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trade psychology , 100% technical with fundamental analysis
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{future}(ONDOUSDT) skaidra buļļa novirze. Tagad ir iespēja
skaidra buļļa novirze. Tagad ir iespēja
Skatīt oriģinālu
$POLYX tagad par atlaidi. Nepalaidiet garām iespēju. sākt pirkt. šoreiz jūs nenožēlosit. Riska ņēmējs var ilgi meklēt ar pareizu stop loss. {future}(POLYXUSDT)
$POLYX tagad par atlaidi. Nepalaidiet garām iespēju. sākt pirkt. šoreiz jūs nenožēlosit. Riska ņēmējs var ilgi meklēt ar pareizu stop loss.
Skatīt oriģinālu
priekšā nestabils tirgus. vienkārši pagaidiet un paskatieties, kur mēs virzāmies. Kā jau minēju iepriekš, ja savācat kādu monētu, tagad gūstat peļņu. uz vietas pirkšana ir dārgakmens. nepalaid to garām {future}(XRPUSDT) {spot}(POLYXUSDT) {future}(ONDOUSDT)
priekšā nestabils tirgus. vienkārši pagaidiet un paskatieties, kur mēs virzāmies. Kā jau minēju iepriekš, ja savācat kādu monētu, tagad gūstat peļņu. uz vietas pirkšana ir dārgakmens. nepalaid to garām
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tagad ir pienācis laiks ielikt alternatīvās monētas. Visām RWA monētām ir atlaides. DYOR un maisā dažas alt monētas. Jūs nenožēlosiet pēc viena gada $POLYX {future}(ONDOUSDT) {spot}(POLYXUSDT)
Tagad ir pienācis laiks ielikt alternatīvās monētas. Visām RWA monētām ir atlaides. DYOR un maisā dažas alt monētas. Jūs nenožēlosiet pēc viena gada
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC ir atpakaļ. To es jums esmu teicis. mēs varam ātri atgriezties. Tagad esiet gudrāki. Tas var būt palīdzības mītiņš. Un arī tur ir ievērojams dakts. Mēs varam piepildīt dakts. Vienkārši atdzesējiet. Neizmantojiet FOMO. DCA savas monētas. Sēdi un gaidi
$BTC ir atpakaļ. To es jums esmu teicis. mēs varam ātri atgriezties. Tagad esiet gudrāki. Tas var būt palīdzības mītiņš. Un arī tur ir ievērojams dakts. Mēs varam piepildīt dakts. Vienkārši atdzesējiet. Neizmantojiet FOMO. DCA savas monētas. Sēdi un gaidi
Skatīt oriģinālu
#MarketDownturn $BTC iet uz leju un uz leju..neskatoties uz $BTC $ETH etf apstiprinājumu tirgū attiecībā uz akciju tirgus sabrukumu. Pateicoties Japānas bankas lēmumam paaugstināt procentu likmi pēc ilga miega, tradicionālais tirgus sāka izgāzties. Investoriem ir tikai mazāk naudas, ko tērēt, un viņi atdalās no tā sauktajiem riskantajiem aktīviem, piemēram, kriptovalūtām. Tirgus izgāztuve likvidēja lielāko daļu jaunpienācēju naudas un izraisīja tālāku lejupslīdi. No politiskā viedokļa Donalda Trumpa uzvarai vēlēšanās ir liela nozīme kriptovalūtu jomā, jo viņš dod priekšroku kriptovalūtu tirgum. Tagad noskaņojums kļuva lācīgs, jo Kamala Harisam ir pārsvars vēlēšanās pret Trumpu. Kad bailes skāra tirgū katrs sāk pārdot. Tātad izgāztuve ir nenovēršama. Šeit mēs nezinām, kas notiks tālāk. Mēs nevaram paredzēt tirgu. Tendence ir uz leju. Bet visas alt monētas ir savos ATL vai ļoti labos atbalstos. Ikvienam ir jāizvairās no sviras tirdzniecības. Šeit jūs varat iegādāties potenciālās monētas. Ja darāt nākotnes līgumus, izmantojiet mazāku kredītplecu ar stingriem apstāšanās zaudējumiem. Neesiet izmisuši. Tirgi dažkārt parasti iet uz leju, bet tas ir cikls. Tas atkal parādīsies pēc neilga laika. Nezaudē cerību, esi pacietīgs. ieteiktu veikt tikai uz vietas. Kā minēts iepriekš, ja vēlaties slēgt nākotnes līgumus, izmantojiet zema kredītpleca stingrus stopzaudējumus. Šī ir lieliska iespēja saņemt potenciālās monētas ar atlaidi. Nepalaidiet garām un nožēlojiet
$BTC iet uz leju un uz leju..neskatoties uz $BTC $ETH etf apstiprinājumu tirgū attiecībā uz akciju tirgus sabrukumu.
Pateicoties Japānas bankas lēmumam paaugstināt procentu likmi pēc ilga miega, tradicionālais tirgus sāka izgāzties.
Investoriem ir tikai mazāk naudas, ko tērēt, un viņi atdalās no tā sauktajiem riskantajiem aktīviem, piemēram, kriptovalūtām.

Tirgus izgāztuve likvidēja lielāko daļu jaunpienācēju naudas un izraisīja tālāku lejupslīdi.

No politiskā viedokļa Donalda Trumpa uzvarai vēlēšanās ir liela nozīme kriptovalūtu jomā, jo viņš dod priekšroku kriptovalūtu tirgum. Tagad noskaņojums kļuva lācīgs, jo Kamala Harisam ir pārsvars vēlēšanās pret Trumpu.

Kad bailes skāra tirgū katrs sāk pārdot. Tātad izgāztuve ir nenovēršama.

Šeit mēs nezinām, kas notiks tālāk. Mēs nevaram paredzēt tirgu. Tendence ir uz leju. Bet visas alt monētas ir savos ATL vai ļoti labos atbalstos.

Ikvienam ir jāizvairās no sviras tirdzniecības. Šeit jūs varat iegādāties potenciālās monētas. Ja darāt nākotnes līgumus, izmantojiet mazāku kredītplecu ar stingriem apstāšanās zaudējumiem. Neesiet izmisuši. Tirgi dažkārt parasti iet uz leju, bet tas ir cikls. Tas atkal parādīsies pēc neilga laika.

Nezaudē cerību, esi pacietīgs. ieteiktu veikt tikai uz vietas. Kā minēts iepriekš, ja vēlaties slēgt nākotnes līgumus, izmantojiet zema kredītpleca stingrus stopzaudējumus.
Šī ir lieliska iespēja saņemt potenciālās monētas ar atlaidi. Nepalaidiet garām un nožēlojiet
This is crypto. You can never predict this market. Now it is one of the best spot buying opportunity for all of us. Dont go for valhalla by leverage trading {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(LINAUSDT) {spot}(1INCHUSDT)
This is crypto. You can never predict this market. Now it is one of the best spot buying opportunity for all of us. Dont go for valhalla by leverage trading
$BEL {future}(BELUSDT) bull divergence in one day chart. BB lower level support. If you can take calculated risk go for scalp long. always use lower leverage high capital. dont go with higher leverages and lose your everything
bull divergence in one day chart.
BB lower level support.
If you can take calculated risk go for scalp long. always use lower leverage high capital.

dont go with higher leverages and lose your everything
I have told you that $BTC would revist 60000 area. now be patience . do not go blindly for longs. 58000 is good spot buying opportunity . if you look for longs wait for bull div or wait until the current sentiment to calm. Now you can look for Alts as most of them are in ATLs {spot}(LINAUSDT) {spot}(DYDXUSDT) {spot}(PIXELUSDT)
I have told you that $BTC would revist 60000 area. now be patience . do not go blindly for longs. 58000 is good spot buying opportunity . if you look for longs wait for bull div or wait until the current sentiment to calm. Now you can look for Alts as most of them are in ATLs
{future}(ONDOUSDT) ONDO sell off is almost done. bull div in 4 hour chart. there is a good support in oneday and weekly chart. if break here we will visit 0.7 area. but with all the potential we can look for longs
ONDO sell off is almost done.
bull div in 4 hour chart. there is a good support in oneday and weekly chart. if break here we will visit 0.7 area. but with all the potential we can look for longs
Crypto Airdrops #Airdropguide When a new virtual currency ; crypto currency is going to launch , respective party of the currency (owner or company) willing to give small amount of their newly releasing coin without any charge(free). Sometimes they give those amounts to users who share their posts in social medias. The main reason of these air drops is to promote their currency and keep the circulation of the currency running. Types of Airdrops Standard Airdrops This kind of airdrop only needs a valid wallet address.when the wallet address is provided the respective party sends pre determined amount of coin to that address. These kind of airdrops are harder to grab as the users create multiple addresses and drain all the distributing coins. Bounty Airdrops Bounty airdrop has its word meaning. If you perform a task they will reward you. The users have to repost,retweet,share or involve with a promotional campaign of new currency.Its like a referal. Users must refer the coin to some of their friends.when doing you can earn points. The required points are earned, new currency is distributed to wallets according to points which you earned. Exclusive Airdrops This is a kind of holder airdrop but more specific type. Sometimes this will be rewarded to non token holders who actively participate in projects and for the one who spent more money in a project. Raffel Airdrop The users can partipate for a raffle by holding respective tokens,earning points or involve with the promotion activities etc. So the randomly selected wallets get the tokens who get a raffle chance doing above kind of activities. Real life examples of success in Airdrops UNISWAP is one of the most successful and profitable airdrop happened in 2020. It distributed 400 UNI tokens to its users and a coin worth arround 7 usdt in current market. Apart from that there was ARB airdrop many other alter coins airdrops which became success in later time. How to Find airdrops Most common method is to find a airdrop you have to stay touch with social media specially in twitter platform. And there are sites such as who give latest updates about airdrops. There are many scam airdrops. So when you find one do your own research ,check the token official site , find about it in twitter or any other platform.make sure it is a real one before you connect your wallet.

Crypto Airdrops


When a new virtual currency ; crypto currency is going to launch , respective party of the currency (owner or company) willing to give small amount of their newly releasing coin without any charge(free). Sometimes they give those amounts to users who share their posts in social medias. The main reason of these air drops is to promote their currency and keep the circulation of the currency running.

Types of Airdrops

Standard Airdrops
This kind of airdrop only needs a valid wallet address.when the wallet address is provided the respective party sends pre determined amount of coin to that address. These kind of airdrops are harder to grab as the users create multiple addresses and drain all the distributing coins.

Bounty Airdrops
Bounty airdrop has its word meaning. If you perform a task they will reward you. The users have to repost,retweet,share or involve with a promotional campaign of new currency.Its like a referal. Users must refer the coin to some of their friends.when doing you can earn points. The required points are earned, new currency is distributed to wallets according to points which you earned.

Exclusive Airdrops
This is a kind of holder airdrop but more specific type. Sometimes this will be rewarded to non token holders who actively participate in projects and for the one who spent more money in a project.

Raffel Airdrop
The users can partipate for a raffle by holding respective tokens,earning points or involve with the promotion activities etc. So the randomly selected wallets get the tokens who get a raffle chance doing above kind of activities.

Real life examples of success in Airdrops

UNISWAP is one of the most successful and profitable airdrop happened in 2020. It distributed 400 UNI tokens to its users and a coin worth arround 7 usdt in current market.

Apart from that there was ARB airdrop many other alter coins airdrops which became success in later time.

How to Find airdrops

Most common method is to find a airdrop you have to stay touch with social media specially in twitter platform. And there are sites such as who give latest updates about airdrops.

There are many scam airdrops. So when you find one do your own research ,check the token official site , find about it in twitter or any other platform.make sure it is a real one before you connect your wallet.
lot of alt coins closer to their ATL . I see good buying opportunity in following coins. {spot}(PIXELUSDT) {spot}(1INCHUSDT) {spot}(SEIUSDT) Its only matter of time. we are closer to giga bull run. Do not fear
lot of alt coins closer to their ATL . I see good buying opportunity in following coins.
Its only matter of time. we are closer to giga bull run. Do not fear
$DYDX {future}(DYDXUSDT) you can closely monitor this gem. It has possible weekly bullish divergence and its in the ATL zone. you can buy spot. or you can monitor the weekly close and look for longs.. pretty much sure this will explode sooner
you can closely monitor this gem.
It has possible weekly bullish divergence and its in the ATL zone. you can buy spot.
or you can monitor the weekly close and look for longs.. pretty much sure this will explode sooner
$BTC dumping hard next support at 58000-60000. I feel we might re visit that.
$BTC dumping hard

next support at 58000-60000. I feel we might re visit that.
#1INCH/USDT Forming a bull divergence in weekly chart. good retracement to the one day support. now good time to spot buy. further down we may look for longs
Forming a bull divergence in weekly chart. good retracement to the one day support. now good time to spot buy. further down we may look for longs
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