Binance Square
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nepērciet monētu, jo tā ir zemā līmenī... tā sasniegs visu laiku augstāko līmeni ap 1, un tā spēj sasniegt šo līmeni, jo piedāvājums ir ierobežots, un to nodrošina pazīstama uzņēmuma telegramma, iegādājieties un gaidiet, līdz jūs saņemsiet visu iespējamo. ...... ceru, ka jūs visi uztversiet manu padomu nopietni un paturēsiet to līdz brīdim, kad izskrietos bullis, lai no tā gūtu maksimālu labumu ....... salīdzinot ar doge monētu, tai ir vēl spēcīgāka bcz doge monētai ir neierobežots piedāvājums un tas nav ierobežots, un tā arī dedzina savu pastāvīgo žetonu #TopCoinsJune2024 #altcoins #BlackRock #Metaverse #ETHETFsApproved @CryptoMakki @XCPTM @PortableDetective07 245204929835
nepērciet monētu, jo tā ir zemā līmenī... tā sasniegs visu laiku augstāko līmeni ap 1, un tā spēj sasniegt šo līmeni, jo piedāvājums ir ierobežots, un to nodrošina pazīstama uzņēmuma telegramma, iegādājieties un gaidiet, līdz jūs saņemsiet visu iespējamo. ......

ceru, ka jūs visi uztversiet manu padomu nopietni un paturēsiet to līdz brīdim, kad izskrietos bullis, lai no tā gūtu maksimālu labumu .......

salīdzinot ar doge monētu, tai ir vēl spēcīgāka bcz doge monētai ir neierobežots piedāvājums un tas nav ierobežots, un tā arī dedzina savu pastāvīgo žetonu

#TopCoinsJune2024 #altcoins #BlackRock #Metaverse #ETHETFsApproved @Crypto Makki @Crypto Planet TM @Portable Detective07 245204929835
Skatīt oriģinālu
saskaņā ar manu uztveri un dziļo analīzi šoreiz monēta neizdosies ..... dogei ir neierobežots piedāvājums un tas bija sasniedzis līmeni 0.80 pie bull run iepriekšējā cikla ..... salīdzinot ar Not coin tā ļoti prognozēts ka Not coin būs vismaz 0,80, un, ja lietas nāks par labu, tā var sasniegt arī 1 dolāru... tas ir sveiciens visiem tiem, kas meklē labu monētu .... ne monētas atbalstītais uzņēmums ir telegramma, kas ir liels vārds ... tāpēc šis projekts ir drošs salīdzinājumā ar citiem...... ieguldiet un, ja gūstat peļņu, turiet mani savās lūgšanās ###Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024 #altcoins #BlackRock #Metaverse @PortableDetective07 @CRYPTO_DOMINIUM @XCPTM 997959244495
saskaņā ar manu uztveri un dziļo analīzi šoreiz monēta neizdosies ..... dogei ir neierobežots piedāvājums un tas bija sasniedzis līmeni 0.80 pie bull run iepriekšējā cikla ..... salīdzinot ar Not coin tā ļoti prognozēts ka Not coin būs vismaz 0,80, un, ja lietas nāks par labu, tā var sasniegt arī 1 dolāru...

tas ir sveiciens visiem tiem, kas meklē labu monētu .... ne monētas atbalstītais uzņēmums ir telegramma, kas ir liels vārds ... tāpēc šis projekts ir drošs salīdzinājumā ar citiem...... ieguldiet un, ja gūstat peļņu, turiet mani savās lūgšanās

###Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024 #altcoins #BlackRock #Metaverse @Portable Detective07 @CRYPTO DOMINIUM @Crypto Planet TM 997959244495
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BinanceWish #binancewishes priecīgus Ziemassvētkus visiem.... es ceru, ka Ziemassvētku vecītis piepildīs visas jūsu vēlmes... es ceru, ka visas pasaules cilvēku vēlmes tiks piepildītas Ziemassvētkos..... ceru, ka arī deviņi laimēs 25 tūkstošus dolāru. .... es ceru, ka binance arī uzplauks un mans portfolio arī labi..... lai dzīvo binance, lai dzīvo kriptovalūta @Viet_Thu @Square-Creator-59d345909
#BinanceWish #binancewishes
priecīgus Ziemassvētkus visiem.... es ceru, ka Ziemassvētku vecītis piepildīs visas jūsu vēlmes... es ceru, ka visas pasaules cilvēku vēlmes tiks piepildītas Ziemassvētkos..... ceru, ka arī deviņi laimēs 25 tūkstošus dolāru. .... es ceru, ka binance arī uzplauks un mans portfolio arī labi..... lai dzīvo binance, lai dzīvo kriptovalūta

@Viet_Thu @kacem
Binance Square Official
Mēs dāvinām $ 150 000 USD BNB, lai īstenotu jūsu Ziemassvētku vēlmes 🎅

Seši no jums var laimēt katrs 25 000 $, un šādi:

🔸 Sekojiet mums @Binance_Square_Official vietnē Binance Square
🔸 Citējiet šo ziņu, dalieties savā vēlmē ar#BinanceWishun piemini savā ierakstā 2 draugus.

Mēs izvēlēsimies 6, lai laimētu visās mūsu platformās, un divi laimīgie tiks izvēlēti no Binance Square, tāpēc domājiet lielā mērā un esiet radošs!

Atrodiet T&C un sīkāku informāciju par to, kā pieteikties 👉🏻
BinanceWish Announcement
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BinanceSquareBTC #BinanceTokenDrop Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus es apsveicu jūs visus..... mana vēlme ir tāda, ka es saņemu 25 tūkstošus cerību, lai Ziemassvētku vecītis piepilda manu vēlmi un arī jūsu vēlmi... long life binance lon life crypto........@Viet_Thu @Square-Creator-59d345909
#BinanceSquareBTC #BinanceTokenDrop
Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus es apsveicu jūs visus..... mana vēlme ir tāda, ka es saņemu 25 tūkstošus cerību, lai Ziemassvētku vecītis piepilda manu vēlmi un arī jūsu vēlmi... long life binance lon life crypto........@Viet_Thu @kacem
Šajos Ziemassvētkos Binance piešķirs 150 000 USD BNB, lai piepildītu jūsu Ziemassvētku vēlēšanos🎅

6 lietotājiem būs iespēja katram saņemt BNB 25 000 USD vērtībā.

Kā piedalīties:
1. darbība:
🔸Sekojiet @币安广场 Binance laukumā
🔸 Citējiet šo ierakstu, dalieties savā vēlmē, izmantojot mirkļbirku "#BinanceWish" un savā ierakstā piemini 2 draugus, izmantojot funkciju "@"
Izvēlēsimies 2 laimīgos!

2. darbība:
4 uzvarētāji tiek atlasīti vairākās sociālajās platformās, piemēram, TikTok, Instagram, X un Telegram. Tāpēc izsakiet drosmīgus vēlējumus un publicējiet radošu saturu!

Noklikšķiniet uz tālāk esošās saites, lai skatītu informāciju par pasākumu un noteikumus un nosacījumus.
👉🏻 活动公告
If you want to get super rich invest in these 4 AI Coins.These are underrated coins till now but in next bull run you will regret. #ETH #WhaleAlert #BTC #Pyth #etf 1) RLC $RLC 2) CTXC $CTXC 3) AGIX $AGIX 4) FET.AI
If you want to get super rich invest in these 4 AI Coins.These are underrated coins till now but in next bull run you will regret.
#ETH #WhaleAlert #BTC #Pyth #etf



5 coins that will make you rich in next bull run 1) ADA cardona $ADA 2) matic $MATIC 3) agix $AGIX 4) 5) wld hold them tight and enjoy the ride #etf #crypto #JUP #BTC #cpi
5 coins that will make you rich in next bull run

1) ADA cardona $ADA

2) matic $MATIC

3) agix $AGIX


5) wld

hold them tight and enjoy the ride

#etf #crypto #JUP #BTC #cpi
Is Elon Musk going to buy more $DOGE coins? #BinanceSquare #Binance #fomo
📍📍📍📍📍A massive 108,936,967 USDT (109,023,844 USD) has just been transferred from an unknown wallet to Binance. Stay alert for potential market impact📍📍📍📍📍📍!#xrp #etf #geminiearn #bnbgreenfield #ftx $BTC $ETH $BNB
📍📍📍📍📍A massive 108,936,967 USDT (109,023,844 USD) has just been transferred from an unknown wallet to Binance. Stay alert for potential market impact📍📍📍📍📍📍!#xrp #etf #geminiearn #bnbgreenfield #ftx
#ftx #avalanche #trading #dyor #BinanceSquare Analysis of TRB's Unexpected Trend and Institutional Influence The recent unexpected trend of TRB (Token Registry Blockchain) has left many people puzzled. Traditional technical analysis, such as moving averages and K-line trends, may not have been able to predict today's upward movement accurately. However, it is essential to consider other factors, such as the narrative surrounding TRB and changes in market volume ratios. One thing to keep in mind is that institutions often have a significant level of control over the market. Their actions can sometimes override traditional technical indicators. Today's pullback of TRB to 79.46 without breaking through the $80 mark could be seen as a deliberate move orchestrated by institutional players. This behavior demonstrates their influence and manipulation of the price. If we look back at the trend of TRB on September 28, when it pulled back to $68, we can observe similar patterns. These irregular movements can confuse both seasoned traders and newcomers to the market. It is crucial to understand that the trend of TRB and other cryptocurrencies can be influenced by various factors beyond technical analysis. Market narratives, institutional activity, and changes in trading volume ratios can significantly impact the price action of a token. Therefore, while technical indicators provide valuable insights, it is essential to consider other contextual factors that might contribute to unexpected market movements. This comprehensive approach will help traders and investors gain a more accurate understanding of the current trend and make informed decisions. $BTC $ETH $BNB
#ftx #avalanche #trading #dyor #BinanceSquare
Analysis of TRB's Unexpected Trend and Institutional Influence

The recent unexpected trend of TRB (Token Registry Blockchain) has left many people puzzled. Traditional technical analysis, such as moving averages and K-line trends, may not have been able to predict today's upward movement accurately. However, it is essential to consider other factors, such as the narrative surrounding TRB and changes in market volume ratios.

One thing to keep in mind is that institutions often have a significant level of control over the market. Their actions can sometimes override traditional technical indicators. Today's pullback of TRB to 79.46 without breaking through the $80 mark could be seen as a deliberate move orchestrated by institutional players. This behavior demonstrates their influence and manipulation of the price.

If we look back at the trend of TRB on September 28, when it pulled back to $68, we can observe similar patterns. These irregular movements can confuse both seasoned traders and newcomers to the market.

It is crucial to understand that the trend of TRB and other cryptocurrencies can be influenced by various factors beyond technical analysis. Market narratives, institutional activity, and changes in trading volume ratios can significantly impact the price action of a token.

Therefore, while technical indicators provide valuable insights, it is essential to consider other contextual factors that might contribute to unexpected market movements. This comprehensive approach will help traders and investors gain a more accurate understanding of the current trend and make informed decisions.
$$$SAND The Sandbox Collaborates with Sandsoft to Enhance Web3 Gaming in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East #opbnb #avalanche #DeFiChallenge #BinanceSquare #BTC The Sandbox, an innovative decentralized gaming platform, has recently announced a strategic partnership with Sandsoft, a renowned mobile game developer. The aim of this collaboration is to establish a team of experts in Web3 gaming and bolster The Sandbox's presence in Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East region. Sandsoft, based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, brings its expertise and experience in gaming to this partnership. The Sandbox is a platform that empowers players, creators, and artists to build and monetize their own virtual worlds using blockchain technology. With its decentralized nature, it offers a unique gaming experience where users can truly own and control their in-game assets. By partnering with Sandsoft, The Sandbox intends to further expand its footprint and tap into the growing market in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. This collaboration signifies The Sandbox's commitment to fostering the Web3 gaming ecosystem while simultaneously serving the needs and interests of players and game developers in the region. By leveraging Sandsoft's knowledge and understanding of the local gaming landscape, The Sandbox aims to create a compelling offering that resonates with the Saudi Arabian and Middle Eastern gaming communities. Through this partnership, The Sandbox intends to introduce cutting-edge features, localized content, and immersive experiences that cater to the preferences and cultural nuances of the region. By combining The Sandbox's blockchain-based gaming infrastructure with Sandsoft's expertise, the collaboration aims to drive innovation and accelerate the adoption of Web3 gaming in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.
The Sandbox Collaborates with Sandsoft to Enhance Web3 Gaming in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East
#opbnb #avalanche #DeFiChallenge #BinanceSquare #BTC
The Sandbox, an innovative decentralized gaming platform, has recently announced a strategic partnership with Sandsoft, a renowned mobile game developer. The aim of this collaboration is to establish a team of experts in Web3 gaming and bolster The Sandbox's presence in Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East region. Sandsoft, based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, brings its expertise and experience in gaming to this partnership.

The Sandbox is a platform that empowers players, creators, and artists to build and monetize their own virtual worlds using blockchain technology. With its decentralized nature, it offers a unique gaming experience where users can truly own and control their in-game assets. By partnering with Sandsoft, The Sandbox intends to further expand its footprint and tap into the growing market in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

This collaboration signifies The Sandbox's commitment to fostering the Web3 gaming ecosystem while simultaneously serving the needs and interests of players and game developers in the region. By leveraging Sandsoft's knowledge and understanding of the local gaming landscape, The Sandbox aims to create a compelling offering that resonates with the Saudi Arabian and Middle Eastern gaming communities.

Through this partnership, The Sandbox intends to introduce cutting-edge features, localized content, and immersive experiences that cater to the preferences and cultural nuances of the region. By combining The Sandbox's blockchain-based gaming infrastructure with Sandsoft's expertise, the collaboration aims to drive innovation and accelerate the adoption of Web3 gaming in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.
$SHIB $BTC Shibarium Hits 3.4 Million Transactions Milestone🔥 We are extremely pleased and proud to announce that Shibarium, our blockchain platform, has recently achieved a significant milestone of surpassing 3.4 million transactions. This accomplishment underscores the robustness, efficiency, and growing popularity of our platform within the cryptocurrency community. As information continues to resonate across various channels, from online forums to real-life conversations, Shibarium's name has become increasingly prominent. Its presence can be felt in the virtual alleyways of the web as well as in the bustling discussions taking place in contemporary cafes. On October 11, 2023, at precisely 2:30 PM Mountain Time, a tweet by cc-chigger brought attention to the remarkable progress achieved by the SHIB Ecosystem. This notable achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as the support and enthusiasm of our loyal community. We express our deep gratitude to all those who have contributed to this milestone. It is because of your trust and belief in Shibarium that we continue to thrive and make impactful strides in the world of blockchain technology. As we celebrate this achievement, we remain committed to further enhancing the functionalities and capabilities of Shibarium. We are constantly working to uphold the highest standards of security, scalability, and innovation to meet the ever-evolving needs of our users and stakeholders. Once again, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our community for their unwavering support. We look forward to embarking on new endeavors and exciting opportunities as we continue this remarkable journey togethe #Shibainu #Binance #BTC #DeFiChallenge #avalanche
Shibarium Hits 3.4 Million Transactions Milestone🔥

We are extremely pleased and proud to announce that Shibarium, our blockchain platform, has recently achieved a significant milestone of surpassing 3.4 million transactions. This accomplishment underscores the robustness, efficiency, and growing popularity of our platform within the cryptocurrency community.

As information continues to resonate across various channels, from online forums to real-life conversations, Shibarium's name has become increasingly prominent. Its presence can be felt in the virtual alleyways of the web as well as in the bustling discussions taking place in contemporary cafes.

On October 11, 2023, at precisely 2:30 PM Mountain Time, a tweet by cc-chigger brought attention to the remarkable progress achieved by the SHIB Ecosystem. This notable achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as the support and enthusiasm of our loyal community.

We express our deep gratitude to all those who have contributed to this milestone. It is because of your trust and belief in Shibarium that we continue to thrive and make impactful strides in the world of blockchain technology.

As we celebrate this achievement, we remain committed to further enhancing the functionalities and capabilities of Shibarium. We are constantly working to uphold the highest standards of security, scalability, and innovation to meet the ever-evolving needs of our users and stakeholders.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our community for their unwavering support. We look forward to embarking on new endeavors and exciting opportunities as we continue this remarkable journey togethe
#Shibainu #Binance #BTC #DeFiChallenge #avalanche
The latest breaking news reveals that crypto analyst Benjamin Cowen is expecting a potential downturn for Bitcoin, with a target price of $23,000. This projection suggests a significant decrease in the value of Bitcoin. At the same time, the altcoin market is bracing for the potential impact of this downturn.$USDC $BTC $BNB #ftx #DeFiChallenge #BTC #crypto2023 #crypto2023
The latest breaking news reveals that crypto analyst Benjamin Cowen is expecting a potential downturn for Bitcoin, with a target price of $23,000. This projection suggests a significant decrease in the value of Bitcoin. At the same time, the altcoin market is bracing for the potential impact of this downturn.$USDC $BTC $BNB
#ftx #DeFiChallenge #BTC #crypto2023 #crypto2023
According to the latest data, Bitcoin (BTC) is currently priced at $26,830, representing a loss of 0.22% during the morning hours today. Yesterday, there was a significant volume sale at noon, causing Bitcoin to retest the trend and continue its downward movement. It appears that Bitcoin has found support in the range of 26,750 - 26,500, which it had previously consolidated in for a considerable period. If the price falls below these levels, the next potential support levels to watch for are 26,400 and then 25,300. On the other hand, if the current support holds, there is a possibility of Bitcoin recovering and potentially reaching the levels of 27,000 and then 27,500. In related news and hashtags, there is mention of the #DeFiChallenge #CryptoTalks #crypto2023 #opbnb #galxe
According to the latest data, Bitcoin (BTC) is currently priced at $26,830, representing a loss of 0.22% during the morning hours today. Yesterday, there was a significant volume sale at noon, causing Bitcoin to retest the trend and continue its downward movement.

It appears that Bitcoin has found support in the range of 26,750 - 26,500, which it had previously consolidated in for a considerable period. If the price falls below these levels, the next potential support levels to watch for are 26,400 and then 25,300.

On the other hand, if the current support holds, there is a possibility of Bitcoin recovering and potentially reaching the levels of 27,000 and then 27,500.

In related news and hashtags, there is mention of the #DeFiChallenge #CryptoTalks #crypto2023 #opbnb #galxe
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