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Noklikšķiniet šeit no maniem piespraudes ziņojumiem un saņemiet bezmaksas USD vai atlīdzības pieprasījumu 🎁🎁💰💰 PEPE strauji pieaug, jo gudrs investors veic milzīgus pirkumus 🟢 Gudrs investors, kas pazīstams ar saviem stratēģiskajiem soļiem kriptovalūtu tirgū, ir veicis ievērojamus ieguldījumus PEPE, iegādājoties 142,96 miljardus vienību par 1,26 miljoniem USDC. Šis darījums, kas veikts par USD 0,000008831 par vienību, iezīmē izšķirošu brīdi PEPE tirdzniecības vēsturē. Investors, kuru iespaidīgo sasniegumu dēļ nodēvēja par "gudro naudu", pēdējo sešu mēnešu laikā ir tirgojis PEPE septiņas reizes, un seši no septiņiem darījumiem ir devuši ienesīgu peļņu. Viņu laimestu likme 85,7% ir radījusi kopējo peļņu 915 000 USD apmērā, parādot viņu spēju pieņemt ienesīgus lēmumus. ✳️ PEPE monētu kāpums nepastāvības apstākļos Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā Pepe Coin ir piedzīvojusi paaugstinātu cenu svārstīgumu, piesaistot tirgus uzmanību. Atjautīgā investora lielais pirkums ir izraisījis iespējamu vērtības pieaugumu. Pēc šīs publikācijas Pepecoin vērtība pēdējo septiņu dienu laikā ir pieaugusi par gandrīz 25%, un daži spekulē, ka drīzumā tas varētu sasniegt vērienīgo novērtējuma slieksni USD 0,00001. Pašlaik PEPE marķiera vērtība ir USD 0,00000863, ar nelielu 0,96% pieaugumu kopš vakardienas. Neskatoties uz optimismu, tirdzniecības apjoms pēdējās dienas laikā ir samazinājies par 21,35%, sasniedzot 705 099 949 USD. Pārfrāzēju tekstu, lai tas būtu kodolīgāks un saistošāks, izmantojot profesionālāku toni. Es arī pievienoju īsu ievadu, lai iestatītu kontekstu un izceltu raksta fokusu. Paziņojiet man, ja jums ir nepieciešami papildu pielāgojumi! #PEPE❤️ $PEPE #altcoins #altcoins
Noklikšķiniet šeit no maniem piespraudes ziņojumiem un saņemiet bezmaksas USD vai atlīdzības pieprasījumu 🎁🎁💰💰

PEPE strauji pieaug, jo gudrs investors veic milzīgus pirkumus 🟢
Gudrs investors, kas pazīstams ar saviem stratēģiskajiem soļiem kriptovalūtu tirgū, ir veicis ievērojamus ieguldījumus PEPE, iegādājoties 142,96 miljardus vienību par 1,26 miljoniem USDC. Šis darījums, kas veikts par USD 0,000008831 par vienību, iezīmē izšķirošu brīdi PEPE tirdzniecības vēsturē.
Investors, kuru iespaidīgo sasniegumu dēļ nodēvēja par "gudro naudu", pēdējo sešu mēnešu laikā ir tirgojis PEPE septiņas reizes, un seši no septiņiem darījumiem ir devuši ienesīgu peļņu. Viņu laimestu likme 85,7% ir radījusi kopējo peļņu 915 000 USD apmērā, parādot viņu spēju pieņemt ienesīgus lēmumus.
✳️ PEPE monētu kāpums nepastāvības apstākļos
Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā Pepe Coin ir piedzīvojusi paaugstinātu cenu svārstīgumu, piesaistot tirgus uzmanību. Atjautīgā investora lielais pirkums ir izraisījis iespējamu vērtības pieaugumu. Pēc šīs publikācijas Pepecoin vērtība pēdējo septiņu dienu laikā ir pieaugusi par gandrīz 25%, un daži spekulē, ka drīzumā tas varētu sasniegt vērienīgo novērtējuma slieksni USD 0,00001. Pašlaik PEPE marķiera vērtība ir USD 0,00000863, ar nelielu 0,96% pieaugumu kopš vakardienas. Neskatoties uz optimismu, tirdzniecības apjoms pēdējās dienas laikā ir samazinājies par 21,35%, sasniedzot 705 099 949 USD.
Pārfrāzēju tekstu, lai tas būtu kodolīgāks un saistošāks, izmantojot profesionālāku toni. Es arī pievienoju īsu ievadu, lai iestatītu kontekstu un izceltu raksta fokusu. Paziņojiet man, ja jums ir nepieciešami papildu pielāgojumi!
#PEPE❤️ $PEPE #altcoins #altcoins
Skatīt oriģinālu
pieprasiet bezmaksas USDT no maniem piespraudes ierakstiem 💰🎁 🚨🚨Protams, šeit ir vienkāršota versija:🚨🚨 "Pērciet $ DOGE $ 0,162. Mērķi: 1) $ 0,201, 2) $ 0,220, 3) $ 0,258
pieprasiet bezmaksas USDT no maniem piespraudes ierakstiem 💰🎁

🚨🚨Protams, šeit ir vienkāršota versija:🚨🚨
"Pērciet $ DOGE $ 0,162. Mērķi: 1) $ 0,201, 2) $ 0,220, 3) $ 0,258
Skatīt oriģinālu
pieprasiet bezmaksas USDT no maniem piespraudes ierakstiem 💰🎁 😱🔥FLOKI maijā nāks klajā ar lielu paziņojumu Paredzams, ka FLOKI maijā nāks klajā ar nozīmīgu paziņojumu. Skatiet Loki oficiālo tvītu: FLOKI @RealFlokiInu#FLOKIir populārs vietnē X kopā ar Dogecoin, # SHIB, Īlons Masks un Kibertruks! 🔥 Suņu monētu triloģija ir populāra pēc tam, kad Tesla atjaunināja maksājumu metodes, iekļaujot tajā $ DOGE. 👀 Un ar $FLOKI , kas tiks paziņots vēlāk šajā mēnesī, satraukums nebūt nav galā! FLOKI informācija FLOKI ir mēmu kriptovalūta, kas ļoti līdzīga Dogecoin un Shiba Inu. tas tika izveidots 2021. gadā un savu nosaukumu ieguvis no Tesla un SpaceX izpilddirektora Elona Muska suņa, kurš ir būtiski ietekmējis kriptovalūtu tirgus. Žetons ir daļa no plašākas ekosistēmas, kas ietver NFT svētdienu un spēli. Tāpat kā ar visiem mēmu žetoniem, FLOKI vērtība lielā mērā ir saistīta ar sabiedrības noskaņojumu un sociālo mediju tendencēm. Investoriem ir jābūt uzmanīgiem un rūpīgi jāizpēta pirms ieguldīšanas šādos digitālajos aktīvos, jo tie var būt diezgan nepastāvīgi.#floki#memecoins #binance #Memecoins
pieprasiet bezmaksas USDT no maniem piespraudes ierakstiem 💰🎁

😱🔥FLOKI maijā nāks klajā ar lielu paziņojumu
Paredzams, ka FLOKI maijā nāks klajā ar nozīmīgu paziņojumu.
Skatiet Loki oficiālo tvītu:
@RealFlokiInu#FLOKIir populārs vietnē X kopā ar Dogecoin, #
SHIB, Īlons Masks un Kibertruks! 🔥
Suņu monētu triloģija ir populāra pēc tam, kad Tesla atjaunināja maksājumu metodes, iekļaujot tajā $ DOGE. 👀
Un ar $FLOKI , kas tiks paziņots vēlāk šajā mēnesī, satraukums nebūt nav galā!
FLOKI informācija
FLOKI ir mēmu kriptovalūta, kas ļoti līdzīga Dogecoin un Shiba Inu. tas tika izveidots 2021. gadā un savu nosaukumu ieguvis no Tesla un SpaceX izpilddirektora Elona Muska suņa, kurš ir būtiski ietekmējis kriptovalūtu tirgus. Žetons ir daļa no plašākas ekosistēmas, kas ietver NFT svētdienu un spēli. Tāpat kā ar visiem mēmu žetoniem, FLOKI vērtība lielā mērā ir saistīta ar sabiedrības noskaņojumu un sociālo mediju tendencēm. Investoriem ir jābūt uzmanīgiem un rūpīgi jāizpēta pirms ieguldīšanas šādos digitālajos aktīvos, jo tie var būt diezgan nepastāvīgi.#floki#memecoins #binance #Memecoins
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 Bitcoin will break $100,000 ETH will break $10,000 We will see a 100x Altseason Global Institutions are buying millions worth of Bitcoin and ETH everyday. Don’t ignore the signs, we are so early. You are seriously not bullish enough. Next 12 months will be life changing#altcoins #BlackRock #bitcoinhalving
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Bitcoin will break $100,000
ETH will break $10,000
We will see a 100x Altseason
Global Institutions are buying millions
worth of Bitcoin and ETH everyday.
Don’t ignore the signs, we are so early.
You are seriously not bullish enough.
Next 12 months will be life changing#altcoins #BlackRock #bitcoinhalving
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 $PEPE WHALE ALERT 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 1,238,332,920,144 $PEPE worth 10,571,648 USD has been transferred from unknown wallet to Binance Blockchain : Ethereum Time: Tue, 07 May 2024 03:04:47 UTC Hash0x94f733b4...162db33436 Fee: 0.00037242514124522 ETH (1.14 USD) This is to remind you to keep pushing and growing until you get to the stage of have $10,000,000 in meme coins Don’t you think having such amount of money into meme coins is a bit risky ?? Well, all cryptocurrency is volatile and risky :) Nobody gets or give a 100% guarantee Like,Share and Follow You can buy us a coffee today with the Tip button #altcoins #xmucan
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1,238,332,920,144 $PEPE worth 10,571,648 USD has been transferred from unknown wallet to Binance
Blockchain : Ethereum
Time: Tue, 07 May 2024 03:04:47 UTC
Fee: 0.00037242514124522 ETH (1.14 USD)
This is to remind you to keep pushing and growing until you get to the stage of have $10,000,000 in meme coins
Don’t you think having such amount of money into meme coins is a bit risky ??
Well, all cryptocurrency is volatile and risky :)
Nobody gets or give a 100% guarantee
Like,Share and Follow
You can buy us a coffee today with the Tip button
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 $PEPE I was here last time when pepe was declining and I said that though we lost a lot but trust me that's how the market is and I'm here now again, Pepe, wow. $PEPE is has been one of the sensational meme coins and it is at verge of a bull peak right now as we speaking which has got many investors very excited right now. Pepe since its bearish crisis last month has now been emerging wonders. So the question is is $PEPE canceling a zero? Lemme know your thoughts in the comment section. please share and follow for more. PEACE#MicroStrategy #BlackRock #BinanceLaunchpool #RNDR
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁

I was here last time when pepe was declining and I said that though we lost a lot but trust me that's how the market is and I'm here now again, Pepe, wow. $PEPE is has been one of the sensational meme coins and it is at verge of a bull peak right now as we speaking which has got many investors very excited right now. Pepe since its bearish crisis last month has now been emerging wonders.
So the question is is $PEPE canceling a zero?
Lemme know your thoughts in the comment section.
please share and follow for more. PEACE#MicroStrategy #BlackRock #BinanceLaunchpool #RNDR
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 🚨 Liquidation Alert: Bitcoin Liquidation Heat Map $1.15 billion is at risk of being liquidated up to $71,605. Do you think this liquidity won't be taken? Think again!Stay bearish until 2025 #altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy" #BTC
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁

🚨 Liquidation Alert: Bitcoin Liquidation Heat Map
$1.15 billion is at risk of being liquidated up to $71,605. Do you think this liquidity won't be taken?
Think again!Stay bearish until 2025
#altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy" #BTC
Queen saba Noor
Papildu atlīdzība līdz 20 USDT🎁🎁💰💰💰

Claim reward Here 🎁🎁💰💰💰

#buythedip #BlackRock #BTC #CryptoWatchMay2024
Click here From my pin posts and Get claim Free Usdt or Rewards 🎁🎁💰💰 $PEPE Unleashing the Meme Magic of PEPE” #PEPE❤️ Short-Term Prediction (May 31, 2024): According to our current forecast, the price of PEPE is predicted to rise by 229.75% and reach $0.00002577 by May 31, 2024.#BTC The current sentiment is Bullish, while the Fear & Greed Index indicates a level of 43 (Fear).Over the last 30 days, PEPE recorded 18/30 (60%) green days with 13.50% price volatility1.#altcoins Long-Term Predictions (2025–2030): Based on historical price movements and BTC halving cycles:2025: Estimated yearly low: $0.000057815, high: $0.00003714.2026: Estimated yearly low: $0.00006509, high: $0.00002084.2027: Estimated yearly low: $0.00007141, high: $0.00001469.2028: Estimated yearly low: $0.00001057, high: $0.00002502.2029: Estimated yearly low: $0.00002021, high: $0.00005031.2030: Estimated yearly low: $0.00001994, high: $0.000032341.#BlackRock Technical Analysis Sentiment: The 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) is estimated to reach approximately $0.00056991 by May 31, 2024.The 200-day SMA is expected to rise to approximately $0.00052980 by the same date1. Remember that these predictions are not investment advice. Always seek professional consultation before making any financial decisions. 🚀🌟#BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear
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$PEPE Unleashing the Meme Magic of PEPE”
Short-Term Prediction (May 31, 2024):
According to our current forecast, the price of PEPE is predicted to rise by 229.75% and reach $0.00002577 by May 31, 2024.#BTC The current sentiment is Bullish, while the Fear & Greed Index indicates a level of 43 (Fear).Over the last 30 days, PEPE recorded 18/30 (60%) green days with 13.50% price volatility1.#altcoins
Long-Term Predictions (2025–2030):
Based on historical price movements and BTC halving cycles:2025: Estimated yearly low: $0.000057815, high: $0.00003714.2026: Estimated yearly low: $0.00006509, high: $0.00002084.2027: Estimated yearly low: $0.00007141, high: $0.00001469.2028: Estimated yearly low: $0.00001057, high: $0.00002502.2029: Estimated yearly low: $0.00002021, high: $0.00005031.2030: Estimated yearly low: $0.00001994, high: $0.000032341.#BlackRock
Technical Analysis Sentiment:
The 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) is estimated to reach approximately $0.00056991 by May 31, 2024.The 200-day SMA is expected to rise to approximately $0.00052980 by the same date1.
Remember that these predictions are not investment advice. Always seek professional consultation before making any financial decisions. 🚀🌟#BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 🐸🚀🚀Pepe Coin Price Analysis: Will $PEPE Reach $0.00001 Next Week? #PEPE Coin Price Analysis: Amid the ongoing market recovery, PepperCorn has experienced a remarkable recovery this week, rising from $0.00000592 to the current trading price of $0.00000842. This 42% rise in the daily chart revealed that an inverse head and shoulders pattern has formed. Intra-Chain Indicators Are Aligned for the Recovery of Pepe Coin Frog-themed Memecoin PEPE entered the current recovery trend in mid-April, with its price recovering from a low of $ 0.00000393. The bullish trend has increased the asset by 128% in one month to a high of $0.00000893, In the midst of this recovery, the PEPE coin price predicted two high-low formations, indicating that buyers are actively accumulating this asset at the bottoms. Moreover, at a recent on-chain event, the multisig wallet, identified by the address 0x323, made significant moves with the cryptocurrency PEPE, as reported by the on-chain data tracker Spot On Chain. This wallet has withdrawn 915.85 billion PEPE tokens worth about $7.75 million from Binance. This transaction adds to the wallet's recent activities over the past 28 hours, during which it has withdrawn a total of 1.238 trillion PEPE tokens (worth about $10.4 million) for its first trade involving this cryptocurrency. On May 4, coin buyers made a definite break from the $ 0.000008 collar resistance of the inverted head and shoulder model. If the chart pattern is correct, the PEPE price should surpass the last oscillation resistance of Tuesday at $0.0000108 to hit a potential target of $0.000012. Technical Indicator BB Indicator: The rise in the upper limit of the Bollinger band indicator highlights an active buying Deceleration among market participants. Average Directional Index: A 16.6% rise in the ADX slope indicates that the previous correction helped buyers regain their strength for a higher rally. #PEPEUSDT #BinanceStrong #BullorBear
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🐸🚀🚀Pepe Coin Price Analysis: Will $PEPE Reach $0.00001 Next Week?
#PEPE Coin Price Analysis: Amid the ongoing market recovery, PepperCorn has experienced a remarkable recovery this week, rising from $0.00000592 to the current trading price of $0.00000842. This 42% rise in the daily chart revealed that an inverse head and shoulders pattern has formed.
Intra-Chain Indicators Are Aligned for the Recovery of Pepe Coin
Frog-themed Memecoin PEPE entered the current recovery trend in mid-April, with its price recovering from a low of $ 0.00000393. The bullish trend has increased the asset by 128% in one month to a high of $0.00000893,
In the midst of this recovery, the PEPE coin price predicted two high-low formations, indicating that buyers are actively accumulating this asset at the bottoms. Moreover, at a recent on-chain event, the multisig wallet, identified by the address 0x323, made significant moves with the cryptocurrency PEPE, as reported by the on-chain data tracker Spot On Chain.
This wallet has withdrawn 915.85 billion PEPE tokens worth about $7.75 million from Binance. This transaction adds to the wallet's recent activities over the past 28 hours, during which it has withdrawn a total of 1.238 trillion PEPE tokens (worth about $10.4 million) for its first trade involving this cryptocurrency.
On May 4, coin buyers made a definite break from the $ 0.000008 collar resistance of the inverted head and shoulder model. If the chart pattern is correct, the PEPE price should surpass the last oscillation resistance of Tuesday at $0.0000108 to hit a potential target of $0.000012.
Technical Indicator
BB Indicator: The rise in the upper limit of the Bollinger band indicator highlights an active buying Deceleration among market participants.
Average Directional Index: A 16.6% rise in the ADX slope indicates that the previous correction helped buyers regain their strength for a higher rally.
#PEPEUSDT #BinanceStrong #BullorBear
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 🌙 TESLA ACCEPTING PAYMENTS VIA DOGECOIN? A GAME-CHANGING MOVE! In a groundbreaking announcement, Tesla reveals plans to accept Dogecoin ($DOGE) as a payment method for select products. On its website, Tesla showcases the Dogecoin symbol next to the order button, signaling a significant stride for cryptocurrency integration into mainstream commerce! 🐕🚗 🔍 DEEP DIVE INTO DOGECOIN: ANALYSIS & INSIGHTS 1️⃣ Dogecoin Features & Advantages: Community-Driven Development: Dogecoin thrives on its dedicated community, fostering growth and innovation. Low-Cost Transactions: With minimal transaction fees, Dogecoin is ideal for microtransactions and daily use. Rapid Transaction Confirmation: Dogecoin boasts swift transaction speeds, ensuring quick fund transfers. 2️⃣ Market Status & Trend Analysis: Price Volatility: Dogecoin's value fluctuates widely, influenced by various factors including social media buzz and market sentiment. Community Activity: Active engagement within the Dogecoin community shapes its market performance and adoption. Industry Competition: Despite its popularity, Dogecoin faces stiff competition from established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. 3️⃣ Potential Risks & Challenges: Market Volatility: Dogecoin's volatility poses risks for investors, potentially leading to substantial losses. Lack of Practical Use: While Dogecoin enjoys popularity online, its limited real-world utility may hinder long-term growth. Legal & Regulatory Risks: Uncertain regulatory landscapes could impact Dogecoin's future development and adoption. In conclusion, while Dogecoin's journey is marked by both challenges and opportunities, its integration into Tesla's payment ecosystem marks a significant milestone in the cryptocurrency's mainstream adoption journey! What do you think about this move? Will it catapult $DOGE to the top#altcoins #eth‬
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In a groundbreaking announcement, Tesla reveals plans to accept Dogecoin ($DOGE ) as a payment method for select products. On its website, Tesla showcases the Dogecoin symbol next to the order button, signaling a significant stride for cryptocurrency integration into mainstream commerce! 🐕🚗
1️⃣ Dogecoin Features & Advantages:
Community-Driven Development: Dogecoin thrives on its dedicated community, fostering growth and innovation.
Low-Cost Transactions: With minimal transaction fees, Dogecoin is ideal for microtransactions and daily use.
Rapid Transaction Confirmation: Dogecoin boasts swift transaction speeds, ensuring quick fund transfers.
2️⃣ Market Status & Trend Analysis:
Price Volatility: Dogecoin's value fluctuates widely, influenced by various factors including social media buzz and market sentiment.
Community Activity: Active engagement within the Dogecoin community shapes its market performance and adoption.
Industry Competition: Despite its popularity, Dogecoin faces stiff competition from established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
3️⃣ Potential Risks & Challenges:
Market Volatility: Dogecoin's volatility poses risks for investors, potentially leading to substantial losses.
Lack of Practical Use: While Dogecoin enjoys popularity online, its limited real-world utility may hinder long-term growth.
Legal & Regulatory Risks: Uncertain regulatory landscapes could impact Dogecoin's future development and adoption.
In conclusion, while Dogecoin's journey is marked by both challenges and opportunities, its integration into Tesla's payment ecosystem marks a significant milestone in the cryptocurrency's mainstream adoption journey!
What do you think about this move? Will it catapult $DOGE to the top#altcoins #eth‬
Click here From my pin posts and Get claim Free Usdt or Rewards 🎁🎁💰💰 😱🔥FLOKİ: Is a bull rally on the way? Fundamental indicators point Bull FLOKI's popularity was high as his social metrics increased. Meme coin has witnessed a slight price correction, but this trend may not last long. Meme coins have recently made a lot of noise, including Floki Inu [FLOKI], thanks to the increase in their popularity. #floki 's bullish move FLOKI's analysis of the daily chart revealed an interesting development. After reaching the peak in mid-March, the price of memecoin began to move in the bullish flag formation. It continued to strengthen inside this pattern for more than a month and finally broke out on May 4. A break above the bullish flag pattern indicated that the FLOKI price could soon reach the March high again. Developments on the social front also seemed optimistic for meme money. According to LunarCRUSH's last tweet, meme coin's social metrics were rising rapidly, as more than 48% of the Sunday remained positive about FLOKI. He also noted that meme coin's official X (formerly Twitter) username is trending to reflect FLOKI's popularity on the social media site. However, despite these optimistic signs, there was a correction in the price of the meme coin. According to CoinMarketCap, the value of the meme coin has fallen by 1.5% in the last 24 hours. The bullish trend may continue Investors should not worry about the price drop yet, because a break above the bullish flag pattern is usually followed by a retest of the support level. Therefore, a slight price drop ahead of another bullish rally is not uncommon. it found that the likely cause of the recent price drop could be high liquidation. The liquidation of the meme coin rose sharply to $ 0.0002, and then its price fell. His analysis of the Centiment data suggested that the downward trend may not continue. For example, FLOKI's Funding Rate fell after the increase. In general, prices tend to move in the opposite direction of the Funding Ratio. The MVRV ratio also remained quite high,
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😱🔥FLOKİ: Is a bull rally on the way? Fundamental indicators point Bull
FLOKI's popularity was high as his social metrics increased.
Meme coin has witnessed a slight price correction, but this trend may not last long.
Meme coins have recently made a lot of noise, including Floki Inu [FLOKI], thanks to the increase in their popularity.
#floki 's bullish move
FLOKI's analysis of the daily chart revealed an interesting development. After reaching the peak in mid-March, the price of memecoin began to move in the bullish flag formation.
It continued to strengthen inside this pattern for more than a month and finally broke out on May 4. A break above the bullish flag pattern indicated that the FLOKI price could soon reach the March high again.
Developments on the social front also seemed optimistic for meme money. According to LunarCRUSH's last tweet, meme coin's social metrics were rising rapidly, as more than 48% of the Sunday remained positive about FLOKI.
He also noted that meme coin's official X (formerly Twitter) username is trending to reflect FLOKI's popularity on the social media site.
However, despite these optimistic signs, there was a correction in the price of the meme coin. According to CoinMarketCap, the value of the meme coin has fallen by 1.5% in the last 24 hours.
The bullish trend may continue
Investors should not worry about the price drop yet, because a break above the bullish flag pattern is usually followed by a retest of the support level. Therefore, a slight price drop ahead of another bullish rally is not uncommon.
it found that the likely cause of the recent price drop could be high liquidation. The liquidation of the meme coin rose sharply to $ 0.0002, and then its price fell.
His analysis of the Centiment data suggested that the downward trend may not continue. For example, FLOKI's Funding Rate fell after the increase.
In general, prices tend to move in the opposite direction of the Funding Ratio. The MVRV ratio also remained quite high,
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 🔥$PEPE support is now 0.00000848, PEPE target is 0.000015 or 0.000025 .👇 👉 B PLRV5PNGE 🐸 #𝕡𝕖𝕡𝕖 Is here Redem fast guys ((Follow me for more guys )) #GiftboxGiveaway #BTC #PEPE
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🔥$PEPE support is now 0.00000848, PEPE target is 0.000015 or 0.000025 .👇
👉 B PLRV5PNGE 🐸 #𝕡𝕖𝕡𝕖 Is here Redem fast guys
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#GiftboxGiveaway #BTC #PEPE
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 🌖 Ongoing Developments and Prospects In addition to the recent upgrades, Terra Luna Classic is tailoring itself for future developments that may continue to affect its ecosystem. One of the worthy endeavors is the scheduled 800 million $USTC burn that will cut the stablecoin’s circulating volume. This initiative suggests the migration of the contract and will need community consent before it is put into action. Furthermore, the Terra Luna Classic community is still an active participant in the testing purposes and further development of the system. The new Mantlemint test is simply another milestone in trying to verify the network’s capability to support broader applications and enhanced transaction traffic. Such endeavors stress on the community’s dedication to ensuring a strong and effective blockchain infrastructure. Concurrently, the #TerraLunaClassic project continues to enjoy strong support from major industry players, including Binance, which has played a role in the $LUNC burn mechanisms. As earlier reported by Coingape, Binance revealed a burn of 1.4 billion #LUNC✅ tokens, which significantly contributes to the exchange’s total of over 57.66 billion LUNC #tokens burned. Kelvin is a distinguished writer specializing in crypto and finance, backed by a Bachelor’s in Actuarial Science. Recognized for incisive analysis and insightful content, he has an adept command of English and excels at thorough research and timely delivery. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC
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🌖 Ongoing Developments and Prospects
In addition to the recent upgrades, Terra Luna Classic is tailoring itself for future developments that may continue to affect its ecosystem. One of the worthy endeavors is the scheduled 800 million $USTC burn that will cut the stablecoin’s circulating volume. This initiative suggests the migration of the contract and will need community consent before it is put into action.
Furthermore, the Terra Luna Classic community is still an active participant in the testing purposes and further development of the system. The new Mantlemint test is simply another milestone in trying to verify the network’s capability to support broader applications and enhanced transaction traffic. Such endeavors stress on the community’s dedication to ensuring a strong and effective blockchain infrastructure.
Concurrently, the #TerraLunaClassic project continues to enjoy strong support from major industry players, including Binance, which has played a role in the $LUNC burn mechanisms. As earlier reported by Coingape, Binance revealed a burn of 1.4 billion #LUNC✅ tokens, which significantly contributes to the exchange’s total of over 57.66 billion LUNC #tokens burned.
Kelvin is a distinguished writer specializing in crypto and finance, backed by a Bachelor’s in Actuarial Science. Recognized for incisive analysis and insightful content, he has an adept command of English and excels at thorough research and timely delivery.
#CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC
Click here From my pin posts and Get claim Free Usdt or Rewards 🎁🎁💰💰 Doctor Pepe (#DOCPEPE ) to Explode 12,000% Ahead of MEXC Listing, as Shiba Inu, Dogecoin and Bonk Lag Early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu ($SHIB ), Dogecoin ($DOGE ) and Bonk ($BONK ) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #altcoins #BullorBear #DYOR!!
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Doctor Pepe (#DOCPEPE ) to Explode 12,000% Ahead of MEXC Listing, as Shiba Inu, Dogecoin and Bonk Lag
Early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu ($SHIB ), Dogecoin ($DOGE ) and Bonk ($BONK ) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price.
#CryptoWatchMay2024 #altcoins #BullorBear #DYOR!!
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 🚀📈 THE ALTCOINS SEASON MIGHT HaVE BEGUN: HERE ARE FIVE BEST COINS TO DIVERSIFY YOUR PORTFOLIO 1️⃣ Solana (SOL): Known for its lightning-fast transaction speeds and minimal fees, Solana utilizes a unique consensus mechanism combining Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) to ensure scalability and decentralization. 2️⃣ Dogecoin (DOGE): Originally a playful creation, Dogecoin has evolved into a serious contender with a devoted community. Its rapid and cost-effective transactions make it ideal for online microtransactions and tipping, backed by endorsements from figures like Elon Musk. 3️⃣ Floki Inu (FLOKI): Riding the wave of meme coin popularity, Floki Inu pays homage to Elon Musk's Shiba Inu puppy. Inspired by the success of Dogecoin, it aims to capture the enthusiasm surrounding meme-based cryptocurrencies. 4️⃣ (FET): pioneers decentralized artificial intelligence, envisioning a digital economy where autonomous agents facilitate tasks like data sharing and machine learning. Through AI and blockchain integration, it strives to redefine economic interactions. 5️⃣ AGIX (SingularityNET AGIX): Fueling SingularityNET, AGIX empowers a decentralized AI marketplace. Developers leverage the platform to create, share, and monetize AI services, democratizing access to artificial intelligence. 6️⃣ Saga: Recently listed on BINANCE, Saga exhibits potential for significant growth Do you know more interesting coins worth paying attention to? 👇 Drop a comment below! #btc #memecoins #bullorbear #bitcoin #CryptoWatchMay2024 $SOL $DOGE #Doge $FLOKI
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1️⃣ Solana (SOL): Known for its lightning-fast transaction speeds and minimal fees, Solana utilizes a unique consensus mechanism combining Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) to ensure scalability and decentralization.
2️⃣ Dogecoin (DOGE): Originally a playful creation, Dogecoin has evolved into a serious contender with a devoted community. Its rapid and cost-effective transactions make it ideal for online microtransactions and tipping, backed by endorsements from figures like Elon Musk.
3️⃣ Floki Inu (FLOKI): Riding the wave of meme coin popularity, Floki Inu pays homage to Elon Musk's Shiba Inu puppy. Inspired by the success of Dogecoin, it aims to capture the enthusiasm surrounding meme-based cryptocurrencies.
4️⃣ (FET): pioneers decentralized artificial intelligence, envisioning a digital economy where autonomous agents facilitate tasks like data sharing and machine learning. Through AI and blockchain integration, it strives to redefine economic interactions.
5️⃣ AGIX (SingularityNET AGIX): Fueling SingularityNET, AGIX empowers a decentralized AI marketplace. Developers leverage the platform to create, share, and monetize AI services, democratizing access to artificial intelligence.
6️⃣ Saga: Recently listed on BINANCE, Saga exhibits potential for significant growth
Do you know more interesting coins worth paying attention to?
👇 Drop a comment below!
#btc #memecoins #bullorbear #bitcoin #CryptoWatchMay2024
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 Will Dogecoin(DOGE) Now Reach $1 After Tesla Adds it as a Payment Mode 🔄 Tesla Enhances Payment Flexibility, Adds Dogecoin for Select Purchases 🚗💳 Tesla, the trailblazing electric vehicle manufacturer, has recently updated its payment options to include Dogecoin (DOGE), further embracing the evolving digital currency landscape. This integration marks another significant stride in the adoption of cryptocurrencies within mainstream commerce. Key Updates: - Expanding Payment Options: Alongside traditional payment methods such as American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, and Apple Pay, Tesla's official website now lists Dogecoin as a viable payment method for specific products. However, it's important to note that DOGE cannot be used to purchase Tesla cars directly. - Navigating Crypto Volatility: For those opting to use Dogecoin, the pricing will be available in DOGE equivalent. Given the cryptocurrency's volatility, these prices are subject to change and are only valid for a limited time before requiring updates. - No Bitcoin Transactions: Despite previously accepting Bitcoin for transactions, Tesla has currently halted this option and does not accept Bitcoin for any purchases at this time. Implications for Dogecoin: This move by Tesla not only enhances the utility of Dogecoin but also solidifies its position in the cryptocurrency market as a viable payment method. By facilitating transactions with DOGE for certain products, Tesla is contributing to the broader acceptance and normalization of digital currencies in everyday transactions. Looking Ahead: As cryptocurrencies continue to integrate into mainstream payment systems, Tesla’s adoption of Dogecoin could encourage other major companies to follow suit. This could potentially lead to wider acceptance and stability within the cryptocurrency market. 🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice. #eth‬
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Will Dogecoin(DOGE) Now Reach $1 After Tesla Adds it as a Payment Mode
🔄 Tesla Enhances Payment Flexibility, Adds Dogecoin for Select Purchases 🚗💳
Tesla, the trailblazing electric vehicle manufacturer, has recently updated its payment options to include Dogecoin (DOGE), further embracing the evolving digital currency landscape. This integration marks another significant stride in the adoption of cryptocurrencies within mainstream commerce.
Key Updates:
- Expanding Payment Options: Alongside traditional payment methods such as American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, and Apple Pay, Tesla's official website now lists Dogecoin as a viable payment method for specific products. However, it's important to note that DOGE cannot be used to purchase Tesla cars directly.
- Navigating Crypto Volatility: For those opting to use Dogecoin, the pricing will be available in DOGE equivalent. Given the cryptocurrency's volatility, these prices are subject to change and are only valid for a limited time before requiring updates.
- No Bitcoin Transactions: Despite previously accepting Bitcoin for transactions, Tesla has currently halted this option and does not accept Bitcoin for any purchases at this time.
Implications for Dogecoin:
This move by Tesla not only enhances the utility of Dogecoin but also solidifies its position in the cryptocurrency market as a viable payment method. By facilitating transactions with DOGE for certain products, Tesla is contributing to the broader acceptance and normalization of digital currencies in everyday transactions.
Looking Ahead:
As cryptocurrencies continue to integrate into mainstream payment systems, Tesla’s adoption of Dogecoin could encourage other major companies to follow suit. This could potentially lead to wider acceptance and stability within the cryptocurrency market.
🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.
Click here From my pin posts and Get claim Free Usdt or Rewards 🎁🎁💰💰 $1000 $PEPE is getting ready for a bull run. 🏃‍♂️‍➡️🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️📈📈 Don't rush to open a short position. The coin will stay around 0.0078-0.0085 for a while before starting the bull run again#BTC #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BullorBear
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$1000 $PEPE is getting ready for a bull run. 🏃‍♂️‍➡️🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️📈📈
Don't rush to open a short position.
The coin will stay around 0.0078-0.0085 for a while before starting the bull run again#BTC #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BullorBear
claim free USDT from my pin posts 💰🎁 🚨According to Coinglass data, $74 million worth of liquidations took place in futures transactions in the last 24 hours. •55% of these ($40 million) are long positions. #BTC $BTC #BinanceLaunchpool
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🚨According to Coinglass data, $74 million worth of liquidations took place in futures transactions in the last 24 hours.
•55% of these ($40 million) are long positions.
#BTC $BTC #BinanceLaunchpool
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