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BINANCE SQUARE block view of the universe Weibo, public account, Twitter, search with the same name (cosmic block view) XRP and BTC have witnessed eye-popping bulk trading activity. Over the past 48 hours, large holders of XRP and BTC have clearly been in action, with many transactions recording huge token transfers. Data from Whale Alert shows that Bitcoin whales moved more than $55 million in Bitcoin in one transaction, and $31 million worth of XRP was transferred. Specifically, a Bitcoin whale moved a total of 1,500 BTC ($5,591,1311) from an account associated with Bitfinex to another wallet on the exchange. In addition to this particular transaction, Bitcoin traders paid over $3 million in fees for a single transaction yesterday, unnerving the entire crypto market. This large investor originally intended to send 139.42495946 BTC worth $5.23 million, but ended up receiving only 55.76998378 BTC worth $2.0652 million. Whale Alert’s report pointed to two different XRP transactions. The first involved the transfer of 25.2 million XRP worth $15.6654 million, and the other included the transfer of 25 million XRP worth $15.553 million. Both transactions moved funds to trading platforms such as Bitstamp and Bitso, which may mean that these assets may be sold. The impact of these transfers on XRP and BTC brands. In the crypto ecosystem, large transactions involving Bitcoin and XRP in particular are not uncommon. The general view associated with these trades is that the originators are liquidating their funds, thereby tipping the market balance toward the bears. For this transaction, the amounts involved are tiny relative to the actual liquidity of both cryptocurrencies and therefore cannot affect their prices in any significant way. There is evidence that these large transfers do not threaten the market equilibrium of these two assets. #xrp Disclaimer: Platform contains 3rd party content. Not endorsement. NFA, DYOR. See Square T&Cs for details and risk warnings.

block view of the universe

Weibo, public account, Twitter, search with the same name (cosmic block view)

XRP and BTC have witnessed eye-popping bulk trading activity.

Over the past 48 hours, large holders of XRP and BTC have clearly been in action, with many transactions recording huge token transfers. Data from Whale Alert shows that Bitcoin whales moved more than $55 million in Bitcoin in one transaction, and $31 million worth of XRP was transferred.

Specifically, a Bitcoin whale moved a total of 1,500 BTC ($5,591,1311) from an account associated with Bitfinex to another wallet on the exchange. In addition to this particular transaction, Bitcoin traders paid over $3 million in fees for a single transaction yesterday, unnerving the entire crypto market.

This large investor originally intended to send 139.42495946 BTC worth $5.23 million, but ended up receiving only 55.76998378 BTC worth $2.0652 million.

Whale Alert’s report pointed to two different XRP transactions. The first involved the transfer of 25.2 million XRP worth $15.6654 million, and the other included the transfer of 25 million XRP worth $15.553 million. Both transactions moved funds to trading platforms such as Bitstamp and Bitso, which may mean that these assets may be sold.

The impact of these transfers on XRP and BTC brands.

In the crypto ecosystem, large transactions involving Bitcoin and XRP in particular are not uncommon. The general view associated with these trades is that the originators are liquidating their funds, thereby tipping the market balance toward the bears.

For this transaction, the amounts involved are tiny relative to the actual liquidity of both cryptocurrencies and therefore cannot affect their prices in any significant way. There is evidence that these large transfers do not threaten the market equilibrium of these two assets. #xrp

Disclaimer: Platform contains 3rd party content.

Not endorsement. NFA, DYOR. See Square T&Cs for

details and risk warnings.
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Binance Changpeng 'CZ' Zhao bijušais izpilddirektors saņēma atļauju atgriezties AAE!✓ Ceturtdien iesniegtajā iesniegumā tiesnesis uzsvēra savu apņemšanos atrisināt lietu, jo CZ "nebija lidojuma risks un bija brīvprātīgi padevusies".
Binance Changpeng 'CZ' Zhao bijušais izpilddirektors saņēma atļauju atgriezties AAE!✓

Ceturtdien iesniegtajā iesniegumā tiesnesis uzsvēra savu apņemšanos atrisināt lietu, jo CZ "nebija lidojuma risks un bija brīvprātīgi padevusies".
Skatīt oriģinālu
BINANCES LAUKTS Tirdzniecības augstumi TWTO: @TradingHeights | Web3 izstrāde | NFT | Blockchain Airdrop | Kripto tirdzniecības treneris | Pētniecības un attīstības analītiķi] Ietekmētājs | Kas ir Ričards Tengs? Fons Ričards Tengs, bijušais Abū Dabī globālā tirgus izpilddirektors, 21. novembrī uzņēmās Binance izpilddirektora pienākumus, aizstājot Čangpenu Džao. Džao atkāpšanās un vainas atzīšana kriminālapsūdzībās bija daļa no izlīguma 4,3 miljardu dolāru apmērā ar ASV Tieslietu departamentu. Karjeras virzība Tengs, kurš atrodas Singapūrā, sākotnēji pievienojās Binance kā pilsētvalsts izpilddirektors 2021. gada augustā. Viņa pienākumi paplašinājās, 2022. gada novembrī kļūstot par Binance reģionālo vadītāju Eiropā un Menā un 2023. gada maijā par reģionālo tirgu vadītāju. Normatīvais pamatojums Ar normatīvo regulējumu Teng sāka savu karjeru Singapūras Monetārajā iestādē 1994. gadā, ieņemot korporatīvo finanšu direktora amatu. Pēc aptuveni 13 gadiem viņš pievienojās Singapūras biržai kā galvenais regulators 2007. gadā. 2015. gada martā Tengs kļuva par Abū Dabī globālā tirgus izpilddirektoru. Izpildvaras ainava Tengs izceļas kā viens no nedaudzajiem augstākajiem vadītājiem, kurš palika Binance, neskatoties uz izaicinājumiem. ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija pret kriptovalūtu biržu un tās dibinātāju izvirzīja 13 apsūdzības, kā rezultātā jūlijā aizgāja Binance galvenais stratēģijas vadītājs Patriks Hilmans un vecākais viceprezidents Stīvens Kristijs. Uzņēmuma pārliecība Neskatoties uz izpildvaras izmaiņām un regulējošo pārbaudi. Tengs pauda pārliecību par Binance fondiem. LinkedIn ierakstā viņš uzsvēra, ka koncentrējas uz lietotāju pārliecināšanu par uzņēmuma finansiālo spēku, drošību un drošību, vienlaikus sadarbojoties ar regulatoriem. Binance pārskats 2017. gadā dibinātā Binance saglabā savu pasaulē lielākās kriptovalūtu biržas statusu, un tajā ir aptuveni 150 miljoni lietotāju. #Ričards Tengs RICARDS TENGS BINANCE 25.11.2023 8.02 (UTC+0) izpilddirektors BINANCES LAUKTS Atruna: platformā ir trešās puses saturs Nevis apstiprinājums. NFA, DYOR Skatiet kvadrātveida TBC informācija un brīdinājumi par risku TIRDZNIECĪBAS AUGUMI

Tirdzniecības augstumi

TWTO: @TradingHeights | Web3 izstrāde | NFT | Blockchain Airdrop | Kripto tirdzniecības treneris | Pētniecības un attīstības analītiķi] Ietekmētājs |

Kas ir Ričards Tengs?


Ričards Tengs, bijušais Abū Dabī globālā tirgus izpilddirektors, 21. novembrī uzņēmās Binance izpilddirektora pienākumus, aizstājot Čangpenu Džao. Džao atkāpšanās un vainas atzīšana kriminālapsūdzībās bija daļa no izlīguma 4,3 miljardu dolāru apmērā

ar ASV Tieslietu departamentu.

Karjeras virzība

Tengs, kurš atrodas Singapūrā, sākotnēji pievienojās Binance kā pilsētvalsts izpilddirektors 2021. gada augustā. Viņa pienākumi paplašinājās, 2022. gada novembrī kļūstot par Binance reģionālo vadītāju Eiropā un Menā un 2023. gada maijā par reģionālo tirgu vadītāju.

Normatīvais pamatojums

Ar normatīvo regulējumu Teng sāka savu karjeru Singapūras Monetārajā iestādē 1994. gadā, ieņemot korporatīvo finanšu direktora amatu. Pēc aptuveni 13 gadiem viņš pievienojās Singapūras biržai kā galvenais regulators 2007. gadā. 2015. gada martā Tengs kļuva par Abū Dabī globālā tirgus izpilddirektoru.

Izpildvaras ainava

Tengs izceļas kā viens no nedaudzajiem augstākajiem vadītājiem, kurš palika Binance, neskatoties uz izaicinājumiem. ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija pret kriptovalūtu biržu un tās dibinātāju izvirzīja 13 apsūdzības, kā rezultātā jūlijā aizgāja Binance galvenais stratēģijas vadītājs Patriks Hilmans un vecākais viceprezidents Stīvens Kristijs.

Uzņēmuma pārliecība

Neskatoties uz izpildvaras izmaiņām un regulējošo pārbaudi. Tengs pauda pārliecību par Binance fondiem. LinkedIn ierakstā viņš uzsvēra, ka koncentrējas uz lietotāju pārliecināšanu par uzņēmuma finansiālo spēku, drošību un drošību, vienlaikus sadarbojoties ar regulatoriem.

Binance pārskats

2017. gadā dibinātā Binance saglabā savu pasaulē lielākās kriptovalūtu biržas statusu, un tajā ir aptuveni 150 miljoni lietotāju.

#Ričards Tengs



25.11.2023 8.02 (UTC+0)



Atruna: platformā ir trešās puses saturs

Nevis apstiprinājums. NFA, DYOR Skatiet kvadrātveida TBC

informācija un brīdinājumi par risku

@BabyDogeCoin is now listed on @p2b_exchange #BabyDoge - The most held meme token on #BNBChain and Guinness Book of World Record Holder for most pet food donated in 24h #P2B is the top-rated crypto exchange in Europe with 2000+ cryptocurencies #BabyDogeCoin #BabyDogeArmy
@BabyDogeCoin is now listed on


#BabyDoge - The most held meme token on #BNBChain and Guinness Book of World Record Holder for most pet food donated in 24h

#P2B is the top-rated crypto exchange in Europe with 2000+ cryptocurencies

#BabyDogeCoin #BabyDogeArmy
#BinanceSquare BINANCE SQUARE VIKAS JANGRA "Passionate Cryptocurrency Trader | Blockchain Enthusiast | Navigating the Digital Frontier | Profiting from the Crypto Waves HODLer & Day Trader | Bitcoin and BNB Recovery as Binance Plea Seen Boosting Spot ETF Odds BTC and BNB recover from losses following Binance CEO CZ and a $4.3 billion settlement. BTC at $36,400 and BNB at $234. Despite 3.3% and 11.5% 24-hour dips, some see CZ's departure as a potential catalyst for U.S. SEC approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF, enhancing industry compliance. CZ's legal situation sparked $110M long positions liquidation in 12 hours, with BNB also affected. The aftermath prompts reflection on market dynamics, especially for leverage traders. Stay informed for more updates. #cryptocurrency #BitcoinETF #BinanceSquare #ETFBuzz #BNB BINANCE BINANCE 22-11-2023 11:30 (UTC+0) BINANCE SQUARE Disclaimer: Platform contains 3rd party content. Not endorsement. NFA. DYOR. See Square T&Cs for details and risk warnings.


"Passionate Cryptocurrency Trader | Blockchain Enthusiast | Navigating the Digital Frontier | Profiting from the Crypto Waves HODLer & Day Trader |

Bitcoin and BNB Recovery as Binance Plea Seen Boosting Spot ETF Odds

BTC and BNB recover from losses following Binance CEO CZ and a $4.3 billion settlement. BTC at $36,400 and BNB at $234. Despite 3.3% and 11.5% 24-hour dips, some see CZ's departure as a potential catalyst for U.S. SEC approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF, enhancing industry compliance. CZ's legal situation sparked $110M long positions liquidation in 12 hours, with BNB also affected. The aftermath prompts reflection on market dynamics, especially for leverage traders. Stay informed for more updates. #cryptocurrency

#BitcoinETF #BinanceSquare #ETFBuzz #BNB



22-11-2023 11:30 (UTC+0)


Disclaimer: Platform contains 3rd party content. Not endorsement. NFA. DYOR. See Square T&Cs for details and risk warnings.
SOL Price Forecast Takes Bearish Turn, Prepare For Potential Plummet To $30 Or Lower Solana meteoric rise in the crypto world has been impressive, boasting a 43% gain in the last two weeks! Analysts warn of a potential correction as the TD Sequential indicator signals a sell on the weekly chart. Could SOL drop to $30? Despite concerns, Solana's fundamentals shine! Market cap surged by 138.78%, reaching $24.62B. Revenue skyrocketed by 106.55% in 30 days, hitting $1.26M, with transaction fees contributing significantly. Daily active users rose by 53.6%, showcasing a robust ecosystem. Analyst Ali Martinez predicts a dip, but Solana's growth story, with a fully diluted market cap of $32.77B, hints at resilience. Are you bullish on SOL or preparing for a correction? Share your thoughts! #solana #CryptoNews #Blockchain #SOL #cryptocurrency SOL/USDT 56.79 = ₹4,731.17 -6.44% Layer 1 / Layer 2 Vol > 1m 5m 15m 24h High 61.09 24h Low 56.00 24h Vol(SOL) 6.97M 24h Vol(USDT) 408.82M 1h 4h 12h Depth 69.06 -68.20 ←
SOL Price Forecast Takes Bearish Turn, Prepare For Potential Plummet To $30 Or Lower

Solana meteoric rise in the crypto world has been impressive, boasting a 43% gain in the last two weeks! Analysts warn of a potential correction as the TD Sequential indicator signals a sell on the weekly chart. Could SOL drop to $30?

Despite concerns, Solana's fundamentals shine! Market cap surged by 138.78%, reaching $24.62B. Revenue skyrocketed by 106.55% in 30 days, hitting $1.26M, with transaction fees contributing significantly. Daily active users rose by 53.6%, showcasing a robust ecosystem.

Analyst Ali Martinez predicts a dip, but Solana's growth story, with a fully diluted market cap of $32.77B, hints at resilience. Are you bullish on SOL or preparing for a correction? Share your thoughts! #solana

#CryptoNews #Blockchain #SOL



56.79 = ₹4,731.17 -6.44%

Layer 1 / Layer 2 Vol >




24h High


24h Low


24h Vol(SOL)


24h Vol(USDT)








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