Binance Square
Raul Corvette
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#BNB ir dzīvoklis. Vai ir kāds iemesls? Vai viss tirgus pieaugs par 5% līdz 15%, bet #BNB paliek nemainīgs un īss? Kāpēc tas ir #CZ #Binance? Kurš idiots saīsina BNB?
#BNB ir dzīvoklis. Vai ir kāds iemesls? Vai viss tirgus pieaugs par 5% līdz 15%, bet #BNB paliek nemainīgs un īss? Kāpēc tas ir #CZ #Binance? Kurš idiots saīsina BNB?
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BNB ir dzīvoklis. Vai ir kāds iemesls? Viss tirgus pieaugs par 5% līdz 15%, bet #BNB vai tas ir īss? Kāpēc tas ir #CZ #Binance?
#BNB ir dzīvoklis. Vai ir kāds iemesls? Viss tirgus pieaugs par 5% līdz 15%, bet #BNB vai tas ir īss? Kāpēc tas ir #CZ #Binance?
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BNB ir dzīvoklis. Vai ir kāds iemesls? Vai viss tirgus palielinās par 5% līdz 15%, bet #BNB vai tas ir īss? Kāpēc tas ir #CZ #Binance?
#BNB ir dzīvoklis. Vai ir kāds iemesls? Vai viss tirgus palielinās par 5% līdz 15%, bet #BNB vai tas ir īss? Kāpēc tas ir #CZ #Binance?
Skatīt oriģinālu
#CZ #BNB Vai jūs, lūdzu, varētu noņemt savu darbinieku, kuram ir īssavienojums #BNB? Viņš neko nezina par tirdzniecību. BNB vienmēr iet rītausmā, kamēr viss tirgus pieaug par 5% līdz 10%.. Kāds idiots darbinieks.
#CZ #BNB Vai jūs, lūdzu, varētu noņemt savu darbinieku, kuram ir īssavienojums #BNB? Viņš neko nezina par tirdzniecību. BNB vienmēr iet rītausmā, kamēr viss tirgus pieaug par 5% līdz 10%.. Kāds idiots darbinieks.
#CZ Could you please remove your employee who's shorting #BNB? He know nothing about trading. BNB always going dawn while all the market going up.. What an idiot employee.
#CZ Could you please remove your employee who's shorting #BNB? He know nothing about trading. BNB always going dawn while all the market going up.. What an idiot employee.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BNB rītausma? Kāpēc? Viss tirgus iet uz augšu. Bet, #BNB , rītausma. Kurš tagad saīsina? Kāpēc tas notiek, kamēr tirgus aug? Pārtrauciet īssavienojumu, lai ietaupītu naudu un izvairītos no zaudējumiem.
#BNB rītausma? Kāpēc? Viss tirgus iet uz augšu. Bet, #BNB , rītausma. Kurš tagad saīsina? Kāpēc tas notiek, kamēr tirgus aug? Pārtrauciet īssavienojumu, lai ietaupītu naudu un izvairītos no zaudējumiem.
#BNB what do you think? is it ready?
#BNB what do you think? is it ready?
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kāpēc #BNB nepalielinās kā kriptovalūtu tirgū? Es domāju, ka #BNB gaida, kad#BTCpārtrauks augt, tāpēc lielākā daļa Likvidācijas tiks pārcelta no BTC, ETH un citiem žetoniem uz BNB, un BNB gaidāms milzīgs lēciens.
Kāpēc #BNB nepalielinās kā kriptovalūtu tirgū?

Es domāju, ka #BNB gaida, kad#BTCpārtrauks augt, tāpēc lielākā daļa Likvidācijas tiks pārcelta no BTC, ETH un citiem žetoniem uz BNB, un BNB gaidāms milzīgs lēciens.
BNB fonds pabeidz 971 miljona dolāru Binance monētu sadedzināšanu
BNB fonda 28. ceturkšņa dedzināšana noņem 1,64 miljonus BNB 971 miljonu ASV dolāru vērtībā, samazinot piedāvājumu un, iespējams, palielinot BNB vērtību.

BNB pārvaldība ļauj turētājiem piedalīties lēmumu pieņemšanā, palielinot tā lomu ārpus darījumiem BNB ķēdes ekosistēmā.

BNB reāllaika dedzināšanas mehānisms ir likvidējis 234 000 marķieru, atbalstot deflācijas dinamiku, lai saglabātu marķiera vērtību.

28. ceturkšņa Binance Coin (BNB) dedzināšana, par ko paziņoja BNB fonds, noņems 1,64 miljonus BNB žetonu jeb aptuveni 971 miljonu ASV dolāru. Šī nozīmīgā notikuma dēļ kopumā apgrozībā ir mazāk BNB, kas laika gaitā saglabā marķiera vērtību.
Ziņas ir sprādzienbīstamas: tika sadedzināti 1,6 miljoni BNB jeb gandrīz 1 miljards dolāru!
🚀💥 Ziņas ir sprādzienbīstamas: tika sadedzināti 1,6 miljoni $BNB BNB jeb gandrīz 1 miljards dolāru!
Ir notikusi jauna BNB, Binance ekosistēmas simboliskā marķiera, iznīcināšana. BNB fonds paziņoja, ka šie BNB tika pārsūtīti uz adresi, kas pazīstama kā “melnais caurums”, padarot to atgūšanu neiespējamu.
Fonds sadedzināja 1 643 698 BNB, veicot regulāras žetonu iznīcināšanas darbības. Šī ceturkšņa operācija tika veikta jau 28. reizi pēc kārtas, un kopējā sadedzināto žetonu vērtība sasniedza aptuveni 971 miljonu ASV dolāru.
King Whale
#Binance recently completed its 28th quarterly #BNB token burn. This event saw the destruction of 1,643,698.8 BNB tokens, valued at approximately $971 million at the time of the burn.

ChainCatcher 消息,根据官方公告,币安刚刚完成了第28次BNB销毁。这次销毁共计1,643,698.8枚BNB,价值约9.71亿美元。🔥







成功举办了BNB Chain上激动人心的第28次BNB代币销毁盛宴!





#币安HODLer空投BANANA #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #山寨季何时到来? #美国PCE数据将公布 #美国6月CPI大幅降温
We are a charitable company for decent living
BNB Foundation Completes 28th Quarterly BNB Burn
🫡My dear🫂 brother, please follow us so that you can benefit. ❤️Follow❤️ + 👍Like 👍 so we can distribute public gifts. Thank you
The BNB Foundation has officially announced the successful completion of the 28th quarterly BNB token burn by BNB Chain. This latest burn event eliminated a total of 1,643,698.8 BNB tokens, valued at approximately $971 million at the time of the burn.
Key Details of the Burn
Auto-Burn Mechanism: The BNB Auto-Burn mechanism ensures a transparent and predictable reduction of the total BNB supply, aiming to eventually bring it down to 100,000,000 BNB. The burn amount is adjusted based on the price of BNB and the number of blocks generated on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC) during the quarter.
No Contribution from Pioneer Burn Program: This quarter, there was no BNB burned from the Pioneer Burn Program, which helps users recover lost BNB and pegged tokens due to honest mistakes.
Importance of BNB
BNB, the native coin of the BNB Chain ecosystem, plays a crucial role in powering its Web3 environment. It facilitates transactions on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC), the opBNB L2s, and the BNB Greenfield blockchain. Beyond transaction fees, BNB serves as a governance token, enabling holders to participate in the decentralized on-chain governance of the BNB Chain.
Following its mainnet launch on April 18, 2019, BNB transitioned from the Ethereum Network to the BNB Chain, embodying the "Build and Build" philosophy to foster ecosystem development
✅My brother, we copied from 💸$100 to 💵$200 and above in order to extract the best investment, my brother.💸💸💸
#Biden_Out_BTC_Up #BinanceHODLerBANANA #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike $BTC


$971 Million Worth of BNB Burned, Will BNB Price Take Off?
On Monday, the BNB Foundation announced the execution of its 28th quarterly BNB token burn. The mechanism burned over 1.64 million BNB tokens (approximately worth $971 million) in the routine process.

BNB is the native coin of the BNB Chain ecosystem that supports its Web3 ecosystem. After the mainnet launch back in 2019, the token made its transition from the Ethereum Network to the BNB Chain. The foundation utilizes the auto burn system to moderately reduce the tokens’ supply to 100 million.

1.6 million BNB tokens burnt

28th quarterly BNB token burn recorded a slight decline from the last similar event. The 27th quarterly burn report depicted that 1,944,452.51 BNB tokens (approximately worth $1.17 billion) were sent to the dead wallet forever. However, this quarter saw a burn of 1,643,698.8 BNB tokens.

The report mentioned that the foundation Auto-burn lays out an independently auditable, objective process for them. However, this burn event happened directly on BSC due to the ongoing BNB Chain Fusion. The mechanism stands free from Binance.

Also read: Is BNB ready for the bull run?

This is unlike the previous burn events, as due to the ongoing BNB Chain Fusion, this quarter’s burn and future burns will happen directly on BSC. The burn tokens are being sent to the wallet named “blackhole.”

The report also mentioned that the chain implements a real-time burning mechanism which is based on gas fees. More than 234K BNB tokens have been burnt since the introduction of BEP95.

BNB gets a tough contest from Solana

Data provided by Coinmarketcap shows that despite the burn routine being in place, BNB price registered a marginal drop in the last 90 days. It is still up by 92% on the year to date (YTD) period after recording a massive surge in March 2024.

BNB is trading at an average price of $600, at the present time. Its circulating supply stood over 145.9 million with a market cap of $87.5 billion. It is still down by 16% from its all time high of $720.67, recorded on June 6, 2024.

CoinMarketCap Data

BNB has managed to maintain its position as the 4th biggest cryptocurrency while Solana (SOL) is trying to close in the margin. SOL gained more than 34% in the last 30 days while BNB price rose by around 2% during the same period. This move has helped Solana attain a $83 billion market cap. Its price is up by 2.64% in the last 24 hours, and it currently trades at an average price of $178.76.
Eros crypto
HODLer Airdrops,
Binance Launchpool,
Megadrop ,

These are what make $BNB more useful and exceptional on Binance.

Binance recently completed its 28th quarterly BNB token burn. This event saw the destruction of 1,643,698.8 BNB tokens, worth approximately $971 million at the time of the burn.

This strategic initiative is part of the crypto exchange's ongoing commitment to reducing the total supply of BNB! This increases its scarcity and potentially its value.

Guys, let's continue our DCA on BNB 🔥

Arthur Simfukwe

Relax, don’t panic

BNB is going to $700+

If it goes bearish, buy and keep holding

Binance Coin (BNB) is showing strong potential to reach $700 and beyond. Here’s why you should stay calm and focused:

1. Positive Trajectory: BNB is on an upward path, driven by strong market sentiment and solid fundamentals.

2. Buy Opportunities: In case of a bearish dip, it presents an excellent opportunity to buy more BNB at a lower price.

3. Long-Term Hold: Keeping a long-term perspective on BNB allows you to benefit from its overall growth and potential future gains.

4. Market Dynamics: The crypto market is known for its volatility, but understanding the broader trends can help in making informed decisions.

5. Confidence in BNB: Trusting in the strong performance and utility of BNB can reinforce your investment strategy.

Stay informed, patient, and ready to capitalize on both bullish and bearish movements.

Before making investment decisions, Do Your Own Research (DYOR), assess your risk tolerance, and stay updated on market trends and technical indicators. These strategies can help you navigate the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency investing effectively.


#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
We are in bull run.. Save your money and never short. #BTC #BNB
We are in bull run.. Save your money and never short. #BTC #BNB
🚨🔥 $BTC Alert: Beware the Red Candle Temptation! 🔥🚨

Thinking about shorting 📉 $BTC just because you see a red candle? Think again! Making such a mistake now could be disastrous. 🚫

Why is Bitcoin Dropping? 📉🚨
Bitcoin has just bypassed major resistance in the daily timeframe at the $64,800 - $65,350 level. While it’s experiencing some retracement, Bitcoin has now entered a bullish phase. This means you should avoid opening short positions. If your liquidation is below $70.5k, manage your position by either reducing it or adding funds. Whales and market makers might push wicks up to $71k to grab liquidity. I don’t want any of my community members to suffer losses.💎💰

💰 - No Signal 🤯 Today:
Normally, I provide one trade every day at this time, but due to the current market uncertainty, no signal will be posted today. We are analyzing the market closely, and as soon as we spot a good trade opportunity, we’ll share it.

⚠️ Warning & Precautions
1. Stay Informed: Follow our updates for real-time analysis and insights.
2. Risk Management: Always use stop losses to protect your investments.
3. Be Cautious: Avoid impulsive trades based on temporary market movements.

👉 For detailed trade signals and market analysis, follow @CryptoSpaceHQ .We aim to ensure no one in our community faces unnecessary losses.

📈🚀 Stay alert, trade smart, and let's navigate this market together! 🚀📈
#BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #MtGoxJulyRepayments #SOFR_Spike #BTC☀
#Binance gets court approval to put customer fiat funds in U.S. Treasury Bills.




🇺🇸 US inflation falls to 3%, lower than expectations.
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