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Sajūta, ka tuvojas kaut kas liels. Šonedēļ uzmanīgi apskatiet tirgu. Svārstības kļūst spēcīgas
Sajūta, ka tuvojas kaut kas liels. Šonedēļ uzmanīgi apskatiet tirgu. Svārstības kļūst spēcīgas
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AP Crypto Calls
🚨🔥 _Jaunākās ziņas!_ 🤯

🇺🇸 _Winklevoss Twins veic drosmīgu kustību!_ 💥

_Tailers un Kamerons Vinklvoss ziedo 30,94 BTC_ 📈

_Vairāk nekā 2 miljonu dolāru vērtībā Donalda Trampa atbalstam_ 💸

_Lai "Izbeigtu Baidena administrācijas karu pret kriptovalūtu"_ 🤝

_Nozīmētas kriptogrāfijas kaujas līnijas!_ 🔜🚀

Droši sazinieties ar mums 👉TG@ItxAP117
_Twins Stand Up for Crypto Freedom!_ 💪 #Winklevoss #Trump #CryptoWar #apCryptoCalls
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Vai vēlaties uzzināt, kā saprast Sveces? Izlasiet šo rakstu - Praktiskā rokasgrāmata
Dienas tirdzniecība ir metode, kā ieguldīt kriptovalūtās, kur tirgotājs pērk un pārdod kriptovalūtas tajā pašā dienā bez atvērtām pozīcijām līdz dienas beigām. Līdz ar to dienas tirgotāji mēģina vai nu iegādāties kriptovalūtu par zemu cenu un pārdot to augstāk, vai īstermiņā pārdot kriptovalūtu par augstu cenu un tās pašas dienas laikā nopirkt to zemāk. Tam nepieciešama laba izpratne par tirgu un atbilstoša informācija, kas var palīdzēt pieņemt pareizos lēmumus. Kriptovalūtas tirgū kriptovalūtas cenu nosaka tās pieprasījums un piedāvājums, kā arī citi faktori.
Crypto Ahmet
🚀🚀😱2 Solana Meme monētas šī gada jūnijā var ievērojami pieaugt😱🚀🚀

Dogwifhat jeb #WIF ir mūsu Solanas mēmu monēta numur viens, kas pašlaik cīnās, lai pārvarētu visas izredzes. Per CoinMarketcap, $WIF pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir palielinājies par 9%, pēdējo 24 stundu laikā tirgojoties par USD 3,50. Tokens tuvākajā nākotnē ir plānojis ievērojamu cenu pieaugumu, jo Coincodex prognozes vēl vairāk palielinās un kalibrējas.

Saskaņā ar CoinCodex, DogWifHat visu jūniju var turpināt uzrādīt virkni zvaigžņu cenu maksimumu. Tiek prognozēts, ka līdz mēneša beigām WIF pieaugs par 228%, lai tirgotu jaunu cenu atzīmi 11 USD apmērā.

“Saskaņā ar mūsu pašreizējo Dogwifhat cenas prognozi Dogwifhat cena var pieaugt par 228,14% un sasniegt USD 11,52 līdz 2024. gada 5. jūlijam. Saskaņā ar mūsu tehniskajiem rādītājiem pašreizējais noskaņojums ir bullish, savukārt Baiļu un alkatības indekss rāda 75 (alkatība). . Dogwifhat pēdējo 30 dienu laikā reģistrēja 12/30 (40%) zaļās dienas ar 9,20% cenu nepastāvību.

#BONK ir vēl viena daudzsološa kriptogrāfijas monēta, kas palaists Solana blokķēdē. Saskaņā ar CoinMarketcap BONK jau no paša sākuma ir prognozējis ievērojamu cenas kāpumu un pašlaik tirgojas par USD 0,00003443, kas ir par 8% vairāk nekā pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Žetons pēdējā laikā ir palielinājis savu spēli un pēdējā mēneša laikā ir palielinājies par gandrīz 27%.

Saskaņā ar CoinCodex BONK turpinās prognozēt strauju cenu nostāju un šā gada jūnijā var tirgoties uz jauna cenu pjedestāla.

Saskaņā ar CC datiem, BONK var pieaugt par gandrīz 228%, lai līdz šī mēneša beigām tirgotos par zvaigžņu augstāko cenu USD 0,000116.
“Saskaņā ar mūsu pašreizējo Bonk cenas prognozi Bonk cena var pieaugt par 230,57% un līdz 2024. gada 5. jūlijam sasniegt USD 0,000116. Pēc mūsu tehniskajiem rādītājiem, pašreizējais noskaņojums ir bullish, savukārt Baiļu un alkatības indekss rāda 75 (alkatība). . Bonka pēdējo 30 dienu laikā reģistrēja 14/30 (47%) zaļās dienas ar 18,66% cenu svārstībām.
#SOL #binance
the journey of chief trader
Kāpēc BTC sāka strauji kristies uzreiz pēc 70 000 pārrāvuma⁉Jo Bafeta uzņēmums pirms 10 minūtēm kļuva par nulli‼ Vai tas izraisīs globālu finanšu zemestrīci, joprojām nav zināms‼
Tajā pašā laikā daudzi baņķieri ASV akciju tirgū, tostarp Bafeta Berkshire Hathaway, nokritās zem 98%, un Nasdaq steidzami apturēja vairāku akciju tirdzniecību.
Vai tas izraisīs strauju kritumu ASV akciju tirgū un dos šortiem iespēju kļūt bagātam‼‼
Nupat tiešraidē es arī teicu, ka Bitcoin ir sasniedzis galveno spiediena līmeni 70 200. Tajā pašā laikā Ethereum ir izveidojis dubultu augšējo struktūru divas reizes pēc kārtas pie 3853. Varat mēģināt atvērt īso pozīciju
Tieši pēc tam, kad es to pateicu, ASV akciju tirgū notika liela zemestrīce. Tā bija tāda nejaušība. #MayNonFarmDataComingSoon #MegadropLista
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$WIF Es tikko aizvēru savu garo pozīciju pie 3,84, bet es atkal atvēru ilgu laiku ap 3,80, jo tās potenciāls ir daudz lielāks nekā gaidīts, tāpēc es ceru uz 4,1 un vairāk. Es arī skatos uz 3.75 ap iebraukšanu ir laba iespēja iekļūt. Ja tas nokritīs zem mana ieraksta, es pirkšu vēlreiz, lai saglabātu savu pozīciju
$WIF Es tikko aizvēru savu garo pozīciju pie 3,84, bet es atkal atvēru ilgu laiku ap 3,80, jo tās potenciāls ir daudz lielāks nekā gaidīts, tāpēc es ceru uz 4,1 un vairāk. Es arī skatos uz 3.75 ap iebraukšanu ir laba iespēja iekļūt. Ja tas nokritīs zem mana ieraksta, es pirkšu vēlreiz, lai saglabātu savu pozīciju
$WIF nice entry appears again
$WIF nice entry appears again
$WIF only thing keeps puuling up the market is patience and belief. It is not the graph or pattern anymore
$WIF only thing keeps puuling up the market is patience and belief. It is not the graph or pattern anymore
$WIF Next wave is coming. 3.25 up
$WIF Next wave is coming. 3.25 up
follow the trend take your position TP/SL
follow the trend take your position TP/SL
$WIF /USDT Technical Analysis:
On the daily timeframe, #WIF exhibits a ‘Bullish Pennant Pattern.’ If the price successfully retests the level, we could witness a bullish move toward approximately $4.2370. Keep a close watch on the price action for potential trading opportunities. 📈🚀

Remember to do your own research (DYOR) before making any trading decisions! 🙌💡

#WIF #Cryptocurrency #Breakout #DYOR
$WIF 2.97 2.98 entry SL 2.95
$WIF 2.97 2.98 entry
SL 2.95
$WIF follow the trend TP SL
$WIF follow the trend TP SL
Whale Alert! $18.23 Million PEPE Hoarded in Just Three Days - Is a Massive Crash Coming? 🚨🐋

Just One Click To Get USDT Rewards

In a shocking move, a crypto whale has amassed a staggering $18.23 million worth of $PEPE in just three days. This could be a strong signal that a massive crash is on the horizon for PEPE.

Starting on May 22, the whale, using an address beginning with 0x837, began transferring a whopping 1.32 trillion PEPE tokens from Binance, at an average price of $0.00001378 each. This massive transfer not only resulted in market gains of about $90,000 but also likely played a significant role in the recent price surge of PEPE.

However, such large-scale movements often trigger market instability. The sheer volume of the whale’s holdings and transfers could disrupt the supply-demand balance. If the whale decides to dump their PEPE holdings suddenly, the market could be flooded, driving prices down significantly.

Moreover, this transfer activity might serve as a market signal, prompting other investors to follow suit and sell off their PEPE, further increasing the risk of a price drop. Despite the current price uptick, this whale's actions could very well be the prelude to a major PEPE crash.

Investors should stay vigilant and implement robust risk management strategies to navigate the potential market volatility ahead.$PEPE

#PEPE‏ #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21
Lets share some good vibes. I earned a lot from #WIF_Usdt also lost some. But I still believing in WIF HAT
Lets share some good vibes. I earned a lot from #WIF_Usdt also lost some. But I still believing in WIF HAT
Pundit predicts Dogwifhat will reach $10 amid short liquidations

Unipcs (Bonk Guy), a crypto trader and analyst, remains enthusiastic on Dogwifhat. He said this when detailing short traders' losses because to meme coin bearishness.

Dogwifhat Reaching $10

Unipcs said on X (previously Twitter) that Dogwifhat is “headed to $10” and will never dip below $1 again. As the market is in a meme coin supercycle, he feels the currency may rise. The crypto trader stated WIF shorts were “getting squeezed hard” and this is “way it should be.”

Apart from Dogwifhat, Unipcs is optimistic on meme currencies. He was known for buying Bonk, another Solana-based meme currency, with $16,000 in October 2023 and still holding when he last updated the transaction. According to his update, his unrealized profit reached $13.7 million.

Considering meme coins are one of the main themes in this bull run, Unipcs's bullishness is hardly unexpected. With YTD increases of nearly 1,800% and 1,000%, meme currencies Dogwifhat and Pepe (PEPE) are this year's best-performing top 50 coins by market cap.

UNIPCS isn't the only one that thinks WIF might reach $10. Another crypto trader, ‘Free’, has repeatedly said the meme currency would reach that price.

Crypto analyst Bluntz Capital is also positive on Dogwifhat, predicting that it would surpass PEPE and Shiba Inu (SHIB) as the second-largest meme currency by market valuation.

He predicts a “meme wipeout,” which may be worse than expected. He said it would “catch a ton of people off guard.” He said he will become a meme coin bull when the timing is perfect, but not now.

WIF had risen dramatically, as he correctly anticipated in a previous market report. He predicted the meme currency will reach $3.8 before falling to $1.6.

He said in a recent video that he won't short Dogwifhat even at $3.8. To confirm his pessimistic forecasts, he would wait for the meme currency to reach $4 highs.

CoinMarketCap shows Dogwifhat trading at $3, up over 6% in 24 hours.

#WIF #DogWifhat #altcoins #buythedip $WIF
Is it the Calm before the storm. Had you grabbed some alts on sale? It is the time
Is it the Calm before the storm. Had you grabbed some alts on sale?
It is the time
Investor Sees $2000 Invested in Retik Finance (RETIK) During Presale Turn Into $200,000 As Token ...
Cryptocurrency investments are made for the potential for exponential gains is often coupled with substantial risk. One striking example of this phenomenon is the story of an investor who, seizing an opportunity during the presale phase of Retik Finance (RETIK), allocated $2000 with foresight and patience. As the token launched and gained traction in the market, its value surged to an all-time high (ATH) of $3, translating the initial investment into a staggering $200,000. This remarkable transformation underscores both the volatility and the potential for immense returns within the crypto space, where strategic decisions and timing can yield extraordinary outcomes.

Leading the DeFi Revolution: How Retik Finance (RETIK) is Transforming Crypto Transactions and Financial Accessibility

Retik Finance (RETIK) emerges as a trailblazer in the realm of decentralized finance, setting itself apart through a suite of pioneering features and solutions tailored to empower users and elevate the functionality of DeFi. Foremost among its offerings are the DeFi Crypto Cards, a groundbreaking tool granting users unprecedented ease and adaptability in managing cryptocurrency transactions. By harnessing blockchain technology, these cards ensure transactions are conducted securely and seamlessly, effectively bridging the gap between traditional financial systems and the burgeoning digital asset landscape. Beyond the Crypto Cards, Retik Finance boasts a diverse array of products and services aimed at propelling the widespread adoption of decentralized finance. Among these are the Smart Crypto Payment Gateway, facilitating frictionless transactions, an AI-driven peer-to-peer (P2P) Lending platform enhancing accessibility to financial services, and a Multi-Chain Non-Custodial Highly Secured DeFi Wallet, safeguarding assets across multiple blockchain networks. Each facet of Retik Finance’s ecosystem is meticulously crafted to cater to distinct demands within DeFi, delivering innovative solutions that prioritize security, efficiency, and user-friendliness, thereby solidifying its position as a frontrunner in the rapidly evolving landscape of decentralized finance.

Retik Finance (RETIK) Presale Triumphs with $32M Raised, Highlighting Strong Investor Confidence in DeFi Vision

The presale campaign of Retik Finance (RETIK) proved to be an unequivocal triumph, showcasing robust investor confidence in the project’s vision and potential. Spanning ten meticulously planned stages, the presale witnessed an overwhelming influx of participants eager to secure a share in the future landscape of decentralized finance. Retik Finance (RETIK) successfully amassed an impressive $32,050,000 within an astonishingly brief timeframe, surpassing initial prognostications and underscoring the burgeoning demand for forward-thinking DeFi solutions. The presale’s triumph can be attributed to a confluence of factors, notably including the project’s sturdy foundational framework, its groundbreaking product offerings, and an adeptly executed marketing strategy. Investors were magnetically drawn to Retik Finance’s steadfast dedication to furnishing state-of-the-art DeFi solutions tailored to meet the dynamic demands of users within the digital ecosystem. Moreover, the project’s transparent, community-centric ethos engendered a sense of trust and assurance among investors, further bolstering belief in its enduring sustainability and potential for profound impact.

Retik Finance’s Official Launch: Poised for Success with Uniswap Debut and Multiple Exchange Listings

With the presale campaign concluded, Retik Finance (RETIK) just concluded its official launch on May 21st, 2024, both on Uniswap and multiple exchanges, heralding a pivotal moment for the project and its community. This move not only signifies a significant milestone but also ignites anticipation among investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts for potential price surges and heightened trading activity. Opting for Uniswap, a premier decentralized exchange (DEX), highlights Retik Finance’s dedication to decentralization and inclusivity, granting global traders unrestricted access to RETIK tokens. Furthermore, by diversifying its exchange listings, Retik Finance aims to bolster liquidity and broaden market accessibility, positioning itself for sustained growth and engagement within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. This strategic launch follows a remarkable presale success, where an investor saw a $2,000 investment in RETIK turn into $200,000 as the token reached a $3 all-time high (ATH) post-launch, exemplifying the project’s potential for delivering substantial returns and cementing its status as a rising star in the DeFi landscape.


The journey of this investor in Retik Finance (RETIK) exemplifies the dynamic nature of cryptocurrency markets, where early adoption and calculated risk-taking can lead to remarkable financial success. However, it also serves as a reminder of the inherent volatility and speculative nature of such investments. While stories of overnight riches captivate attention, prudent investment practices, thorough research, and risk management remain essential for navigating this ever-evolving landscape. As cryptocurrencies continue to reshape the financial world, the tale of $2000 blossoming into $200,000 stands as both a testament to the potential rewards and a cautionary tale against the perils of unchecked speculation

Visit the links below for more information about Retik Finance (RETIK):





Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of CryptoNewsLand, nor is it intended to be used for legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

The post Investor Sees $2000 Invested in Retik Finance (RETIK) During Presale Turn Into $200,000 as Token Hits $3 ATH After Launch appeared first on Crypto News Land.
Ripple vs. SEC: Final Court Filing as Judge Prepares Decision
The legal showdown between Ripple Labs and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has reached a critical juncture. The SEC's recent court filing marks the final submission before Judge Analisa Torres of the Southern District of New York decides on the remedies phase of this significant case.

On May 20, 2024, the SEC filed a comprehensive rebuttal against Ripple’s request to seal certain financial documents and other key evidence. The SEC’s letter to Judge Torres strongly opposes Ripple’s motion to conceal financial data and contractual terms essential for the Court’s decision on appropriate remedies. The SEC’s stance is rooted in the principle of public access to judicial documents, vital for transparency and accountability. Citing Lugosch v. Pyramid Co. of Onondaga, the SEC stresses the importance of public access in cases involving public interest and regulatory enforcement. “The common law right of public access to judicial documents is deeply rooted in our nation’s history,” the SEC asserts, emphasizing the need for transparency.

While the SEC agrees to seal five exhibits in their entirety, it opposes Ripple’s request to keep key financial figures and contract terms hidden. These include details on Ripple’s financial health, recent XRP sales volume, and specifics of revenue and expenses, which are crucial for assessing compliance and potential penalties. The SEC criticizes Ripple’s attempt to hide this information: “Ripple invites the public to judge the SEC’s stance. It cannot simultaneously conceal the evidence supporting that stance,” the SEC argues, pointing out a contradiction in Ripple’s public and legal positions.

Ripple argues that disclosing sensitive financial details would harm its competitive position. However, the SEC counters by pointing out inconsistencies in Ripple’s argument about the relevance and sensitivity of this information. The SEC states, “Once an item is deemed relevant to judicial power, the presumption of access must be based on its role in the exercise of Article III judicial power.” The SEC also notes that some of the information Ripple wants to seal is outdated, arguing that old financial records are unlikely to harm Ripple’s current business operations significantly. “Stale business records cannot justify the necessary finding of harm,” the SEC asserts, reinforcing the need for transparency.

As Judge Torres prepares to rule, the crypto industry watches closely. The stakes are high, with the SEC proposing fines and penalties around $2 billion, while Ripple suggests a maximum penalty of just $10 million. The final step before Judge Torres’s decision is for Judge Netburn to determine whether Andrea Fox is a summary or expert witness, which could further complicate the case.

The outcome of this case will have significant implications for the cryptocurrency industry. A ruling against Ripple could set a precedent for regulating other digital assets under US securities laws. Conversely, a favorable ruling for Ripple could strengthen the industry’s stance against regulatory challenges and clarify the status of digital currencies.

The Ripple vs. SEC case is in its final stages, with both sides making their last arguments. The SEC’s insistence on transparency and public access to judicial documents underscores the broader implications for legal accountability and digital asset regulation. As the industry awaits Judge Torres’s ruling, the future of cryptocurrency regulation hangs in the balance, potentially shaping the landscape for years to come.
CrypticNews Hub
Wall Street tumbled on Thursday after a higher-than-expected PMI index heightened fears about prolonged interest rate hikes. The Dow Jones dropped by 605 points, marking its worst day of the year. Similarly, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite retreated from record highs, closing 0.7% and 0.4% lower, respectively. S&P Global's flash PMI indices exceeded expectations, indicating an acceleration in U.S. business activity. This, combined with persistent inflation, fueled speculation that the Federal Reserve will maintain its current stance on interest rates, leading to a rise in Treasury yields. Shares of mega-cap companies fell, except for Nvidia, which surged by 9.3%, surpassing $1,000 per share for the first time. The company reported earnings and revenue that beat forecasts, driven by high demand for AI chips. In contrast, Boeing shares plunged 7.5% after the company's CFO projected negative free cash flow and no recovery in aircraft deliveries in the second quarter, citing ongoing production issues.
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