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Gaidāmais $ZRO marķieris no LayerZero pievērš ievērojamu uzmanību kriptovalūtu kopienā, gatavojoties tā oficiālajai izlaišanai. Pašlaik jūs varat tirgot ZRO fjūčerus tādās platformās kā Helix un BitMEX, nodrošinot agrīnu piekļuvi pirms marķiera oficiālā iekļaušanas sarakstā. Galvenie punkti par ZRO Token: 1. ** Tirdzniecība pirms palaišanas pakalpojumā Helix **: - Helix piedāvā unikālu iespēju tirgoties ar ZRO, izmantojot savu pirms palaišanas fjūčeru tirgu. Tas ļauj tirgotājiem spekulēt par marķiera vērtību, pirms tas kļūst publiski pieejams. Vietnē Helix jūs varat tirgoties ar ZRO/USDT pastāvīgajiem līgumiem ar līdz pat 3x kredītplecu. - Helix ir balstīts uz Injective Protocol, nodrošinot decentralizētu tirdzniecības pieredzi ar nulles gāzes maksu un augstu drošību. 2. **Ieraksts BitMEX**: - BitMEX ir arī uzskaitījis ZRO, ļaujot tirgoties ar līdz pat 2x kredītplecu. Šis saraksts sākās 2024. gada 21. maijā. BitMEX pieejamība liecina par spēcīgu institucionālo interesi un nodrošina tirgotājiem citu vietu, kur sazināties ar ZRO pirms tā publiskās izlaišanas. #LayerZero ir sadarbspējas protokols, kas veicina netraucētu saziņu starp dažādām blokķēdēm. Tas ļauj izveidot visaptverošas lietojumprogrammas un marķierus, uzlabojot blokķēdes savienojamību un funkcionalitāti. Paredzams, ka ZRO marķierim būs izšķiroša loma LayerZero ekosistēmā, kas, iespējams, veicinās pieprasījumu, jo vairāk lietojumprogrammu integrējas ar protokolu. {spot}(ZROUSDT) Tiem, kas interesējas par ZRO tirdzniecību vai agrīnu iesaistīšanos, šīs platformas nodrošina strukturētus līdzdalības veidus. Tomēr, tāpat kā jebkurai tirdzniecībai pirms palaišanas un sviras, ir svarīgi rīkoties piesardzīgi raksturīgo risku dēļ.
Gaidāmais $ZRO marķieris no LayerZero pievērš ievērojamu uzmanību kriptovalūtu kopienā, gatavojoties tā oficiālajai izlaišanai. Pašlaik jūs varat tirgot ZRO fjūčerus tādās platformās kā Helix un BitMEX, nodrošinot agrīnu piekļuvi pirms marķiera oficiālā iekļaušanas sarakstā.

Galvenie punkti par ZRO Token:

1. ** Tirdzniecība pirms palaišanas pakalpojumā Helix **:
- Helix piedāvā unikālu iespēju tirgoties ar ZRO, izmantojot savu pirms palaišanas fjūčeru tirgu. Tas ļauj tirgotājiem spekulēt par marķiera vērtību, pirms tas kļūst publiski pieejams. Vietnē Helix jūs varat tirgoties ar ZRO/USDT pastāvīgajiem līgumiem ar līdz pat 3x kredītplecu.
- Helix ir balstīts uz Injective Protocol, nodrošinot decentralizētu tirdzniecības pieredzi ar nulles gāzes maksu un augstu drošību.

2. **Ieraksts BitMEX**:
- BitMEX ir arī uzskaitījis ZRO, ļaujot tirgoties ar līdz pat 2x kredītplecu. Šis saraksts sākās 2024. gada 21. maijā. BitMEX pieejamība liecina par spēcīgu institucionālo interesi un nodrošina tirgotājiem citu vietu, kur sazināties ar ZRO pirms tā publiskās izlaišanas.
#LayerZero ir sadarbspējas protokols, kas veicina netraucētu saziņu starp dažādām blokķēdēm. Tas ļauj izveidot visaptverošas lietojumprogrammas un marķierus, uzlabojot blokķēdes savienojamību un funkcionalitāti. Paredzams, ka ZRO marķierim būs izšķiroša loma LayerZero ekosistēmā, kas, iespējams, veicinās pieprasījumu, jo vairāk lietojumprogrammu integrējas ar protokolu.
Tiem, kas interesējas par ZRO tirdzniecību vai agrīnu iesaistīšanos, šīs platformas nodrošina strukturētus līdzdalības veidus. Tomēr, tāpat kā jebkurai tirdzniecībai pirms palaišanas un sviras, ir svarīgi rīkoties piesardzīgi raksturīgo risku dēļ.
The ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) token has experienced notable price fluctuations recently. Over the past week, the price of PEOPLE has declined by about 20.31%, although it saw a modest increase of around 7.02% in the last 24 hours. Currently, $PEOPLE is priced at approximately $0.09 per token, which is significantly below its all-time high of $0.16​. #ConstitutionDAO was originally created to facilitate the purchase of a copy of the U.S. Constitution. While the DAO raised over $40 million in #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 , it ultimately failed to win the auction. As a result, the DAO dissolved, and the PEOPLE token lost its original governance and utility functions. Now, PEOPLE can be redeemed for Ethereum at the original contribution ratio, though it remains actively traded​. The market cap of ConstitutionDAO is about $457.2 million, with a circulating supply of approximately 5.1 billion PEOPLE tokens. The 24-hour trading volume is around $140.5 million, indicating significant trading activity despite the token's diminished functional purpose​. #Write2Earn #analysisreport
The ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) token has experienced notable price fluctuations recently. Over the past week, the price of PEOPLE has declined by about 20.31%, although it saw a modest increase of around 7.02% in the last 24 hours. Currently, $PEOPLE is priced at approximately $0.09 per token, which is significantly below its all-time high of $0.16​.

#ConstitutionDAO was originally created to facilitate the purchase of a copy of the U.S. Constitution. While the DAO raised over $40 million in #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 , it ultimately failed to win the auction. As a result, the DAO dissolved, and the PEOPLE token lost its original governance and utility functions. Now, PEOPLE can be redeemed for Ethereum at the original contribution ratio, though it remains actively traded​.

The market cap of ConstitutionDAO is about $457.2 million, with a circulating supply of approximately 5.1 billion PEOPLE tokens. The 24-hour trading volume is around $140.5 million, indicating significant trading activity despite the token's diminished functional purpose​.
#Write2Earn #analysisreport
The all-time high for $BONK was $0.000047, showing that it has experienced higher valuations in the past, but current prices are well below these peaks​. Over the last 30 days, Bonk's price has dropped by about 31.03%, but it has seen a slight increase of 4.36% over the past 60 days​ . As of the latest data, Bonk is priced around $0.00002229 with a market capitalization of approximately $1.47 billion. It has experienced a 0.90% decline over the past 24 hours​ . Bonk's price movements are highly volatile and influenced by both market dynamics and its integration within the #Solana_Blockchain ecosystem. #Write2Earn #analysisreport {spot}(BONKUSDT)
The all-time high for $BONK was $0.000047, showing that it has experienced higher valuations in the past, but current prices are well below these peaks​.
Over the last 30 days, Bonk's price has dropped by about 31.03%, but it has seen a slight increase of 4.36% over the past 60 days​ .
As of the latest data, Bonk is priced around $0.00002229 with a market capitalization of approximately $1.47 billion. It has experienced a 0.90% decline over the past 24 hours​ .
Bonk's price movements are highly volatile and influenced by both market dynamics and its integration within the #Solana_Blockchain ecosystem.
#Write2Earn #analysisreport
Losing hope on $AVAX XRP and $ADA . Still waiting for a tweet from Elon Musk. Just need a boost from SpaceX on DOGE. And surely we can't leave aside what ever comes from China . $PEOPLE will have its #ATH soon. I #Write2Earn and I hope you are #DYOR.
Losing hope on $AVAX XRP and $ADA . Still waiting for a tweet from Elon Musk. Just need a boost from SpaceX on DOGE. And surely we can't leave aside what ever comes from China . $PEOPLE will have its #ATH soon. I #Write2Earn and I hope you are #DYOR.
$NOT is on fire. Time to trade but be alert, it's not going to be forever. I #Write2Earn but you should #DYOR
$NOT is on fire. Time to trade but be alert, it's not going to be forever. I #Write2Earn but you should #DYOR
And a liitle hint for those who want want to invest and trade with zero capital. Start with ZBD application.Earn BTC and transfer $BTC on spot. Earn by answering a daily poll, by playing games or completing surveys. For me it's a way to restore any losses from trading . here's the link #Write2Earn
And a liitle hint for those who want want to invest and trade with zero capital. Start with ZBD application.Earn BTC and transfer $BTC on spot. Earn by answering a daily poll, by playing games or completing surveys. For me it's a way to restore any losses from trading . here's the link

It is time for $BONK $PEPE and $FLOKI to reach a new ATH . Is it time to buy? Yes it is. Trade now and keep eyes on them. I #Write2Earn and share my thoughts
It is time for $BONK $PEPE and $FLOKI to reach a new ATH . Is it time to buy? Yes it is. Trade now and keep eyes on them. I #Write2Earn and share my thoughts
$Today's insights are giving a neutral to greed market on about 65% greed . that's only an indicator of how the market feels about their investments. And as long as it stays that way and with the market cap above 2.2T $SOL and $BONK will be my choices. DYOR and Buy the dip for long time investment. I #Write2Earn and I hope you like it.
$Today's insights are giving a neutral to greed market on about 65% greed . that's only an indicator of how the market feels about their investments. And as long as it stays that way and with the market cap above 2.2T $SOL and $BONK will be my choices. DYOR and Buy the dip for long time investment. I #Write2Earn and I hope you like it.
Buy $SOL
sell everything
54 balsis • Balsošana ir beigusies
#CryptoDailyInsight Prominent crypto analyst Trader Tardigrade isn’t shying away from bold predictions. In a recent analysis, Tardigrade expressed a highly optimistic view of Solana’s future price trajectory. According to the analyst, $SOL , currently trading at $166, has successfully broken free from its recent consolidation pattern, signifying a bullish charge towards a staggering $1,000 mark. #Write2Earn DYOR
#CryptoDailyInsight Prominent crypto analyst Trader Tardigrade isn’t shying away from bold predictions. In a recent analysis, Tardigrade expressed a highly optimistic view of Solana’s future price trajectory. According to the analyst, $SOL , currently trading at $166, has successfully broken free from its recent consolidation pattern, signifying a bullish charge towards a staggering $1,000 mark. #Write2Earn DYOR
Losing faith on $SHIB And $FLOKI but $PEPE and BONK still have something to give. It's all about the right timing so don't be left back on those. there is a 20-25% potential coming on. #Write2Earn and #Dyor2024 . #BullRunAhead for a happy 2025
Losing faith on $SHIB And $FLOKI but $PEPE and BONK still have something to give. It's all about the right timing so don't be left back on those. there is a 20-25% potential coming on. #Write2Earn and #Dyor2024 . #BullRunAhead for a happy 2025
#Write2Earn this post to introduce a way to free #NFT​ . DRiP on Phantom wallet drops free NFTs every day. All you have to do is to subscribe to some nft artists . All you need is an invitation code. So stay tuned because there is only one code per user. #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #NFTRewards
#Write2Earn this post to introduce a way to free #NFT​ . DRiP on Phantom wallet drops free NFTs every day. All you have to do is to subscribe to some nft artists . All you need is an invitation code. So stay tuned because there is only one code per user. #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #NFTRewards
$BONK is still holding its price and the market is still bullish. It was a very stressful month and there are second thoughts about buying more BONK or sell right now. My #PriceForecasts are that BONK has still much to give and $SOL will reach a new ATH. #ETHETFsApproved is just the start of a new Era in cryptocurrency. I #Write2Earn and before investing #DYOR and #Buy_More_In_The_Dip
$BONK is still holding its price and the market is still bullish. It was a very stressful month and there are second thoughts about buying more BONK or sell right now. My #PriceForecasts are that BONK has still much to give and $SOL will reach a new ATH. #ETHETFsApproved is just the start of a new Era in cryptocurrency. I #Write2Earn and before investing #DYOR and #Buy_More_In_The_Dip
when it comes to #ETHvsBTC even with #ETHETFsApproved $BTC will always be the king. But if you really want to see your balance grow then consider investing in coins with higher potential growth. $SOL ,$PEPE and BONK are some suggestions. Keep in mind he potential Gain not just the market price. Sure there are more to consider but I write posts for those who can't already afford a big investment . That's all folks
when it comes to #ETHvsBTC even with #ETHETFsApproved $BTC will always be the king. But if you really want to see your balance grow then consider investing in coins with higher potential growth. $SOL ,$PEPE and BONK are some suggestions. Keep in mind he potential Gain not just the market price. Sure there are more to consider but I write posts for those who can't already afford a big investment . That's all folks
Is $BONK the next big thing or is just a chance to make the whales reacher? #Write2Earn right now. $BONK holds a very bullishing price even the tiny drop. And the question is: HODL or sell? If sell is your chosen option just remember the #BitcoinPizzaDay2024 . Don't be that guy! HODL buy the dip and let that dog related coin make you rich! A later thing to keep in mind : as long as we are #BullishMay we hold our luck in our hands. So buy, #HODLforBigGains and spread happiness. when it comes to #CryptocurrencyPredictions DYOR.
Is $BONK the next big thing or is just a chance to make the whales reacher? #Write2Earn right now. $BONK holds a very bullishing price even the tiny drop. And the question is: HODL or sell? If sell is your chosen option just remember the #BitcoinPizzaDay2024 . Don't be that guy! HODL buy the dip and let that dog related coin make you rich! A later thing to keep in mind : as long as we are #BullishMay we hold our luck in our hands. So buy, #HODLforBigGains and spread happiness.
when it comes to #CryptocurrencyPredictions DYOR.
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