrētu PIA un VTHO

$VET Izpilddirektors Sunny Lu ar entuziasmu paziņoja par sadarbību ar Revolut, vadošo fintech platformu. Šī sadarbība iezīmē nozīmīgu pavērsienu, jo VeChain vietējie žetoni $VET un $VTHO tagad ir integrēti Revolut ekosistēmā. Šis solis uzlabo VeChain klātbūtni un pieejamību kriptovalūtu nozarē.

Vācīgā partnerība starp VeChain un Revolut kopā ar VeChain nepārtraukto RWA lietojumprogrammu izstrādi nodrošina abu projektu ievērojamu izaugsmi un lielāku blokķēdes ieviešanu. Revolut plašā sasniedzamība, apkalpojot vairāk nekā 40 miljonus lietotāju 50 valstīs un veicinot vairāk nekā 330 miljonus darījumu mēnesī, pastiprina šīs integrācijas iespējamo ietekmi.

Paredzams, ka šī stratēģiskā partnerība sniegs ievērojamu labumu PIA un VTHO turētājiem. Sadarbības panākumi potenciāli varētu paaugstināt šo altkoinu cenas, piedāvājot daudzsološus ieguvumus gan investoriem, gan entuziastiem.

Ietekme uz PIA un VTHO

Liels pavērsiens PIA un VTHO: VeChain vietējie marķieri, VET un VTHO, pieejamības nodrošināšana Revolut ir nozīmīgs pavērsiens. Šī integrācija paver plašas iespējas, pakļaujot šos līdzekļus miljoniem jaunu lietotāju, kuri vēlas izpētīt blokķēdes tehnoloģijas potenciālu.
Paredzamā cenu ietekme: tā kā gan VET, gan VTHO ir iekļautas Revolut mazumtirdzniecības lietotnē, ir lielas cerības uz cenu kāpumu. Investori paredz, ka šie žetoni uzkāps uz saviem iepriekšējiem visu laiku augstākajiem rādītājiem (ATH), ko veicinās bullish noskaņojums ap VeChain un gaidāmais zelta vērša cikls.
Revolut ietekme un pieejamība: Revolut, kas ir slavens ar savu lietotājam draudzīgo saskarni un pievilcīgiem stimuliem, lepojas ar vairāk nekā 40 miljoniem lietotāju visā pasaulē. Šī partnerība nodrošina netraucētu piekļuvi un pārliecību lietotājiem, kuri vēlas iesaistīties.

5106253618#VET#Vechain#VTHO#Bitcoin #Binance200M #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved
$BTC Don't panic—this is the need to see. Nothing changed on #Bitcoin. If there is an any change, I will share it with you. We will make it in the long term-be patient.
Don't panic—this is the need to see. Nothing changed on #Bitcoin. If there is an any change, I will share it with you. We will make it in the long term-be patient.
This is why I don’t joke around! Make hay why the sunshine.
This is why I don’t joke around! Make hay why the sunshine.
Richard Teng
"Kāpēc kriptovalūta?" Jo mēs atraisām tik daudz potenciāla! 🔑 No ātrākiem, izmaksu ziņā efektīviem pārrobežu pārvedumiem līdz finansiālai iekļaušanai 1,4 miljardiem cilvēku visā pasaulē. Šeit ir lielisks#Binanceemuāra raksts, kas aptver šo ⤵️

Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC $ETH $BNB Sākās paātrinājuma fāze: aizraušanās saasinās, tirgus kāpj —: 1. ASV Bitcoin spot ETF neto ieplūde vakar bija USD 887,1 miljons, kas bija lielākā neto ieplūdes diena kopš 12. marta un otrā lielākā neto ieplūdes diena kopš tā izveidošanas! 2. Kriptovalūtas panikas un alkatības indekss ir 75 (vakar bija 73), un tirgus alkatība pieaug.
Sākās paātrinājuma fāze: aizraušanās saasinās, tirgus kāpj —:

1. ASV Bitcoin spot ETF neto ieplūde vakar bija USD 887,1 miljons, kas bija lielākā neto ieplūdes diena kopš 12. marta un otrā lielākā neto ieplūdes diena kopš tā izveidošanas!

2. Kriptovalūtas panikas un alkatības indekss ir 75 (vakar bija 73), un tirgus alkatība pieaug.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$SHIB Inu būtiskie atbalsta un pretestības līmeņi: vai tas sasniegs 0,0001 USD vai #ATH? Kriptovalūtu tirgus ir satraukts ar spekulācijām par Shiba Inu (SHIB) potenciālu šā gada jūnijā sasniegt USD 0,0001, kā to uzsvēra analītiķis $SHIB KNIGHT. $SHIB cena ir USD 0,00002395 un šobrīd svārstās, un nesenais pieaugums norāda uz augšupejošu tendenci. Vēsturiski SHIB piedzīvoja dramatisku pieaugumu, kam sekoja straujš kritums. Kopš tā laika cena ir stabilizējusies, uzrādot nelielas svārstības un konsolidācijas periodu. Zemākais atbalsta līmenis, kas novērots diagrammā, ir aptuveni USD 0,00000001, kas kalpo kā ilgtermiņa drošības tīkls. Drīzāk atbalsts tiek atrasts tuvu pašreizējai cenai USD 0,00002494, kur cena ir piedzīvojusi zināmu konsolidāciju un nelielu augšupejošu kustību. Pretestības pusē tūlītējais līmenis, kas jāskatās, ir USD 0,00002495. Ja SHIB spēs pārvarēt šo līmeni, tas varētu pavērt ceļu turpmākiem ieguvumiem. Ievērojams pretestības līmenis ir apzīmēts ar zaļo bultiņu USD 0,00010001 vērtībā, kas ir galvenais cenu mērķis un psiholoģiskais šķērslis daudziem tirgotājiem. Vidēja pretestības līmeņi USD 0,00005000 un USD 0,00001500 arī prasa uzmanību, jo vēsturiskā cenu darbība ir parādījusi reakcijas ap šiem līmeņiem. Nesenā pozitīvā cenu kustība un augšupvērstā bultiņa liecina par bullish perspektīvu, un daži tirgotāji tiecas uz kāpumu līdz USD 0,00010001. Šo optimismu veicina nesenais SHIB cenas pieaugums par 1,24% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā, un 24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms ir 659,67 miljoni USD saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap. Ja SHIB neizdosies pārvarēt tūlītējo pretestību USD 0,00002495 vērtībā, tas var atkārtoti pārbaudīt zemākus atbalsta līmeņus. Būtisks kritums zem pašreizējā atbalsta līmeņa var izraisīt turpmāku kritumu, pārbaudot vēsturiskos atbalstus. 30 minūšu relatīvā stipruma indekss (RSI) ir 33,37, kā norādīts zemāk, kas liecina par konsolidācijas periodu pēc nesenajām cenu izmaiņām. 30 minūšu WM %R(14) rāda -48,90, kas norāda uz zināmu pārdošanas spiedienu tirgū, taču tas nav pietiekami spēcīgs, lai būtiski ietekmētu cenu. #altsesaon #shiba⚡
$SHIB Inu būtiskie atbalsta un pretestības līmeņi: vai tas sasniegs 0,0001 USD vai #ATH?

Kriptovalūtu tirgus ir satraukts ar spekulācijām par Shiba Inu (SHIB) potenciālu šā gada jūnijā sasniegt USD 0,0001, kā to uzsvēra analītiķis $SHIB KNIGHT. $SHIB cena ir USD 0,00002395 un šobrīd svārstās, un nesenais pieaugums norāda uz augšupejošu tendenci.

Vēsturiski SHIB piedzīvoja dramatisku pieaugumu, kam sekoja straujš kritums. Kopš tā laika cena ir stabilizējusies, uzrādot nelielas svārstības un konsolidācijas periodu. Zemākais atbalsta līmenis, kas novērots diagrammā, ir aptuveni USD 0,00000001, kas kalpo kā ilgtermiņa drošības tīkls. Drīzāk atbalsts tiek atrasts tuvu pašreizējai cenai USD 0,00002494, kur cena ir piedzīvojusi zināmu konsolidāciju un nelielu augšupejošu kustību.

Pretestības pusē tūlītējais līmenis, kas jāskatās, ir USD 0,00002495. Ja SHIB spēs pārvarēt šo līmeni, tas varētu pavērt ceļu turpmākiem ieguvumiem. Ievērojams pretestības līmenis ir apzīmēts ar zaļo bultiņu USD 0,00010001 vērtībā, kas ir galvenais cenu mērķis un psiholoģiskais šķērslis daudziem tirgotājiem. Vidēja pretestības līmeņi USD 0,00005000 un USD 0,00001500 arī prasa uzmanību, jo vēsturiskā cenu darbība ir parādījusi reakcijas ap šiem līmeņiem.

Nesenā pozitīvā cenu kustība un augšupvērstā bultiņa liecina par bullish perspektīvu, un daži tirgotāji tiecas uz kāpumu līdz USD 0,00010001. Šo optimismu veicina nesenais SHIB cenas pieaugums par 1,24% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā, un 24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms ir 659,67 miljoni USD saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap.

Ja SHIB neizdosies pārvarēt tūlītējo pretestību USD 0,00002495 vērtībā, tas var atkārtoti pārbaudīt zemākus atbalsta līmeņus. Būtisks kritums zem pašreizējā atbalsta līmeņa var izraisīt turpmāku kritumu, pārbaudot vēsturiskos atbalstus.

30 minūšu relatīvā stipruma indekss (RSI) ir 33,37, kā norādīts zemāk, kas liecina par konsolidācijas periodu pēc nesenajām cenu izmaiņām. 30 minūšu WM %R(14) rāda -48,90, kas norāda uz zināmu pārdošanas spiedienu tirgū, taču tas nav pietiekami spēcīgs, lai būtiski ietekmētu cenu.
#altsesaon #shiba⚡
Skatīt oriģinālu
Terra Classic v3.0.1 jauninājums tiek aktivizēts kā LUNC Price To Rally? Vai tas varētu būt laika pirkšana? $LUNC cena mirgo pirkt signāls Terra Luna Classic kopiena ievieš ļoti gaidīto v3.0.1 jauninājumu, kura ietekme būs redzama pēc pāris dienām. Terra Luna Classic jauninājums: tirgus reakcija Saskaņā ar neseno X ziņu, ko tālāk ir parādījis kopienas loceklis Diamondhandz1 kungs, jaunināšana joprojām notiek saskaņā ar grafiku, lai sāktu dažu stundu laikā. Tas izraisīs ķēdes $LUNC īslaicīgu apturēšanu. Diamondhandz1 kungs kopīgoja atjauninājumu, norādot: “ATJAUNINĀJUMS: @Genuine__Labs veiktā v3.0.1 jaunināšana sāksies aptuveni pēc divām stundām, un ķēde $LUNC tiks apturēta. Laiks atjaunināt#LunaClassicblokķēdi un turpināt atkopšanas centienus. Turpini CELT! Jāatzīmē, ka šis jauninājums tika pieņemts pēc Terra Luna Classic kopienas vienbalsīga lēmuma, kas paredzēja, ka v3.0.1 programmatūras jaunināšanas priekšlikums saņēma pārliecinošu 99,9% apstiprinājumu gan no kopienas dalībniekiem, gan no pārbaudītājiem. Terra Luna Classic Layer 1 izstrādes komandas Genuine Labs iesniegtais priekšlikums ietver nozīmīgus atjauninājumus, piemēram, sdk 47 un citus nozīmīgus blokķēdes uzlabojumus. Sabiedrībai gatavojoties šim galvenajam jauninājumam, LUNC cena pēdējo 24 stundu laikā tomēr ir samazinājusies, jo saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem tā samazinājās par 2,95% līdz USD 0,0001163. Analītiķi to uzskata par neparastu, jo ziņām par gaidāmo jauno attīstību vajadzētu izraisīt pozitīvu cenu reakciju. Binance loma LUNC atkopšanā Tikmēr līdz ar ziņām par izlīgumu starp Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Vērtspapīru un biržu komisiju (SEC), Terraform Labs un Do Kwon tirgus vērotāji bija novērojuši pozitīvu noskaņojumu par Terra ekosistēmas žetoniem. Saskaņā ar Coingape ziņojumu, tika prognozēts, ka LUNC, ņemot vērā SEC norēķinu ziņu pozitīvos noskaņojumus, tuvosies 1 USD cenas atzīmei. V3.0.1 jaunināšanas protokolam būs nepieciešams pārbaudītājiem, lai aizstātu veco bināro ar jauno. Mērķis ir uzlabot Terra tīklu atbilstoši veiktspējai un darbībām. Izvilkums no CoinGap
Terra Classic v3.0.1 jauninājums tiek aktivizēts kā LUNC Price To Rally? Vai tas varētu būt laika pirkšana? $LUNC cena mirgo pirkt signāls

Terra Luna Classic kopiena ievieš ļoti gaidīto v3.0.1 jauninājumu, kura ietekme būs redzama pēc pāris dienām.

Terra Luna Classic jauninājums: tirgus reakcija

Saskaņā ar neseno X ziņu, ko tālāk ir parādījis kopienas loceklis Diamondhandz1 kungs, jaunināšana joprojām notiek saskaņā ar grafiku, lai sāktu dažu stundu laikā. Tas izraisīs ķēdes $LUNC īslaicīgu apturēšanu.

Diamondhandz1 kungs kopīgoja atjauninājumu, norādot:

“ATJAUNINĀJUMS: @Genuine__Labs veiktā v3.0.1 jaunināšana sāksies aptuveni pēc divām stundām, un ķēde $LUNC tiks apturēta. Laiks atjaunināt#LunaClassicblokķēdi un turpināt atkopšanas centienus. Turpini CELT!

Jāatzīmē, ka šis jauninājums tika pieņemts pēc Terra Luna Classic kopienas vienbalsīga lēmuma, kas paredzēja, ka v3.0.1 programmatūras jaunināšanas priekšlikums saņēma pārliecinošu 99,9% apstiprinājumu gan no kopienas dalībniekiem, gan no pārbaudītājiem. Terra Luna Classic Layer 1 izstrādes komandas Genuine Labs iesniegtais priekšlikums ietver nozīmīgus atjauninājumus, piemēram, sdk 47 un citus nozīmīgus blokķēdes uzlabojumus.

Sabiedrībai gatavojoties šim galvenajam jauninājumam, LUNC cena pēdējo 24 stundu laikā tomēr ir samazinājusies, jo saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem tā samazinājās par 2,95% līdz USD 0,0001163. Analītiķi to uzskata par neparastu, jo ziņām par gaidāmo jauno attīstību vajadzētu izraisīt pozitīvu cenu reakciju.

Binance loma LUNC atkopšanā

Tikmēr līdz ar ziņām par izlīgumu starp Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Vērtspapīru un biržu komisiju (SEC), Terraform Labs un Do Kwon tirgus vērotāji bija novērojuši pozitīvu noskaņojumu par Terra ekosistēmas žetoniem.

Saskaņā ar Coingape ziņojumu, tika prognozēts, ka LUNC, ņemot vērā SEC norēķinu ziņu pozitīvos noskaņojumus, tuvosies 1 USD cenas atzīmei. V3.0.1 jaunināšanas protokolam būs nepieciešams pārbaudītājiem, lai aizstātu veco bināro ar jauno. Mērķis ir uzlabot Terra tīklu atbilstoši veiktspējai un darbībām.

Izvilkums no CoinGap
$BOME memecoin is gearing up to skyrocket and potentially cross our next target of 0.047$ in a shorter timeframe. But it's not flying solo - & $SHIB and $FLOKI are also set to dominate. In the past, we've seen a 13x profit increase. Didn't catch this rally? No problem. I will be sharing other top altcoin recommendations. Follow me to stay tuned and never miss out on these hidden gems again.
$BOME memecoin is gearing up to skyrocket and potentially cross our next target of 0.047$ in a shorter timeframe. But it's not flying solo - & $SHIB and $FLOKI are also set to dominate.

In the past, we've seen a 13x profit increase.
Didn't catch this rally? No problem. I will be sharing other top altcoin recommendations. Follow me to stay tuned and never miss out on these hidden gems again.
Unlocking Free Crypto: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Binance SquareIn the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies, earning free tokens has become not only achievable but also increasingly rewarding. Binance, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges globally, offers a plethora of opportunities for users to accumulate free cryptocurrency through its innovative platform, Binance Square. In this in-depth guide, we'll delve into the top strategies I used to earn free cryptocurrency on Binance Square, highlighting key features such as Binance Megadrop, Binance Earn, Binance Launchpool, Binance Learn and Earn, and Write2Earn. 1. Binance Megadrop: Unlocking the Power of Airdrops Binance Megadrop stands out as a prominent feature within Binance Square, offering users the chance to earn significant amounts of various tokens through airdrops. Airdrops are distributions of free tokens to holders of a particular cryptocurrency, often as part of a promotional campaign or project launch. To capitalize on Binance Megadrop, users need to actively participate in eligible promotions or hold specific cryptocurrencies in their Binance wallet. By staying updated on Binance announcements and promotions, users can seize lucrative airdrop opportunities and diversify their crypto holdings effortlessly. 2. Binance Earn: Passive Income Made Simple This revolutionizes the concept of earning passive income with cryptocurrencies by providing users with various opportunities to grow their digital assets. Through Binance Earn, users can stake their assets, provide liquidity to DeFi protocols, or participate in flexible savings programs to earn interest or rewards in the form of free tokens. By strategically allocating their assets across different earning products offered on Binance Earn, users can optimize their earnings and maximize their returns without the need for active trading. 3. Binance Launchpool: Access Exclusive Token Offerings This offers users the opportunity to participate in token launches and earn free tokens as rewards for staking their assets. By staking BNB or other supported cryptocurrencies, users can gain access to exclusive token offerings and receive allocations of newly launched tokens. Binance Launchpool provides a streamlined and user-friendly platform for users to engage with token launches, democratizing access to innovative blockchain projects and incentivizing participation through token rewards. 4. Binance Learn and Earn: Education meets Rewards This combines education with rewards, providing users with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology while earning free tokens. Through interactive educational modules, quizzes, and tutorials, users can deepen their understanding of various blockchain projects and earn rewards in the process. By completing learning tasks and staying informed about the latest developments in the crypto space, users can accumulate free tokens and stay ahead of the curve. 5. Write2Earn on Binance Square: Monetize Your Creativity This offers a unique opportunity for crypto enthusiasts to monetize their writing skills and earn free tokens. By contributing quality content on topics related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and decentralized finance (DeFi), users can showcase their expertise and engage with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Writers earn rewards based on the popularity and engagement of their articles, providing an additional avenue for users to accumulate free cryptocurrency while sharing valuable insights with others. In conclusion, Binance Square provides a comprehensive ecosystem for users to earn free cryptocurrency through a variety of innovative features and campaigns. Whether it's through airdrops, passive income opportunities, token launches, educational initiatives, or content creation, Binance empowers users to participate actively in the crypto economy and unlock the full potential of their digital assets. By leveraging the 5 strategies outlined in this guide, users can embark on their journey to accumulating free cryptocurrency on Binance Square and navigate the ever-expanding world of cryptocurrencies with confidence and success.

Unlocking Free Crypto: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Binance Square

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies, earning free tokens has become not only achievable but also increasingly rewarding. Binance, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges globally, offers a plethora of opportunities for users to accumulate free cryptocurrency through its innovative platform, Binance Square. In this in-depth guide, we'll delve into the top strategies I used to earn free cryptocurrency on Binance Square, highlighting key features such as Binance Megadrop, Binance Earn, Binance Launchpool, Binance Learn and Earn, and Write2Earn.
1. Binance Megadrop: Unlocking the Power of Airdrops
Binance Megadrop stands out as a prominent feature within Binance Square, offering users the chance to earn significant amounts of various tokens through airdrops. Airdrops are distributions of free tokens to holders of a particular cryptocurrency, often as part of a promotional campaign or project launch. To capitalize on Binance Megadrop, users need to actively participate in eligible promotions or hold specific cryptocurrencies in their Binance wallet. By staying updated on Binance announcements and promotions, users can seize lucrative airdrop opportunities and diversify their crypto holdings effortlessly.
2. Binance Earn: Passive Income Made Simple
This revolutionizes the concept of earning passive income with cryptocurrencies by providing users with various opportunities to grow their digital assets. Through Binance Earn, users can stake their assets, provide liquidity to DeFi protocols, or participate in flexible savings programs to earn interest or rewards in the form of free tokens. By strategically allocating their assets across different earning products offered on Binance Earn, users can optimize their earnings and maximize their returns without the need for active trading.
3. Binance Launchpool: Access Exclusive Token Offerings
This offers users the opportunity to participate in token launches and earn free tokens as rewards for staking their assets. By staking BNB or other supported cryptocurrencies, users can gain access to exclusive token offerings and receive allocations of newly launched tokens. Binance Launchpool provides a streamlined and user-friendly platform for users to engage with token launches, democratizing access to innovative blockchain projects and incentivizing participation through token rewards.
4. Binance Learn and Earn: Education meets Rewards
This combines education with rewards, providing users with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology while earning free tokens. Through interactive educational modules, quizzes, and tutorials, users can deepen their understanding of various blockchain projects and earn rewards in the process. By completing learning tasks and staying informed about the latest developments in the crypto space, users can accumulate free tokens and stay ahead of the curve.
5. Write2Earn on Binance Square: Monetize Your Creativity
This offers a unique opportunity for crypto enthusiasts to monetize their writing skills and earn free tokens. By contributing quality content on topics related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and decentralized finance (DeFi), users can showcase their expertise and engage with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Writers earn rewards based on the popularity and engagement of their articles, providing an additional avenue for users to accumulate free cryptocurrency while sharing valuable insights with others.
In conclusion, Binance Square provides a comprehensive ecosystem for users to earn free cryptocurrency through a variety of innovative features and campaigns. Whether it's through airdrops, passive income opportunities, token launches, educational initiatives, or content creation, Binance empowers users to participate actively in the crypto economy and unlock the full potential of their digital assets. By leveraging the 5 strategies outlined in this guide, users can embark on their journey to accumulating free cryptocurrency on Binance Square and navigate the ever-expanding world of cryptocurrencies with confidence and success.
How high will $FLOKI go? The bullish FLOKI price prediction for 2024 is $0.01 to $0.1. With the existence of Burn and supported by a strong community. And if market momentum and investor sentiment improve positively, Floki may reach $0.001 in a short time and there is a possibility of reaching $0.3. In addition, with the future growth and progress of the FLOKI ecosystem, FLOKI may surpass its all-time high (ATH) and mark a new ATH. #ContentStar # #HotTopicDiscussion #altcoins #BTC☀ #ETHETFsApproved
How high will $FLOKI go?

The bullish FLOKI price prediction for 2024 is $0.01 to $0.1. With the existence of Burn and supported by a strong community. And if market momentum and investor sentiment improve positively, Floki may reach $0.001 in a short time and there is a possibility of reaching $0.3. In addition, with the future growth and progress of the FLOKI ecosystem, FLOKI may surpass its all-time high (ATH) and mark a new ATH.
#ContentStar # #HotTopicDiscussion #altcoins
#BTC☀ #ETHETFsApproved
$PEPE Becomes Only The Third Memecoin After Dogecoin And Shiba Inu To Reach $7B Market Cap, Adds $4B In May Alone In a significant milestone, frog-themed memecoin Pepe $PEPE /$USDC -hit $7 billion in market cap, with $4 billion added in May alone. What Happened: $PEPE became just the third memecoin after blue-chip currencies like Dogecoin $DOGE /$USDC -and Shiba Inu $SHIB /$USDC -to achieve this feat. The token outpaced not only rival memecoins, but also the wider cryptocurrency market, gaining roughly 135% over the month. Year-to-date, the Ethereum $ETH / $USDC -based cryptocurrency has returned 12X to its holders. The mad rush for PEPE could be gauged by its high trading volumes in the last 24 hours, nearing $2.5 billion, making it the most-traded memecoin in the said time period. The rally garnered the interest of wealthy investors. According to on-chain tracking platform Spot On Chain, a whale withdrew a whopping 1.32 trillion PEPE tokens from Binance over the last five days. At the current price, their PEPE portfolio generated a 21% return.
$PEPE Becomes Only The Third Memecoin After Dogecoin And Shiba Inu To Reach $7B Market Cap, Adds $4B In May Alone

In a significant milestone, frog-themed memecoin Pepe

-hit $7 billion in market cap, with $4 billion added in May alone.

What Happened: $PEPE became just the third memecoin after blue-chip currencies like Dogecoin

-and Shiba Inu

-to achieve this feat.

The token outpaced not only rival memecoins, but also the wider cryptocurrency market, gaining roughly 135% over the month. Year-to-date, the Ethereum

-based cryptocurrency has returned 12X to its holders.

The mad rush for PEPE could be gauged by its high trading volumes in the last 24 hours, nearing $2.5 billion, making it the most-traded memecoin in the said time period.

The rally garnered the interest of wealthy investors. According to on-chain tracking platform Spot On Chain, a whale withdrew a whopping 1.32 trillion PEPE tokens from Binance over the last five days. At the current price, their PEPE portfolio generated a 21% return.
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